David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

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if you are the person who assumed that if newton was handed an iPhone
Perhaps look back up thread and see who you are replying to?
I want to hear what you have to say, it is unfortunate that you are saying it in a way that comes across as condescending and needlessly confrontational. Relax, we're all friends here (most of the time, anyway) and disagreeing without being disagreeable is a virtue.
I am new here. To me the claims provided by Grusch are just same old regurgitations we see from the likes of Knapp, Nolan, Davis, Stratton, Elizondo, Taylor, Putthoff, etc. There is nothing novel in his testimony to me, so if I am missing something let me know. The concerning issue is that the same journalists from the 2017 article failed to find a reputable host. The 2017 article and the videos drew a lot of traffic, so I find it hard that to imagine if fact checking came through that sites would pass on the article.
Put together those numbers and you get 30,000,000 flights. With no decent photographs.

This is an extraordinary claim - more extraordinary than the claim of alien observation itself.
Unless the fact of the crashes & the visibility are linked together, i.e. I assume they would have some sort of cloaking device, like militaries have been exploring for a long time, but obviously much more capable and working across multiple spectrums. The only time we could possibly observe them is with a loss of power, when they also often crash.

BTW I'm playing devils advocate, I don't believe alien spaceships are visiting the earth
(Also, people have cracked operating systems from scratch without even that advantage or even an interface designed to interact with the OS. Yes, you think it is impossible. But it has still been done - eg google Magic Lantern. And, yes, I am a programmer.)
Super annoying that you won't give sources. Magic Lantern takes advantage of the fact that Canon has published a SDK for their cameras. In this context, "black box/clean room approach" means that the people coding Magic Lantern have never seen the SDK, but that doesn't mean they didn't have information. There's definitely an "interface designed to interact with the OS".
This thread has gone so much off topic, I don't understand why. I thought it were house-rules to not go off topic, but apparently not. It makes it very hard to keep track, if everyone is discussing other things constantly!
It's frustrating, but easy to understand how a thread on the whistleblower testimony has segued into a general discussion of the entire topic of UFOs. But this has travelled merrily down the side lanes of previous testimonies, connection with other believers, body language (all "sort of" pertinent), then off into the deep weeds of keeping secrets, rudeness, and lengthy suppositions about Isaac Newton and the Phillips head screwdriver. And yes, mea culpa as well. (Note to self: Must. Learn. Not. To. Pursue. Shiny. Objects.)

I'm not sure whether it's even a good idea to split out some of the topics to their own threads. Perhaps a massive throw-out-the-trash endeavor would be best, just disposing of those comments unrelated to the subject.
I'm not sure whether it's even a good idea to split out some of the topics to their own threads. Perhaps a massive throw-out-the-trash endeavor would be best, just disposing of those comments unrelated to the subject.

Yeah, it went sideways. Maby a more open ended thread on alien-human-technology interactions in General Discussion or Chitchat could be interesting, but not here.
Sorry people, I was AFK yesterday, and this thread has become irredeemable convoluted with multiple topic. So it's locked now.

If you want to start new threads on more focussed aspects of it, then please do it in the appropriate forum.

Please also review the posting guidelines, stay on topic, be polite, and don't link to things without also quoting, screenshotting, or describing what is linked to.
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