Whether or not they travel well or not, they are still present. With those high energy waves, even a minimal amount of them would be more than enough to power something like this.
You still aren't getting this. We all know that a material has a resonant frequency at which it vibrates. Great, right? Well what if you went further and found the frequency at which that material moves electrons across its surface? Or even if you found the frequency at which that material creates magnetic flux. Is this not electricity as we know it? It is a theory, I know, but that isn't all that hard to prove. It's just hard to prove where the frequencies are coming from, which is why everyone thinks Tesla was a mad scientist. This was his life's work: electrical resonance.
No, everyone doesn't think Tesla was a mad scientist.
Most people familiar with his work recognize that he was a great mind, but that he also probably did not
have physics-defying super-secret inventions that will be awesome...if we only somehow re-discover them.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that the finest scientists--in this most advanced age--can't come up
with a device that mines all this supposedly easily available free energy floating all around us?
Untold riches would go to whoever could do so, never mind fabulous esteem within the scientific community.
And yet guys on YouTube claim that they know the true secrets, and, damn it, if they could ever just get their
damned magic device "tuned,"

they'd be able to show everyone. Now, does that seem believable to you?
p.s. Even this interesting "electromagnetic harvester"
is really just converting energy from nearby
man-made devices...not collecting
"from the Universe" as many YouTubers seem to think is a pretty easy trick