Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

I need to start a thread on Corexit. Since there are a lot of stories about it being a 'neurotoxin' related to Agent Orange.
It isn't, it is closer to being Dawn.

higgins, Godlike,

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Corexit is horrible stuff a Grade A neurotoxin pesticide to be exact.

BP's latest oil spill response update for June 4th says the total amount of the dispersant used in the Gulf of Mexico more than 1,021,000 gallons.

But what most people don't know is that the active ingredient of the toxic chemical dispersant, which is up to 60% by volume, being sprayed by BP to fight the Gulf oil spill is a is a neurotoxin pesticide that is acutely toxic to both human and aquatic life, causes cancer, causes damage to internal organs such as the liver and kidneys simply by absorbing it through the skin and may cause reproductive side effects.

In fact the neurotoxin pesticide that is lethal to 50% of life in concentrations as little as 2.6 parts per million has been banned for use in the UK since 1998 because it failed the UK "Rocky shore test" which assures that the dispersant does not cause a "significant deleterious ecological change".

Corexit was widely used after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill and according to a literature review performed by the group the Alaska Community Action on Toxics was later linked with widespread long lasting health impacts in people including respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders.

Read the rest...

And of course the expected sources show up

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The Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons

The Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons
Posted by Alexander Higgins - June 5, 2010
So What Are These Dispersants Made Of That Makes Them Such a Powerful Neurotoxin Pesticide?
The main ingredients of Corexit is 2-Butoxyethanol which can make up to 60% of the dispersant and is known to be toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system (CNS).
2-Butoxyethanol is also known to cause cancer, birth defects and has been found to cause genetic mutations and is a delayed chronic health hazard as well as an environmental hazardous material
Corexit also contains Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, and Cyanide.
Submitted by mytrueword on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 13:07
Just got a nice simple death threat from raw foods advocate Matt Stevens who I had sent my standard info letter too. About 12 thankyous today and one death threat via email.
It was from who runs a rawfoods webpage.
I assumed he was a vegan and vegans were all about not harming living things. Possibly he is into eating food whilst it is still alive so sending me an email instructing me to die may just indicate he is hungry?

I sent him a letter detailing a small part of my conservation work to protect the worlds endangered species but I'm suspecting details may not be important to him.

Anyone else receive some amusing and perplexing death threats?
Possibly worth while documenting threats of violence to us debunkers who are trying to inform people that they are not actually in any danger from ice in the sky.
Some of the radical animal rights folks don't seem to like humans much. They consider us a pest species. I keep wanting to suggest that they could remove ONE pest --but I won't say that, but I THINK it

While not a direct threat, the calling out of this pilot as a "criminal", and asking to identify him (which is easy to do with about thirty seconds of Googling) seems at the very least to be and incitement to harass an innocent man.
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That particular thread was posted by EarthPatriot, and he links to which is a site selling Nikken Products, an "Alternative Health" pyramid marketing site. There's been a flurry of these barrel photos posted on Facebook, and people seem to be jumping on the bandwagon.

Seems like a very obvious case of "fear based marketing" here.
Are you talking about defending murderers? Cause that's what it sound like. You are defending genocide. What a human being you are.
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Victoria (
There is over 100 years of proof that they exist and ABDOLUTELY nothing makes me agrier and no one I know personally would EVER take me on to debate this as they would lose. It's a no win situation for anyone due to the fact that I would die and or kill over this issue. If you don't believe it then you should probably go bury your head in the sand until you no longer breath. God help any body who comes anywhere near my stratosphere who says they don't exist. You may as well tell me you are a satan worshiper. I promise you will not feel safe around me.
Are you talking about defending murderers? Cause that's what it sound like. You are defending genocide. What a human being you are.

No, we are talking about PREVENTING murders. The concern is that someone will attack a plane, a pilot, a scientist, or a debunker. So these threats are being collated to try to prevent that if possible.

We don't think the trails are anything other than contrails. If you do, then please explain why.

FWIW the "white tube" at het bottom of the picture that Georgio Meccariello is asking about looks like a towbar - the ring at het left hand end connects to a tractor, the hooks on the right probably to lugs on the nose landing gear. the body of the towbar is shock absorber, and probably incorporates a weak link that will break before the nose gear breaks in case stresses get too high.

You would carry a tow bar if you were intending to land somewhere that doesn't normally support the a/c type - which means pretty much everywhere except a few home bases for an aircraft on it's certification flight testing!
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FWIW the "white tube" at het bottom of the picture that Georgio Meccariello is asking about looks like a towbar - the ring at het left hand end connects to a tractor, the hooks on the right probably to lugs on the nose landing gear. the body of the towbar is shock absorber, and probably incorporates a weak link that will break before the nose gear breaks in case stresses get too high.

You would carry a tow bar if you were intending to land somewhere that doesn't normally support the a/c type - which means pretty much everywhere except a few home bases for an aircraft on it's certification flight testing!

Yes, I already labeled it as such in the Ballast Barrels thread.
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Victoria (
There is over 100 years of proof that they exist and ABDOLUTELY nothing makes me agrier and no one I know personally would EVER take me on to debate this as they would lose. It's a no win situation for anyone due to the fact that I would die and or kill over this issue. If you don't believe it then you should probably go bury your head in the sand until you no longer breath. God help any body who comes anywhere near my stratosphere who says they don't exist. You may as well tell me you are a satan worshiper. I promise you will not feel safe around me.

So, Vickie, Who in the World ever put this killing idea into your head? That isn't the way that most people feel when they encounter someone who disagrees with them. I do challenge you to debate, but you know that you'll have to stop the tough talk and get down to facts to win a debate. Hope you can be nice but from what I see over at Thom Hartmann that might be extraordinary behavior.
They seem to have so bought into the hoax that obvious evidence to the contrary MUST be 'disinformation' . I don't understand their thinking
Good debunkers need to understand the thinking of the people they are debunking.

There's a variety of different things going on there.
I guess that I have been a skeptic too much of my life.

I was in grade school and there was doll that was heavily advertised on the kid shows. She was toddler size and she WALKED. I wanted her. My parents told me that she would 'walk' like she did in the commercial, so I disappointingly asked for a different doll. One the girls up the street got the doll. I had to go up and play with her and the doll. She would take on maybe 2 steps and then fall over--she didn't walk !

If you add in that my dad was pharmacist and he often ranted on hoaxes in the medical field and my early interest in science, I was healthy skeptic by the time I was 10 or12. I was encouraged to go look up the information on my own--I think I was 5 when my parents bought a set of Collier's encyclopedias for me.

I think the first thing I remember debunking was Santa Claus . For some reason, I can still remember stopping on my way to school one Nov morning and LOOKING at a house(that had a chimney) and deciding that reindeer couldn't fly. That was the start. I wanted to believe in Santa, but the EVIDENCE (and I started collecting it then) showed me that he wasn't real. I was the one that challenged my parents about Santa Claus. It hurt, but I had to face the truth.
I guess that I have been a skeptic too much of my life.

I was in grade school and there was doll that was heavily advertised on the kid shows. She was toddler size and she WALKED. I wanted her. My parents told me that she would 'walk' like she did in the commercial, so I disappointingly asked for a different doll. One the girls up the street got the doll. I had to go up and play with her and the doll. She would take on maybe 2 steps and then fall over--she didn't walk !

If you add in that my dad was pharmacist and he often ranted on hoaxes in the medical field and my early interest in science, I was healthy skeptic by the time I was 10 or12. I was encouraged to go look up the information on my own--I think I was 5 when my parents bought a set of Collier's encyclopedias for me.

I think the first thing I remember debunking was Santa Claus . For some reason, I can still remember stopping on my way to school one Nov morning and LOOKING at a house(that had a chimney) and deciding that reindeer couldn't fly. That was the start. I wanted to believe in Santa, but the EVIDENCE (and I started collecting it then) showed me that he wasn't real. I was the one that challenged my parents about Santa Claus. It hurt, but I had to face the truth.

Haha. When I was 4, I woke up and went to get a drink of water and caught my mom making my Easter basket. The cogs started turning and I soon realized all the implications, and that would be when I became a skeptic. Like your husband, I went to Catholic school and I'm sure the nuns all hated me for asking all the difficult questions. :D
I can't ever remember believing in the Easter Bunny or tooth fairy. I knew that they were just for 'fun'.

I was in middle school when I stayed after my Earth Science class and pointed out that something in my textbook was wrong. The book was several years old and my geology text was newer. I brought it to class the next day to show the teacher. I think I am one of the few students that ever took books to their teachers to read, and even did that in college.

I was taking an Environmental Ethics class, and the textbook was a 'small world' point of view---very Malthusian It recommended severe methods to control population (maybe the chem trail folks had that same book). Then we were showed a film of what would happen if there was a temperature inversion over the Entire Northern Hemisphere for a month. Yep, I called BS on that to the professors, I pointed out that I could make a better case for FTL drive than for it. I asked them if there were going to teach subjectively or objectively. When they said the latter, I decided to not drop it. They knew then that I would challenge what they said and taught.
I think the first thing I remember debunking was Santa Claus . For some reason, I can still remember stopping on my way to school one Nov morning and LOOKING at a house(that had a chimney) and deciding that reindeer couldn't fly. That was the start. I wanted to believe in Santa, but the EVIDENCE (and I started collecting it then) showed me that he wasn't real. I was the one that challenged my parents about Santa Claus. It hurt, but I had to face the truth.

I was removed from my parents' friends Sal and Mary's home on Christmas Eve when I kept shouting "It's Sal! It's Sal! It's not Santa Claus!" when I was about 6, in front of about 15 children of all ages. I did the same debunking, we lived in Queens and there was 1. no way Santa could get down the chimney 2. OBVIOUSLY there was no way he could carry ALL the gifts delivered on Christmas in a sleigh and do it in one evening and 3. IT WAS SAL FOR GOODNESS' SAKE!!

My other moment was then the nun told us the eucharist turned into the ACTUAL body and blood of Christ. Come on now, I can't believe even 7 year olds would believe that.

While not a direct threat, the calling out of this pilot as a "criminal", and asking to identify him (which is easy to do with about thirty seconds of Googling) seems at the very least to be and incitement to harass an innocent man.

I reported this photo to Facebook.

"[TABLE="class: _7dv"]
[TD]StatusPhoto not removed
[TD]DetailsThank you for your report. We carefully reviewed the photo you reported, but found it doesn't violate our community standard on bullying and harassment so we didn't remove it."

I put in a more detailed report after receiving this. Facebook really needs to exert some kind of control on it's content.
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I reported this photo to Facebook.

"[TABLE="class: _7dv"]
[TD]StatusPhoto not removed[/TD]
[TD]DetailsThank you for your report. We carefully reviewed the photo you reported, but found it doesn't violate our community standard on bullying and harassment so we didn't remove it."

I put in a more detailed report after receiving this. Facebook really needs to exert some kind of control on it's content.[/TD]

The link I put above actually goes to the version used as a cover photo, so maybe you reported that one, the one with the "does anyone recognize him" comment is:
Probably not a "chemtrail" activist, but his action may inspire them:

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A 19-year-old California man has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison for shining a laser pointer at two aircraft.In March 2012 Adam Gardenhire aimed a green laser pen at a business jet and then shone it at a Pasadena police helicopter sent to find the source.
He is the second person in the US to be sentenced for aiming a laser at an aircraft.
The act has been considered a federal crime in the US since February 2012.
Why do I think the pot is boiling over on this one?


Maybe because when you start examining your skin with a microscope and posting stuff like this, you're really losing it.

hot legs1.jpg
I got zapped going into Shanghai a few months ago. The second officer had vision problems for a couple of hours.. He caught it right in the eyes.
It is a dangerous prank. I guess that folks don't really realize the distance they can reach and that they are still STRONG enough to injure someone.

And then there are the chemtrail folks that KNOW what they are doing.
Why do I think the pot is boiling over on this one?

Maybe because when you start examining your skin with a microscope and posting stuff like this, you're really losing it.

Hopefully just attention seeking, but the persecution / egocentric element in the facebook post is genuinely worrying, and it's present in a LOT of these kind of screeds.

It's sad to see it effecting people's behaviour. I can point to two or three twitter users who often say they "didn't leave the house," or "...turned around and went home when they saw all the chemtrails,".
More from Carly Hill here [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]

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Gnarly Carly It doesn't do shit. And I know the story about the kid getting 2 years. It's another hoax story. Supposedly happened here in Phoenix, but it never did. They are just trying to scare anyone from taking these fuckers down, cuz they know that they deserve to be wacked from the sky. you can't go on killing millions of people right out in the open day after day without the paranoia getting to you. So they are trying to scare anyone from fucking with the planes, and made it sound like it was a commercial plane. Nobody messes with them, and it's very easy to tell them apart. We live near sky harbor airport. Sprayer planes don't go near that place. And nobody beams a damn helicoptor. It was a hoax story. Remember they said that the cop found the laser in the guys couch? yeah, like he could just bust in and search on a hunch. I remember it well, it was bullshit.
And I wish they would take me to court for shining a fucking light on something that is murdering people. Give me my 30 minutes on the fucking stand and let me roll. It's self defense, and in AZ if someone is trying to kill you, you can use lethal force. A stupid light is hardly lethal force, but if it were, I'd definitely use it. Fuck everyone involved, which includes all who simply look the other way, or try to debunk facts and ridicule normal people because they are whores for the zionists in hollywood, radio, TV, or Government. They can all rot in fuciking Jew Hell.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
More from Carly Hill here [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]

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Gnarly Carly It doesn't do shit. And I know the story about the kid getting 2 years. It's another hoax story. Supposedly happened here in Phoenix, but it never did. They are just trying to scare anyone from taking these fuckers down, cuz they know that they deserve to be wacked from the sky. you can't go on killing millions of people right out in the open day after day without the paranoia getting to you. So they are trying to scare anyone from fucking with the planes, and made it sound like it was a commercial plane. Nobody messes with them, and it's very easy to tell them apart. We live near sky harbor airport. Sprayer planes don't go near that place. And nobody beams a damn helicoptor. It was a hoax story. Remember they said that the cop found the laser in the guys couch? yeah, like he could just bust in and search on a hunch. I remember it well, it was bullshit.
And I wish they would take me to court for shining a fucking light on something that is murdering people. Give me my 30 minutes on the fucking stand and let me roll. It's self defense, and in AZ if someone is trying to kill you, you can use lethal force. A stupid light is hardly lethal force, but if it were, I'd definitely use it. Fuck everyone involved, which includes all who simply look the other way, or try to debunk facts and ridicule normal people because they are whores for the zionists in hollywood, radio, TV, or Government. They can all rot in fuciking Jew Hell.
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Yeah, that tirade suspends any sympathy I may have for such people.
Hopefully just attention seeking, but the persecution / egocentric element in the facebook post is genuinely worrying, and it's present in a LOT of these kind of screeds.

It's sad to see it effecting people's behaviour. I can point to two or three twitter users who often say they "didn't leave the house," or "...turned around and went home when they saw all the chemtrails,".

I don't know if you are on Facebook, but a quick look at Gnarly Carly's page (by the way her name apparently is Carly Hill), will show you a very angry person who has lashed out all over the place.
Now the girl is making rockets.

hell no1.jpg

Then there's this:

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I've pretty much had it with the skies. I cannot fawking take this shit anymore. Everytime I walk out the front door I'm swearing my ass off, looking like a damn
crazy bitch, since there is nobody around except me. I know hwo I'm cussing out, but I'm sure my neighbors don't.
There are 2 ways to stop this: Take them out or expose them so globally, they can't go on.
Taking them out is stupid. There are waaaay too many people on board at this stage of the game, from all local/city/local politicians, media, judges, law enforcement etc etc. Anyone who is in a position that could make a change and chooses to stay silent is bought and paid for. So that is a dumb idea.

All we need to do is use their own game on them. We don't need all the dumb ass sheeple to do it, just a few good minds and some false flags of our own. We could pull this off globally, as we have people in most every civilized country on call, right here on FB (until they shut it down).

Besides elected officials, who are the dumbest links in the chain? Right, the media. They are the weakest link and at the same time the most powerful tool, as they can reach the masses, who believe everything they say. They are in one form or the other in every city on earth (almost), and when one of them spews a story, it can go global quick-like with the internet. So imagine if they were all reporting the same thing happening in different locations. And all it takes is a phone call with a hot tip, just for them, and they jump all over other to "get the exclusive" and/or to not be left out.
If we come up with the right plan, they will spew what we give them to the world before any of them realize what they've done.
You know, okey doke their asses, make them report what we want, but coat it to appear as something completely different..

Here's a dumb example, but suppose people all over the globe were reporting something bizarre falling from the sky. Something that would attract the media, like that person who dumped those mushy balls in the desert and the medoa came running to do a story on the "mysterious eggs from outer space". It sure would get everyone looking up :o) Hell, we should just start reporting that dollar bills are floating down from the sky around the world, and you know the idiots would all be looking up non stop for the rest of their lives. I know these are dumb, but we need to come up with something and use the same tools (whores) that the other side does.
Now the girl is making rockets.

View attachment 2119

Then there's this:


I've pretty much had it with the skies. I cannot fawking take this shit anymore. Everytime I walk out the front door I'm swearing my ass off, looking like a damn
crazy bitch, since there is nobody around except me. I know hwo I'm cussing out, but I'm sure my neighbors don't.
There are 2 ways to stop this: Take them out or expose them so globally, they can't go on.
Taking them out is stupid. There are waaaay too many people on board at this stage of the game, from all local/city/local politicians, media, judges, law enforcement etc etc. Anyone who is in a position that could make a change and chooses to stay silent is bought and paid for. So that is a dumb idea.

I'd report to the authorities at this point.