I know the people working on this project and they are doing so with pure intentions. as with any attempt to do something with minimal funding and at this magnitude they are running into some problems. if you have feedback or suggestions I would contact those involved. folks here have great expertise and potential feedback. Instead of debunking the project, why not contribute your knowledge to making it happen?
so it definitely sounds like a total load of woo then.
Especially the "it won't work if you don;t believe in it" nonsense. The sort of healers who were just randomly bandying the word vibrations about and have only in the last few years started to jump on the Quantum bandwagon have a knowledge of how the quantum realm operates. Sounds to me on a par with "yes I can feel someone hanging around the astral plane, I have a John? or James who wishes to communicate. "
http://www.donotlink.com/c28mExternal Quote:
QEG: The Peoples Free Energy Project.
We started something big and have no intention of stopping! In a world where major corporations own and control everything, FTW provided a vehicle for The People to begin to take their power back from big industry. Through a magical formula of crowdfunding, opensourcing, and co-development in a freely shared environment, a movement of The Peoples Free Energy development began and is still going strong.
Through the QEG project:
-$75,000 was raised in crowdfunding to pay for the project
-160,000 people downloaded the plans to build an alternative energy device for co-development.
-Sixty QEG prototypes are now being built by teams around the world.
-Forty countries are developing small business units centered around producing their own energy.
These numbers are based on data that we can track through our own systems, however these are low estimates as the opensourcing nature of the project has created a momentum that is not always possible to track. Still, that's a lot of people working towards the same goal, which means we are close to a breakthrough! With so many teams working in their own individual ways, information is shared primarily through skype groups and QEG forums. The QEG has a lot of "potential" (used here as an engineering technical term) that has all of those working on it continuously excited about some of their test results. Through its development process we've been learning how to light lightbulbs from the earth energy, and also from radiant energy found in the air. We can feel magnetic pulses created through the QEG through magnets held in our hands. We are using the QEG to tap into the resonant energy found in the ionosphere and watching the RF meters fly off the charts.
Each QEG team is independently formed and run, some are small groups of engineers, some are entire communities. All of them share the same thing: a passion for finding breakthroughs and financial support from those that believe in them.
For our part in all of this, James Robitaille who is the lead QEG Engineer for FTW, is working harder than I've ever seen him on the completion of phase three. Luckily we've formed a solid partnership with the folks at Tesla Energy Solution LLC who have created a solid environment with the proper resources to allow James to continue to work on the QEG until he completes it, no matter what obstacles may come our way.
On a more personal note, James and his wife Valerie are losing their home in Pennsylvania. They will be moving for the second time this year. James will be able to continue his work on the QEG through the help of our partners at Tesla Energy Solutions.
So the QEG project continues to move forward, FTW is working on it, 60 teams around the world are working on it and we are getting closer every day. The QEG already works and has been shown to work by a group of engineers who will not release the technology. This behavior is an old way of doing business that we are trying to change. The teams working on the QEG inspired by the opensourcing of it by FTW are endeavoring to set an example of doing things a different way by sharing information. With all of this combined effort, it is only a matter of time now and someone will eventually break through. We are ready for it!
So basically nobody has ever really shown it to work.External Quote:The QEG already works and has been shown to work by a group of engineers who will not release the technology. This behavior is an old way of doing business that we are trying to change. The teams working on the QEG inspired by the opensourcing of it by FTW are endeavoring to set an example of doing things a different way by sharing information. With all of this combined effort, it is only a matter of time now and someone will eventually break through. We are ready for it!
My favourite line is "Please note: Minimum suggested donation amounts are not negotiable." so the suggested DONATION is basically a fixed price. and you have to have had 3 Skype consultations first.
http://www.donotlink.com/chyiExternal Quote:Introducing a brand new show coming to you every week on Wednesdays at 8PM EST on The One Network!
There are at least 60 QEG's currently being worked on around the globe. The QEG has brought about a movement of opensourcing and co-development among engineers who are working together to bring humanity through to a self sustaining form of creating our own energy independent from the big industries.
These guys just build one, sell the power to the local power company and thence self financeContent from external source
The QEG already works and has been shown to work by a group of engineers who will not release the technology. This behavior is an old way of doing business that we are trying to change. The teams working on the QEG inspired by the opensourcing of it by FTW are endeavoring to set an example of doing things a different way by sharing information. With all of this combined effort, it is only a matter of time now and someone will eventually break through. We are ready for it!
you mean they don't HAVE to charge $200,000 PER PERSON for a demo?
This is the biggest most obvious scam ever. It DOES work, honest but to see it you will have to put up so much cash that if you can't afford to see it. But trust, honest it does work. keep having Skype consultations to try and get YOURS working though.
I think you're absolutely right.I also think there is a psychological aspect of it. The more people have invested in it, the less prone they will be to admitting they were cheated. These people are not only economically invested in the project, but emotionally. They have probably spend hours arguing with family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc., claiming the machine does work. After all this, the mind simply can't accept the fact that it was mistaken. The same when investors do the "when in trouble, go double", they are so invested in an idea that the mind can't afford to back down and admit defeat.
OT., but probably the same reason why CT believers in general rarely back down from a claim in whole, only parts of it.
I think you're absolutely right.
What's so damned frustrating from the logical side of this,
is how the hell do people get to a place where they believe so strongly in something that's
never really been demonstrated (never mind violating the laws of physics)?
That's the part I can never wrap my head around. We must just not be wired the same.
Yeah, on a rational level I'm aware of a lot of research (much has been published in the last decade about RepublicansI think that's exactly the point, it's a matter of how we are wired.
Imagine some claim that they have proof that science in general is debunked. That the tools of science and logic behind it is an idea invented which has no basis in reality. Nothing more than a philosophy of life. Would we accept that claim? or would we simply continue in our pre-determined conception of the world and demand scientific proof to support that science is invalid? I know it's far-fetched, but that the comparison is valid.
ETA: I can't explain it...but I think I've watched that video in the OP maybe
6 or 8 times since I first saw it. Something about it mesmerizes me.
These people seem so damned happy...and so sure that they've just accomplished
something genuinely meaningful.
That's exactly what I do as a "Teacher's Pet", constantly seeking validationOkay...I gotta admit, for a "Teacher's Pet," you're actually posting some pretty good stuff, G.
That's the old way of doing things, it's much more profitable to work people up with social media based hype and then ask them to donate via the 'magic of crowdsourcing' to fund 'further development', 'relocation of headquarters' etc etc all the while dolling out teasers that 'energy freedom' is just around the corner.
And of course the original plan to power a well in Morocco as a demonstration, that just gets submerged in the hype... anyone heard anything more about that project?
The result of the bubble was the near bankruptcy of the entire British Empire.External Quote:In 1720, in return for a loan of £7 million to finance the war against France, the House of Lords passed the South Sea Bill, which allowed the South Sea Company a monopoly in trade with South America.
The company underwrote the English National Debt, which stood at £30 million, on a promise of 5% interest from the Government.
Shares immediately rose to 10 times their value, speculation ran wild and all sorts of companies, some lunatic, some fraudulent or just optimistic were launched.
For example; one company floated was to buy the Irish Bogs, another to manufacture a gun to fire square cannon balls and the most ludicrous of all "For carrying-on an undertaking of great advantage but no-one to know what it is!!" Unbelievably £2000 was invested in this one!
The country went wild, stocks increased in all these and other 'dodgy' schemes, and huge fortunes were made.
Then the 'bubble' in London burst!
And I think their feeling is also genuine. Compare it to this reaction from members of the People's Temple when they received some validation from a visiting congressman:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_powerExternal Quote:If the loads are purely reactive, then the voltage and current are 90 degrees out of phase. For half of each cycle, the product of voltage and current is positive, but on the other half of the cycle, the product is negative, indicating that on average, exactly as much energy flows toward the load as flows back. There is no net energy flow over one cycle. In this case, only reactive energy flows—there is no net transfer of energy to the load.
Entropy always wins, eh?
The basis of the over-unity crowd is a misunderstanding of reactive power which is imaginary in mathematical/phase space terms and ability to do work. Active and reactive power are not additive, they only appear to be when view as scalars rather than complex(mathematically) vectors. The happy faces in the OP video (which I agree has some creepy attraction) are those of people that only see the scalar magnitude of active and reactive power. I have no doubt that some of these people honestly believe that EE's have missed something, even though the EE's haven't - they just view the world as complex numbers rather than scalar magnitudes. The man in the Moroccan video is simply trying to drive a circuit toward the 100% reactive power singularity, which on the real line will appear to approach infinity; but can do no work.
At the end of the day the believers are drinking-the-cool-aid, but probably didn't study enough math to know what the cool-aid contains, even if it is explained in a wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_powerExternal Quote:If the loads are purely reactive, then the voltage and current are 90 degrees out of phase. For half of each cycle, the product of voltage and current is positive, but on the other half of the cycle, the product is negative, indicating that on average, exactly as much energy flows toward the load as flows back. There is no net energy flow over one cycle. In this case, only reactive energy flows—there is no net transfer of energy to the load.
This thread is confusing. Two organizations are being mixed up. WITTS and FTW. Witts claims to have the invention. Fix the World does not. There are so many people all over the world trying too! in fact one can now buy these coils professionally made to specs. FTW has released plans to build, WITTS wants you to join the church, prove your character, then pay 200,000 to get one. My final email from WITTS after asking for some help was pretty much I am hell bound without be willing to tithe to them.
I don't think that the WITTS v. FTW thing is a big deal to most here......Witts claims to have the invention. Fix the World does not. ..."Strangely Insane"....spiritual answers for physical problems...An open mind is critical....I totally understand why one would seek seclusion from doubters...
Why - does it only work if you believe? The state of your mind should not alter whether something mechanically works or not. Energy that only activates when you're in the right frame of mind isn't really very practical.An open mind is critical.
His motive is pure is what I believe. He is working to find out the remaining parts of the yet unknown design.
But what is it exactly that you think FTW has? Why exactly can't they plug the output into the input and have it run forever.
Apparently it needs resonance and a further important receiver in a third way. As of now all the resonates is the core, and the magnetic field. Tesla had a coil amplifying a frequency from the 'air', which is easily gotten, but hard to tune.. is the way I understand it... I am not capable of understanding or explaining this. .....
As of now a QEG, buying a pro coil and getting to the stage we're in costs in the area of 7500-9000 dollars. Not a lot of expense left to go in the rest of the project as I understand it. When it works it will be the cheapest bang for the buck too