What are the flaws in some common truther arguments? Did the collapse of the Twin Towers truly resemble a controlled demolition? What's the process like when a person becomes and quits being a conspiracy theorist? These are some of the key questions I discuss...
Jason Bermas is a producer, writer, and YouTuber, best known for conspiracy documentaries such as Loose Change, Fabled Enemies, Shade, and Invisible Empire. Loose Change was a seminal documentary for the 9/11 “Truth” movement, and I’ve often...
The claim is that CNBC Anchor Ron Insana called Building 7 a ‘Controlled Implosion’
AE911Truth call this a "Bombshell":
On the 18th anniversary of 9/11, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his haunting...
On July 24th, 2019, the Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners passed a resolution stating that:
the overwhelming evidence presented in said petition demonstrates beyond any doubt that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries — not just airplanes and the ensuing fires — caused...
[Arthur Scheuerman in his book "Fire in the Skyscraper" postulated] the mysterious "kink" in the north face of Building 7 was the result of collapsing core columns pulling the north face inward:
Most researchers seem to concur, at...
Stian Arensen has been involved in the 9/11 Truth community for a number of years, and in the last year or so has been questioning some of...
Uniqueness has long been put forward as evidence of a conspiracy, and nowhere more so than in the highly unique events of 9/11. What are the odds, they will ask, that three tall building could collapse from fire when this has never happened before?
These arguments are specious, of course, as...
On New Year’s Eve, Motherboard broke the news that a hacking group known as The Dark Overlord was threatening to release a cache of stolen insurance and legal documents related to the 9/11...
People who think that the World Trade Center was demolished with pre-planted explosives sometimes point to flashes of light that you can see in some videos of the collapses. They say that these flashes are evidence of explosives going off...
Transcript from excerpts of the above used on ABC:
MILLER: (VO) Ellner also complained that they had been mistreated and sub-jected to repeated interrogations.
Mr. ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) And at that point, we...
So it looks like AE911Truth has been incorrectly using another photos for many years. I noticed this by accident when looking at a similar photo posted yesterday for the anniversary of 9/11:
I saw the above (right) 9/11 thumbnail image on the NBC News home page, and it immediately reminded me...
The building that collapsed at 5775 Collins Ave. was the 12-story Marlborough House, which was scheduled to be demolished to make way for a new condo building
Any tall building collapse is interesting in the context of...
A large part of the reason that 9/11 conspiracy theories persist is simply that people not understanding the physics of the collapse. I was talking to a conspiracy theorist a while back, trying to explain why the towers collapsed. I said that...
The following witness report of the collapse of 7 WTC, that included a mention of buckling, is taken from the blog, recommended by @Oystein in another thread:
Undicisettembre: Did you see WTC7 collapse? What do you think of it? Did you notice anything...
In the recent discussion video between @Mick West and @Tony Szamboti the claim came up that WTC7 was the only building outside the WTC block that caught fire on 9/11, see the video following 52:25
Tony: "building 7 was the only building on it's block, 2 buildings adjacent next to it..the post...
The following slide has been part of Richard Gage's 9/11 Truth presentation for several years, at least since 2008 when it showed up in a version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth video (which is basically Gage giving the extended version of his slideshow).
It's supposedly the spectrum of a sample...
Suspicious minds sometimes point to the flight path of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon on 9/11. The plane is heading straight for the building when it makes a descending turn described as things like a "corkscrew" or a "an...
(Skip to 21:21 if not auto-started there)
This first post is the transcript, with minor asides omitted and some slides added for context. Discussion to follow.
From The JB Podcast Episode 22 Mick West & Tony...
I was thinking about the popularity of conspiracy theories. You often see surveys that say things like "12%
of the population believes in some 9/11 cover up (or chemtrails"
There’s several quite popular YouTube personalities who make Flat Earth their focus. It’s not always clear if they...