Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

Carly keeps em coming. I included the more of the thread just to show how clearly out of touch with reality she and her friends are.

a couple of the comments on that zengardrner page
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Jess on 03/05/2013 at 10:51 pm said:

They are chemtrailing here now (N Florida) We need to stop these chemtrail aircraft and these morons destroying our environment. How do we stop them short of ramming aircraft on the flightline?

James on 03/05/2013 at 11:12 pm said:

Perhaps a revolution is in order. American civilians have access to heavy weapons, yes? Perhaps try firing an incendiary rocket into the chemtrail. If its particles are close together you should get a nice big explosion. Contrail water vapour won't do that. Just a thought.
That second comment's an interesting way to 'test' trails. So they must think they are composed of hard particles rather than chemical substances.
That second comment's an interesting way to 'test' trails. So they must think they are composed of hard particles rather than chemical substances.
I always thought it was hard to oxidize something that is already an oxide. Someone wasn't conscious during chemistry lessons. Or maybe they thought they could set fire to something that previously must have been at 2000 deg C. Or that materials could be sprayed from invisible nozzles. Who's to know?
I have found that many folks understanding of science is at about a grade school level. There are folks that thought that the blow out in the gulf would leave a huge cave that the floor of the Gulf would fall into. Others thought that a huge cave extended under the Gulf, full of oil.
I have found that many folks understanding of science is at about a grade school level. There are folks that thought that the blow out in the gulf would leave a huge cave that the floor of the Gulf would fall into. Others thought that a huge cave extended under the Gulf, full of oil.

They think the plane that hit the pentagon should have left a complete plane silhouette also. So science isn't the only place they look to cartoons for knowledge.
" I FUCKING HATE THEM. I WANT TO KILL ALL OF THESE FUCKERS." Sounds pretty threatening. Sounds like she is encouraging others also. Not a danger at all you say?

May be a better place for this, remove it if necessary, as it is not specifically about "chemtrail" planes, however it was on a YouTube video about "Morgellons" being sprayed from the planes. When did it become OK to make this type of public statement?

May be a better place for this, remove it if necessary, as it is not specifically about "chemtrail" planes, however it was on a YouTube video about "Morgellons" being sprayed from the planes. When did it become OK to make this type of public statement?

View attachment 1983

They are all related. Pretty much anyone who believe in chemtrails is going to believe in HAARP weapons, weather modification, etc. I've been documenting threats made against the weather service and weather radar facilities as I could be directly impacted by that. It absolutely scares the hell out of me when I read some of them because it would be much easier to shoot up a radome (white "ball" on top) from long distance with a high powered rifle than it would be to take out an airliner.

Some NWS offices already have had their radar shot at - just a couple rounds mind you with no real damage other than paneling - and whether the shooters were just playing around (many of the radars are in remote locations) or actually have a beef against the NWS is another matter - but it HAS already happened.

And a fear of mine is that it will happen again, this time with someone (possibly myself) inside doing maintenance. As long as the proprietors of all those conspiracies continue to recklessly push forward with their "evidence" and "discoveries" and continue to stir up mistrust, an attack of some kind against an airplane or other ground based facility is a real possibility.
Here's another from facebook user on John Graf's page

John is spreading nonsense with a picture of the A380 undergoing flight testing and telling people it is a chemtrail plane interior.

Of course it is just an A380 doing certification testing
Here's another from facebook user on nonsense disseminator John Graf's page attachment 1994

John is spreading nonsense with a picture of the A380 undergoing flight testing and telling people it is a chemtrail plane interior.

Of course it is just an A380 doing certification testing

Regarding his photo of the A380, don't they ever wonder why they use such tiny tanks to store the spray in? I mean, really, that's a BIG PLANE. They need much BIGGER TANKS, right?!
Interesting. I friended John Graf which enabled me to comment on the photo and add links to the documentary and other photos as above. He abruptly deleted his photo, and pasted a new one taken from my links which showed the tanks on the Top deck and he wrote a caption about how supposedly they were chemical tanks for the purpose of spraying.
So I wrote a new comment showing the original link to the airbus site and a link to the testing documentary and he abruptly deleted his post and blocked me.

I think that's a pretty clear indication John is deliberately engaged in deception rather than just mistaken. He claims to be an associate of Dane Wigington. "Joining the dots" can work both ways.
Interesting. I friended John Graf which enabled me to comment on the photo and add links to the documentary and other photos as above. He abruptly deleted his photo, and pasted a new one taken from my links which showed the tanks on the Top deck and he wrote a caption about how supposedly they were chemical tanks for the purpose of spraying.
So I wrote a new comment showing the original link to the airbus site and a link to the testing documentary and he abruptly deleted his post and blocked me.

I think that's a pretty clear indication John is deliberately engaged in deception rather than just mistaken. He claims to be an associate of Dane Wigington. "Joining the dots" can work both ways.

I've met John Graf a couple of times (at a chemtrail stand on Venice Beach, and at the Chemtrail conference), and he briefly corresponded with me about some photos contrails that he took. I think he is actually genuine about his beliefs, but he's extremely wary of outside opinions, and is convinced I'm some kind of agent. I think he sees it as an "infowar" and he tries to ignore what people say so he won't get convinced he was wrong. He ended his last email to me with "I don't want to be part of your delusion."

I think you'd be surprised just how many of the chemtrail promoters are genuine and honest in their beliefs, but also manage to shut out or disregard conflicting information. They come from a position of knowing they are right, and then when a debunker tells them they are wrong, they automatically assume that everything the debunker says is a lie.

Dane Wigington also seems quite genuine, and yet will wall you off the instant you try to tell him anything that contradicts with what he thinks is true.

Others seem prepared to be economical with the truth - the ends justifying the means - Michael J. Murphy, while very passionate, it perhaps a bit too passionate, and willing to say things purely for effect.

There are very few people there who don't believe in chemtrails, but promote them anyway. Alex Jones and his crew maybe, and Kevin Martin, and maybe some quacks.
Sorry to mix this up. I decided to delete the comment because I thought it was a bit too negative but it seems relevant in context with your response.
here it is again..

Oh dear. That sure is some interesting phenomenon going on inside his mind then. Especially after having easy access to the highly public flight test footage.
I guess it's hard for many of us to imagine how someone could meticulously go through public published articles on flight testing, totally ignore all the detailed written content and redistribute specific images with invented captions and deliberately avoid using images [url][/URL] that actually have "Airbus Property Flight test'" clearly marked on equipment.
You met the guy so i bet that gave a good indication of his sincerity.
I guess it's little different from Peekay and his ilk completely disregarding published data on flight navigation and great circles etc or creationists quote mining biology books.
From "Australians against Chemtrails"... right under a header which reads:

We are just ordinary peaceful citizens who are concerned for the welfare and future of our families and our planet,

Why are you all archiving these threats?

To keep tabs on possible threats against planes or pilots, so the authorities might be alerted. And if there is an attack of some kind, then to help find who might have done it.

Also to give some perspective on the results of spreading a theory like chemtrails without getting your facts straight. Is this what the chemtrail promoters want? Do they want death threats? The possibility of actual violence? Because that's what they are getting, so they had better be very sure of their evidence.