That's not a straw man. It's the "not as bad as" fallacy, or the "
fallacy of relative privation".
Ok. That does it for me. So long as everyone understands what I was saying.
But the question here is if some people promote an extreme view of the degree of fascism in the US, which contributes to the paranoid mindset of people like Ciancia. This extreme view is typified by Alex Jones.
I have already made myself clear on what I think about this. I think Jones is a reflection of his audience, rather than the other way around. I also think it wrong to blame people like AJ, or who think like AJ, for the actions of someone else. Particularly if the main cause of these beliefs and actions are likely to be found elsewhere... i.e. the fascist actions, (irrespective of exactly how fascist on relative scale they are) of the American Govt or even directly related to the guys personal interactions with the TSA/police.
Oxy and BtD lean towards agreeing with Jones on many points.
I agree with Jones that the wars are illegal and immoral and that we have been lied to about the 'reasons' for going to war and about the way the war is conducted. I strongly disagree with the wars and the way they were conducted but the latter becomes somewhat redundant in certain context.
I also agree that the U.S is 'some way' down the slippery slope of being a police state or that it already qualifies but obviously different people will have different views on that in the same way that everyone has different morals. But the core qualifiers are there in my opinion.
Oxy has agreed AJ is hyperbolic in some points.
Yes, that is my opinion but I do not equate that as a reason to 'blame him for someone else's actions'.
Oxy's world view is summed up with "'... losing your civil rights and object to illegal wars being fought, massive military industrial complex, NSA spying, Banking frauds, market manipulations, draconian measures against free speech and personal liberties and cavity searches, ...."
Pretty much.
However those are issues that pretty much everyone agrees are issues. Ranting on about those issues is not really helpful, and in most cases is just a straw man argument.
They cannot be issues that everyone agrees are wrong or they would not be. People agree with these things and have worked hard to bring them about. Some people on here are even advocating more curtailments and invasions of privacy and person.
So what's the actual disagreement here? Oxy, where do we disagree exactly?
As I see it, we disagree on:
You apparently feel it ok to blame someone else, (AJ (and even me)), for someone else's actions, (Ciancia) but steadfastly refuse to accept the
much more likely option that fascistic Govt policy and or personal interactions with an organisation which is largely loathed and ridiculed for it's excesses and violations, could have had anything to do with it. All this based on supposition and 'Oh, he uses the same words as Oxy and AJ, ergo Oxy must have brain washed him to do what he did'.
So yes I take exception to your, (and others), blatant bias. I take your continued avoidance of crediting any blame to the Govt as being an 'apologistic' at best and endorsement at worst, for their actions.
As RP said, when you use words like 'the U.S's
involvement in the M.E', that is outright inaccurate and an obfuscation of what they are doing. Say it like it is and stop sanitising it whilst at the same time being hyperbolic about others who criticise it.
I refer again to the Woolwich incident and the statements made as to why they did what they did. It was nothing to do with 'being brainwashed by me or AJ... it was a reaction to western foreign policy.
Why can you not even consider that Ciancia, did what he did as a reaction to U.S internal policy of imposing a militarised police state which he hated... all by himself.
So do you accept that the U.S is either a police state or 'well down that road and getting worse' or do you think... 'oh there is a few excesses but nothing to worry about... they have their reasons and are keeping us safe from the baddies'?
Perhaps it would be good to do a poll similar to 'where are you on the political scale' but changed to 'where is the U.S in terms of fascism and where is it headed and has it overstepped the mark'?