wasn't his job to gather all the stuff uap related from various programs? and then he filed a complaint because they denied him access and tried to lower his security clearance?
If I halfway understand the Grusch timeline that is not clearly spelled out in one place yet, it looked like this give or take:
Pre-2020: worked various military/DOD roles. Reached USAF Major, intel/combat officer Middle East. Transitioned to IC and reached GS-15, which I've read in that IC context is Lt. Colonel proximate equivalent for responsibilities in his organizations/IC departments.
2020 (approximate) to 2021: Had some sort of still unclear role with the NGO and the team of IC staff from multiple agencies that draft and deliver the Presidential Daily Brief (the famous extremely classified one). The implication was that at least three total people who were POTUS have directly engaged with Grusch 1:1 in person, but that is my analysis from a lot of implied things he's said (he IS a professional spy) and that people like Coulthart and other journalists have said, and from remarks by Congressmembers.
My takeaway was that at least once if not more Grusch played a direct role in POTUS IC briefings, and definitely created collateral for the Daily Brief. The implications for timing would be Trump while he was in office. Then, Obama after he left office as ex-Presidents also receive most if not all of the Daily Brief by convention so that the current POTUS can pick their brain or consult with them on past events. I'd assume that Grusch based on this timing worked with Obama and Biden, with Biden either pre-Inauguration, after, or both. I doubt we will ever get full confirmation on that in particular since the POTUS Briefing is like a top-tier state secret, but the implications were that Grusch has been inside the White House.
2021-2022~ (unclear end point): He got asked to take on this UFO related investigation under part of explicit Congressional legal mandates, and got some even higher elevated clearance levels/access. Then he (and implied small team under him) began knocking on doors and conducting interviews with current and former Pentagon, DOD, MIC, elected officials and others. He was apparently denied access to some things in violation of lawful Congressional mandate and had access to a lot more.
Somewhere toward the end of this period, he and others (like the ones he interviewed, but possibly more/others) all began walking into the US Capital to testify to Congressmembers and Congressional counsel/attorneys (the actual institutional career/non-partisan ones) and there was apparently a whole hell of a lot of whistleblowing going on. These things were also relayed lawfully to the IC Inspector General around here, and not just from Grusch, creating multiple concurrent lawful paper trails. I suppose those paper trails are what really made Grusch a target. I got regular "he wants to rally the whistleblowers" vibes from him early on, and now he's pretty much flat out saying whistleblowers need to start whistling more.
This would seem to be the reporting the IC IG deemed "credible" and "urgent" and sent to Congress. My read on the timeline is that the IC IG contact to Congress preceded the Congressional testimony in SCIFs of all these people. Grusch apparently spent 10 hours or so telling Congress what he knows.
It was after this period of multiple whistleblowers that members of Congress suddenly began saying incredible things like Marco Rubio (Senate Intel) with his several rounds of running commentary that boiled down to either "This is all real or half the Pentagon/IC is literally insane and either is a national emergency as Congress has been kept out of the loop" and Andre Carson (House Intel) almost jovially saying (paraphrasing) something like "And the aliens may not even be from this dimension! Stay tuned!" on live TV, which he then promptly shut up about. And now Schumer and Rounds literally calling out the House obstruction crowd, the DOD/Pentagon and the IC right on the Senate floor over all this, and Schumer's curious little almost saying "and if the government panics" bit.
Whatever Grusch and the whistleblowers know, the Gang of 8 knows, and damn sure the House/Senate Intel committees know. Probably not Armed Services, or else Gaetz would be impossible to shut up about it.
This loosely aligns with the remarks I've seen more than once that implied Grusch and Karl Nell had a hand in helping to craft requirements and language for the United States Senate UAPDA. Assuming it's all true, they'd be key people to tell the Congress where to aim their legal wording in the most effective way.
Whatever toothpaste exists, this is where it irrevocably left the tube.
2021-2022 (unclear at all): At some point he began getting retaliation from either/or DOD or IC connected people. This was toward Grusch at minimum but now he says at least one other person. If his clearance, job, or position was illegally attacked in violation of whistleblower law, it was here. This seems to also be when the implied physical threats to Grusch and his wife happened, before they were public figures or known to the public.
The IC IG apparently also (required) notified Congress of this. This (my take) is what really set off Congress leading to the 2022 hearings:
2022-2023: Grusch decides he has to resign entirely from government to whistleblow, blowing up his career and what should have been two fat well-earned pensions.
July 2023: Grusch, Fravor, Graves hearing in Congress. Depending on reports another 3~ witnesses refused at the last minute to testify. I've seen it strongly implied one was Latacaski (sp) and another was Colonel Karl Nell. My gut says Admiral Galludet was the other.
Re DOPSR wording, I never could find any clear explanation of how in the hell that works, but Kelleher and Latacaski actually gave a clear simple explanation at one point on that very long Weaponized podcast, when Corbell asked why it seemed like certain details got bumped from their first book to the second book, years later.
It seems like you file whatever it is you want to disclose and the Pentagon starts working through it. You list 1,000 things you want to say that are classified. You file on January 1. By February 1, they say you can reveal items 1-100 and 45-60 and 500-700 and 954, and maybe the say you can only say 600 to 700 up to some point that is different from what you want. By April 1, they amend the request and add another fifty or a hundred things you can say, again maybe with some conditions. In May, you add another +500 things you want to say, and they keep working on it, and over time, the requests are worked through. Latacaski said there were certain items he asked to disclose in the first book that are still open requests after the second book was released, and he hoped they would be cleared for some future disclosure.
That seems to track with Corbells curious "Grusch is about to be unshackled" remark about a month before he recorded Joe Rogan.
It all makes sense then how he's gotten slightly less cagey and more blunt as the past half year has gone forward.