Ann K
Senior Member.
That's when we become dependents, when we can't drive. Probably into a senior what do we do when we're too old to safely drive?
I had heard about some urban planning in the US (Houston?) zoning suburbs as exclusively residential; if you disallow mixed zoning, there's no space for commerce to set up near people's homes.

Zoning such as you describe is predicated on using an automobile, thus causing traffic problems for the folks whenever they leave their nice, quiet, separate homes. I spent a week in a business segment of Detroit once, in which our large building (and I think most of the others) had no cafeteria. All the food outlets were in their own district about two or three miles away; too far to walk in a lunch break of an hour, and almost too far to drive in the inevitable lunchtime traffic backup. All the businesses had tiny exit ramps to the main street, and every tiny ramp glittered with pieces of broken tail lights and scraps of metal. It was a nightmare of poor planning.