I've been looking at the container on the table of testchamber1's reddit image.
At a glance, I assumed it was a refreshment drink for the speaker, but maybe this is wrong.
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I've tried image-matching the whole image (no useful results), and for the (apparently cylindrical) container by itself.
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The container appears to be labelled "showtime" (I also considered "glowtime").
I guess there's a small chance that it's a made-up brand name, maybe "ghowtime"- rather inelegant if so.
It's hard to estimate size.
Did some googling; unsurprisingly there are several cosmetics/ toiletries companies, ranges and brand names called "Showtime",
including animal grooming products, plus a fragrance endorsed by Aussie songstress Kylie Minogue.
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Nothing I found matches the container on the table.
However, I suspect that the foreground of the reddit image might be from a launch or promotional event by a minor cosmetics company or similar.
Although I can't find any obvious clues, I think the picture might be a portmanteau image.
If addressing, or lecturing about, a military unit, an image of the appropriate unit badge (as opposed to an enormous image of the fabric badge as worn, still in its wrapping) would seem more appropriate. Unless you're saying,
"At ease, men. This is the actual patch you'll soon be wearing, so outsiders can identify which deniable black project you work for outside of Congressional oversight. There'll be a different badge for the team sent to silence the badge producers, but we haven't worked out how we'll make those yet.
...And while you're here, would you like to try some of our new bronzer?"
Deirdre's right, there are lots of set-ups with machine-guided sewing (or, cheaper, printing directly onto fabric) used by small sports/ social clubs, cosplayers, fans who want fictitious unit badges from their favourite TV series or film, etc. etc.