I don't know what you think you can do for me. You are the ones that are calling this a conspiracy. I don't have the time or desire to teach you everything. The Columbine family request website is not mine. It was created by David Adams and lately is being disassembled by another new webmaster who works for Mark and Donna. I think your pompous arrogant attitude is enough to show me that you wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you up side of the head. I don't think you would be as rude to me face to face. You and cowards like you only do this on the internet. You are either a Gov. operative or just an old fashioned bully. I know one thing for sure, You are a waste of my time. Do your own damn research.SR1419, great minds move in similar circles. This afternoon, I also googled the same as you, and found the same information. I don't particularly give that person any more credibility than Ron Aigner, but I asked Ron some very specific questions which he should have been able to easily answer.
He didn't answer my questions. That tells me that there is something he does not want to explain for some reason, even though the answers should be very simple.
I am always suspicious when I ask a specific set of direct questions (who, what, where, when, and why) which are basic starting points when describing an event, and the person who is expecting me to accept his story dodges the most basic questions.
I see Ron has used the old ploy, "Everybody else believes" on you.
That is sometimes called the "Bandwagon", he expects that if he plays a fine enough tune, everybody will begin to jump on his wagon, when he sees you asking why you should jump on, he doesn't answer your question, he just says, "Everybody else is jumping on, don't be stupid, there are hundreds of others who have already gotten on."
That is so simple minded, Ron. It won't work on critical thinkers.
Also, Cairenn, Ron's site and especially that buttrape .txt file at scribd made my computer start loading Google windows so fast I could not delete them. After a dozen windows opened up, I had to hard kill my computer and restart. Buyer beware. I've seen enough from Ron Aigner and Donna Taylor to simply give up. If these folks have the truth, they don't know how to use it for sure and because of that there isn't much they can let me do for them.