Mark Taylor conspiricy?

Some of the written comments from that lady are archived here:

The above site is run by a vile racist I've heard of before, but there is audio which sounds to me like she is off.
He seems to be leading her on.....

What, to your mind, was racist about the link?

I have not researched anything about Columbine before reading the OP... this is all new to me. It simply seemed to me that Mick was being somewhat blinkered in his apparent dismissal of the OP and I started looking into it a bit and questioning the OS. From this cursory examination of the events, there appears to be a possible cover up and a lot of things which need to be examined. If I am wrong, I am guilty of nothing but exploring some anomalies which are disturbing to me and which I would expect to be disturbing to most people.

I find it disturbing that people can be whisked off the street, sectioned and forcibly drugged without any charge, Court hearing, conviction or documented evidence. It is even more disturbing when the terrible results, shown in the video, are so obvious. What a transformation. How can this be in anyone's interests.

Do I trust the American politicians, media, intelligence agencies, military and law enforcement.... I trust them as much as I trust JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and the Fed... as far as I can throw them.
Good question! Oxymoron, how does the book handle that question?

I have not read the book but it is called "I asked, God answered"

The allegation, which is never addressed by an investigation by the authorities, is that in the January prior to the shootings Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were arrested for breaking into a van and raped whilst in police custody.

Sullivan was the guy in charge and given his subsequent conviction it appears quite likely that the allegation is true or at least should be thoroughly investigated.

Following ongoing forced medication using highly questionable drugs which warn of increased aggression and suicidal tendencies, it is put forward that Klebold and Harris planned the shooting as a means of drawing in the cops so they could shoot them. Apparently they did not think of walking into the police station or attacking the police out on the streets but then perhaps there were other factors as well, such as below.

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Josh Chavez who was in the same gym class reported that Klebold was called "Stretch" by some of the athletic students because he was uncoordinated and bad at sports, and that Eric was pushed into lockers and ridiculed because they thought he had a "big head with skinny body".

In Harris's 1998 yearbook, Klebold wrote "my wrath for January's incident will be GOD-LIKE. Not to mention our revenge in the commons."
Brooks Brown believes that the "January incident" was one of two events at Columbine that month rather than the van break-in. The first was an unfounded accusation that Harris and Klebold had brought marijuana to school, prompting a search of their property that enraged them. The second was even more humiliating, exactly the kind of thing that would focus their hatred on the "commons," the school cafeteria.

"People surrounded them in the commons and squirted ketchup packets all over them, laughing at them, calling them faggots," Brown says. "That happened while teachers watched. They couldn't fight back. They wore the ketchup all day and went home covered with it."[29]
Back to Mark Taylor... he successfully sued Solvay but was only awarded an amazingly small compensation of $10,000 which he donated to cancer research, saying that Solvay representatives had threatened him following the suit and warned him not to spend the money

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The suit claims that Eric Harris had been taking Luvox at the time of the shooting and that the drug triggered his violent outburst. Taylor's lawyer, Nebraska attorney, John DeCamp, is quoted saying: "two days after I took the case, Solvay pulled Luvox from the market. I don't know if my coming on the case had any bearing on them pulling the drug, but it is interesting." Solvay removed Luvox temporarily from the U.S. market to revise data about how Luvox is manufactured. th/LUVOX/default.asp

A consultant in Taylor's lawsuit, Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, heads the International Coalition for Drug Awareness, she says: "Suing Solvay for the injuries Mark Taylor suffered is one of the biggest SSRI suits we'll ever see," Tracy says. "It's a pivotal case because what happened at Columbine was so big. It's really crazy when you think about it. All you have to do is read the Luvox package insert to see that Eric's actions were due to an adverse reaction to this drug. Show me a drug anywhere that has listed mania and psychosis as frequent adverse reactions. That is what the insert says for Luvox. There is no doubt in my mind that Luvox caused Eric Harris to commit these acts."
The medical record of Dylan Klebold--and most "school shooters"-- have been sealed, allegedly to protect the minor child. But information relating to drugs and adverse reactions to them--especially a propensity to trigger violence--should be accessible to the public, as it is a public hazard. This is not an issue of privacy but rather an issue of cover-up. FDA should use its leverage to demand full disclosure of hazardous drug side-effects.

What, to your mind, was racist about the link?

maybe this bit:
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The incompetence, corruption, and wars occur regardless of who the president is. Until we deal with this Zionist network, nothing is going to improve.

Did Zionists play a role in Columbine?
The Zionists sacrificed a lot of Jews during World War 2 in order to help Israel get established. Was there any Zionist involvement in the Columbine attack? Or was the Columbine attack committed entirely by goyim?
This page believes lots of Jews were involved, both as Useful Idiots and to commit and cover up the crime:
Basically "the jews did it"

I have not researched anything about Columbine before reading the OP... this is all new to me. It simply seemed to me that Mick was being somewhat blinkered in his apparent dismissal of the OP and I started looking into it a bit and questioning the OS. From this cursory examination of the events, there appears to be a possible cover up and a lot of things which need to be examined. If I am wrong, I am guilty of nothing but exploring some anomalies which are disturbing to me and which I would expect to be disturbing to most people.

It seemed like a mess of unsubstantiated claims, often contradictory:

- Columbine was cause by people taking too many drugs
- There were lots more shooters
- Columbine was caused by the actions of a child sex ring
- Half the school did not attend that day, so thousands of people knew it was going to happen
- Bill Deagle was somehow involved
- and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I find it disturbing that people can be whisked off the street, sectioned and forcibly drugged without any charge, Court hearing, conviction or documented evidence. It is even more disturbing when the terrible results, shown in the video, are so obvious. What a transformation. How can this be in anyone's interests.

They can't. There would have to be a court hearing. But why would YOU have access to such sensitive private information?
I find it disturbing that people can be whisked off the street, sectioned and forcibly drugged without any charge, Court hearing, conviction or documented evidence. It is even more disturbing when the terrible results, shown in the video, are so obvious. What a transformation. How can this be in anyone's interests.

Where is the evidence that he didn't receive due process? Lawyers and media love that shit, they would be all over it.

Given the Taylor's past actions regarding psychiatric doctors and drugs, it's most likely that Mark's appearance in the later videos is a result of his psychological decline and lack of treatment, rather than as a result of treatment while committed.
Back to Mark Taylor... he successfully sued Solvay but was only awarded an amazingly small compensation of $10,000 which he donated to cancer research, saying that Solvay representatives had threatened him following the suit and warned him not to spend the money

Were did he get the Lexus RX-300 (>$30,000 USD)his mother speaks of him owning?
She says in the video that he was "going downhill" 2 years ago and he was still driving 2 years ago. She is telling us that he had mental problems before he was year later, after he had, according to his mother, been "going into some kind of craziness" he was committed to the mental ward.

Mark Taylor states in the video (~5:00)that he didn't write the book..............right after that, the video has ben edited, smething was cut out, and the interview starts again with another question about the book, but then the interview was edited again,and another question is asked. Why?

Watch that video very carefully, and, despite the editing, it becomes clear by his own mother's statements that Mark Taylor had mental probems before he was committed.
Were did he get the Lexus RX-300 (>$30,000 USD)his mother speaks of him owning?

That's the exact same car I have! Coincidence? I think so!

A 2002 RX-300 is only worth around $7000 now, so not quite the luxury expense it sounds like, possibly he got it new after his recover with some survivors fund?
maybe this bit:
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The incompetence, corruption, and wars occur regardless of who the president is. Until we deal with this Zionist network, nothing is going to improve.

Basically "the jews did it"
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Some people suggest there is a Jewish connection... which seems a bit of a red herring to me, (but I could easily be wrong), but I was interested, as an aside, at the concept that Anti-Zionism equates to Anti-Semetism or Anti- Jew... i.e. racialism.

Many people, including me would dispute that, although I recognise that Zionist supporters have attempted and are still apparently intent on conflating the two.

It is interesting that Semite refers to the ancient and modern forms of Ahlamu, Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian), Amharic, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic/Syriac, Canaanite/Phoenician/Carthaginian, Chaldean, Eblaite, Edomite, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Moabite, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others.

The fact that the Arab world is Anti-Zionist seems quite logical but does not necessarily equate to 'racism', but rather to the fact that they have been dispossessed of their lands and are currently being increasingly dispossessed even more. If people who inhabit Europe, America or anywhere else were suddenly dispossessed of their lands and found themselves herded into an open prison camp, I doubt they would be very pro Zionism either.
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Zionism may be defined as, "An international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel."[1] Zionism is also "a political movement among Jews which holds that the Jews are a nation, and as such need to establish a national homeland", and as a religious movement within Orthodox Judaism which encourages Jews to establish a sovereign commonwealth in the Land of Israel that is governed by Halakha (Jewish law), and as "a movement to support the development and defense of the State of Israel, and to encourage Jews to settle there." Therefore, a possible definition for anti-Zionism is opposition to these objectives; and people, organizations or governments that oppose these objectives can in some sense be described as anti-Zionist.[original research?]​ "Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism," an essay published by the American Jewish Committee, concludes that, with the maturing of Israel since its founding in 1948, the term anti-Zionism in scholarly work is often used to mean advocating the elimination of the State of Israel.[2] Opposition to Israel as a Jewish state is anti-Zionism or what can be called Post-Zionism.[3]
It seemed like a mess of unsubstantiated claims, often contradictory:

- Columbine was cause by people taking too many drugs

No the assertion is quite clear that Columbine may well be a consequence of rape by the police on two minors and possibly a lot more and the mindset of already disturbed juveniles being severely affected over tipping point by the forced use of highly dangerous drugs. Let us not gorget that there has been widespread concern over the use of these type of drugs for decades and also let us not forget that Mark Taylor won his case against Solvay and they had to remove the drug from sale at huge cost.

- There were lots more shooters
There appears to be quite substantial and substantive evidence for that.

- Columbine was caused by the actions of a child sex ring
There appears to be some evidence to substantiate, (not that it was caused by it but that it may well have impacted that), and at least I think it should be investigated, (if it hasn't already been).
- Half the school did not attend that day, so thousands of people knew it was going to happen
Do you know if this is incorrect?

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- Bill Deagle was somehow involved
He definitely was but how relevant is that?

- and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Yes, inc high level pedophilia... and that allegation has been made before and since but seems to get swept under the carpet. Here is some information on it. What is so unbelievable about it? Nixon even stated Bohemian Grove was "the most damn faggoty thing that ever existed" or something to that effect

They can't. There would have to be a court hearing. But why would YOU have access to such sensitive private information?
If that is true, why is his mother complaining that he has never been charged with anything and no evidence has been presented?
Yes, inc high level pedophilia... and that allegation has been made before and since but seems to get swept under the carpet. Here is some information on it. What is so unbelievable about it? Nixon even stated Bohemian Grove was "the most damn faggoty thing that ever existed" or something to that effect

What on earth does Nixon's statement have to do with pedophilia?
If that is true, why is his mother complaining that he has never been charged with anything and no evidence has been presented?

As he's an adult, she is not his legal guardian, so has no right to the information.

I strongly suspect that she applied to be his guardian, and got rejected because of her own mental health problems.
What on earth does Nixon's statement have to do with pedophilia?

There are lots of accusations re the goings on at BG, inc pedophilia. I previously posted a yt video of a guy who claims to have taken part in murders and abductions at BG, (on the BG thread) and who states he is willing to testify. What else can the man do? How can it be proved one way or the other? There have been many instances where abuse allegations have been fabricated and many where abuse allegations have been swept under the carpet. All I know is, there are a lot of people making the same allegations about the same group of people.

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When I watched the documentary "Conspiracy of Silence", it was truly a breaking point for my psyche and for my preconceived ideas of what was possible, morally possible, in this world. The events described by Bonnaci of the snuff film made at the Bohemian grove gave me nightmares and basically put me in shock. Then I began to research the black budget, Project Paperclip, Skull and Bones, SRA, the Gehlen Organization, The Bohemian Grove, MK-Ultra, and the Dissociative Identity Disorder. The theme that unified them was ritual abuse, forced prostitution or violent sexual abuse and exploitation of children (usually male), the systematic use of sexual deviants and serial killers to perform these tasks, the use of illegal drugs and sex acts for blackmail, complicity and secrecy, and the continual involvement of military and national security state personnel.
As he's an adult, she is not his legal guardian, so has no right to the information.

I strongly suspect that she applied to be his guardian, and got rejected because of her own mental health problems.

Basically you don't know... the same as I do not know. So either of our assumptions could be correct. BTW how do you know what her mental health is like? You don't but you are quite prepared to assume.
Luvox was not taken off the market, it is still for sale.

Some don't like it, for others it saved their lives(see bottom of page):

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Mark Allen Taylor filed a lawsuit against Luvox. This lawsuit caused the drug manufacturer to pull the drug off the market in the U.S.A... Mark Taylor had survived more gunshot wounds during the shooting rampage than anyone else. Mark's courage and that of a decorated police officer in New Jersey, Edward L. Lutes, stopped the sale of this dangerous drug, Luvox. ....But this stop on the marketing and sale of this dangerous drug, Luvox, which had already caused these violent deaths was short lived. Mark Taylor was subsequently legally ill advised by an attorney who encouraged him to sign a settlement agreement anyway even though he was clearly emotionally suffering PTSD as a result of the shooting trauma. Mark was that day in negotiations with the opposing attorneys for hours and was lead to believe that he was himself in legal trouble. Mark Taylor was deceived and coerced into signing a settlement with the drug maker Solvay. This attorney, it was later determined, had formerly worked for the drug giant GlaxoSmithKline and was on friendly terms with the pharmaceutical industry and was urging Mark Taylor to sign settlement papers so as to rapidly close the case. Then after the settlement was signed the judge decided to seal the evidence on the case. This made the evidence of the homicidal effects of this drug Luvox unavailable to public scrutiny. Then Solvay sold the market rights to Luvox in the USA to Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
This gives a lot more information on what happened and the legal position. Basically Mark was has been kidnapped by the state.

As he's an adult, she is not his legal guardian, so has no right to the information.

I strongly suspect that she applied to be his guardian, and got rejected because of her own mental health problems.

Yes, she was not given guardianship while he was in the hospital. According to her own statements, his own mother took him to the hospital, he wasn't "whisked off the streets".

She is claiming that she didn't know for a year that in order to control Mark's treatment she needed to get guardianship?
I find that very hard to believe, don't you?.

While she did not get guardianship, according to the court records which she is not disclosing, Todd E. Taylor was given guardianship:

I don't know who Todd E. Taylor is, possibly one of his 5 or more brothers and sisters, and Donna Taylor didn't mention that part of the story.

Don't you think it is significant that none of them is supporting their mother?

There is a whole lot of this story which Donna Taylor isn't being honest about. She seems to be the only one of the nine member family saying these things. She goes from one CT to another with her stories, leaving a trail of ever-expanding conspiracies against her from state to state, always asking for money.

I have come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy here, and Donna Taylor likely let the cat out of the bag here:

Donna Taylor said:
Apparently, Loncar, based on false information and rumors she had heard but failed to check out, also lied by claiming that I had financially exploited my son.
While she did not get guardianship, according to the court records which she is not disclosing, Todd E. Taylor was given guardianship:

My link doesn't lead to the search results for some reason. I searched Probate records at the link using PB2011-00036 and got the complete case history, multiple hearings, motions, rulings, etc. Todd E. Taylor was given guardianship. You can go to the Maricopa Court and get the hard-copy records in person.
Yes, she was not given guardianship while he was in the hospital. According to her own statements, his own mother took him to the hospital, he wasn't "whisked off the streets".

Good researching J... especially re the Court. It's not easy to drill down on this. Originally, he was apparently arrested but not charged following his visit to a bookstore to see about book placement. He was accused of sending a letter threatening to bomb the store but he was never charged AFAIK and the letter has never been substantiated or used in evidence. He was on his own at that time and was detained under the mental health rules/system and drugged.

This is a separate incarceration resulting from a seizure brought on due to a visit to the emergency dept of the hospital following a gas leak in a rented property.

Many people are reporting that it is extremely difficult to get off these drugs once hooked, which can happen in a few weeks.

She is claiming that she didn't know for a year that in order to control Mark's treatment she needed to get guardianship?
I find that very hard to believe, don't you?.

It does seem very strange. She appears quite articulate and savvy in many other regards.

While she did not get guardianship, according to the court records which she is not disclosing, Todd E. Taylor was given guardianship:

I don't know who Todd E. Taylor is, possibly one of his 5 or more brothers and sisters, and Donna Taylor didn't mention that part of the story.

Apparently she has been kept out of the loop and it is unclear whether she has access to or authority to disclose any records. I tried to access the records through your link as you described but had no success with that. Was there any really pertinent parts you could share... presumably, as you accessed them, they must be public, which I am surprised about.

Don't you think it is significant that none of them is supporting their mother?
I do not know whether they are supportive or not... perhaps they are just not public on the issue for personal reasons. Any more conclusive views or info?

There is a whole lot of this story which Donna Taylor isn't being honest about. She seems to be the only one of the nine member family saying these things. She goes from one CT to another with her stories, leaving a trail of ever-expanding conspiracies against her from state to state, always asking for money.

I have come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy here, and Donna Taylor likely let the cat out of the bag here:
Originally Posted by Donna Taylor
Apparently, Loncar, based on false information and rumors she had heard but failed to check out, also lied by claiming that I had financially exploited my son.
Donna addresses this issue quite succinctly... there is and has never been any exploitation as there was and is nothing to exploit anyway. His book sales were bringing in about $50 to $80 per year in royalties and they were both entitled and in receipt of welfare benefits due to health problems and that's what they survived on.

Loncar allegedly lied repeatedly on forms, stating that there was no way to contact Donna, which is why she did not get guardianship.

I must admit the whole thing is strange. Apparently one of the allegations is that the mental facility is a 'for profit' institution, funded by the Fed on a per patient basis and it is alleged there are a number of people incarcerated there, for profit only who should not be there.
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Here is an ABC article:

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At 16, Mark Taylor survived a barrage of rapid-fire bullet wounds (somewhere between six and 13), but the years that followed have been tough. Today, Taylor lives with PTSD and mental illness, according to his father, a janitor who lives in Denver.

"For about two years, he was doing really good," Mark Taylor Sr. told "Then he had a mental breakdown. He used to be normal, and now it's almost like talking to a blank wall."

Taylor, who was once close to his son, has not talked to his son in months. Young Mark and his mother live with a relative in Espanola, N.M., surviving on food stamps and disability income. When talked to Mark, his speech was slurred and incoherent. His mother, Donna Taylor, was equally distraught. "We are living like gypsies," she said.

"I need help so much," she told, intermittently coughing and crying. "I'm so scared. He's almost choked me several times. He cannot think logically anymore."

Mark could only manage to say, "I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's America's guilt."
His father described Mark as "paranoid and delusional," and said mental health officials diagnosed his son with a genetic bipolar disorder that was exacerbated by the trauma of Columbine.

Today, the 26-year-old is too sick to work and has only a Lexus to show for the estimated $185,000 he received from the Columbine victim's fund.
"He blew it all," said his mother. "It's hard to control someone that age."

Like the rest of the nation, 10 years after Columbine's massacre, Donna Taylor "cannot let this thing go," said her ex-husband.

You left out:

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Their son experienced several mental breakdowns and was hospitalized three times, according to both parents.

Mark's mother believes the antidepressants doctors prescribed were "killing" her son, and she took him off all medications.
Mark is 30 years old now. His mother is still begging for money. According to the anonymous(?) person running this Facebook page, Mark's father is on the scene and asking to keep her away and an accounting for the money.
"I need help so much," she told, intermittently coughing and crying. "I'm so scared. He's almost choked me several times. He cannot think logically anymore."

He has tried to kill her and yet he doesn't need mental health care? Really? Maybe he needs to be in jail for assault then.

It sounds like to me that both of them have mental problems and need help.
"I need help so much," she told, intermittently coughing and crying. "I'm so scared. He's almost choked me several times. He cannot think logically anymore."

He has tried to kill her and yet he doesn't need mental health care? Really? Maybe he needs to be in jail for assault then.

It sounds like to me that both of them have mental problems and need help.

Your so understanding C. What 'help' do you recommend?
Donna Taylor has a large contingent of professionals who have review the documentation that has been released on the website. Several doctors, a forensic psychologist, several webmasters, investigators, witnesses , et al. all support Donna and were witness to the abduction and drugging of Mark. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Mark except for what he was saying. Mark IS a political prisoner. If you have any questions about what he was saying about the Columbine shooters having been raped, listen to his attorney John Decamp on the 8-28-12 podcast of the DR. Stan Monteith show. From what I've read, you are out in left field on most of this. Once you learn the truth about what Mark was saying, you will understand why they have abducted and drugged him. I have been attacked physically and falsely arrested twice while helping Mark and Donna. Instead of questioning him, learn from what he was saying.
I thought that since this thread was about my friend Mark Taylor, that I should join in the conversation. If you have questions, please ask. Mark and Donna need your help. There is no conspiracy going on here. We have always wondered why Dr. Deagle was in Mark's life too. Otherwise, the others in Mark's life who know him will attest to the fact that Mark was perfectly normal before he was abducted. Mark was abducted twice in Colorado Springs, He had already been drugged in Colorado Springs. They fled the area when a doctor Mary Z, warned Donna that Mark's life was in danger. Mark was having breathing problems when Donna took him to a hospital in Arizona. They abducted him again. We got him free from Arizona. He was under a doctor's care in Colorado who tried to take Mark off the medication too quickly., He suffered a seizure. He was abducted in Colorado and they will not release him. His father who is being drugged is his guardian because he works with the system. Mark is a very gentle person who is not a danger to himself or any others. I have never seen him act out or act angry. Just the opposite. He is very mellow and won't stand up for himself. Big Pharma and the Government goons that are doing this to him are evil monsters. Here is a page that we didn't create but explains what was done to Mark in Court by legal bullies led by Ken Salazar who is the departing Interior Secretary of the USA.
Mark did not know anything about Dr. Elliott. They used Mark's name to shoespoon themselves into the courtroom. Soon after, they chemically silenced Mark.
Dr. Elliott must have been referring to Sandy Hook when he says that there will be more lives lost by not doing an investigation. What he fails to mention is that he knew about the Shooters having been raped. We had contacted him with our knowledge.
What help does anyone with mental health problems need? It varies.

I assume you just want to make some point about drugs used to treat mental health disorders? Or their usage or marketing? Don't beat around the bush. Make your case.

That's so cute how you and C answer for each other.

I like that people on this forum are usually good at picking up subtext. I read some subtext in C's last post. Wondered if Cairenn wanted to elaborate.

I am not usually one to beat about the bush. I recognise the need for, and have an interest in, mental health issues and treatments, particularly psychology. I liken it to 'physics of the mind'.

I recognise that some mental disorders can be rooted in chemical imbalances in the brain... ergo psychiatry's use of drugs.

I am also aware of the huge experimentation used in that field which has had devastating and lifelong debilitating effects on many many people... often orphans, young offenders, criminals and political prisoners. It is, like the medical profession in general, a discipline with a very dark past and is still plagued with many difficult ethical problems and apparently a dark side, even today.

Having said that... I was fascinated by the film Awakenings and the amazing, although sadly short lived benefits derived.

I therefore recoiled somewhat when I saw C's post which appeared disingenuous with what appeared to me to be a subtext advocating psychiatric interventions just because a parent is concerned at the apparent ill effects of the drugs being used on her son.

To be blunt, I saw C's post as an attempt to 'stick the boot in' on someone who is obviously dealing with great hardship and difficulty. I wonder how other people might deal with such a difficult situation and how trusting they may be of a profession which has so many question marks around it.
Normal folks do not try to choke others, either they have a mental illness or they have criminal intent. It is common for those with mental illness to deny that they need treatment, it is also common for them to claim that the drugs make things 'fuzzy' for them.

I was pointing out a symptom of mental illness, that came from his Mother.

I have to think back on the Sandy Hook shooter and the fact that his mom had admitted having problems with him and of being afraid of him. Maybe if he had been forcibly committed, Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened. I guess that one does need to believe that children were killed there to see that correlation.

That is one of the HUGE dangers I see in conspiracy theories, they allow you to ignore the real causes of something, and that can lead to more disaster. Sort of like seeing a quack doctor, could easily mean that you don't get the proper treatment for an illness, until it is too late. I still wonder if Steve Jobs would still be alive, if he had went with conventional treatment FIRST.
Normal folks do not try to choke others, either they have a mental illness or they have criminal intent. It is common for those with mental illness to deny that they need treatment, it is also common for them to claim that the drugs make things 'fuzzy' for them.

I was pointing out a symptom of mental illness, that came from his Mother.

I have to think back on the Sandy Hook shooter and the fact that his mom had admitted having problems with him and of being afraid of him. Maybe if he had been forcibly committed, Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened. I guess that one does need to believe that children were killed there to see that correlation.

That is one of the HUGE dangers I see in conspiracy theories, they allow you to ignore the real causes of something, and that can lead to more disaster. Sort of like seeing a quack doctor, could easily mean that you don't get the proper treatment for an illness, until it is too late. I still wonder if Steve Jobs would still be alive, if he had went with conventional treatment FIRST.

The world is full of maybe's. People lose their tempers and smash plates or shout at someone or threaten people... if they were all forcibly medicated the whole world would be drugged or incarcerated.

Some people go so far as to say, "All men are potential rapists", does that mean all men should be locked up?

The fact is... these drugs are known to exacerbate many conditions and to make people agitated, sleep deprived, paranoid, violent, self harming disoriented... in short, they are often counterproductive.

Obviously, if his mother had wanted to she could have pressed charges... it comes down to a judgement call. What would you have done? Ok, unfair question because there are a myriad of factors to take into account and well you and I were not there were we.

The point here is about whether he should have been locked up and forcibly drugged in the first place and about the apparent lack of due process and safeguards and the fact that his mother was denied access or opportunity to exercise her guardianship.

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Anyone who takes antidepressants can experience unpleasant or dangerous side effects, but certain individuals are at a higher risk:

  • People over 65. Studies show that SSRI medications may increase the risk for falls, fractures, and bone loss in older adults.
  • Pregnant women.The use of SSRI's late in pregnancy may lead to short-term withdrawal symptoms in newborns after delivery. Typical symptoms include tremor, restlessness, mild respiratory problems, and weak cry.
  • Teens and young adults. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires all depression medications to include a warning label about the increased risk of suicide in children and young adults.
  • People who may have bipolar disorder. Antidepressants can actually make bipolar disorder worse or trigger a manic episode; there are other treatments available for those with bipolar disorder.
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[h=2]Medication alone is not enough[/h] Medication may treat some symptoms of depression, but can't change underlying contributions to depression in your life. Antidepressants are not a cure and won't solve your problems if you're depressed because of a dead-end job, a pessimistic outlook, or an unhealthy relationship. That's where therapy and other lifestyle changes come in.

I would suggest that a loving, stress free environment is also very helpful in overcoming these problems, along with cognitive behavioural therapy if possible.

For some people it is easy to put someone away and get on with their lives but many people choose to stand by their loved ones even when it is difficult. That does not make the carer 'mentally ill'.
Normal folks do not try to choke others, either they have a mental illness or they have criminal intent. It is common for those with mental illness to deny that they need treatment, it is also common for them to claim that the drugs make things 'fuzzy' for them.

I was pointing out a symptom of mental illness, that came from his Mother.

I have to think back on the Sandy Hook shooter and the fact that his mom had admitted having problems with him and of being afraid of him. Maybe if he had been forcibly committed, Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened. I guess that one does need to believe that children were killed there to see that correlation.

That is one of the HUGE dangers I see in conspiracy theories, they allow you to ignore the real causes of something, and that can lead to more disaster. Sort of like seeing a quack doctor, could easily mean that you don't get the proper treatment for an illness, until it is too late. I still wonder if Steve Jobs would still be alive, if he had went with conventional treatment FIRST.

Mark Taylor was no longer a "normal people" when this alleged incident occurred. This was AFTER they had force medicated and mind raped him and his mother was not understanding at the time what the side effects of the medication were doing to Mark. This incident is the only time that I have ever heard of where Mark may have acted out his frustration with the nightmare his life has become. I and most others in his situation would have flattened a therapist by then. He has been messed with by all of these goons and simply wants his freedom. How would you feel if you were incarcerated for no reason? I have actually encouraged him to be more assertive in his demands for freedom. To equate Mark's situation with Adam Lanza's is pure lunacy. Maybe they should check for a "chemical imbalance". Oh yeah, they can't. So how is this science? It is propaganda by drug companies. Go drink your kool-aid. The people surrounding Mark are curious why you even call this thread a conspiracy. You should be concerning yourself with what Mark was saying. It is a FACT that Eric Harris was raped by cops and drugged. Are you too dumbed down to see WHY they silenced Mark? Mark was a whistleblower and they simply attacked the messenger. Get off of Mark's back and start protecting him. Mark was acting responsibly in trying to protect YOUR children. Mark is a good man who I believe is a HERO. Google Columbine family request Release Mark Taylor January Incident Walsh buttrape.txt. The pedophile rapist that raped Eric Harris and those who protect him should be in prison. Not Mark! For those of you that think the Columbine tragedy has nothing to do with Sandy hook. Lead conspirator of the Columbine Tragedy Bill Ritter was invited to the opening meeting of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission. What do they know that you don't? Are we in for Columbine Cover up part 2?
What proof is there that Eric Harris was raped by the police. Any medical reports ?
I'll have to admit. That is one one the more stupid comments I have had to reply to. I guess that there may be medical reports in the 3,000 pages of sealed documents. We have knowledge of this rape from many sources including the depositions of the Harris parents which remain sealed . How about a reinactment of the arrest video tape? We have somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 pages including the Decamp files which no one else has. Columbine was the largest investigation in the history of the state of Colorado and they totally avoid an investigation of the January Incident even though law enforcement labeled a picture that Harris drew while under arrest "WALSH BUTTRAPE.TXT" This has been a nightmare for the families of the dead and injured to demand that this be investigated. If you have passion for the Sandy hook victims, why do you insult the victims of the Columbine tragedy? Do your research. Google Columbine family request. Google Release Mark Taylor and stop insulting our intelligence. Here, Listen to John Decamp. I'm sure his bio will impress you.
We have knowledge of this rape from many sources including the depositions of the Harris parents which remain sealed .

Hi Ron- I apologize but I am still confused...

if the Harris' deposition is sealed- how do you know what it contains? And if you do know what it contains- can you please elaborate?

Also, I am still confused about the picture Harris drew and its relation to the "label" - The pictures seems to be of a crime scene? The where is the label ?

You mentioned "many sources"- could you elaborate and share so that we do not just have to rely on hearsay?

just trying to figure it all out- thanks?
Why does you link give me a warning?

I asked for some proof. You say you have some files. We need a safe link, or at least I do.

The 'Franklin Report' and more of the Satanism conspiracies.

Bios are important, but more important is what that person is doing and saying NOW.
I'll have to admit. That is one one the more stupid comments I have had to reply to. I guess that there may be medical reports in the 3,000 pages of sealed documents. We have knowledge of this rape from many sources including the depositions of the Harris parents which remain sealed . How about a reinactment of the arrest video tape? We have somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 pages including the Decamp files which no one else has. Columbine was the largest investigation in the history of the state of Colorado and they totally avoid an investigation of the January Incident even though law enforcement labeled a picture that Harris drew while under arrest "WALSH BUTTRAPE.TXT" This has been a nightmare for the families of the dead and injured to demand that this be investigated. If you have passion for the Sandy hook victims, why do you insult the victims of the Columbine tragedy? Do your research. Google Columbine family request. Google Release Mark Taylor and stop insulting our intelligence. Here, Listen to John Decamp. I'm sure his bio will impress you.

Ron, I hope that you won't find my question stupid. I am somewhat of a stickler about documenting stories. You mention this "WALSH BUTTRAPE.TXT" file as being significant. What was the exact source of that file? I want everything, who created it, what date was the file created, when did it first emerge and how did it come to be in your possession? These are simple questions that I am sure you have faced before, and they deserve a straight answer.

How do you respond?
The quickness of your response lets me know that you haven't done any of the things I asked. I have gone over this with literally hundreds of researchers including forensic psychologists, and have yet to fail. google walsh butt rape. Much of our information came from the shooters themselves. Much also came from the way they investigated, covered up the truth. other words, you do not actually have any sources, don't have access to the sealed deposition from the Harris'.

I simply asked for details that would lend credence to your charge and all you replied with was obfuscation and accusation.

I DO want pedophillia researched and reported- thats WHY I asked about. Its a serious claim and if true could lead to a greater understanding of the situation.

I DID go over Columbine Family website quite a bit...didn't any details of the claim.

I DID google "walsh butt rape" and found this- how do you respond?:

External Quote:
I came across Ron's website and found two posts talking about the "Walsh Buttrape.txt" file that he (mistakenly) believes to have been created by the El Paso Police Department.

Post reference #1:

Post reference #2:

Ron stated:

"We recently discovered that the link to the Walsh Buttrape.txt file has been deleted from the website. We are in the processes of contacting [...] to find out why he is deleting files."

Ron also stated:

"The Walsh Buttrape.txt, is not a theory. It is a file that the El Paso Sheriff's dept named."

Walsh Buttrape.txt is a text file that contains the following text data:

notebook 2,
page 9


I'm wavering between hysterics... and tears right now.

Do you know the origin of this file? I DO!


This file was NOT created and named by the El Paso police department. I was researching the crazy claims Ron and others were making about the supposed buttrape, and I created a text file with my notes on where to find the diagram that they claim Eric drew of himself getting buttraped by Walsh.
This text file simply contained MY personal notes to reference where this diagram was located.

My files were never meant to be extracted from their root directory. All files were linked (in context) from the site. Some people, however, took it upon themselves to download entire directories of information and in doing so downloaded files that are not in context. I purposely didn't protect my directories. I wanted people to have free access to this information. But it needs to be said that the file "Walsh Buttrape.txt" is merely my note taking.

... this is yet another perfect example of how one little tiny piece of misinformation can be spread like wildfire and everyone makes assumptions based on assumptions...

And I take full responsibility for this because that file never should have been uploaded to my server. I was a prime source for everyone to obtain documents from, and I had a duty to make sure everything was accurate - and I let a lot of my notes get uploaded to my server. So to answer Ron's question about why I deleted it - hell, I deleted it because it wasn't part of the reports.

I started deleting all of my note taking files when I realized they had been uploaded mistakenly.

I tried to register for Ron's site to let him know on those posts, but his site is not currently accepting new registrations.
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Hi Ron- I apologize but I am still confused...

if the Harris' deposition is sealed- how do you know what it contains? And if you do know what it contains- can you please elaborate?

Also, I am still confused about the picture Harris drew and its relation to the "label" - The pictures seems to be of a crime scene? The where is the label ?

You mentioned "many sources"- could you elaborate and share so that we do not just have to rely on hearsay?

just trying to figure it all out- thanks?

The quickness of your response lets me know that you haven't done any of the things I asked. I have gone over this with literally hundreds of researchers including forensic psychologists, and have yet to fail. google walsh butt rape. Much of our information came from the shooters themselves. Much also came from the way they investigated, covered up the truth. Also profiles of the hooligans that we have to deal with in Law Enforcement will give you an idea of the low level of integrity. Google Sheriff Pat Sullivan. Google Gary Clyman, Don Estep. Where is Tim Walsh? We have been calling him a pedophile rapist for years. Why hasn't he sued? I don't have time here to explain it all. Google Columbine family request. One question I have for you. What is it about pedophilia that you don't want researched and reported? Don't you think that it is important to look at ALL of the environmental factors that affect school shooters or are some topics off limits? Since Columbine, we have learned that pedophilia played a significant part in the Platte Canyon tragedy and the Church shooter Mathew Murray. This was found on Mathew Murray's blog as a link. Ricky Rodriques is a classic example of a boy who was provoked to murder due to pedophilic abuse.
I did some checking on Patrick Sullivan. He was trading meth for sex with adult men. When asked if he had ever had sex with someone underage, he said that he wasn't sure, since he was doing meth at the time. Why are saying that means he is a pedophile? How many guys when they are drunk, double check the age of the woman/girl they picked up? It seems that he is a homosexual and a meth addict.

There are 1000s of law enforcement officials in the US, and there are a few that are criminals of various types, from drug addicts to thieves and yes there are even sexual abusers and murderers among them. That doesn't mean that they ALL are. That makes as much sense as saying that 'all men over 6 ft tall are great basketball players', because most of the NBA is over 6 ft tall.

Let's see you link the Columbine shooters to sexual abuse by the police.
I DID go over Columbine Family website quite a bit...didn't any details of the claim.

I DID google "walsh butt rape" and found this- how do you respond?:

SR1419, great minds move in similar circles. This afternoon, I also googled the same as you, and found the same information. I don't particularly give that person any more credibility than Ron Aigner, but I asked Ron some very specific questions which he should have been able to easily answer.

He didn't answer my questions. That tells me that there is something he does not want to explain for some reason, even though the answers should be very simple.
I am always suspicious when I ask a specific set of direct questions (who, what, where, when, and why) which are basic starting points when describing an event, and the person who is expecting me to accept his story dodges the most basic questions.

I see Ron has used the old ploy, "Everybody else believes" on you.

That is sometimes called the "Bandwagon", he expects that if he plays a fine enough tune, everybody will begin to jump on his wagon, when he sees you asking why you should jump on, he doesn't answer your question, he just says, "Everybody else is jumping on, don't be stupid, there are hundreds of others who have already gotten on."

That is so simple minded, Ron. It won't work on critical thinkers.

Also, Cairenn, Ron's site and especially that buttrape .txt file at scribd made my computer start loading Google windows so fast I could not delete them. After a dozen windows opened up, I had to hard kill my computer and restart. Buyer beware. I've seen enough from Ron Aigner and Donna Taylor to simply give up. If these folks have the truth, they don't know how to use it for sure and because of that there isn't much they can let me do for them.
Ron's link gave me a warning, so I skipped it. I have Norton but it is not the fancy version, so I can't risk getting a virus. A friend got one from a site dealing with the oil spill sometime back