Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

A comment on a New Zealand video

shot down.png
Ok, I'm going to bring this up again because I think the question got lost in a string of arguements, but - can't this all be shown to the FBI or the Mounted Police or any other national federal investigation branch to at least be investigated? I would think, especially regarding internet crimes and threats made over the internet in the United States, this would be raising a lot of eyebrows across field offices.
Ok, I'm going to bring this up again because I think the question got lost in a string of arguements, but - can't this all be shown to the FBI or the Mounted Police or any other national federal investigation branch to at least be investigated? I would think, especially regarding internet crimes and threats made over the internet in the United States, this would be raising a lot of eyebrows across field offices.

I'm not sure if idle death threats are enough to get the police involved.:mad:

Take the case of David Mabus for instance. This guy spent 15 years trolling, spamming, stalking and threatening people on the internet. All complaints were met with inaction. It took the efforts of an entire online community to get the guy arrested. It ended soon after Mabus accidentally added the Montreal police to his twitter distribution list. When the cops started getting spammed with death threats, they finally took action.

I may have the details wrong. The full story is online... fascinating stuff.
There have been some high profile cases of people being arrested for jokes (one of which included a threat) and insults via Twitter here in the UK of late:

I'm not sure if idle death threats are enough to get the police involved.:mad:

Take the case of David Mabus for instance. This guy spent 15 years trolling, spamming, stalking and threatening people on the internet. All complaints were met with inaction. It took the efforts of an entire online community to get the guy arrested. It ended soon after Mabus accidentally added the Montreal police to his twitter distribution list. When the cops started getting spammed with death threats, they finally took action.

I may have the details wrong. The full story is online... fascinating stuff.
This is a worry .. on Peekay22's lastest couple of rants. Tadas108...

Hi peekay thanks for this clip. I'm just finishing an edit for the same day at 2pm when, what I think was QF64 went across Lara. I timed lapsed how the clouds are formed from the trail it left. But hey guess what? The aircraft didn't show up on FlightRadar at all! It was a ghost flight.Pilot had not turned on the ADS-B transponder.
Anyway have a good friend who is researching a few pilots who are circulating thru different airline companies and who are spraying. Names and visits pending.

tadas108 1 week ago

Then yesterday on another "Absolute proof" video which wasn't...

Thanks for this video. A couple of good mates have been cross referenceing 4 names that kept coming up in regard to who is piloting these flights that spray us. It seems that not all pilots are doing it at all. Anyway this whole thing needs to go up a notch or three to let those who are perpetrating this crime know that we don't want them to continue. Three recorded calls to the EPA yesterday resulted in three hangups. A real government paper tiger that one. So we have to do it ourselves.

tadas108 1 day ago

There are only a couple of official ways to identify the captain of a flight. One is that you have access to the flight plan, where the name is appended. The other is that you must work for the company involved. I think it is time for me to escalate this a peg or three as well.
The frames near the beginning of the clip appear to show only a short trail. He must be expanding his definition of a chemtrail.
And if you point that out to him you will get banned - a mark of telling the truth is that PeeKay can't let you post on his channel!!
This one found at peekay22's channel on youtube.

In this video, Kusznir engages in repeated telephone harrassment of a woman who is offering screening for skin cancer.

While Peter Kusznir seems to have gotten the message and even discourages the commenter from advocating violence, he didn't delete the comment.

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Yet another by PeekyBooo:


Checking PeekyBooo's comments, I see that Greg called him out for doing the same thing a year ago:
Yup, I also sent peekyboo links to metabunk, contrailscience and my own comments in a PM. So it's not as if this person is not aware that the correct verifiable scientific explanations are available, they just choose to ignore them
Sensible post. I agree it would seem things are starting to get out of hand and out of control.

I am new to this forum but not to the misinformation that is being spread on this subject.

People who believe that high altitude aircraft are spraying a human population anywhere in the world are victims of this "hoax" We need to understand what is behind the hoax and the reason its being promulgated.

The Qantas pilot referred to the protesters as having room temperature IQ's. Ok, I understand what he means but frankly that sort of attitude isn't going to get us anywhere. It would have been more helpful if he had taken time out and explained to those who were concerned precisely why they have nothing to fear.
To be fair, the pilot has said he didn't actually say that bit.

Hmmm, nowhere in the article did I write that chemtrail activists have " room temperature IQs". What I did say was that a defining characteristic of chemtrail activists is zero knowledge of aviation or meteorology. That said, having an identifiable pilot expressing concern, instead of a Company or Government organization, might make some difference.

Other than that I completely agree with you. It's way out of hand, imo, but a big part of the problem is people have often invested so much time and energy into this hoax that even when presented with logical explanations, they're loath to let go.
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but a big part of the problem is people have often invested so much time and energy into this hoax that even when presented with logical explanations, they're loath to let go.

It's true that all sides will vent their frustrations. But we must look beyond those emotions, and focus on the facts.....while keeping a vocal mind to not insult an other character's opinion/stance.
It's true that all sides will vent their frustrations. But we must look beyond those emotions, and focus on the facts.....while keeping a vocal mind to not insult an other character's opinion/stance.

Yes, you're right. Insulting people one disagrees with is never helpful; I must try harder to be mindful of this.
Yes, you're right. Insulting people one disagrees with is never helpful; I must try harder to be mindful of this.

I think we need to take inspiration from Mick who manages to keep a level head in the face of the kind of abuse and ignorance that would make St Francis kick puppies.
I think we've all at some time had a belief about the world we were sure about that turned out to be false, even if it was just santa claus, so we can empathise with the position they are in if you amplify the emotions to imagine what they must be feeling, and what letting that go would feel like. There would almost be a certain post-traumatic stress to it.

It seems to be the human thing to do to hold onto positions in fear of being wrong and ridiculed and percieving a fall in social standing as a result; in fact being wrong should be encouraged (that is, the realisation of it) and not feared or ridiculed so the shame can be taken out of it, in the same way science is based on falsification and a willingness (in theory) to be proven wrong. Then people will be more willing to change their minds when evidence is examined more thoroughly, their 'sense of self' wont be so invested in the belief. Sadly being shown to be wrong is taken psychologically as an attack to our ego models.
That's why it's so common on these sites to have someone claim that they are being insulted, that debunkers just call people stupid, when no such name calling has actually taken place.

I think it's just social instincts kicking in - protecting positions once we've committed and bonded with people over them, it's hard to let go. We can all imagine what that's like.
That's why it's so common on these sites to have someone claim that they are being insulted, that debunkers just call people stupid, when no such name calling has actually taken place.

To be fair neither side is innocent of such. I've seen plenty of skeptics, debunkers, what-have-you, jump instantly to vitriol just as quickly as many chemtrailers will the second a dissenting opinion surfaces in their corner of the web.

Perhaps it's not so apparent in this forum because Mick's politeness policy is well enforced. If only believers who came here knew that, and didn't come in with the expectation of being lambasted as they would pretty much anywhere else on the web - we might have more success getting people to see reason. I think the best thing to do is treat them with respect and ask them to fully explain their belief and from what information they base it on. With the air of civilized debate established you can then list out just two or three things that make the existence of chemtrails impossible, and most remotely reasonable people will consider them. There will of course always be a small portion that believes the government is capable of magic, and thus can never be swayed.

You don't even have to address their specific points if you don't want to - it helps, but really, there are certain arguments to be made against chemtrails that simply cannot be refuted, unless of course they are the type to believe in holographic planes, alien technology, so on. The best such argument I've come across so far is the simple fact that there are no aircraft in the world capable of carrying enough material to continuously spray thick clouds that are visible from the ground for hundreds of miles. I'm not sure why that one doesn't click with people, but then again I guess they just don't know that planes don't magically lift any amount of weight off the ground simply because they have wings.
Believers tend to be a little overly-sensitive. I think there's a number of reasons for this. Partly it's because they do tend to get ridiculed, so assume that people disagreeing with them are ridiculing them, regardless of what they actually say. I think it's also because they are really rather insecure about their beliefs, and prefer (consciously or not) to shift the discussion to perceived insults.

So I think it's best to handle them overly politely, to keep them from putting up defensive walls, and to not give them a chance to change the subject. The key is to get them to focus on one thing at a time, and actually make an honest effect to address that one thing - like your example, how much material would it take to form a persistent spreading trail?
So I think it's best to handle them overly politely, to keep them from putting up defensive walls, and to not give them a chance to change the subject. The key is to get them to focus on one thing at a time, and actually make an honest effect to address that one thing - like your example, how much material would it take to form a persistent spreading trail?
I haven't had time to carefully explain that argument, but did start a thread on the subject.

The thread got derailed the way lots of threads do recently, but if someone could cogently explain the "Ice Budget" argument on another thread, it would be available for future reference. It wouldbe very helpful if done elegantly, especially with easy to understand graphics.
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From the "Secretly Recorded CHEMTRAILS Pilot Speaks Video", in which a chemtrails advocate goes to the office of Weather Modification, Inc. (a company that does cloud seeding, atmospheric sampling, and other related services), and has a conversation with a guy at the desk. The employee is obviously talking about cloud seeding, but the interviewer clearly believes they are responsible for "chemtrails". YouTube commenter "greyswans" suggests an alternate ending for the video:


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This threat against David Keith came in last night at Michael J. Murphy's Facebook page:



There's no question that Michael J. Murphy has put a big bulls eye on David Keith in both his movies, portraying him as evil and participating in a holocaust, a "Crime Against Humanity".

What In The World Did He Expect To Happen? Will he take responsibility for the results of his actions? Let's see if he lets this threat remain as the top comment on his facebook posting.
I, John Boyd Reynolds do hereby attest that the following statement is true and to the best of my recollection.

Today, 11/26/2012 from 7:00 pm central time to approximately 8:15pm, I listened to a conference call hosted by Russ Tanner's Global Skywatch .
The call was through Wiggio at (702)589-8240 access code 2879077.

The conversation was regarding fund raising for Michael J. Murphy's personal expenses, to support the website and for the personal expenses of a woman named Yvonne Nachtigal. The duration of the call that I listened to was approximately one hour and fifteen minutes.

There were approximately ten people sharing the call, including:
Dane Wigington
Russ Tanner
a female referred to as an attorney named "Lexy" Hunter

During the fundraising portion of the call, at approximately 7:45 pm, an unidentified woman made the following statement:

"We need to buy planes to protect our airspace, to blow these planes out of the sky."

Immediately after the woman made her statement, Dane Wigington responded:

"We all feel that way."

The conversation never headed deeper into the matter, but it was clear to me that none of the participants had any problem associating themselves with such remarks, and none spoke out against them.
I, John Boyd Reynolds do hereby attest that the following statement is true and to the best of my recollection.

Today, 11/26/2012 from 7:00 pm central time to approximately 8:15pm, I listened to a conference call hosted by Russ Tanner's Global Skywatch .
The call was through Wiggio at (702)589-8240 access code 2879077.

The conversation was regarding fund raising for Michael J. Murphy's personal expenses, to support the website and for the personal expenses of a woman named Yvonne Nachtigal. The duration of the call that I listened to was approximately one hour and fifteen minutes.

There were approximately ten people sharing the call, including:
Dane Wigington
Russ Tanner
a female referred to as an attorney named "Lexy" Hunter

During the fundraising portion of the call, at approximately 7:45 pm, an unidentified woman made the following statement:

"We need to buy planes to protect our airspace, to blow these planes out of the sky."

Immediately after the woman made her statement, Dane Wigington responded:

"We all feel that way."

The conversation never headed deeper into the matter, but it was clear to me that none of the participants had any problem associating themselves with such remarks, and none spoke out against them.

Not questioning the authenticity here, but an audio recording should be produced if possible.
Not questioning the authenticity here, but an audio recording should be produced if possible.
I wasn't sure if it was legal to record the conversation, and never expected such a thing to be openly discussed. I was there, along with those I named.
I will swear in court to it.
Is Wiggio voIP? And do they store the conversations they facilitate for legal purposes?Pretty sure UK organisations have to. Police would be able to request access if necessary here.
abc7 news said:

Ft. Myers/Naples/Port Charlotte Florida
Misinformed vandal strikes Cape water plant

Posted: Nov 28, 2012 11:37 AM CST Updated: Nov 28, 2012 2:36 PM CST
Police are looking for the vandal responsible for a unique piece of graffiti that delved into two separate conspiracy theories - albeit they didn't choose the best target for their message. Someone spray painted a message in front of the North Cape Coral reverse osmosis water treatment plant on Kismet Parkway West.
The message rails against fluoride added to the water system… but the RO plant actually removes fluoride from the water it cleans, according to officials.
Not deterred by that fact, the vandal wrote, "Stop putting fluoride in water! Only Hitler did this evil. Chemtrails by planes also kill us slowly!"
Some water plants do add a small amount of fluoride to their water to help protect peoples' teeth. It is a process that generates some controversy, because exposure to unsafe levels could cause health problems.
But according to the City of Cape Coral, fluoride is a natural chemical in its water, and the RO plant removes it.