Jeff Knox (MrJeffKnox on Twitter, who daily posts old UFO cases) has pointed out the similarities between Sheehan's description of the photos and an old Russian "hoax" (I mean... it
could be real?) which was profiled in
this 1998 documentary called The Secret KGB UFO Files [
IMDb] (hosted by Roger Moore) but the footage was presumably doing the rounds before then.
The incident was supposed to be 1969 and is referred to as the Russian Roswell - it includes footage of a crashed UFO as well as an alien autopsy. The UFO footage starts at
5:10. Note Sheehan said there were photos and a "movie" (How did he know from viewing microfilm that there was a movie?) The UFO appears to possibly have alien markings on it but it's hard to tell from the footage. Maybe Sheehan saw clearer photos.
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I'd like to find out when Sheehan first started telling his story. There are some obvious differences (the guys are quite obviously Russian not US and the flying saucer is smaller) but if Sheehan, for example, saw this footage only once and has been going from memory ever since, maybe it's a candidate for what he saw... But in the 90s not the 70s.
Another candidate for what he saw in the 70s (via Jeff Knox) is the 70 canisters of microfilm of 130,000 pages of Air Force files 1947-1969 i.e. Blue Book cases. These were sent to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in 1975, two years before Sheehan's story, increasing the likelihood that's what he saw. John Greenewald published them in 2015 as PDFs according to
this ABC article but I haven't found them on his
BlackVault website (I find that site hard to use).
External Quote:
More than 130,000 pages of declassified documents relating to Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) from the U.S. Air Force have been published online for the first time in history... Greenewald took the painstaking effort to convert every single page into downloadable PDF files for digital consumption across the world.
Perhaps this all belongs in its own Sheehan Claims thread.