Pete Tar
Senior Member
erm. Dunno, it's not clear from these. Where the quantum field is mentioned it doesn't detail how, just that they use it.what is the quantum effect that is claimed to be generated?
(overview taken from peswiki page
Edit, found some discussion on their forum.External Quote:
The technology is based largely on the work done by Timothy Thrapp of WITTS, who derived it largely from the Ecklin-Brown Generator. All of these are derived from the work of Nikola Tesla's patent 511916 simply titled "Electric Generator".
Here is an excerpt from their campaign description (slightly edited):
About the Invention
The words 'quantum field' sound mysterious, but this is just another way to say 'smaller than atoms.' The energy source for the QEG is the same force that holds atoms together. In conventional electric current flow, the movement of electrons is what provides usable energy. With our machine, we also use conventional electron flow, but in addition, we are making use of the many other smaller particles which have been known by some energy pioneers since the early 1900's -- people like Tesla, Moray, Schauberger, Riech and others.
In basic terms, our machine reverses the conventions used to build electric motors, i.e., instead of using low voltage/high current construction, which wastes energy, our designs use high voltage/low current construction, which gives us a HUGE surplus of energy. A portion of the surplus energy is fed back to self-power the motor, and the excess energy is collected in capacitors and converted into house current (120 or 240 volt, at 50-200 Amperes, depending on scaling). This is known as over-unity (more output than input), which traditional educational institutions have historically taught us was impossible. It is not at all impossible, and does NOT operate outside the laws of physics.
The machines get their input from the quantum field, which is estimated to have in the neighborhood of 200 Megawatts of power available in every cubic foot of space. That is an amazing level of energy density which has always been available to us, but the powers that be (or were) have historically suppressed the people and concepts that have tried to bring it into the mainstream economy.
In his interview with Sterling, James said:
It's an electrical generator. The principles it works on are very unconventional. There is nothing I know if in mainstream engineering, motor and generator that works this way.
It's definitely a resonance machine. It's really quite unique. There are No magnets, no copper windings on the rotor, no commutator, no slip rings.
It works on the principle of what they used to call a multi-vibrator.
The main oscillator is a tank circuit. The rotor causes the inductance to go up and down at same rate as the rpm of the rotor. This creates small voltage in primary coil; which, as soon as it starts to build up, it goes into resonance and beings to generate high voltage pulses. The high voltage pulses are transformed into low voltage, high current output pulses.
It's a transformer and it also works on mechanical resonance, which is a result of an electrical resonance. So it's actually mechanical motion that creates the high voltage pulses; then, from that point, it's more of a conventional transformer action. So the initial, very large inductance that gets excited by the mechanical motion of the rotor; and once that excitation begins, the voltage goes up very rapidly into the kilovolt range, and those large kV pulses drive the output.
Elsewhere was written:
This generator does not run at 60/50 hz. It runs at 400 hz. As for start up, James says that the HV coil or primary coil is about 40 henries, that is a very long wire. When the rotor passes by the it changes the inductance to about 30 henries. That swing in inductance is enough to generate a voltage that will increase until resonance is achieved. The the primary will start oscillating at 400 hz and then it works as a transformer converting 25000 volts at 400 hz to 240 volts at 400 hz.
External Quote:In the QEG, the exciter coil is used to provide a conduction path through the quantum field (zero point) into the generator core. This has the effect of polarizing the core, which increases power output over time.
The QEG, as stated, accesses the "Quantum field." It uses a system of "targeting" the quantum field by introducing a "vibration" in the load side of the generator circuit at ~ 1.332 Mhz by my calculations. This vibration then travels backwards of the EM power back to the Source of the energy, loading it with a pulsed rate modulation.
Our goal in the "turn up" / "tune up" process is to transfer the impedance or load, to the Quantum level and have it respond with power of correction coming back out...taking the load off the motor to some degree.
The original Source of the energy is the motor, and as dragging energy reaches the motor as loading, we would normally build some sort of sensing circuit to sense it and then adjust the motor voltage to adjust it's speed for the load, and keep the motor at one RPM. We would call that a "governor" in electrical system speak.
However in the QEG the vibration frequency mixes and targets the atoms of the copper and or iron, taping the mass energy of motion of the Quantum field that is responsible for all natural motion in the universe, including the iron and copper atoms spin gyrations. Atoms are self powered and self recovering as seen in QED physics study as well as NMR study, as are solar systems and galaxies.
If we hit the Quantum level with the targeting frequency, and then get a response by having a positive attitude [expect it to connect], the Quantum field will take the load and begin to self regulate it, as atoms do.
This goal cannot be achieved if your attitude is one of .... "skepticism." The quantum realm does not work that way. Healers in general have a knowledge of how the quantum realm operates, and responds, providing what we expect, and using intention to accomplish. We have to clear and clean our emotions and minds in order to successfully heal.....