Claim: The Plasmoid Unification Model (PUM) of Malcolm Bendall provides "free energy".

wouldn't the wire (or whatever makes the conndction) melt first?
It depends on the resistance of the heating element vs. the resistance of the wire, a resistive electric heater can glow red without the wire cord heating too much. Another possibility is induction heating.
wouldn't the wire (or whatever makes the conndction) melt first?

I don't think so. It would be similar to this electric space heater:

It probably has no more than a 14 gauge cord to plug it into the wall. The wire in the cord would be copper as it has very low resistance, that's why buildings are wired with copper. The copper wire can easily carry the current needed from the wall socket to the heater, where the current then encounters the heating elements that are much more resistive than the copper wire, so they heat up. This particular unit uses some sort of ceramic elements, which I assume are highly resistive, as this is intended to be a space heater.

In the case of the TG, if some of the copper wiring from the ICE Generator got connected to the stainless-steel of the TG ,it would be the same effect, though likely not as efficient.

Here is a resistance chart for common metals, showing that copper is far less resistive and therefore a better conductor than Stainless-steel:


So again, the stainless-steel TG is just heating up due to it being more resistive than copper wire and acting like a simple heating element. At least, that was my thought as a possible explanation.

Obviously there becomes a point at which there is too much current for the size wire being used and it melts, that's why fuses/circuit breakers and wire sizes go together.
The copper wire can easily carry the current needed from the wall socket to the heater, where the current then encounters the heating elements that are much more resistive than the copper wire, so they heat up. This particular unit uses some sort of ceramic elements, which I assume are highly resistive, as this is intended to be a space heater.

In the case of the TG, if some of the copper wiring from the ICE Generator got connected to the stainless-steel of the TG ,it would be the same effect, though likely not as efficient.
the heating elements in that space heater look like glass tubes with thin wire coils inside them, similar to these:

ceramic heating elements often feature coils of thin wire as well

the problem with the TG is that its steel casing offers many times the cross-section of the power wires; it would have to be quite thin to not match or exceed the ×50 difference in resistivity
the problem with the TG is that its steel casing offers many times the cross-section of the power wires; it would have to be quite thin to not match or exceed the ×50 difference in resistivity

Like I said, I'm engaging in a bit of hopefully reasoned speculation. The claim of over-unity isn't based on standard test of the ICE generator's output relative to the energy input compared to it's output while hooked up Bendall's device. Until there is abundant independent confirmation that the ICE generator and the device are outputting more energy than all possible energy inputs, you and I are going to dismiss it as an unproven claim.

However, I did find a number of people that bought his unusual claim that the glowing hot TG was proof, so how to explain it.

This is the best picture there is of it being built. It's not very helpful other than to show its size:


Here it is "working" and glowing:


As it's supposed to be a "reaction chamber" and hollow, I think it's certainly plausible it's made from relatively thin metal.

This is the best picture of the ICE Generator used:


Which appears to be this, a Welpro SC6000E-THD:


I found it here:เครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้า-Welpro/SC6000E-THD.html

A Thai company, which makes sense as this test was claimed to have been done in Bangkok. It puts out 5500 watts at 230 volts with a 22 amp breaker. So, a regular #12 copper wire should be able to carry the max output of this unit. I'm thinking it's enough current to heat up the TG, if it's walls are thin enough.

This all assumes the TG is being heated by something going on in the device and it's not a straight-out hoax with the TG plugged in a high amperage wall socket somewhere, was heated up with a blowtorch or they painted it red.

As mentioned, I don't know my chemistry well enough to know if it's possible that hydrogen from the claimed electrolysis stage is being combusted in the chamber, but if that were the case, the energy in the H would have to be added to the energy in the gasoline when determining if it's over-unity.

All other screenshots from:
is a muffler different than the piece on the TG?

It's supposed to be something different, but if one looks at the diagram it is in effect acting as a muffler, or at least an intermediate one. It's between the ICE generator's regular muffler and Bendell's added on final muffler. The claim is that the exhaust gas coming out of the regular muffler is at 241C. I think your pictures are of high-performance engines running flat out, something I wouldn't think a common generator would be capable of, but it's at least another possibility.

Here's a screen grab from his video showing the device working. The TG seems to be connected directly to the cylinder head of the ICE generator. So, the TG IS the muffler. Note the fitting between the TG and the cylinder head, it's called a union, a standard plumbing part for gas lines. It looks as if it's glowing a bit too. It's likely black gas pipe made of cast iron and much thicker than the thin walled TG:


IF the ICE generator is running hard enough to make the cast iron union glow, then it would certainly be hot enough to make the TG glow. It could also be that whatever is heating up the TG is passing some of that heat onto the union.

But clearly the TG is functioning as the primary muffler. Good call.


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But clearly the TG is functioning as the primary muffler. Good call.

To follow up a bit, here's some in info on glowing exhaust manifolds. To correct myself above, the TG is functioning almost as an exhaust manifold rather than a muffler:

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This problem is common to petrol, diesel, and gas engines. Glowing of the exhaust manifold/turbocharger has to do with the burning of the fuel beyond the combustion chambers, and causing excess heat to be collected in the exhaust manifolds.

There are lots of factots responsible for this condition. Among other problems are;

1. Clogged catalytic converter.

2. Retarded ignition timing.

3. Faulty gas pressure regulator.

4. Bad injectors/nozzles.

5. Failed turbocharger.

6. Faulty governor setting.

7. Wrong valve lash adjustment/injector height setting.

8. Wrong air-fuel ratio.

9. Clogged exhaust gas re-circulation EGR valve.

10. Leakage along the air line after the compression end of the turbocharger.

11. Restriction along the air line or exhaust line.

12. Defect on the inlet or exhaust valves.

Note that many of the problems listed could be the result of trying to incorporate the ICE generator with Bendell's other devices. Other generator forums seem to indicate a bit of a glowing manifold/muffler isn't that uncommon:

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Glowing exhaust is normal. I wouldn't be taking anything apart to try to correct it.
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My Honda 6500 genny muffler would glow at times.
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Still glows in the dark. Gas just burns hot, I guess.
Also, from the same forum there is this possible explanation (bold by me):

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Clean the carb and keep the MMO running through it. All of my exhausts run 600*F-700*F by the non contact thermometer including an old 16HP Montgomery Wards Gilson Tractor. It used to run really hot until I cleaned all the water out of the float, adjusted it, and ran some additives through it.

Recall that the various devices are adding water into the system. This screengrab shows water dripping and puddling under the TG:

so the TG glowing would potentially indicate that the engine is operating inefficiently, with combustion taking place in the TG and not in the cylinders

and since the mechanical power output is never getting measured, this escapes detection

beware the old adage of conspiracy theorists, "anything I don't understand supports my view"—apparently it also applies to woo engineering
Good call.
i personally still dont understand any of it, even with your posts -as i dont know what an exhaust manifold vs a muffler is etc (or any of the other parts int he system) i just remember one of my friends talking about a red pipe (or a header if a header is different than a pipe). And i do know that water in your gas tank is bad although i have no idea why.

This is my way of saying, that if you want to explain why the TG is glowing uisng this muffler thing...just remember that people likely dont know what any of those parts are or how engines work etc, so be sure to explain it to them ELI5 :) which is something this forum tends to forget to do quite often.

Welcome to Explain Like I'm Five (ELI5)!

Our mission is to simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand. We use optimized AI to make everything simple for you, without technical jargon. We also keep a lighthearted and fun tone to make learning enjoyable.
so the TG glowing would potentially indicate that the engine is operating inefficiently, with combustion taking place in the TG and not in the cylinders

Yes, I think that's certainly possible, but there may be something else going on too. The claim is that the "exhaust gas temperature" (EGT) entering the TG is ~241C. This is below a normal range of EGTs for small generators. Here is a screengrab from the video showing the various temp readings:


Note that none of them are labeled EGT, but one is labeled "manifold" and while it's hard to read, it says 244C and a few seconds after this shot it raises to 301C. Nothing is labeled or explained much, but what if the "manifold" sensor is this one on top of the cylinder head, or possibly just below the union?


It's no measuring the EGT, the actual exhaust gas, rather, it's measuring the temperature of the cylinder head or maybe the union connecting the cylinder head to the TG. If so, then 241C is a perfectly normal temperature for a cylinder head on an air-cooled generator:


That it pops up to 300C probably means its overheating and not running correctly. We've already established that the EGT for a generator can get up to 487C with 315C being the normal average. Now take another look at the temperatures. The two highest numbers here are 301c for the manifold and 362C for the "lower pipe".


These temperatures are with the TG glowing red hot. He's measuring the temperature of the exterior manifold or cylinder head and then measuring the temperature of the TG, but he's not measuring the temperature of the exhaust gases flowing into the TG.

We have an overheating generator producing hotter than normal exhaust gases that are then flowing into a thin walled Tg and heating it up to the temperature of that exhaust gas.

It might fit with his list too. If T1 below is the same as "lower pipe1" and T4 is the same as "manifold" then they go together similar to what we're seeing on the above temperature read outs:


The max temperature of 767C could be a transitory spike after a few minutes of the generator running really, really hot. Note also the claim of a minimum temperature of -86.3C on T3 at the same time T1 was spiking. If I understand it all, while the outer shell of the TG was reaching 767C, the inner section was outputting air(?) at -86C. :confused:

i did notice the TG thing is skinny ..more like a curtain rod than muffler sized. could that be backing stuff up?
Yes, back pressure is a contributing factor. Besides being skinny, the cut away shows that there is another inner pipe, so even less space for the exhaust gasses to go. If it becomes to restrictive then the motor will stop running.

And I will work on a ELI5 post later this evening.

EDIT: picture didn't work, fixed now.
That it pops up to 300C probably means its overheating and not running correctly.
the literature all says it has to reach 300c for the TG to be "operational" too. i was wondering where you got the 241c from.

(would be nice if all the reading minutes matched so we could see what everything was doing simultaneously :( )
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The Bendall engine ignition begins with the use of fossil fuel in order to heat the THunderstorm Generator to operational temperatures. Once the Thunderstorm Generator has reached its opeational temperature (around 300C) our plasmoid fuel is introduced where it is charged.
And I will work on a ELI5 post later this evening.
i suggest too a new OPthread with only the specific claim "red glowing TG proves such and such".. so outside readers can find your info easier without losing interest from all the astronomy/protium weirdness and character attacks on page 1. ??
Yes, I think that's certainly possible, but there may be something else going on too.
Thanks much for the deep dive! The posts just above with pics & diagrams of the TG got me wondering if this entire thing is just an obfuscated version of the old 200 mpg vaporizer / Pogue / Winnipeg / dry gas carburetor? Many versions have been tried but the common factor is always using heat to vaporise fuel into smaller particles than the normal droplets produced by venturi action that apparently only burn on the surface. Pollution known as unburned hydrocarbons / fuel droplets that are still burning as they exit the cylinder, hence glowing red exhaust manifolds, are the reason we need catalytic converters to burn it up. It does sound reasonable that burning vaporised / dry gasoline one molecule at a time might result in more complete combustion in the engine cylinders, and result in a much cleaner exhaust. Sound familiar? I never understood all the stoichiometric ratio business, but I've seen fire coming out exhaust and that does seem like wasted energy.

I went to a popular seminar on 200mpg carburetors in the late 70s and at that time dabbled a bit with some crude home built devices designed to heat gasoline and allow the vapors to be sucked into engine. The simplest one was simply a converted air cleaner housing with filter element removed & a float bowl set to maintain a puddle of gasoline inside. A channel to circulate hot water from radiator was plumbed directly under the puddle of gas that started to boil once engine was up to normal operating temp. At this point engine was obviosly running very rich & producing black exhaust smoke. A fuel tank switching valve was rigged to shut off fuel supply to the OEM carb and once it ran dry the car ran normally, although prone to stumble on acceleration. 3 of us went for a 20-30 mile ride at freeway speeds. The car eventually started stalling so the fuel supply was switched back to regular carb and driven back to the shop. Inspection revealed our puddle of gas was now reduced to dark brown sludge. We had burned off the lighter elements and were stuck with the heavy ones that were maybe on their way to becoming something like asphalt. We had no way to accurately measure fuel used on that trip but it seemed the mileage was maybe 2-3 times better than normal on the fuel that was actually burned, but factoring in the unburned sludge we were stuck with, it's doubtful there was a great improvement. The seminar folks predicted this would happen! Not enough heat is available from 200 degree coolant to totally vaporise heavier elements of gas.

The Pogue device used exhaust heat I believe, swirled together in a chamber around incoming mixture, (again sounding TG like) and supposedly worked better on 1930s vintage gas produced via "cracking vs splitting" (or vice versa maybe) refinery processes. I remember the gas lines! I can believe refining science changes with a fuel crisis to get the most usable product from a barrel of oil! The seminar folks insisted a Pogue carburetor would sludge up on todays gas too, and the only way to get these vaporizer devices to work with modern gasoline was to heat small amounts of gasoline, on throttle demand, with much higher heat to totally vaporize all elements instantly as they are introduced to intake manifold. At this point the devices need to get a lot more complicated because they require electric heating in a pressurized vessel, sealed to exclude oxygen, and resulting spontaneous combustion, before vapor is introduced to cylinder where it can produce power. That thing in Bendall's device supposedly dripping "water" into a puddle sounds suspiciously similar to seminar examples of the "best" way to achieve total vaporization. Are we sure it's dripping water? Or is it possibly a hidden fuel source? That bubbler thing also sounds like something that was part of the vaporizer carb seminar.

Nobody in the entire "miracle carburetor craze" ever suggested there was anything more than better fuel vaporization taking place. No plasma vortex creating free energy. Google does mention Pogue using the term "catalytic carburetor" but I don't know if that involved a new claim or was just jargon to impress. There were those who claimed they could run engines on water but I'm not aware of anyone driving them down the road like we did in my friends car. We came to the conclusion by 1980 that there may be fragments of truth that could be exaggerated, to make an impressive demonstration, but little to be actually gained. The things we built were crude. They needed skills similar to those involved in firing up a steam locomotive to get them going and involved the constant possibility of backfires setting the whole thing on fire. The seminar folks even showed those making gas heaters in their air cleaners how to install a taller threaded stud, with a spring under the nut, to allow for backfire explosions to let the WOOF lift the top then largely self extinguish the fire, and they told us to ALWAYS keep the fire extinguisher handy! It did get used!

You can get an engine to run on fuel vapor but it's not something you would let the wife & kids drive In traffic. If it's your only means of daily transport the problem is much greater & getting it going in sub zero temperatures might be impossible. Some early internal combustion engines circa 1800 something did use heat to vaporize fuel but they may have been doing it with a much more basic petroleum blend like kerosene or Coleman gas??? Bendall using a gas engine driven generator makes me wonder if he is simply using electric heating elements somewhere to better heat / vaporize some hidden gas? Does he tell us anywhere how much of that 6500 watts he is using? If we had proceeded to experiment with pressurized electrically heated vaporizers in 79 we expected to greatly increase the size & output of the alternator, possibly add a dedicated one just for said vaporizer. Bendall's gizmo sounds similar, maybe some added bells & whistles?
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just run it on autogas/LPG/propane, then
Indeed. There are vehicles converted to propane, mostly commercial, as noted. I believe there is less energy in a given amount compared to gasoline, so larger tanks are needed. The one pickup I knew of had a tank about the size of a 55 gallon drum permanently mounted in the bed. Cuts into cargo capacity, and not as easy to find a fueling station, but with planning it can be done. Indoor forklifts & other engine powered machines are often propane powered, the advantage being cleaner exhaust for better indoor air quality. The ones at the lumber mill used 30 pound cylinders that swapped in minutes for full ones as needed. The guy with the pickup was in the propane business & said it used more, but his per gallon cost was less, so a good deal for him but not a great saving for most. Refueling infrastructure is maybe on par with electric car charging?

It does make the point about better vaporization but certainly is no miracle like a 200mpg carburetor would be on a 20mpg car. Helps debunk the myth maybe.
200 mpg vaporizer / Pogue / Winnipeg / dry gas carburetor?

I remember those claims. Seems as late as the early '00s I had a friend whose dad had a cousin that had friend that built a 50-200+MPG carburetor. But it was always 2-3 people removed.

It could almost use its own thread, but in the modern era of fuel injection and the advent of BEV cars, it's kinda just nostalgia.

The whole thing reminds me of my first introduction to over-unity when I read an article about The Newman Energy Machine. Note the similarities, like advancing Einstein's theories and the religious tie ins:

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Joseph Westley Newman
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(July 2, 1936 – March 6, 2015) was an American inventor and author who developed an "energy machine" deemed by the US Patent and Trademark Office to be a perpetual motion machine. He described this device in a book, The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman. Newman alleged that he had a mechanical explanation for Albert Einstein's unified field theory of physics.
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In 1987 he announced a run for the American Presidency, claiming that God had instructed him to run in order that the extinction of humanity by 1999 might be averted, and that Nostradamus had predicted his existence.[8] In 1989 Newman claimed, while already married, to have married his secretary and her 8-year-old daughter, acting on orders from God.
I realize this thread is old but there's not alot of conversation online about MB's approach. It's clear to me he's applied the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Generator to the combustion engine. The dynamics of which are well known and documented. These devices have been used in many forms, espescially in heating and cooling devices like refrigeration since the 1930's. He's renamed his Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Generator as the Thunderstorm Generator and has developed an intriguing flow guide using spheres instead of static fan blades or angled port holes.

Hell my '49 Ford 8n uses an aftermarket pre-intake air filter Ranque- Hilsch Vortex generator to separate solids before entering the oil bath air filter. And it works amazingly well. Never have to buy an air filter.

The genius to me seems to be in applying the Ranque-Hilsch vortex generator to the intake and exhaust of a combustion engine. These devices need an external pump in order to work but create a temperature differential with anhydrous gasses. His system uses water separators to keep the gasses dry and to prevent water from entering the combustion chamber. A combustion engine provides both the positive compression force and the negative vacuum force to make the device work. The hot and cold streams are used to aid separation the water into component parts and reunite them.

I don't think he claims this device to be over unity or free energy. Instead it's an approach to increase efficiency for the ubiquitous combustion engine using well known tech.

Before denying the reality of plasmoids, have a look at ball lighting, star in a jar, blowing smoke rings, and most recently the high speed photography that capture the plasma paths of lightning before the ionosphere discharges to the earth.

Anybody here familiar with Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Generators?
Anybody here familiar with Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Generators?
Not really (and thanks for a very enlightening post), but there's a wikipedia article.

Picking excerpts:
The "vortex tube effect" is fully explained with the work equation of Euler,[3] also known as Euler's turbine equation [...] This equation was published in 2012; it explains the fundamental operating principle of vortex tubes. The search for this explanation began in 1933 when the vortex tube was discovered and continued for more than 80 years.

The phenomenological models were developed at an earlier time when the turbine equation of Euler was not thoroughly analyzed; in the engineering literature, this equation is studied mostly to show the work output of a turbine; while temperature analysis is not performed since turbine cooling has more limited application unlike power generation, which is the main application of turbines. Phenomenological studies of the vortex tube in the past have been useful in presenting empirical data. However, due to the complexity of the vortex flow this empirical approach was able to show only aspects of the effect but was unable to explain its operating principle. Dedicated to empirical details, for a long time the empirical studies made the vortex tube effect appear enigmatic and its explanation – a matter of debate.

This seems to say that the explanation for this phenomenon, until 2012, was a bit woo enigmatic, which is why it's hard to debunk the "plasmoids" explanation.

This issue has become clearer now:
In his video (link in the OP), it's shown running at about 9:00. Because it's a Vimeo video, the preview says it's not available and I can't create a timed link like in YouTube, but here is a screen grab showing the Thunderstorm Generator glowing red hot. It also seems, through the roar of the ICE generator, to make popping or sizzeling-like sounds along with occasional "sparks" as seen in the lower left corner:


The claim is that the exhaust is going into the Thunderstorm device at 241C, but the device itself is heating up to 767C, so ~520C more than the input of the exhaust, therefore "over-unity".
The vortex tube heats the air, which explains why the Thunder Generator is hot and glowing?

I'm not sure about the physics, but there must be an outlet of cold air (possibly making water condense). Can the loss of cold air compensate the heat output such that the heat output is more than the energy needed for air compression?
Bottom line: If it works it will find a market. If it doesn't work it will remain fringe.

Even if potential collaborators were to ignore the frankly epic amounts of pseudo-science, eclectic new age mysticism and (to put it politely) original thinking that Malcolm Bendall advocates (see NorCal Dave's original post)
I had to look up the Plasmoid energy system myself's possible some might be put off by criticisms of Mr Bendall's past business endeavours.

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THE company headed by would-be oil and gas tycoon Malcolm Bendall and his senior geologist have been named in the worldwide data leaks known as the Panama Papers.

The revelations, although not proof of any wrongdoing, could open old wounds for what is estimated to be dozens of Tasmanian investors who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars after Mr Bendall's search for oil and gas in the Central Highlands – which he says was prompted by a vision from God – failed.
And they come as the State Government is just weeks from deciding whether to give Mr Bendall a gas and oil exploration licence for Tasmania's Central Highlands – a region he once told Tasmanian investors had enough oil to rival a "rich Arab state."
"Oil man Malcolm Bendall's company named in Panama Papers", The Mercury (Australian newspaper), Matt Smith 29/05/16

The report continues, and repeats that there is no proof of wrongdoing on Mr Bendall's part, but I don't think the tone of the article is particularly supportive of Mr Bendall. (He didn't get his exploration licence, see quote below).

Here's a pic of Bendall from an earlier Mercury article:


In "Will Malcolm Bendall launch a new religion?", Tasmanian Times, 24/09/16, Chris Sharples writes (bold as per original):

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Tasmania's own wannabe oil baron Malcolm Bendall1 has spent over 30 years convincing people to give him their money to pursue what I consider to be a grand delusion of finding vast quantities of oil in Tasmania on the basis of a supposed vision from God.

In refusing to renew a licence for the latest company linked to Bendall to explore Tasmania for what is now one of the world's least desirable energy resources, oil (The Mercury, 8th Sept. 2016), the State Government has finally done what it should have done decades ago.

Now I can't help wondering what Malcolm's next move will be? He's perennially claimed to be just on the verge of something really big since at least 1983 (when he bored me in the Doghouse Pub about the big oil rig that was on its way from Texas to strike oil big-time on Bruny Island really, really soon; fortunately for me I already knew enough about Malcolm back then to know where to file that information).

Malcolm has managed to suck some pretty big egos into joining his little scheme at various stages along the way, possibly allowing them to prove that they weren't really as smart as they thought they were, as there has never been a return on investment.

Given Malcolm's purported visions from God, it seems to me that Malcolm's logical next move could be to start a new religion. Starting a religion has always been a good way to make money and gain power. I wonder whether Malcolm has already been writing his scriptures, ready for them to be "revealed" to him in his next chat with God?
Chris Sharples concludes,
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If Malcolm does indeed come through with a new religion, he might contribute something of actual value to society. He will give psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists the opportunity to observe and better understand a contemporary example of the ways in which religions originate and take hold in the minds of the gullible and insecure.
The Tasmanian's byline for the article reads,

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Chris Sharples is a geomorphologist at the University of Tasmania where he dabbles in researching the effects of sea-level rise on coasts. He is also interested in trying to spot elephants in rooms and state the bleeding obvious about them.

Of course, none of this has any direct bearing on whether the "Thunderstorm generator" is useful in any way.
But it seems Mr Bendall has been optimistically chasing "the next big thing" for quite a while now, not always with success for his investors.

I've just found this- I don't think it really adds anything new, but it confirms Mr Bendall's ideas are perhaps unconventional.
Only watch if you have a strong appetite for nonsensical woo.


"Come Carpentier in Conversation with Malcolm Bendall, Randall Carlson, Samadhi Lewis, Mike Robertson", uploaded by YouTube user India Foundation approx. 8 months ago. Malcolm Bendall from 26:30.
A representative quote from Bendall, at 38:06,
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...the last plasmoid generator, that I can find in recent times was built by King Solomon...
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Maybe Randell L. Mills; the hydrino guy?

There's a low rent version of Mills... Andrea Rossi. His gadget is called the E-Cat.
Ah the hydrino scam. The most successful energy fraudster of all time very likely, has gotten north of 60 million dollars to fund a system he's said is just around the corner from commercial rollout...for over 20 years. Still at it making investment pitches too

It's just SO shameless....somehow they've never gotten around to rigging up their own shop with this magical dirt cheap energy generation system in all these decades, or doing an unambiguous test by loaning the system to a university. The same old litany of excuses about the idea being stolen even with NDAs and more meaningless footage of "tests" that show nothing.
I suppose we'll have to build one and measure the results. It's an intriguing application of the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Generator. It's an amazing piece of geometry.
- if he's making the claim, then he has to build one and measure the results.
Better still, he has to build one and let other people measure the results, after being allowed to inspect the mechanism and check all inputs and outputs.

Bendall's "Thunderstorm Generator" makes me think of Stanley Meyer's "water fuel cell",'s_water_fuel_cell
not in terms of shared engineering, chemistry or physics- the two have little in common- but in terms of a common narrative:

(1) The inventor has made a revolutionary breakthrough, which will enable a massive reduction in the use of expensive and polluting fuels.

(2) Investors are needed.
If major corporations, state agencies, banks or universities haven't invested, it's because they are hidebound to old, dogmatic ways of thinking and are too scared to accept anything new. Or it's proof that they're controlled by Them.
Luckily, what's left of your pension in that ornate teapot on your mantlepiece will make all the difference- and a huge return.

(3) The actual mechanism cannot be examined by outsiders because the idea will be stolen. Or discredited by the major
corporations, state agencies, universities etc. because they have old, dogmatic etc.; or they're controlled by Them.

(4) While the invention will obviously result in a massive reduction in the need for fossil fuels- with huge savings for the average Joe and Josie, and a huge reduction in pollution and greenhouse gasses, and a welcome reduction in funding for a number of questionable regimes- the inventor can't just give it to humanity. Who in their right mind would do that?

You'll get it when you pay for it. Up front. And before conclusive impartial testing, which stifles my inventive genius.
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(4) While the invention will obviously result in a massive reduction in the need for fossil fuels- with huge savings for the average Joe and Josie, and a huge reduction in pollution and greenhouse gasses, and a welcome reduction in funding for a number of questionable regimes- the inventor can't just give it to humanity. Who in their right mind would do that?
This kind of thinking is such a strong sign of narcissism and should make anyone pause at taking anything the person says with much consideration. If you had real confidence in your idea you'd get the broad strokes of it out ASAP and would do fine in making money off of it. The way these people go on you'd think the world was full of bitter inventors who had their lives work stolen, but as far as I can tell that's very rare these days. I think it's very notable that no one has ever hacked one of these amazing companies computer and leaked their secret sauce to the public-the NSA and CIA can't keep their darkest secrets away from the public eye but every single alt-energy company has its blueprints in a perfect digital fort knox?

In refreshing contrast to this pathological crypticism, there's a wonderful science Youtuber called NighthawkInLight who has spent extensive time working on radiative cooling paint made from cheap, non-toxic ingredients with a scalable and safe pathway to mass fabrication. The potential ramifications of this stuff at scale are striking-even early stage experiments show paints like this can have dramatic effects on bolstering the power efficiency of existing air conditioning technology, or for mitigating urban heat islands. There's some very bold plans, and I should stress that as always skepticism with grand green projects is not unreasonable, to deploy tech like this at a monumental scale to blast enough heat into space to arrest global warming.
And he's just....sharing his work.

The kind of minds that actually come up with really good ideas generally want to see them expanded upon and grown by others. Someone curling up on an "idea" and telling you to trust them it works and not sharing it and begging for money endlessly...that's a greedy little dragon, not an inventor.
No - if he's making the claim, then he has to build one and measure the results. There's no reason why anyone else should have to go out of their way to falsify nonsense.
Nah, it'd be fun to replicate.
Engined are not my cup of tea, though.
Anyone in the neighbourhood to check this demonstration?

Beat practice is to post the PDF using screen shots if needed, so others don't have to click on a link of some sort. I gottcha this time around ;)

It seems Mr. Bendall has come out of hiding in Thailand and the nefarious folks didn't get to him...yet. As such he'll be giving a demonstration of his Thunderstorm Generator in Mullumbimby this coming Tuesday 1/28 (stitched screen shots):



Unfortunately, that's a really long drive for myself, but there are plenty of members from down under on here. Judging by the photo above, it seems Mr. Bendall is taking the "go big or go home" approach with his scaled-up Thunderstorm generator. If that bad boy heats up and glows like his more compact version:


One may want to avoid the front row.

Looking further at the announcement, it appears the goal post have been moved it seems Mr. Bendall is focusing on a slightly different claim in this demo. Recall that in this thread, the basic claim was a version of over-unity as related to exhaust gas temperatures. Attaching a Bendall designed Thunderstorm Generator to a common portable gas generator out put more energy than input, in terms of fuel, as shown by higher than expected temperatures somewhere in the exhaust/thunderstorm generator contraption. Or something like that.

I'm not seeing any overt, or even vailed claims of over-unity in this announcement, other than the idea of better fuel economy. Rather the claim for this upcoming demonstration, is the absence of pollutant in the exhaust. You can smell for yourself:


I would recommend caution if anyone attends and tries to sniff out the proof of the claims, as carbon monoxide is a common byproduct of combustion engines, which is part of the demo, and is tasteless, odorless and lethal. You've been warned.

Just as a side note, those who do attend can brush up on nutrition and Ancient Sacred Geometry with the host Mr. Green:


I was going to predict that despite all the whiz-bang technology Mr. Bendall is likely to present, the ability to actually decern if the working model is in fact over-unity will be difficult is not impossible to determine. Alas, it seems he's not even trying to claim over-unity in this demo, just cleaned up emissions. A glorified catalytic converter, like on my truck.
Anyone in the neighbourhood to check this demonstration?

Thank you for the PDF, I've taken the liberty of making JPEGs:





It would be nice if this works because then Malcolm Bendall will be in a position to compensate some of his past investors.
But I have my doubts that the Thunderstorm Generator will do all that is claimed, not least because both Malcolm and Roger Green appear unable, or unwilling, to discriminate between science and woo.

Just a few brief snips from the above:


They'll call me a whingeing pom, but I don't find the (no doubt instant) transmutation of CO2 into CO2 all that remarkable.
Probably a typo, and they meant O2.
If Bendall and Green are claiming they can transmute carbon atoms into oxygen atoms in appreciable volumes at macro scales, it's a shame they've not shared this absolutely astonishing discovery with any reputable physicists, anywhere (AFAIK).


The periodic table lists all the known chemical elements, not all possible ingredients in the universe: There's a lot of potential ingredients out there in the form of ions and subatomic particles. If we restrict ourselves to matter, perhaps around 85% of the matter in the universe is non-baryonic (i.e. not composed of matter like that of the nucleons present in the elements of the periodic table); Wikipedia "Dark matter",

And how does a plasmoid know which substances are harmful to us, and which are beneficial to us?


Er, they've forgotten the carbon dioxide! Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) don't include CO2;

External Quote:

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) means any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates and ammonium carbonate, which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions, except those designated by EPA as having negligible photochemical reactivity
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Technical Overview of Volatile Organic Compounds, organic compounds (VOC) means any compound of,those designated by EPA as having negligible photochem
I wouldn't be that surprised if the demonstration of 28th January is followed by an appeal for investors to contribute to this (claimed) technological breakthrough.

Considering the location, it might be called the Mullumbimby Mumbo Jumbo.

Would add, a large oxygen output from a car etc. running a hot internal combustion engine might not be a good idea.
And we're not short of oxygen.
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I wouldn't be that surprised if the demonstration of 28th January is followed by an appeal for investors to contribute to this (claimed) technological breakthrough.

Considering the location, it might be called the Mullumbimby Mumbo Jumbo.

Would add, a large oxygen output from a car etc. running a hot internal combustion engine might not be a good idea.
And we're not short of oxygen.
10% is still a decrease from 20%, though, so it represents only partial combustion. Odd for them to be so proud of wasted effort.
Is anyone else struck by the sheer naĩveté of the ad (or perhaps that of the anticipated purchasers? I immediately heard these words in my head in the tone and cadence of a carnival barker. The device is not presented in a serious, professional manner, but more like the kind of old TV ads for Ginsu knives and the press to make square hard-boiled eggs. The technical details are more like the "baffle them with bullshit" variety.
Beat practice is to post the PDF using screen shots if needed, so others don't have to click on a link of some sort.
I do like it best when the original PDF is uploaded here, that involves no links.

That said, information like the time and place of the demonstration should've been spelled out in the text.
Is anyone else struck by the sheer naĩveté of the ad (or perhaps that of the anticipated purchasers? I immediately heard these words in my head in the tone and cadence of a carnival barker. The device is not presented in a serious, professional manner, but more like the kind of old TV ads for Ginsu knives and the press to make square hard-boiled eggs. The technical details are more like the "baffle them with bullshit" variety

I think it's the standard way of attracting interest and investors in this field. Whether the proponents, like Bendall, believe in their inventions or are complete hucksters, it's hard to know, but they all control the narrative of what's going on. They never let completely independent sources or labs test their claims.

As such, they have to set up their own "demonstrations" of their inventions that appear to back up the claims. Especially in a way lay people can see and understand, while at the same time baffling said lay person with a litany of pseudoscience that explains the why of what they are seeing with their own eyes. That often results in a side-show like presentation.

My first introduction to over-unity and perpetual motion devices was an article on Joe Newman and his forever running Lamborghini, back in the late '80s. It was in Discover Magazine, but I can't find an online version right now. As he had been denied a patten in '79 for his "Newman Energy Machine" because it resembled a perpetual motion device, he went on the road with a modified Lamborghini (likely a fiberglass kit car replica) that contained one of his electric motors.

He would set up in auditoriums and arenas where the Lambo would slowly drive around in circles for hours and hours without needing new batteries or a recharge. This was the part the lay person could see for themselves. Then he had a book about his baffling theories as to why it worked. The article did make the point, that despite no independent examinations being allowed, given the batteries that appeared to be in the car, the likely weight of the car, and the slow speed it traveled, there was nothing remarkable going on.

However, the side show hustle worked. As Newman also included a lot of Christian theology into his theories, when he brought his Lambo to Arco Arena in Sacramento and let it drive in circles, it convinced the very religious minded and very wealthy property developer Joe Benvinuty (SP?) that it was legit. I still have a memory of a photo from the article, Benvinuty sitting at a coffee table with an oversized Bible on it. For some strange reason, I also remember Benvinuty as wearing a robe or dressing gown, kinda Hughe Heffner style, in the photo :confused: .

A bit off topic, as Newman is not Bendall, but the claims are similar as is the overall presentation. These guys are portrayed as "rouges and rebels" challenging the mainstream and the powers that be. As such, they are in out of the way places removed from academia where they can disprove modern science. Here is Bendall in his secret "lab":


Here's Newman's device disproving the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics:


Link below.

Fun fact, one can build an 87 pound Newman Energy Machine for themselves, like Spicoli's dad this TV repair man did:



My first introduction to over-unity and perpetual motion devices was an article on Joe Newman and his forever running Lamborghini, back in the late '80s. It was in Discover Magazine, but I can't find an online version right now. As he had been denied a patten in '79 for his "Newman Energy Machine" because it resembled a perpetual motion device, he went on the road with a modified Lamborghini (likely a fiberglass kit car replica) that contained one of his electric motors.
I'm not sure if he was devoutly religious or if it was just part of his schtick to appeal to those who were.

External Quote:
Joseph Westley Newman (July 2, 1936 – March 6, 2015) was an Americaninventor and author who developed an "energy machine" which he attempted to patent, but was rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office on grounds of being a perpetual motion machine. He described this device in a book, The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman. Newman alleged that he had a mechanical explanation for Albert Einstein's unified field theory of physics. After applying for patents on the perpetual motion motor, he battled for over seven years against what he claimed was a government conspiracyto suppress his supposed discoveries,[2]​ garnering national attention as a result.[3]​[4]​ Further testing revealed that the machine did not operate at 100% efficiency, nor did it output more energy than was input, as Newman claimed.
In 1987 he announced a run for the American Presidency, claiming that God had instructed him to run in order that the extinction of humanity by 1999 might be averted, and that Nostradamus had predicted his existence.[8]​ In 1989 Newman claimed, while already married, to have married his secretary and her 8-year-old daughter, acting on orders from God. The daughter was removed from his home by the authorities.[9]​[10]​

In spite of the analysis showing that his engine did NOT produce more energy, there are still articles around that praised him as a visionary. I'm not sure whether this gushing praise is an honest assessment, or just a hype for a movie.

External Quote:

Few stories are as tragic, shocking, and disheartening as the fight and plight of inventor Joseph Newman - an American inventor who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars inventing an energy devise that harnessed huge amounts of power from an electro-magnetic field that could have revolutionized the way we heat our homes, power our automobiles, and reversed the tide of global warming that threatens us.

He had the backing of physicists, he had the backing of the public, and he had the backing of investors. His invention could have literally offered freedom for humanity from the tyranny of the big coal, oil, and nuclear companies that virtually own, dictate, and control global energy policy today; which of course amounts to heresy in today's world, wherein the individual is less important than our corporate government.

And in his incredible documentary Newman, which was released in 2015 and is currently available on Amazon Prime video, director Jon Fox chronicles Newman's remarkable invention and the way Big Energy killed and buried it, condemning us all to the corporate bondage we continue to suffer under today.
In spite of the analysis showing that his engine did NOT produce more energy, there are still articles around that praised him as a visionary. I'm not sure whether this gushing praise is an honest assessment, or just a hype for a movie.

Ha! I read that exact same "review" this morning. I guess I could watch the actual documentary, but it sounds like this sums it up pretty well. The catch to all this conspiracy mongering is that Newmans book is available, though expensive, and as I found there are people out there building his contraption. I haven't seen any that work. In the video I posted up-thread about the 87 pound Newman machine some guy built, the video description says it still PROVES the 2nd law of thermodynamics. It's not over-unity. There are various folks in the comments that point out how the ground wire is wrong or some other error that, if corrected, will make it work the way Newman claimed.

If and when it happens, that a true over-unity Newman machine is built, I'll definitely copy it so I can run my house for free, charge the wife's Tesla for free AND sell power back to the utility disguised as solar energy. And I suppose after that, I'll share it and make the world a better place.