- The Ezra Klein Show podcast episode "What the Heck Is Going on With These U.F.O. Stories?" with Leslie Kean (transcript).
- The Coulthart Report podcast episode "David Grusch: The Whistleblower".
- The New York Times article "Independent Journalist Leslie Kean on the Latest U.F.O. Revelations".
In the Ezra Klein Show podcast episode, Kean says that Grusch was "very careful" about what he said to her, and that he "didn't want to say anything that could get him in trouble." She also says that he was "very concerned about the security of the information."
In the Coulthart Report podcast episode, Grusch discusses some of the topics that he was hesitant to discuss with Kean, including the nature of the UFOs that he has seen, and the possible implications of their existence.
The New York Times article also quotes Kean as saying that Grusch "held back on some things" in his interviews with her.
In the Coulthart Report podcast episode, Grusch discusses some of the specific topics that he was hesitant to discuss with Kean, including:
- The exact nature of the UFOs that he has seen. He says that he does not want to "get into specifics" because he is worried about being labeled a "conspiracy theorist."
- The possible implications of the existence of UFOs. He says that he is concerned about the potential for panic and social unrest if people were to widely accept the idea that UFOs are real.
- His own personal experiences with UFOs. He says that he has had some "very close encounters" with UFOs, and that he is still trying to make sense of them.
Grusch also says that he was hesitant to discuss these topics with Kean because he did not want to "waste her time." He says that he felt that she was already familiar with the basics of the UFO phenomenon, and that he did not want to bore her with details that she already knew.
However, Grusch eventually did open up to Kean about some of these topics. He says that he felt comfortable doing so because he trusted her and believed that she would take his story seriously.
Excerpts from the Coulthart Report podcast episode transcript
Coulthart then asks Grusch to clarify what he means by "waste her time." Grusch responds: