the Advanced
Development Projects Division (ADP) of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
(known more widely as the Skunk Works) in reducing the radar cross
section of various aircraft designs during the period 1956 to 1974.
The work was sponsored by the U. S. Government under the
cognizance of Mr. R. M. BisselL
The ADP activities were supervised by the writer. A number of
consulting groups played important parts in the overall program - such as
Lincoln Laboratories, Scientific Engineering Company, L"lc. (SEI), Pratt
& Whitney Aircraft Corporation, Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc.
(EG&G), Westinghouse, General Electric and a number of individuals
from universities and industry.
During the per

d 1956 through 1960, ADP t.:ndertook many studies
of various aircraft des1gns intended to reduce the radar cross section as
well as to improve the cruising speed, altitude, and range of reconnaissance aircraft. Shape factors lead to consideration of all forms of aircraft
including flying saucers, which fundamentally have a low radar reflection
from low viewing angles.
Figures 11 through 18 show a few of the
models tested during this early evaluation at ADP. The net result of our
tests on aircraft shapes leads the writer to conclude that the most desirable
shape for an advanced, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft should have the
following characteristics:
a. A wing of very low thickness......