Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

A comment on the YouTube video, "Death of 3 ChemTrailers":
From the Global Skywatch Wiggio email list:

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(via email Today 4:12a)
When people who believe in chemtrails say they are wrong and get mildly upset about them, I get frustrated knowing that they have taken my life away in such a way that I have little hope for the future. The skin issues are only the tip of the iceberg and its overwhelming to say the least. We have had our beautiful days and careless outdoor enjoyment taken from us. When the air you breath is no longer healthy, you have nothing.

Where do you go when you are fighting the establishment and all they offer you is a circle jerk? The founders of this great country took things into their own hands. Thats what courage is about. Does anyone have the resources to build a missile? These planes are probably dron

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(via email Today 4:22a)Well I was making a joke reference to a missile and my email was cut off. My wish is for peace and love for all...
those are aspirations, all we can do is hope. God Bless All. Chaz
Didn't sound like a joke. I wonder if his accidentally hitting "send" made him have second thoughts.
On Twitter today user @ryanairdontcare posted the following -

CHEMTRAILS are killing and we sit back and watch...Ryanair biggest chemtrail sprayer in Europe...


Whilst not a threat of violence,it's unusual for CT believers to be so specific with their claims,and this kind of thing leads to the harrassment of pilots that's been discussed in these forums in my view.

The link is to
On Twitter today user @ryanairdontcare posted the following -

Whilst not a threat of violence,it's unusual for CT believers to be so specific with their claims,and this kind of thing leads to the harrassment of pilots that's been discussed in these forums in my view.

The link is to

Seem's like he's a bit obsessed with Ryan Air after they fired his daughter.

He's done a number of unusual protests:

The police are fully aware of him, he was banned from attending the Olympics:
,it's unusual for CT believers to be so specific with their claims,

Since some have "discovered" that it is commercial air traffic and not some double secret planes "spraying" they have shifted their narrative. One theme that is emerging is that the believers think that discount airlines are remaining profitable by selling cheap seats because they are spraying for the government. Harold Saive thinks Southwest/Airtran is spraying here in the states. I think he got his idea from European accusations of Ryan Air and Easy Jet.

I doubt Harold is the creator of this "Easy Jet" video but this is the first I remember claiming that discound airlines are making money by "spraying".

The Easy Jet video inspired Harold to "catch" Airtrain in the act.!
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A comment to that video:

Amaterasu Solar 9 hours ago
Here's a solution:
An Open Letter to the Revolutionaries:
12160. info/profiles/blogs/an-open-le­tter-to-the-revolutionaries
Shall We Humans join in a solution?
You decide

I'm not going to open that website from this computer as I do not trust it. I'm guessing that this open letter to the revolutionaries does not advocate a peaceful revolution.
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A comment to that video:

Amaterasu Solar 9 hours ago
Here's a solution:
An Open Letter to the Revolutionaries:
12160. info/profiles/blogs/an-open-le tter-to-the-revolutionaries
Shall We Humans join in a solution?
You decide

I'm not going to open that website from this computer as I do not trust it. I'm guessing that this open letter to the revolutionaries does not advocate a peaceful revolution.

There's a copy on Al Gore's currently for sale 'Current TV' website.

No violence mentioned, just an ill-informed view on money, a desire to eliminate money and a child-like utopian vision of a future where all work is performed by robots so humans can live in care-free bliss.
This romantic notion of "revolution" is somewhat worrying though. That's what gets people like the Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh to blow up children.
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McVeigh, a militia movement sympathizer, sought revenge against the federal government for its handling of the Waco Siege, which had ended in the deaths of 76 people exactly two years prior to the bombing, as well as for the Ruby Ridge incident in 1992. McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolt against what he considered to be a tyrannical federal government.
The idea of "legitimate revolution" is something that comes from the Declaration of Independance though -

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
To the early US politicians the question of secession of states was one of some importance (long before the civil War) - it as acknowledged that people have the right to revolt agaisnt an unjust Govt - even if states do not have the right to secede, eg Jame Madison in 1833 (from the Wiki page on secession in the USA):

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I return my thanks for the copy of your late very powerful Speech in the Senate of the United S. It crushes "nullification" and must hasten the abandonment of "Secession." But this dodges the blow by confounding the claim to secede at will, with the right of seceding from intolerable oppression. The former answers itself, being a violation, without cause, of a faith solemnly pledged. The latter is another name only for revolution, about which there is no theoretic controversy.
The DOI is largely a list of grievances against the King (the Elite) - a justification for revolution. It's similar to Jesse Ventura's list, where he also advocates revolution.

A very small minority may consider their grievances legitimate. That does not make blowing up federal buildings legitimate, of course.
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That depends - if you consider the "revolution" legitimate then you might think the target legitimate too.

However it should help with understanding their mindset.
That depends - if you consider the "revolution" legitimate then you might think the target legitimate too.

However it should help with understanding their mindset.

Well, yeah, THEY think it's legitimate.

I agree though, it helps understand their mindset - they think they are involved in a noble struggle. The problem is that most of their grievances are either imaginary, or greatly exaggerated.
Well, yeah, THEY think it's legitimate.

I agree though, it helps understand their mindset - they think they are involved in a noble struggle. The problem is that most of their grievances are either imaginary, or greatly exaggerated.

I can never understand this. Do some of these people really not know what life was like for the truly underprivileged less than a century ago? IMO even the poorest folks in the US today have it a lot better than underrepresented people did as recent as the early 1900s. Even if you're living on the street and either refuse to help yourself or are simply unaware of the myriad of options that can give you leverage in escaping poverty, the scraps of society on which you feed are magnitudes more substantial than even less than 100 years ago.

As for there rest of us, even low wage earners have a quality of life that people in truly poor parts of the world would kill for. Within walking or driving(or public transportation) distance of all of us is a store housing a cornucopia of literally every good known to mankind, from all over the world. It is expensive in many cases, but modern healthcare can take care of you in ways unimaginable even 50 years ago. Cell phones have become extremely cheap, and can do wonders for lifting yourself out of poverty. You can go to any number of libraries and for completely free access the largest repository of human knowledge that has ever existed. If you've got 1-200$ you can buy your own smart phone or laptop and do so on your own time by visiting any number of places offering free WiFi. The list goes on.

It seems to me these people actually care little about the access to basic freedoms, services, goods, etc that many of the actually under-served parts of the world lack. Instead, they are thinly veiling their jealousy of wealth and essentially saying the shiny toys it can buy should be, or more accurately, could even possibly be accessible to everyone. In a perfect world, sure - but they are ignoring the simple tenants of resource allocation and economics in general. Greatly exaggerated grievances, indeed.
It seems to me these people actually care little about the access to basic freedoms, services, goods, etc that many of the actually under-served parts of the world lack.
Just about as much as they show their gratitude for the sacrifice of millions of their forbears only seventy years ago to defend them from being conquered barbarically and made into slaves. These people have issues so much more important. Their own childhood and education spring to mind.
Their lack of perspective is still an innocent mistake in some sense... perhaps they just haven't been taught to be properly curious about the world?

The energy that should be going in to placing themselves within the context of history and from that building on the shoulders of giants has been misdirected into false and petty outrages...

Given a proper exposure to history these people's ignorance would right itself, just from basic human empathy.
We have the technology (of mass communication and education), but maybe it's not commercially rewarding enough; but ignorance and self-absorbed culture-building is?

People will naturally resent being forced to learn, they have to be engaged in other ways.

The ability to put where we are at this time in history into a really clear perspective with regard to how we got here is unprecedented.
The amount of information I have access to IF I CHOOSE TO MAKE USE OF IT is astounding.

I don't know, kids today. No perspective.
Yes. Rant, rant.

Their lack of perspective certainly needs challenging. How is the question. This site has an issue database. But we know we can chase these individuals past any or all of the facts yet their delusion remains sticky and persistent. Facts irritate them, but remain negotiable with them.
From the chemtrail page on wikipedia:

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This is no conspiracy! WEATHER MODIFICATION IS VERY REAL! I know I'm retired Navy and have the proof, chemtrails are very real! CONTRAILS DO NOT LINGER FOR HOURS EXPAND 30 MILES LONG INTO ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS! wake up! Every Gov uses foreign pilots to release highly toxic soft metals, molds among other mixes of toxic contaminates, We will be making a counter page to this gov dis information wiki page and showe some nice photos i took (under the radar) OF SOME GREAT EVIDENCE THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN FOPRWARDED TO 3 TOP NEWS AGENCY'S WHO ARE WAITING FOR THE CALL OF THE GARM OF THE 30 PEOPLE IN ON THIS REAL PROOF THAT WILL BE RELEASED, ANYONE CAUGHT HIDING THIS INFORMATION WILL BE HELD ACVCOUYNTABLE MUSSOLINI STYLE!
The IP address was banned for advocating violence:
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Yikes. Those 30 folks in the know best pony up and reveal their secrets, they wouldn't want to have to be held "ACVCOUYNTABLE" by this guy.
Really strange site this one!I was looking up about nano particles in aviation and came across it by accident.Living in the uk,mi5 usually monitor pretty much everything.Nothing happens here without intelligence knowing about it as it happens.This site is attracting attention and looks like entrapment to me.Good luck and have fun.
Really strange site this one!I was looking up about nano particles in aviation and came across it by accident.Living in the uk,mi5 usually monitor pretty much everything.Nothing happens here without intelligence knowing about it as it happens.This site is attracting attention and looks like entrapment to me.Good luck and have fun.

It's worth noting that they have the potential, in some contexts, to monitor "everything" within that context. The reality is it would be physically impossible to monitor "everything" as in all electronic communications. As it stands I don't see this being very high on their radar.
I'm not so sure about what this image is implying with cross-hairs. Note the response at the bottom. Found via WITWATS page.



  • airplane.png
    512.5 KB · Views: 513
Wow! Very nice example of an aerodynamic condensation trail. And, I suspect, no co-existent exhaust contrail!

These people just don't understand what they are witnessing here.

I am continually astounded by the range of behavior of the water substance. It is just the most amazing stuff!
Wow! Very nice example of an aerodynamic condensation trail. And, I suspect, no co-existent exhaust contrail!

These people just don't understand what they are witnessing here.

I am continually astounded by the range of behavior of the water substance. It is just the most amazing stuff!


"6 or more chem streams"

This is getting pretty technical!
QUOTE=Ross Marsden;22411]Wow! Very nice example of an aerodynamic condensation trail. And, I suspect, no co-existent exhaust contrail!

These people just don't understand what they are witnessing here.

I am continually astounded by the range of behavior of the water substance. It is just the most amazing stuff![/QUOTE]

Really strange site this one!I was looking up about nano particles in aviation and came across it by accident.Living in the uk,mi5 usually monitor pretty much everything.Nothing happens here without intelligence knowing about it as it happens.This site is attracting attention and looks like entrapment to me.Good luck and have fun.

Good news! They'll know all about the threats then.
Ernie, I'm not sure if the video's poster is aware of this thread. You'd best make comments on his vid. Cloudspotter is just bringing the threats to Ryan Air personnel to our attention in the spirit of this thread.
Another one in the comments of the YT video Death of 3 ChemTrailers (note that YT has recently pushed for users to use their real names):
This video has been a hotspot for advocating violence, no doubt because it claims to show a "chemtrails" plane crash where 3 crew members were killed. In reality, this was a plane owned by Omega Aerial Refueling Services, a contractor that does in-air refueling for the US Military. It crashed during takeoff from Point Mugo NAS, but all three crew members escaped with only minor injuries. See Omega 707 tanker crashes in California.