The Congressional UAP Hearings Debrief

NorCal Dave

Senior Member.
This is a thread for examining the debrief document that was provided to Congress people prior to The House Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)/UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) on July 26. Find it here:

All external content below is from this PDF unless otherwise noted.

The main thread for the hearings can be found here, though it is over 20 pages as of this writing and I envisioned a place to discuss just the document that I believe was giving to members prior to the hearing.

My first thought was how embarrassing it appeared, even with a quick glance. It seems to be a collection of UFO stories arranged in somewhat chronological order. It looks like the congress persons, or their staffers could skim through this thing and get little paraphrased blurbs about everything from Roswell to GOFAST.

There is nothing in the document about who compiled it or what the criteria was for inclusion of the blurbs in it. There is little critical of the blurbs, they are just presented almost as fact. Almost all of it appears to be from material in the public domain.

Each blurb has a source, so a page looks like this:

Note that the sources here on page 112 include the respectable military hardware related publication Janes as well as Jacques Vallee's book of rumors and here-say, Forbidden Science.

Glancing through the document, I found that the sourcing leans much more towards Vallee's work and beyond as opposed to something like Janes. Lot's of fringe books, websites and even reddit are not so much quoted, but paraphrased uncritically.

The reaction is to delve into the related source for a giving blurb for a critical review as I did in post #516 of the main hearing thread. I may yet do that and hopefully others will as well in this thread, but to start I had a different idea.

In post #572 of the main hearing thread @Amathia introduced "The Idiot Ball", supposedly coined by comedian and actor Hank Azaria, it refers to a character in a TV series doing something dumb or out of character to further the plot:

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A moment when a normally competent character suddenly becomes incompetent — knowingly or otherwise — which fuels an episode, a plot line, or any number of smaller threads.

Coined by Hank Azaria on Herman's Head: Azaria would ask the writing staff, "Who's carrying the idiot ball this week?" This is generally not a compliment. It's almost as if the character holding the ball is being willfully stupid or obtuse (or impulsive) far beyond what has been established as "natural" for them.

I thought for an opening post, I'll carry the "Idiot Ball". I'm going to take the blurbs offered up in this document at face value, much the way they are presented. If it's in the document, it's likely true right?

Using that approach I'll show how almost everything in Grusch's testimony is from previous sources. Nearly everything he talks about has already been talked about and isn't classified, but quite the opposite, is in the public domain.

Not just the generic claims that there is a secret retrieval and engineering program for UFO's and that there are alien bodies, rather the narrative arch presented by Grusch is the same narrative arch present in these older claims. In particular, Skinwalker Ranch alums Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff seem to be often involved in these stories as I'll show.

As I've been told some of my posts look like a "wall of quotes", I'm going just summarize the basic claims Grusch makes. If I'm way off base I'm sure I'll hear about it, but there are numerous interviews and his testimony to listen through.

For this little exercise, I'll show the source as provided in the debrief, but I'm not going to use them. I'm just using what congress is reading. Some of the sources are links, so they will appear, but again I'm concerned with what congress was presented with here.

Grusch's basic claim starts with him uncovering hidden SAPs (Special Access Programs) and other secret programs that he learns about but is not able to get access to.

This is from what's commonly known as the Davis-Wilson memo concerning a supposed meeting between Eric Davie and Admiral Wilson. Wilson is the one that discovered the secret programs:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 16 October 2002 —EarthTech International employee Dr. Eric Davis, author of several AATIP products years later, allegedly meets with VADM Thomas R. Wilson in a car outside of EG&G Special Projects in Las Vegas. Davis transcribes the interaction where he was told the following:

VADM Wilson found records of a UAP reverse engineering program using technology "not of this Earth," it was protected by a special agreement between the DOD Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC)'s Senior Review Group (SRG) and a large defense contractor he would not disclose.
pg. 112

This find is confirmed by a number of people, including Secretary of Defense William Perry. Note we also have at least cost overruns, if not misappropriation of funds. Not that it would matter as even the SecDef, the DoDs top civilian who reports directly to the president was told to "drop it".

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Wilson states Gen. Michael Ward tells him to go to a special projects record group in OUSDAT files not belonging to usual SAP, but rather a group of special legacy holdover programs from before SAP restructuring efforts of the early 1990s. Wilson has this confirmed by OUSDAT officer Paul Kaminski, Director of SAPCO Brig. Gen. Mike Kostelnik and SecDef William J. Perry that the special records group
exists and is UAP related. It is a special subset of waived carve-out SAPs obfuscated in the records by cover SAPs containing false descriptions.

Wilson seemingly narrows down four UAP related SAPs and has these confirmed by Kaminski, Kostelnik and Perry, who tell him he has the correct contractor, only described as an undisclosed aerospace contractor, "one of the top ones in the US with intelligence in its portfolio." Wilson states Perry wanted an investigation into cost overruns at the programs but was told to drop it by an undisclosed party.
Just like Grusch, once Adm Willson learned about these hidden SAPs, he asked to be read in and was not only denied, but the threat of retaliations was raised:

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Wilson next states he meets the SRG twice and asks for formal access to the four SAPs and is denied, and told by a leader in the SRG that if he doesn't drop the matter, he will get early retirement and lose 1-2 stars. Wilson also states he talks to USDAT Jacques Gansler about the matter, who tells him UFOs are "real," but alien abductions are not. Gansler also tells Wilson to drop the matter.
pg. 112-113

So, we have secret SAPs dealing with UAPs. These are discovered by the intrepid Wilson, who is read into them a bit, enough to know what they are and what they do, but after requesting to be read in further he is denied and threatened with retaliation.

This is Grusch's claim almost verbatim, but from 20 years ago.

Grusch claim there are secret UAP programs that are above congressional oversite.

There are various versions of the "black" UAP recovery programs, but they all contain the notion of them operating outside the realm of Congressional oversite and the misappropriation of funds. Here is the "Zodiac" program as described by Hal Puthoff:

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Note: Zodiac is described as a project "able to skirt the military chain of command with impunity, spend money earmarked for other projects, and generally do whatever it damn well pleased, all in the name of UFOs and their importance to National Security."

(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 31 July 1999 —

EarthTech and former CIA scientist Hal Puthoff emails former CIA Life Sciences Division analyst Kit Green and his life partner Kristin B Zimmerman about a story published in a UFO magazine by a pseudonym "Greg Halifax" about a UAP crash retrieval personnel member pseudonym "Sedge Masters."

The story refers to Masters having participated in a UAP crash retrievals group known as "Zodiac ," of which Puthoff states "we have reason to believe the set of stories are only slightly fictionalized versions of a source's experiences writing up records for the archives at WPAFB." Puthoff asks Green if he's ever heard of Zodiac, "which is supposed to be the true name," not MJ-12 or Majestic 12.

The Sedge Masters story itself describes the "blackest of American covert operations" that deals directly with UAP, collated from several different sources, and states a UAP management program exists that falls outside of the normal range of program activities and only members of the intelligence community with specific psychological profiles are selected. It states the program was called Zodiac, and

had different subdivisions corresponding with different zodiacal signs, including Aquarius. It states the CIA had control over Zodiac as of the 1980s and between 1947-1980s, Zodiac recovered eleven UAP craft of different sizes and quality, some of which included live occupants of Nordic, small hairy, and tall "grey aliens" and short "grey aliens" appearance. Locations of recoveries listed include New Mexico, off the coast of Denmark and the Midwest.

Source: Article.pdf
pg. 104

Zodiac is important because it involves Puthoff as well as Lou Elizondo:

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Note: In 2021, former AATIP head Lue Elizondo was asked about Zodiac, to which he replied he had come across the name of the organization, but that he could not comment on it further.

seem to find any information on the secret
pg. 105

And Eric Davis:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 8 May 2000 —

Jacques Vallee states he, Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff discuss an "attorney friend" of a former TRW employee who gathered her testimony that claims she was part of a secret reverse-engineering project called Zodiac.

Eric has compiled his own file but it is not verifiable yet. (Note: That attorney is later suggested to be former Hughes Aircraft counsel Jeffrey W Griffith, and the Zodiac participant is suggested to be Mary Elizabeth Elliot).

pg. 106

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 3 March 2001 —Eric Davis tells Jacques Vallee the story of Zodiac, which allegedly involved real people like Dale Graff who ran RV experiments at WPAFB and Jerry Rosenberg
of IDA. There are a reported ten Velobind volume at WPAFB with Roswell data concerning two crashed "manta ray" shaped craft, recovered bodies, foil material and a special study done by TRW. Eric has a file on Zodiac.
pg. 107

And yes, in the quote about Elizondo in the official Congressional debrief uses reddit as a source.

Again, we have Puthoff claiming there are secret UAP reverse engineering programs:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 2002 —Author Nick Cook states Hal Puthoff (eventual AATIP scientist, see 25 March 2022) tells him the "evidence is pretty solid" that there are black budget aerospace programs that contravene white world understanding of the laws of physics. Puthoff states the most likely candidate for exotic propulsion is the perturbation of space-time by understanding the link between electromagnetism and gravity.
pg. 109

Like Grusch, Puthoff tried to get access to these programs, note also the $9B misappropriation of funds angle again:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 10 September 2003 —Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin states Hal Puthoff tried the "front door" approach to get into the secret UFO black program he believed existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pete Aldridge and Under Secretary Jacques Ganser but did not get a reply. Haisch believed the program was split into four parts and about 200 people were on the bigot lists. An unnamed individual "The General" was believed to still have access and was retired and working for an oil company when he met Puthoff at the suggestion of John Petersen.

That general is later revealed in a 18 September 2003 entry to be Jack Sheehan, now working for Bechtel in oil exploration. Sheehan states he saw and touched a "craft" but would not reveal more. Sheehan states he uncovered the UFO black project by discovering a $9B discrepancy.
pg. 117

Again, it's Puthoff who claims to have knowledge of these secret programs and that he knows more than he is saying. This is a ploy he uses repeatedly to give the illusion he has security clearance he may not in fact have:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 2 October 2003 —Hal Puthoff admits to Jacques Vallee in a car that he wouldn't tell Vallee everything about the secret black UFO program to protect one critical "deep throat" and in case Vallee is ever polygraphed. Puthoff states that the ATP Group in the 1980s, sponsored by BDM Corp. and led by Col John Alexander, was killed because "there was already another project." Puthoff states it was "deeply black" and "somebody" didn't want it exposed or duplicated.
pg. 117-118

And that it was hard to get into:

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Puthoff also shows Vallee the VADM Thomas Wilson notes on this date and states they were written by Eric Davis. Puthoff says to "join" the project you have to have something major to contribute. "What are our chances? We don't even know who the major contractor is," he says. Vallee believes Wilson may be polygraphed at his next job as President of ATK Missiles because he may have leaked privileged information to Davis. Vallee also states he is told that the program was inside government but under Nixon it was transferred to a private contractor to secure it.
pg. 118

Davis and Puthoff aren't the only ones with these stories of black projects:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 7 August 2004 —Former NIDS contractor Jim Westwood tells Jacques Vallee that Charles Bowsher, former Comptroller General under President Reagan, states he found a "crashed UFO program" during a large audit of classified programs. Bowsher uncovered it in 1984-85, which he called a "bizarre special access program coverup which surely violated every classification, executive order, regulation, and Congressional rule." Bowsher considered turning it over to the Department of Justice for prosecution, but an unnamed powerful individual in the DOD squashed it. Bowsher said the program had to do with an "exotic, non-Earthly vehicle."
pg. 118

Note though, that Westwood worked for NIDS, that's Bigelow's privately funded Skinwalker Ranch project that pre-dates AASWAP, so Westwood was probably working with Davis and Puthoff.

Grusch claims some of the recovered craft had "pilots".

Kit Green, via Vallee has one of the alien body stories, but once again it's Davis and Puthoff that have more information on this:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 5 March 2002 —Kit Green writes to Jacques Vallee and tells him he spoke with an Air Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, MD. Flickinger told Green in 1994 that years earlier he saw "alien autopsy" materials…

Vallee writes this is credible evidence of a secret program with access to biological materials. Days later, Eric Davis says a Lt. Col. Dr. Robert Parvin Williams is alleged to have participated in an "alien dissection"; Puthoff also gives the names Dr.Robert Crowley and Col. John Grime.
pg. 110

Green, Davis and Puthoff often emailed each other about recovered UAPs and their occupants:

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Note: CIA Office of Scientific and Weapons Intelligence and Life Sciences Division employee Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green worked for General Motors 1985-1999. Green often emailed Dr. Hal Puthoff and Col. John Alexander from a General Motors Co. corporate email address about UAP information, recovered biological materials and recovered UAP craft. Puthoff and Alexander held their own General Motors corporate email addresses despite no public admission of a UAP special project at the company. Did GM perform UAP work officially or unofficially in the 1990s?

pg. 124

As for UAPs possibly being interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial as Grusch has suggested, that has been around for a while, but here is a good version of it from Nick Redfern that includes JPL founder Jack Parsons, Allister Crowly and L.Ron Hubbard, because why not:

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Duke claims the group established the belief that UAP are interdimensional and demonic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, and Parsons' allegiance to the United States. Parsons was a principal founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation, and led the California branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in the 1940s YPS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nick+redfern+final+events&qid=1663897483&sr=8-1
pg. 136

We could go on, but I'll just finish up with this one because even though Grusch makes NO mention of the Rothschilds or the Hapsburgs, someone in congress may conclude that they are involved to:

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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - August 2004 —Alleged US Army/DIA official John Maynard states Atlantic Research Corporation is deeply involved in the UAP matter. TRW, Johnson Controls and Honeywell are mentioned as well that allegedly receive money to work on highly compartmentalized waived unacknowledged Special Access Programs where only four people knew what was happening. Maynard claims some UAP information is controlled by three families: the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Hapsburgs. CSETI (see 13 February 2009) was partially funded by Laurance Rockefeller. Interview.PDF

%20Truth%20Forbidden%20Knowledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf (p92)
pg. 119

So, nearly ALL the elements of Grusch's claims, including:

The finding of secret projects,

The misappropriation of funds,

The being read into parts of the programs but denied full clearance,

The possible retaliation for trying to get clearance,

The reverse engineering of UAPs,

The recovered alien bodies,

have been floating around UFOlogical circles for decades, often in nearly the same narrative version. The only thing missing, and that just may be that I missed it in 177 pages, is the threat of bodily harm and murder which Grusch hints at. But that's been a standard part of popular UFOlogy culture for years.

Importantly, many of the stories originate and are repeated by Puthoff and Davis, both of whom it appears Grusch has had contact with. That they may be some of his sources has been discussed before, but here is many of his claims in the debrief often being provided by these two.
A couple thoughts:

I think you mean "pre-brief" rather than debrief.

Note in the last paragraph below, the alleged meeting between Dr. Davis and VADM Wilson is mentioned. I wonder if VADM Wilson will be subpoenaed to testify in any subsequent hearings?

What on earth does any of this mean?

As for UAPs possibly being interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial as Grusch has suggested, that has been around for a while, but here is a good version of it from Nick Redfern that includes JPL founder Jack Parsons, Allister Crowly and L.Ron Hubbard, because why not:

Duke claims the group established the belief that UAP are interdimensional and demonic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, and Parsons' allegiance to the United States. Parsons was a principal founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation, and led the California branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in the 1940s YPS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nick+redfern+final+events&qid=1663897483&sr=8-1

I'm confused as to a) is this alleging the group itself believes this is the nature of said beings?, and b) The belief was established when Jack Parsons started being investigated for his links to Allister Crowley and his allegiance to the United States?

What on earth does that mean? Either way. Hell of an amazing job reading through that document and making these connections. That's some serious time commitment.
This is what UFOlogists already believe.
Grusch is an authority figure who believes the same things, with claims of extensive second-hand evidence (that we need to take on trust he has).

I hope that Congress takes Grusch up on that offer of evidence and finds out it leads nowhere. Maybe then some believers will realize that they're going to be strung along forever.
I hope that Congress takes Grusch up on that offer of evidence and finds out it leads nowhere.
Congress is full of politicians, few of them impartial and even fewer capable of analyzing the evidence - or lack of it - knowledgeably. Loathe as I am to suggest technical panels, especially with what we are learning about some of the characters active within them, they may still be a better choice. We will still be faced with people (congress members included) who will believe exactly what they've already decided, and ones who will not believe anything that the government tells them, I fear.
Note that the sources here on page 112 include the respectable military hardware related publication Janes as well as Jacques Vallee's book of rumors and here-say, Forbidden Science.

Glancing through the document, I found that the sourcing leans much more towards Vallee's work and beyond as opposed to something like Janes. Lot's of fringe books, websites and even reddit are not so much quoted, but paraphrased uncritically.
The 9/11 group submitted something that was just like that for a Grand Jury thing they got going (or wanted to get going..long time ago, memory is cloudy).

Your op inserted some doc from the links which isnt what Congress would see, maybe if you put a space in those links the auto insert would go away?

It's a shame (@Mick West ) that the 'change text color' function isnt working, so that maybe you could highlight Grusches claims somehow. Maybe put them in bold and make text bigger?
Green, Davis and Puthoff often emailed each other about recovered UAPs and their occupants:

Good grief; Eric Davis appears to think that the Santilli alien autopsy video might have been real.

And years later AATIP was still commissioning Davis (and Puthoff) to write papers on "esoteric" aspects of science.
Also please (pretty please!) no offense, but we're scientific here and I'm not from the US... how can I check whether the document is genuine?

Good question and I might be a bit guilty here for not properly venting this. Here is the original post about it by @Amathia :


I guess I just ran with it. I don't get the impression he's trolling. In any event, whatever this document is, it shows that most of Grusch's claims have been around for a while, including the narrative arch of discovery, denial and retaliation.

Your op inserted some doc from the links which isnt what Congress would see, maybe if you put a space in those links the auto insert would go away?

Yes I saw that on preview, which is why I noted it in the OP and said, at least for right now, I'm ignoring them. I wanted to include the sources but use just what was presented. I did crop some of the YouTube links, just so I wouldn't have a big YouTube screen inserted. And yes, I will see if I can go back and bold Grusch's claims.
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Good question and I might be a bit guilty here for not properly venting this. Here is the original post about it by @Amathia who I think was going by the screen name AR318307 at the time:

View attachment 60913

I guess I just ran with it. I don't get the impression he's trolling. In any event, whatever this document is, it shows that most of Grusch's claims have been around for a while, including the narrative arch of discovery, denial and retaliation.

Yes I saw that on preview, which is why I noted it in the OP and said, at least for right now, I'm ignoring them. I wanted to include the sources but use just what was presented. I did crop some of the YouTube links, just so I wouldn't have a big YouTube screen inserted. And yes, I will see if I can go back and bold Grusch's claims.

Hey there. It was uploaded by Michael Shellenberger here:

Ps, if I ever post something that turns out to be mistaken, just assume I made a mistake. I hope it's obvious by now I'm not here to troll anyone. :p
@NorCal Dave
Also please (pretty please!) no offense, but we're scientific here and I'm not from the US... how can I check whether the document is genuine?

apparently News Nation is saying they received this?
Submission Statement: this is the debrief that News Nation was saying was leaked to them yesterday. Michael Shellenberger is the one who uploaded it. Haven't gone too far in, but it's definitely an interesting timeline of events with descriptions for each of them.

Edit: From Schellenberger's publication:

This is a timeline of publicly-available information about UAPs created for the General Accountability Office of the U.S. Congress by an anonymous individual who gave it to Public. We share this document in service of disclosure and have not attempted to verify any of the information in it.

not sure what Public is.
and Micheal Shellenberger works for News Nation? or he's the one who leaked it to News Nation?
@NorCal Dave

apparently News Nation is saying they received this?
Submission Statement: this is the debrief that News Nation was saying was leaked to them yesterday. Michael Shellenberger is the one who uploaded it. Haven't gone too far in, but it's definitely an interesting timeline of events with descriptions for each of them.

Edit: From Schellenberger's publication:

This is a timeline of publicly-available information about UAPs created for the General Accountability Office of the U.S. Congress by an anonymous individual who gave it to Public. We share this document in service of disclosure and have not attempted to verify any of the information in it.

not sure what Public is.
and Micheal Shellenberger works for News Nation? or he's the one who leaked it to News Nation?
It seems this may be the origin of the document?

Scroll down and you'll see:

"Please subscribe now to support Public's groundbreaking investigative reporting and to gain access to 177-page timeline covering 75 years of UAP history."

It seems like Shellenberger is indeed associated with this page/publication in some form but now I'm more confused than anything.
i dont recall seeing that at all, although i was skimming the prelude to try to find the first claim. sorry.

For this little exercise, I'll show the source as provided in the debrief, but I'm not going to use them. I'm just using what congress is reading. Some of the sources are links, so they will appear, but again I'm concerned with what congress was presented with here.
It seems like Shellenberger is indeed associated with this page/publication in some form but now I'm more confused than anything.
so my reddit link ..if that is shellenberger.. says given to the General Accountability Office of the U.S. that office associated with the hearing?

I'm just not sure its fair to be associating Grusch with this yet (although the main jist of the OP showing Grusch is repeating public info is ok to me)
It seems like Shellenberger is indeed associated with this page/publication in some form but now I'm more confused than anything.

Now we're all confused:confused:. It's dinner time here and I have to go help set some beams tomorrow morning, so it may be late tomorrow before I can get to the mods and fix this mess. BUT, regardless of who put this document together, it does show that much of what Grusach was claiming is from a number of existing claims that have been floating around for a while.

He says
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a 75 year look back, i went through this whole thing last night. It's really crazy. 75 year look back at all the news articles, everything that has ever come out about UFOs in this country and whether or not the information is credible or not so credible. So this is what Congress has been reading over getting ready for this briefing.
doesnt really look the same (although he might have messed up the page order a bit..OR there was 60 pages of prelude soliloquy before the timeline/links started to be provided. ? )
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Wonderful work as usual @NorCal Dave.

Grusch's basic claim starts with him uncovering hidden SAPs (Special Access Programs) and other secret programs that he learns about but is not able to get access to.

This is from what's commonly known as the Davis-Wilson memo concerning a supposed meeting between Eric Davis and Admiral Wilson. Wilson is the one that discovered the secret programs:

Here's the Wilson-Davis Memo which is now officially filed by the Congress. The memo is basically an attempt to portray Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson (ex-Director of the DIA till July 2002) as the salient DoD source of information on UFO black programs. It's in the format of an interview transcript of a conversation between Dr. Eric Davis and VADM Wilson, recorded in writing by Davis.

In addition to fellow ufologist researcher Oke Shannon (former LANL employee) who allegedly convinced VADM Wilson to talk to Eric Davis, another key protagonist and verifiable source for Davis here is US Navy Commander (ret.) Will Miller. According to the memo, Miller inquired VADM Wilson concerning UFO black programs when they met and discussed privately for two hours on 9 April 1997. Miller allegedly "intrigued" Wilson with his prior knowledge on these programs, which Wilson confirmed. The discussion with Miller prompted Wilson to pursue the matter further and find out about a "MJ-12/UFO cabal" Miller had mentioned. Wilson then supposedly "called" Miller three months later to confirm that such an "organization" indeed existed. (Incredibly audacious to use a telephone to pass such top secret information!)

There's a distinct possibility the memo's alleged meeting on 16 October 2002 between VADM Wilson (who appears uncannily forthcoming with information in the course of a movie-style clandestine interview in a parked car) and Dr. Eric Davis never happened, or at least the details and substance of the meeting are dramatically mischaracterized by Davis. The same possibility applies to the 9 April 1997 one-on-one meeting between Wilson and Miller alleged by the memo to have occurred during a UFO disclosure-lobbying event at the Pentagon pushed by ufologist Dr. Steven Greer.

Especially the letter from Miller to Davis (dated 25 April 2002 -- the date is sloppily mentioned in Davis's interview notes, whilst the date is redacted in the copy of the actual letter), attached to the memo, roused my suspicions of a Mark Hoffmanesque fake document manufactured by Davis, possibly but not necessarily assisted by Miller. Cmdr Miller, according to his own words, has had an interest in UFOs from young age, reported a personal UFO sighting in Vietnam, and worked for ufologist Steven Greer's CSETI upon retirement from active duty in 1994. According to his LinkedIn page, he retired from the USN in 1998. Among other things, he claims to have touched a black piece of otherworldly metal which Russians held in their possession.

By the time of allegedly writing the letter to Davis in 2002, Miller had already been retired for at least 4 years, and thereby a NFE (non-federal entity). And yet his letter is using a Navy commissioned officer's crest as a letterhead to give the letter an air of 'officiality'.

US Navy Officer Crest.JPG

As per DoD branding, licencing and trademark rules for NFEs which a former USN commander should at least be marginally aware of (bold added):

Military Service marks must not be used in ways that may imply endorsement, sponsorship or other official affiliation with NFEs.


Many people are unaware that these official DOD and Military Service marks are protected by law from unauthorized use. The Lanham Act, also referred to as the Trademark Act, dates back to 1946. Other trademark licensing laws and regulations, such as 10 U.S.C. 2260 and 32 CFR 507.10, exist that give the DOD, each Military Service, and other DOD Components authorization to protect, retain intellectual property licensing fees, and license their names, insignia, seals, symbols, phrases, and similar identifiers.

Consequently, when the DOD seal or Military Service insignia are used without permission, the Department(s) may take appropriate action upon notification.

Unauthorized use of DoD insignia may create the appearance of official DoD endorsement of and/or affiliation with your organization, when that is not the case.

There's even a visual guide:

Can I use DoD symbols.JPG

Since retired Navy officer Miller should know better than to use an official crest as a letterhead to create a semblance of an official USG document/communication, (1) he's either been authorized to do so (highly unlikely), (2) he doesn't know any better and was just being patriotic (unlikely), or (3) the whole letter from him to Davis is either purely Davis's own handiwork, or manufactured in collaboration with Miller, whilst intentionally made to look official and weighty.

The whole memo has a Hollywood-inspired feel rather than something that's really happened. Like the counterfeiter/convicted murderer Mark Hoffman, Davis may be fully aware that the more you add specifics (dates, official looking redactions, a sense of casual camaraderie with 'interview' subjects, side comments, locations, etc.), the more believable a story sounds. For a former DoD official, Miller is remarkably forthcoming, in writing, about being willing to 'name names' although the letter could be used as evidence against him. Also the whole 'Hello, I knew who you were the minute I saw your resume' alleged opening line by Wilson to Davis smacks like Davis is promoting himself rather than something a VADM/DIA Director would say.

And yet all we have is Davis and Miller claiming a bunch of things without any objective and hard evidence to support these claims. Adm. Wilson has openly denied ever looking into UFO data which of course is considered by the UFO community a cover-up under threat or duress. Wilson said in a 2008 interview that he spoke with the Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell (not Will Miller) in 1997 at an event at the Pentagon Conference room. The "driving force" of the event was Dr. Steven Greer. Edgar Mitchell (latter-day ufologist), Steven Greer (ufologist) and Will Miller (ufologist) each gave a talk there. Wilson said he accepted Mitchell's request to look into some programs only because he held the former astronaut in high regard. Bold added.

"What is true is that I met with them," (Mitchell, Greer, Miller) Wilson said in a phone interview. "What is not true is that I was denied access to this material, because I didn't pursue it. I may have left it open with them, but it was not especially compelling, not compelling enough to waste my staff's time to go looking for it."
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doesnt really look the same (although he might have messed up the page order a bit..OR there was 60 pages of prelude soliloquy before the timeline/links started to be provided. ? )

It sounds like the document I was using, just longer. This picture you have looks like the same formatting used:


The words (PUBLIC DOMAIN) appear in green, all caps and inside of parentheses. Then the date, the blurb, then the source is offset with a bullet point and appears as a hyperlink. Here's page 119 from what I was using:


Sure looks the same. Depending on how it was layed out when printed, maybe that accounts for the different pages, or there is more to it. The longest part of posting the OP was fixing the wonky way the PDF would copy and paste, some of it is still a bit weird. If I copy and paste a blurb from the page above this is what it looks like before I removed the extra line breaks and formatted it:
External Quote:

(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 26 March 2004 —
Jacques Vallee states Eric Davis received an envelope from a
source inside DIA that contained notes about "fake" MJ-12 papers to mislead ufology and notes about a
secret DIA project. The notes said DIA took over a collection project in 1961 and by the early 1980s,
RADM E.A. Burkhalter Jr. and his deputy Col. Roy K. Jonkers were in charge of the UAP project. Eric
Davis possessed an org chart dated 1981. Dr. Jack Vorona is listed as an assistant vice director for
scientific and technical intelligence.
So, just copying could increase the amount of pages.

Here's the Wilson-Davis Memo which is now officially filed by the Congress.

Thanks Wabbit! I've looked into the Davis-Wilson memo a bit, but now I don't have to ;) . We could spend years going through each blurb in this document and trying to figure out if any of it is useful or has any substance. And that's if we decided it was worth the effort. I guess that's why I started with linking what was in it to what Grusch has claimed and the detailed similarities.

I'm confused as to a) is this alleging the group itself believes this is the nature of said beings?, and b) The belief was established when Jack Parsons started being investigated for his links to Allister Crowley and his allegiance to the United States?

What on earth does that mean?

I have no idea!:D

Actually, I was trying to find a fun way of showing what was in the document and related it to Grusch's claims. When I saw the blurb about "interdimensional" UAPs, that fit Grusch's claim, but being it was from Nick Redfern and included Parsons, Crowley and Hubbard, I had to go with it.

The blurb is both alarming and amusing, if it really is part of a congressional briefing.

A bit off topic, but Jack Parsons could almost use his own thread. A literal rocket scientist who did in fact go out to the desert to perform Sex Magic of the self-stimulating variety with Hubbard in an attempt to conjure a spirit or entity or whatever in accordance with Crowly's teachings. He had a swinger's pad in SoCal, help found the JPL and eventually blew himself up making some special effects charges. Or did he? Maybe he knew too much?
Thanks Wabbit! I've looked into the Davis-Wilson memo a bit, but now I don't have to ;) . We could spend years going through each blurb in this document and trying to figure out if any of it is useful or has any substance. And that's if we decided it was worth the effort. I guess that's why I started with linking what was in it to what Grusch has claimed and the detailed similarities.

As I was digging into the Wilson-Davis Memo, a ufologist disinformation playbook began to unravel which may have also played out in case Grusch:

Crudely put:

a. Find and recruit a true believer who works with the government.

b. Let them share and list their rumours about the government's secret UFO programs and alien contact.

c. Use their actual encounter at point in time x with a high-ranking government official of high clearance or an employee with alleged special access to create a false narrative of said privileged access individuals secretly confirming their rumours.

d. Tell the public through media that said named special access individuals are their sources that confirm UFO programs, or that the whistleblower knows the names of said persons. In the latter case plausible deniability is maintained.
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So, just copying could increase the amount of pages.
i printed 10 pages and got 10 pages. but as i said im 99% confident what was given to congress would have 10-50 pages of emotional appeal "soliloquy" before the data dump we see in the pdf. they wouldnt just hand congress a data dump. they have to tell congress members, with no knowledge of UFOs, all about ufos and why this hearing is imperative..

I dont know how Jeremy Corbell writes but imagine something like:

"In 1947 the United States government...recovered non-earth materials...witnesses/alien balloons...swamp gas...scientists have since given evidence...Russia...recovered air craft...coverup... a few more ufo cases they like explained briefly.. the Nimitz encounter...radar physics.. pilot testimony... classified documentation...coverup.. nefarious reasons for the coverups...all about how SAP programs work...a primer on interdimensions..why transparency to the American people (or Congress, depending on which way he decided to play this) is imperative ... Congresses duty to the AMerican public... etc etc"
the last 177 pages would be their sources that alledgedly prove the first 60 pages.
A bit off topic, but Jack Parsons could almost use his own thread. A literal rocket scientist who did in fact go out to the desert to perform Sex Magic of the self-stimulating variety with Hubbard in an attempt to conjure a spirit or entity or whatever in accordance with Crowly's teachings. He had a swinger's pad in SoCal, help found the JPL and eventually blew himself up making some special effects charges.

That sounds like ad hominem.
That sounds like ad hominem.
It's not, though. There's a strong thread of woo that runs through a good many of the supporters of alien UFO and beliefs in strange anomalous phenomena. If some people strongly insist (without evidence) upon the reality of alien encounters, the fact that their associates are known to espouse occult and esoteric beliefs is surely pertinent, and Parsons (like Crowley) embraced those beliefs.
Have we had a satisfactory explanation of why Grusch cannot disclose ''classified'' information on the SAPs if the SAP programs he is referencing are ''illegal'' by definition as they operating without oversight or congressional knowledge? Surely if they are illegally run then disclosing them does not require any kind of clearance?
Have we had a satisfactory explanation of why Grusch cannot disclose ''classified'' information on the SAPs if the SAP programs he is referencing are ''illegal'' by definition as they operating without oversight or congressional knowledge? Surely if they are illegally run then disclosing them does not require any kind of clearance?
Snowden revealed illegal operations. Didnt turn out well for him.
Have we had a satisfactory explanation of why Grusch cannot disclose ''classified'' information on the SAPs if the SAP programs he is referencing are ''illegal'' by definition as they operating without oversight or congressional knowledge? Surely if they are illegally run then disclosing them does not require any kind of clearance?
There is no proof such programs exist. If they do exist, they are not illegal until a court of law says they are illegal. If found to be illegal, that doesn't mean information gathered/generated isn't classified if its release posses a threat to the security of the US.
If found to be illegal, that doesn't mean information gathered/generated isn't classified if its release posses a threat to the security of the US.
Does it though? I'm not too sure what information on an extra-terrestrial crash retrieval program is a threat to the security of the US, unless said Aliens are ''malevolent'' which Grusch may have claimed. He may get in trouble initially for revealing classified information but I doubt any prosecution would follow if the existence of any such program was indeed illegal which is also claimed.

This isn't like the FVEY program which Snowden exposed, those programmes were all created without breaking domestic or foreign law.