Debunked: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG), 10kw out for 1kw in.

A new video of the QEG, inviting viewers to join their online 'academy'...

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Thought is would be a good idea to do a new simple presentation where we explain all the basic behind the project in one place for anyone who might be new to the project. We run an online academy where we provide more in depth updates on the project through weekly videos that are accessible to members.
A response from Hope Moore (HopeGirl)


Basically just say that I don't understand the technology, that I appear to be a shill. Does not address the science at all.

My response is simply that I'm not a shill, and they should just demonstrate that it works.
When looking at her videos they reference Tesla's patent.
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They address the direct current input, but go off into magic. They make up claims not made by Tesla. Tesla makes this claim, "Apparatus for Production of Electric Currents of High Frequency and Potential,". Tesla liked to experiment with electricity. It makes me think of an electric fence to keep cattle in their fields using a simple car battery in the field to power it. Going from 12 volts to 15,000 with a "simple device", now solid state (although the frequency might not be as high). A device to keep out predators for protecting chickens, other farm animals. The goal of the academy is to get 25 dollars a month for "Clean Energy Academy Membership".

I wonder who scripted their video explaining the Tesla patent 568,176, they added a lot of nonsense.

The same metabunk video on youtube

The video about Tesla's work and the magic promised by "Clean Energy Academy Membership", related to my comments -
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The light bulbs and sound effects took me straight back to one of my favorite movies, 'Forbidden Planet', when the alien technology is drawing on the power of the planets core!

In her response she uses the magic phrases you hear all the time in this sort of thing, 'lots of people think...many people are saying...' What they mean is, 'we must be right because there are lots of us!'
Hi Everybody
Come to South Africa
Hi Rongram, I am in SA and I've spent quite a few k on patents sold on internet that promises free enegy, every time just to be disappointed at what I get.

I'll verify your generator...

Where is the South African guy with his 2.2kw generator?
Now let us go back to proof as you all scream. Surely out of 3,5k members there must be a South African in this forum. Mick I am sure you can cross check.

I am close to you, let's do some verification
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Given this thread has resurfaced I'll try to explain what the guys of the 'QEG generator' think they are up to, and why they epically fail.

The big problem is that human intuition is badly equipped to cope with alternative currents (on a side note, another topic where human intuition fails badly is with probabilities). Indeed, the topic of power with alternate currents is apparently simple, but actually difficult even for engineers (I'm an electronic engineer, by the way, and I had my share of problems when I approached it).

Many people know the formula power = voltage * current, but what most people miss is that the formula is only valid for continuous currents. With alternative currents the formula changes: power = voltage * current * cos(phi), where cos(phi) is the cosine of the phase angle between the (sine wave, for simplicity) voltage and the (sine-wave) current.

[Another side note: in the continuos case, voltage and current are easily defined concepts. In the alternative case things are not so easy and there are at least three different meanings: 'average' voltage/current, 'peak' voltage/current and 'root-mean-square' (RMS) voltage/current. The power formula above must use the RMS values. A normal tester measures RMS values]

Let's go back to W = V*I*cos(phi). Forgetting the cos(phi) is terrible: you can have a circuit with 100KV and 100KA (as measured by a tester) flowing through it and.. exactly zero power. You just need to have the voltage 90 degrees out-of-phase with the current and cos(phi) becomes zero.

In the electrical jargon the quantity V*I is called 'apparent power', the quantity V*I*cos(phi) is called 'active power' and what is left (V*I - V*I*cos(phi)) is called 'reactive power'. 'Reactive power' is a bad misnomer, because it's not a power at all: it can do no work and it would be better named 'fake power'. It's just electrons shuttling back and forth, adding to the (inevitable) resistive losses in the circuit but giving out nothing useful. By the way, this is the reason why electrical utilities require the cos(phi) to be above a certain value: because they don't want to have losses which are not paid for (the electrical power meters used for billing only measure active power).

And now let's see the 'QEG generator'.

Question: is it possible to build a circuit which takes as input an alternative current of say 100V 1A and gives out say 100kV and 100kA? Oh yes it's quite possibile (at least in theory, you'll require some pretty high-end technology to reach 100kV and 100kA, but that's not the matter). One uses a resonant (inductor-capacitor, or 'LC') circuit which is suitably 'pumped' from the input. It's just the same as a see-saw: with small pushes you can make a see-saw swing a lot.

Question: having transformed 100V 1A (let's say 100W, cos(phi) = 1) into 100kV and 100kA, can we now use those 100kV 100kA to deliver a stunning ten thousand megawatts (100K * 100K)? Not at all! The cos(phi) in a perfect LC circuit is.. guess what.. zero, and your net power output will be zero too. And where is the 100W input power going, then? It's used to overcome the (inevitable) circuital losses, of course, just as, in the see-saw example, part of the energy of the pushes is used to overcome pivot and air friction.

What if we add a resistor in the circuit, so it will heat and we can extract energy from? This will make the LC resonant circuit less ideal and the cos(phi) will increase, so we are now actually extracting power from the circuit. But where does this power come from? Well.. from our input.. now we have bigger losses to overcome and our input will draw more power to compensate, just as adding a brake on the pivot of the see-saw will require us to push harder.

From an engineer point of view the 'QEG generator' is a pumped resonant circuit. Judging from the diagrams and the pictures.. it's extremely inefficient, both for the construction of the LC circuit itself and for the naif way used to pump it. By 'inefficient' I mean that only a minimal fraction of the input power (my bet: less than 5% and possibly much less) is being stored in the resonant circuit (up to a point), all the rest are losses dissipated to heat. It also looks very dangerous.. I'd steer at least 20 meters clear from any appliance with working voltages in the thousands and the appearance of junkyard trash as shown in the pictures. Electrocution, fire and even explosion hazards look substantial.

Last remark: they also make a mess with the meaurements. As someone already said they feed a peak-to-peak measure (taken with an oscilloscope) into a formula where an RMS measure must be used (and the difference is quite significant). I'd immediately fire any engineer who makes an error like this, but this is not the root cause of the failure of the 'QEG generator'. Ah, and what 'quanta' have to do with all this, is anybody's guess.
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Sorry, I need to make a correction to what I wrote above.

Adding a resistor in a resonating LC circuit will not modify its cos(phi), it always stays at zero (voltage and current are always 90° out of phase, just as the height and the speed of a see-saw: when one is maximum, the other one is zero). Everything else holds: adding a resistor is akin to add a brake on the see-saw and you have to push harder (draw more power from the input) to keep the oscillation at the same level as before (and of course you can recover a fraction of that power from the heat given out by the brake, just as you can from the resistor).

Last note.. using the concept of cos(phi) to talk about resonant LC circuit is quite unusual, cos(phi) is used in practice only for AC mains supplies, where it's more useful.

And just to add some more informations which someone maybe may find interesting (and I'm sorry, this may be considered off-topic):

- With a tester you can measure RMS voltages and RMS currents. This means that with a tester you can only measure 'apparent' power (Vrms * Irms), but you cannot say how much of it is 'true' (active power) and how much 'fake' (reactive power) because testers do not measure cos(phi).
- A purely resistive load (like a heater) is very well behaved and its cos(phi) is one. Modern electronic devices instead can have a very low cos(phi), even below 0.5, unless they are equipped with an (expensive) circuit called PFC (power factor correction).
- If you think that AC currents are complicated.. well we have only seen the formulas for single-phase AC. Three-phase AC is much more complicated and the more phases you add the more messy it gets. I have always thought that, at least in part, the support continuos (DC) currents enjoyed during the 'war' between Edison and Tesla came from the fact that DC is easy to understand, while AC is not. So yes, Tesla was a genius. But no, he did not invent the Death Ray (luckily) nor any Free Energy Machine (unfortunately) xD