Mark Taylor conspiricy?


New Member
Alright, so I recently ran across a new extension to the Columbine conspiracy theory. I have searched the web for a debunk for this, but I have yet to see one. Any views on this? I can't find much info other than conspiracy theories and the knowledge that he was at the Columbine shooting.

Just in case the link breaks, the statement is that the police caused the shooters to do what they did by raping the shooters months before hand and drastically covered it up. Mark Taylor supposedly discovered this and brought it to light, and therefore was detained and forced onto "psychotropic drugs". They attempt to make connections to a greater conspiracy called "The Clinton Illuminati". That part is where it really starts to sound bunk to me, but who knows right? That's why I'd like some help with this one.

Thanks in advance,


(P.S. Excuse any errors in form. It's 5 in the morning and I have been at work for 12 hours. I'm tired. Lol)

admin note:
A key piece of evidence here is the hand draw map, explained here:

This map is supposed to depict a sheriff raping a boy, and is apparently a key piece of evidence .



All it is is a map of the area around W Deer Creek Canyon Road, and S Wadsworth Blvd (Hwy 121)

This is the police report of the 1998 incident.



There's a rocky area there that's popular with people, there's a botanical garden there to the South. Cars park by the side of the road, facing North.


The supposed "sheriff raping boy" is probably the small area of bushes around the fence, about 100 yards in from Hwy 121.


The scene matches perfectly, the cars, the regularly spaced large rocks, the bushes, the fence:


Of course that's not what it looked like in 1998, and the cars sem to be the wrong way (parallel, not perpendicular). But rolling back to 2002 in Google Earth shows that at that time, the parking area was larger, and cars parked perpendicular to the road, just like in the map.


The closest image available is 1999, a year after the map was drawn, but it's pretty much the same as the 2002 image.
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I can't actually see what they are claiming as evidence of conspiracy there. Some off theory about how the Columbine shooters actually wanted to kill cops, not kids. That makes zero sense, based on what actually happened.

And there seems to be no details about why Mark Taylor was arrested or detained.

It all seems a bit vague. What's to debunk?
I can't actually see what they are claiming as evidence of conspiracy there. Some off theory about how the Columbine shooters actually wanted to kill cops, not kids. That makes zero sense, based on what actually happened.

And there seems to be no details about why Mark Taylor was arrested or detained.

It all seems a bit vague. What's to debunk?

Doesn't seem much to debunk.

Drug trafficking by police.

Not one report in mainstream media of the Columbine shooters being raped by police prior to the shootings.

Rape by police, (Sherriff Patrick Sullivan),resulting in forced sedation with Big Pharma mind altering drugs. Result, same drugged up kids going on a shooting spree, (Columbine).

Survivor, (Mark Taylor), told to "keep quiet" and when he doesn't he winds up arrested with no charge or evidence and incarcerated in a mental institution and drugged into a zombie state.

SWAT teams on roof, possibly causing some of the fatalities/injuries.

No, obviously nothing to debunk... merely anecdotal... Mark Taylor obviously cannot be believed because he has been institutionalised... fait accomplis
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The disgraced former sheriff, once heralded as a hero, was immediately taken into custody and moved to the county jail that bears his name to serve out his sentence.

"I apologize to this court, this county and my family," Sullivan said, reading from a statement before Sylvester announced his sentence. "There is no excuse for my behavior."
He was arrested in late November after an undercover sting set up by a gay lover of his and another gay man, all of whom had previously smoked meth together. The friends turned confidential informants asked Sullivan to come to an Aurora home and have sex in exchange for meth.

Sure, there's a theory there. But what's the actual evidence?

Debunking is about evidence, not theories.
Sure, there's a theory there. But what's the actual evidence?

Debunking is about evidence, not theories.

If your 'evidence' only comes from 'official' sources and mockingbird media... your case is made.

Perhaps you can discredit the allegations?

Obviously not a problem that whistle blowers are taken off the street straight to mental institutions and drugged to zombie mode. Land of the sheep and home of the afraid?
If your 'evidence' only comes from 'official' sources and mockingbird media... your case is made.

Perhaps you can discredit the allegations?

Obviously not a problem that whistle blowers are taken off the street straight to mental institutions and drugged to zombie mode. Land of the sheep and home of the afraid?

I don't have any evidence. I'm just pointing out that there seems to be none.

What evidence do you think supports the allegations?
I don't have any evidence. I'm just pointing out that there seems to be none.

What evidence do you think supports the allegations?

You mean apart from Mark Taylor being pulled off the streets in 2008 and incarcerated for no reason and without charge or evidence and still being incarcerated and zombiefied now?

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[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]There is a nefarious underground network of child pedophilia networks that permeates everyplace and everywhere. It's here where I live and it goes high up. There is evidence through the following video, that Eric Harris had been sexually abused. Apparently, the January incident details what could have triggered Columbine[/FONT]
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[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Here is an announcement from the families:

We, the families of the dead and injured, have learned a great deal about WHY Columbine happened. Not only that, we have also learned a great deal about the culture surrounding this horrible tragedy. This information extends far beyond the school yard, and, in fact, reaches the White House and beyond. Meanwhile, children continue to die as a result of the still uninvestigated and unpunished crimes related to the Columbine massacre.
The Sheriff's computer file named, "walshbuttrape.txt" is thoroughly discussed, and it's implications extend into the tragedy in Butte Montana where "Sheriff John Walsh" is the Sheriff in Butte and has a son named "Tim Walsh." The same Tim Walsh who is the only law enforcement officer to ever arrest Eric and Dylan. That tragedy is directly related to the Sandra Cantu case because of the location in Tracy California a short distance from the Pullen house in Lodi, who authorities claimed died in the Butte, Montana crash. We conclude the obvious: Based on eye-witness Tom Hagler, who described the passengers as approx. a dozen very cute kids between the ages of 6 and 10 and 4 adults, that the children were sexual child slaves and the flight to Bozeman was part of a child trafficking network.

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Earlier this year Patrick Sullivan, former Arapahoe County Sheriff with ties to the Columbine case, plead guilty to trading meth to male informants in exchange for sex. During the police interrogation, Sullivan "might have admitted" (emphases added based on the way he phrased his responses) to the following:

-spying on underage boys in a locker room
-engaging in sex with underage boys
-using the date rape drug to obtain sex
-trading meth in exchange for sex with male informants

Sullivan plead guilty. Sullivan is not required to register as a sex offender.

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Mark Taylor is being forcefully drugged and held under psychiatric detention after years of activism against the Big Pharma companies that made the drugs believed to have sent the shooters into their psychotic rage. But that's just the beginning of a more sinister story which involves other victims being treated the same or dying under mysterious circumstances. Families and friends of the Columbine shooting say it all appears to be part of a larger police cover up of numerous events prior to the Columbine mass shooting. Those events include an alleged rape of the shooters by police from the same agency responsible for the investigation and a failure to execute a search warrant prior to the shooting that would have unveiled the shooters plan and turned up evidence implicating fellow officers in the alleged rape.
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Last week decorated former Marine Brandon Raub was placed under indefinite psychiatric detention for politically controversial posts he made on his Facebook page.

As Raub's story took center stage on alternative news sites across the Internet other veterans came forward to reveal they were being targeted with similar tactics by law enforcement.
Raub's lawyer told Glenn Beck on GBTV that veterans across the nation have called him to report being subjected to the same Nazi-style detention and that people everywhere are just disappearing.

Raub's lawyer is not alone with people contacting him to report similar stories as I have also received several similar reports and I am sure others have as well.
You mean apart from Mark Taylor being pulled off the streets in 2008 and incarcerated for no reason and without charge or evidence and still being incarcerated and zombiefied now?

Yes, I mean apart from that.

When an individual is incarcerated for their own protection or as a danger to the public for mental health reasons, then there is no right for the public to know about it. The patient has a right to privacy.

So what you see as "incarcerated for no reason" is really "incarcerated for reasons unknown to the public", and in this case it's probably related to the bomb threats he made at Borders.

Where's the actual evidence for these high powered child sex trafficking rings?
This is what Mark was like before 'forced hospitalisation' and after.

Is it the case that people in the U.S can be dragged off the streets and this happen to them for whistle blowing.

Perhaps Susan Lindauer would have suffered the same fate hate she not been connected enough?
Yes, I mean apart from that.

When an individual is incarcerated for their own protection or as a danger to the public for mental health reasons, then there is no right for the public to know about it. The patient has a right to privacy.

So what you see as "incarcerated for no reason" is really "incarcerated for reasons unknown to the public", and in this case it's probably related to the bomb threats he made at Borders.

Ahh... well that's ok then.Are you referring to the alleged letter that he sent to Borders, (which no one has ever seen?). Guess everybody can carry on exercising their 1st amendment and they will know if they are wrong because they will be zombiefied.

Where's the actual evidence for these high powered child sex trafficking rings?

I don't know... It's really strange...the police and politicians won't admit to it.
CBS report on Columbine... Mark Taylor survived due to 'police getting to him quickly'... They were on scene in around 2 minutes but 3.5 hours before they went in...

So there is no chance that this is simply a young man, severely traumatized by an event, whose mental state steadily deteriorated until he became delusional and began making false accusations and bomb threats, and at some point it was determined that he possibility posed a danger to himself and others because of his mental state and was forcibly committed to a mental institution to receive the care he sorely needed? No chance of that?

This is part of the problem that leads to a tragedy like Columbine or Sandy Hook. People aren't considered crazy anymore, they merely hold a different point of view and that viewpoint should be considered just as valid as any other.
His mother, Donna Taylor, seems to be the one pushing the whole conspiracy angle.

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-She said that Mark wasn't able to get any mail that wasn't opened and checked first. None of the mail they received was sealed, and their explanation was that they needed to spy on their mail for their own protection. If the shooters were dead, why would they need protection? Nope, they were not being protected, but monitored.

-She said that the family of Isaiah Shoels had a friend who was a producer, and was going to make a movie about Columbine, exposing explosive information relating to Columbine, but he was mysteriously murdered. The Shoels left town after that, in fear of their own lives. The Shoels were also associated with former Secretary Of State Vikki Buckley, who was also mysteriously killed. Donna Taylor goes on to detail the many suspicious deaths of witnesses and people who may have known too much. She also notes that several other schools suffered mysterious losses after that, and after the massacre, the pregnancy rating went up in the city, possibly because the city used it as an excuse to put everyone on drugs.

-She said that Mark had sensed that something wasn't right at Columbine. Mark told her that people were throwing drugs around left and right, people were smoking pot in the bathrooms with no action being taken, and that all they did in class was watch MTV for the whole day. The school had been involved in a class called 'Death Education', where students touched corpses and were told death was better than life, and asked what morgue they would pick, and taught all about death. She says the textbooks were promoting 'witchcraft' and that teachers were getting sexual with students, and that the textbooks were horrifying. ABC's 20/20 did a presentation about this and exposed these horrifying facts. She says that textbooks contained private body parts in math equations, and Mark told her that a porno guy was brought in at Sex Education class. Students were also told not to tell their parents. One wonders if Columbine was selected to be a black ops target, or if it was completely run by the government. The principle did have connections to Clinton.

-She said that immediately after the massacre, a suspicious government-hired organization called Columbine Connections was set up to give psychiatric drugs to witnesses. Donna Taylor says that these drugs made their mind forget the details of what happened, so they would keep quiet. She also reports that Mark Taylor had to go to the psychiatric office just to pick up his mail, and they had to go past many desks justs to get to the mail. All mail went to this government-hired organization. It was just another way to monitor all of the mail of witnesses.

-A strange government doctor, who was also present at the OKC bombing, named Deagle, was reported to have started going into the Taylors' home all the time. He was promoting drugs and RFID implantable microchips. He was the government doctor for insurance, and had been a witness to micro nuclear devices planted inside the Murrah building in OKC. The Taylors report that they went to church with him and went to his house, and her daughter babysitted at his house once. That time, he offered her money to feed the kids, which was in the top drawer. Her daughter reported there was at least 200,000 dollars in cash in that drawer. After this, he left town, and she reports that they were looking for him in the newspaper. Their dentist warned them to stay away from Deagle, saying that he was highly dangerous. She had a friend who was also feeling uncomfortable around Deagle, and called to warn her. She said that he performed mind control projects on her friend's son. In addition to this, this friend of hers gave her a number to another man who warned that Deagle was 'a bad character'. The pastor of the Church warned her away from Deagle, as well. She's afraid that Taylor was chipped by Deagle. As Hufschmid said, it's possible this government-linked doctor was setting a trap for their daughter. If she took some of the money, he could blackmail the Taylors.
Classify Bill Deagle as a "government doctor" would indicate she's a bit divorced from reality. Here's some background on Deagle:
"Witchcraft' tends to be shorthand for 'any religious belief that isn't MINE'. It seems that she has problems also.
So there is no chance that this is simply a young man, severely traumatized by an event, whose mental state steadily deteriorated until he became delusional and began making false accusations and bomb threats, and at some point it was determined that he possibility posed a danger to himself and others because of his mental state and was forcibly committed to a mental institution to receive the care he sorely needed? No chance of that?

This is part of the problem that leads to a tragedy like Columbine or Sandy Hook. People aren't considered crazy anymore, they merely hold a different point of view and that viewpoint should be considered just as valid as any other.

No doubt that would be the OS, if there was an OS... which there appears not to be.

Simply a case of someone who wrote a whistle blowing book about the events leading up to and surrounding the biggest school shooting up to that date and the alleged involvement of police and politicians in rape, prostitution and drugs, (proven in the case of Sullivan), being whisked off the street and zombified by force... nothing to worry about ... it won't happen to you... unless you decide to whistle blow something.

Certainly it does not seem to have improved the poor guys health, mental or otherwise... but obviously nothing to do with the doctors or government because 'they would never deliberately do anything like that'... would they.

Appears fine prior to being abducted, driving, walking, talking, writing... afterwards.... Zombie. Bad luck... must have been due to Columbine ten years earlier.
No doubt that would be the OS, if there was an OS... which there appears not to be.

Simply a case of someone who wrote a whistle blowing book about the events leading up to and surrounding the biggest school shooting up to that date and the alleged involvement of police and politicians in rape, prostitution and drugs, (proven in the case of Sullivan), being whisked off the street and zombified by force... nothing to worry about ... it won't happen to you... unless you decide to whistle blow something.

Certainly it does not seem to have improved the poor guys health, mental or otherwise... but obviously nothing to do with the doctors or government because 'they would never deliberately do anything like that'... would they.

Appears fine prior to being abducted, driving, walking, talking, writing... afterwards.... Zombie. Bad luck... must have been due to Columbine ten years earlier.

Which do you think is more likely:

A) He's a bit crazy, and so is his Mom.
B) The entire Columbine event was deliberately staged, and half the parents for the school knew about it, and it was something to do with covering up a child sex trafficking ring?
Simply a case of someone who wrote a whistle blowing book about the events leading up to and surrounding the biggest school shooting up to that date and the alleged involvement of police and politicians in rape, prostitution and drugs, (proven in the case of Sullivan), being whisked off the street and zombified by force... nothing to worry about ... it won't happen to you... unless you decide to whistle blow something.

Please provide proof that the book was a whistle blower revealing anything that has been substantiated?
Sorry, double post.

Where is the link between the Columbine Shooting and the illegal activities of Sullivan?
Which do you think is more likely:

A) He's a bit crazy, and so is his Mom.
B) The entire Columbine event was deliberately staged, and half the parents for the school knew about it, and it was something to do with covering up a child sex trafficking ring?

It would appear that mental illness runs in their family.
I have to wonder if both him and his mom were badly effected by the shooting. And with time their mental health suffered. If he lay wounded for several hours, that had to have a negative effect, including some major survivor guilt and PTSD. His mom could easily have suffered from the same. It is possible that she knew her son was wounded or dead for some of that period, since he was outside. Even a view from a news copter could have shown her enough to know that was her son. It doesn't take a lot to recognize a loved one.
His mother, Donna Taylor, seems to be the one pushing the whole conspiracy angle.

Well I guess she will have an accident or suicide herself or need to be forcibly detained and drugged as well then. We can then discuss how 'the signs were there', prior to it happening and how wonderfully the authorities acted in handling the situation.

Classify Bill Deagle as a "government doctor" would indicate she's a bit divorced from reality. Here's some background on Deagle:

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Dr. Deagle claims that as a fire department physician, he was one of the fist emergency workers to arrive at Columbine High on the morning of April 19, 1999. But when he and two firemen tried to enter the school, a sheriff's officer barred the door and warned that if they tried to enter he would shoot them. In other words, the authorities were participants in the massacre, keeping emergency workers at bay until Harris and Klebold had completed their assigned task. Later, three students informed Deagle that ATF agents had been firing on kids inside the school.

Yet Mike's mother, Donna Taylor, claims her son saw a third gunman standing on the roof of the school just before the shooting began (there was a maintenance man on the roof that morning, but there are no other reports that he was armed).
Makes me smile how one minute the guy is the fire station physician and next he is a nut job:)
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The family of slain Columbine student Daniel Rohrbough claims a Denver police officer killed the boy as the youth fled the massacre inside the school.
A motion filed in federal court said Sgt. Dan O'Shea, a member of the SWAT team during the April 20, 1999, shootings, was identified through testimony by a school administrator, Celine Marquez, who said O'Shea told her two days after the shooting that he feared he may have shot an innocent student.
Can 101 witnesses be wrong?
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Columbine : 101 witnesses can't be wrong

According to the final report of the investigation, only two people--Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17--planned and executed the mass shooting at Columbine High School outside Littleton, Colorado, on April 20, 1999, leaving 15 dead and 23 wounded. But at least 101 eye- and ear- witnesses remembered it differently:
1) Chris Wisher, sophomore (1261) He turned and saw two guys carrying shotguns, and wearing black trench coats. A 3rd guy wearing a white T-shirt and jeans was seen throwing bombs onto the roof.
2) Jake Apodaca, sophomore (653) He was at the soccer field, heard firecrackers. He turned and saw two guys carrying shotguns, wearing black trench coats and black T-shirts. A 3rd guy wearing a white T-shirt and jeans was seen throwing bombs onto the roof.
3) Jonathan Cole, freshman (749) He noticed two tall guys in black trench coats. He then saw a third male, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. This person looked over to the other two suspect, and yelled "GO!! GO!!".
4) William Arapkiles, freshman (660) He states that he was at the soccer field, and heard firecrackers. He turned and saw 3 people near the West entrance. Two were wearing black trench coats, and carrying guns. The third was wearing a white T-shirt, and no visible gun. The person in the white T-shirt was pacing back and forth about 5' away from the two gunmen.
5) Channel 7 News at 12pm(noon) on 4-20 (EP 21-244) "Reporter said that numerous witnesses he spoke to who were not named said they saw 3 gunmen."
6) Lindsay Elmore, junior (332)"I believe there were 3 gunmen." (340) "...there was so much movement that Elmore thought there was more than two people."
7) ACSO Nelson (8810) "... a list of 3 names that the 12 witnesses ID'd from a yearbook were turned over to ACSO investigators to forward."
8) Jason Baer, sophomore (1759) Hid in greenroom off science hall "I heard more than two people yelling to each other saying 'over here' and stuff."
9) Anthony Sammauro, freshman (5071) "Tony stated that two suspects came in the front door and one came in the side door."
10) Erik Sunde, freshman (4576) Saw two gunmen downstairs near cafeteria, runs upstairs and sees another person in trenchcoat in front of library doors.

11) Jon Curtis, staff (2286) Describes 3 attackers.
You post Deagle's claims to what end? Add credibility?

Why not post the rest of his claims for perspective?

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Deagle's theory of the World Trade Center collapse is diametrically opposed to that of retired BYU professor Steven Jones (they had a private debate after the Vancouver conference): The buildings were brought down by a mini-nuke, just like the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City. But when I say "theory" I mean "borderline dogmatic belief." Deagle told us the only device that could have concievably brought down the WTC in such a manner is a mini-nuke. "There is no other conclusion. It's not something that's open to discussion." The WTC had to have been brought down by a combination of micronukes, DU-tipped missiles, and thermate. As evidence, he points out that cars in the area were melted on one side but not the other.

Deagle claims the President and most Congresspeople don't know the stuff he knows. He has a photographic memory and lots of connections.

If you're already thinking this fellow is either a pathological liar or several croutons short of a salad, it gets much worse. The more I find out about Dr. Deagle, the more astonished I am that he can actually function in society. Clearly, there is no ceiling for the high strangeness that he continually pulls out of his ass. It just gets crazier and crazier.

On December 7, 2006 Deagle gave an epic 4-hour speech to the Granada Forum, "Conspiracy Realities of 9/11 to Avian Flu and Beyond". The Granada Forum is an alternative media forum that provides the public with health/conspiracy information; past speakers include David Icke and Jordan Maxwell. The woman who introduced Dr. Deagle said his talk would allow the audience to "see what I know". She described him as founder of Nutrimedical, a teacher of medicine, a student, and a procter at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Deagle recapped his OK City experience, then announced "I have been in underground cities" before launching into what is probably the most absurd, fantastical lecture I have ever heard. Here are some of the highlights of his talk, mixed with a few gems from his interview on the cable-access show The Freeman Perspective:

Dr. Deagle on History and Religion

"All kings and rulers are subject to the Jesuit general, the Black Pope. Zionism is just an apostate arm of the Babylonian Talmudic Satanism subject to the Vatican. Spiritual dark lords of blood and sexual sacrifice are identical with the I.F.E.s...Identified Fiendish Entities. They exist in the astral planes and in the physical."

The I.F.E.s have manipulated and interbred to such a great extent with specific human families that some humans (like Hilary) are merely "human flesh husks...surrounding a bioplasmatic astral entity."

Turning his back on the fundie roots that got him where he is today, Deagle now says that Christ was not divine. The myth of Christ was invented by the Luciferian Catholic Church.

The U.S. is still under the control of the powers behind the British throne, and those powers are controlled by the Jesuits. The Crown is "owned" by BAR, the British Authorized Registry. He's referring to the legal bar. All legal entities are controlled by the Brit crown, or the Jesuits. Um. Okay. Read Vatican Assassins for more info; all the author's documentation is correct, Deagle assures us.

Tesla didn't invent anything. His father, a monk, had access to the Vatican library and found documents about ancient technology, including scalar technologies and sacred geometry. The "masters of chaos" have been sitting on this info for generations.
The Siberian explosion was caused by Tesla's death ray.

The Nazis channeled plans for spacecraft from aliens.

An imprisoned former Nazi, Dr. [Eduard] Vermeer, created the "food rules" in the '60s. They were adopted by the WTO in the '90s. This is partly true, but I can find no evidence that Dr. Vermeer was a Nazi.

The term "Shock and Awe" comes from the name of an ancient Babylonian goddess. "She's a hyperdimensional entity that's real, not imaginary." Need I add that there is no Babylonian goddess - or any Mesopotamian goddess - with a name even remotely resembling "Shock and Awe"? He might have this "hyperdimensional entity" of his confused with Shakkan, patron god of shepherds, or with "shekhinah". That's a Hebrew word for the resting place of God within the Holy of Holies.

Deagle says They are humans; we are man. They sacrifice to the reptilian "gods" on the astral plane. Astral serpentine entities are summoned to manifest themselves, and this is how every ultradimensional culture throughout history created the inferior beings known as man.

"I know information that's well beyond that of the Buddhists."

Dr. D. on The Freeman Perspective (an Austin cable-access show about occult conspiracies):

Host: "I find that I live on an entirely different planet from most of the humans around me...Is it possible [the military] is using some sort of occult ritual?"

D: "Part of Their religion is that they have to tell you what They're going to do to you, shrouded in symbolism (sacred architecture, numerology, etc.)...There are only two perspectives in the universe: "Christian messianic believer", and everything else (Luciferianism)."

The host made the bizarre statement that They aren't even on the same calendar system as us. Theirs is derived from the Freemasonic Anno Lucis calendar, and for them this is year 6007. They practice high occult rituals and sacrifice millions of humans, "if not more".
What do you think? Did you read all the accounts there, the number of conspirators ranges from 2 to 12. Are they all right?

I don't know who is right only that there are varying reports. Unsurprisingly different people see different things in different places at different times, (it went on for 3 hours), it lists all these names and what they reported...names of people identified as shooters were redacted, I don't know where the info came from originally... i.e. police reports but it apparently ended up in the final report of the investigation.

As an eg... this seems like pretty compelling evidence. Whoever 'redacted' was, must seriously have annoyed her for her to make it up. It is weird, no doubt about it.

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67) Lacey Smith, junior (4470) "On the diagram she depicts (Redacted) as walking in through the doors, past where she was sitting, and going in about as far as they north end of the school store. It was at that time she heard the windows breaking and then realized she was hearing shots. "....she did not have any trouble indentifying PERRY when he walked past her. I asked SMITH how sure she was that the person she saw and spoke with was (Redacted). I asked, "90 percent sure? 50 percent sure?" Her response was "100 percent sure." I then showed SMITH a photo lineup which included a picture of Dylan KLEBOLD, and asked her if the person who walked past her was in the lineup. She stated he was NOT in the lineup. .....As (Redacted) passed her and was near the commons area of the cafeteria, she then explained that (Redacted) pulled a weapon out from under his trench coat and started firing into the cafeteria.
You post Deagle's claims to what end? Add credibility?

Why not post the rest of his claims for perspective?

I didn't want to annoy Landru by taking up bandwidth :)

Anyway,Mick posted the link, I just picked out a bit that I thought was interesting.
And folks in Virgina reported seeing a lion walking up the street---it was a standard poodle with a lion cut. Several folks in Dallas called the police to report seeing a pair of tigers---they were bobcats.

Now if folks in a non stressed situation can see a poodle and think he is a lion, or see bobcats, (they are 30-40 lb spotted wildcats) and think it is a tiger, a teenager under stress my well be inaccurate in her testimony
I take it you are familiar with the unreliability of eyewitness testimony, especially in high stress situations?


Might it not be plausible that not everyone recognizes them? Or confuses them with someone else?
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Deagle seems to have discovered the conspiracy Grand Unification Theory. It is amazing that someone like that can function in society.
Simply a case of someone who wrote a whistle blowing book about the events leading up to and surrounding the biggest school shooting up to that date and the alleged involvement of police and politicians in rape, prostitution and drugs, (proven in the case of Sullivan), .
Where is this whistleblowing book? Have you read it?
If your 'evidence' only comes from 'official' sources and mockingbird media... your case is made.

Perhaps you can discredit the allegations?

Obviously not a problem that whistle blowers are taken off the street straight to mental institutions and drugged to zombie mode. Land of the sheep and home of the afraid?

"Home of the afraid" seems to describe where conspiracy theorists live to a "T".
I am not following/understanding the sequence of events here. Am I understanding correctly that the police raped the shooters, so the shooters shot up a school?

Why didn't the shoot the rapists?
I am not following/understanding the sequence of events here. Am I understanding correctly that the police raped the shooters, so the shooters shot up a school?

Why didn't the shoot the rapists?

Good question! Oxymoron, how does the book handle that question?
Since I can't hear the audio, I pulled out one point and chased down some info on it

One black student, Isaiah Shoels, was killed. When a friend of the Shoels wanted to help put a video together about the killing, he was killed mysteriously, and then the Shoels moved out of the town. There were several mysterious deaths. The school was also strange; it had courses in death:

Well, it seems that the Shoels did move out of town, but it seems that other things were the reason

"We're surrounded by some loving people. In Colorado people acted like we pulled the trigger. Don't get me wrong, there were some loving people in Colorado, but things were just too tense." Things got exceptionally tense last May when the Shoelses filed a wrongful-death law suit against the parents of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They hired high-profile lawyer Geoffrey Fieger to represent them.

The Shoelses were criticized as greedy opportunists on radio talk shows and in letters to the editor. But the Shoelses insist that they're only after the truth.

"A lot of people look at our situation and say, "Isaiah's dead, you guys should leave it alone and move on,'- " Vonda says. "But it's not that easy."

Still, he and Vonda now concede that they were wrong about some things.

Last year after the Columbine shootings, Michael and Vonda embarked on a local and national media tour.

They criticized Jefferson County for being racist.

They criticized the United Way and its Healing Fund for not buying them a house.

They asked President Clinton for financial help, and in their letter to him included a veiled reference to Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky: "Mr. President, it was not too long ago that you asked the American people to forgive you. We forgave you. We have high expectations of you." Michael now says the letter to Clinton was an error.

"I think we went where we weren't supposed to go with that," Michael says. "That was a mistake on my behalf, and I admit that. His personal business is his personal business." And Vonda says criticizing Coloradans as racists while she and Michael were speaking in Houston, New York, Michigan, Atlanta and elsewhere wasn't right."

It was mentioned there that "Mike Moore did not help the Taylor family financially or in any other manner. Instead, he used them for free to twist the Columbine movie into an anti-gun message:"

At least 2 families that seemed to have hoped to have profited from the disaster.
This is what Mark was like before 'forced hospitalisation' and after.

Is it the case that people in the U.S can be dragged off the streets and this happen to them for whistle blowing.

Perhaps Susan Lindauer would have suffered the same fate hate she not been connected enough?

Oxymoron, I'm trying to figure out who is pushing this CT. Its always good to get a feel for the folks involved.
So far we have Eric Hufschmid- a flaming racist, and Dr. Bill Deagle- a flaming nutcase,

Your video above links to this site, which claims to be seeking funds for the Taylors:

But this facebook page said two days ago:

**Note 2: For anyone who wants to help Mark and his mom Donna, who is fighting to get him out, please contact Donna at her email address:

Donna and Mark [B]do NOT have any websites authorized to take donations on their behalf[/B]. Anyone who would like to help with any donations or a room for Donna in the Denver area, please contact Donna at her email address.

What is the truth? How many sites/people are soliciting donations, and what becomes of the money?

For instance, this fellow Ron Aigner seems to be involved, and is flogging the Sandy Hook CT as well:
The Columbine link to the Sandy hook tragedy
We are the Columbine families who researched and learned that the shooters had been raped. Now we have information that the Inquirer says is from a judicial source, that Adam Lanza "dressed in black like his heroes Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold". We believe that Adam Lanza was a victim of raped also, based on a you tube that was posted prior to the tragedy. Also a post on 4chan in which a boy from Connecticut claims that he would be dead in the morning, shows a picture of the Columbine shooters in a pool of blood. We have a facebook website for Columbine victim Mark Taylor who was abducted and drugged while whistleblowing. Donna Taylor has contacted the Sandy hook advisory commitee. Google Mark's website RELEASE MARK TAYLOR
pitched 27 days ago by Ron Aigner

So, who is running these websites, where does the money go?
Please provide proof that the book was a whistle blower revealing anything that has been substantiated?
Yes, I'd like to see this for myself.

oxymoron said:
Ahh... well that's ok then.Are you referring to the alleged letter that he sent to Borders, (which no one has ever seen?). Guess everybody can carry on exercising their 1st amendment and they will know if they are wrong because they will be zombiefied.

Yes, but there had to be a police report filed, why doesn't Donna Taylor or one of her supporters show this, it is public record, even you could get it.
The mystery here should be why aren't the claimants showing this report, if it would exonerate Mark Taylor or show he was committed unreasonably?

I'm just asking reasonable questions, just like the CT'ers do, except the questions lead back to the original claimants who have holes in THEIR stories.