2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

There's another photo nearby, a 360-degree panorama on Google Maps. It's not brilliant quality, and it's not geolocated accurately, but it is close to the UFO camera location:

Link here.


Comparing the buildings to the aerial view shows that this photo is taken from the location marked with the red circle. The UFO footage was taken from the green circle.


Zooming in on the panoramic photo, I think this (green circle) is the tree in front of the Yeni Kent steps and camera location. (Ignore the direction of the stick-man indicator at bottom left: the pano is not oriented correctly in Google Maps)


What it does appear to show is that there aren't any street-style lampposts along the beach, but there are some lower floodlights such as the one at the extreme right of the screengrab above.
To illustrate what I mean by the lights. The photo quality is pretty poor, but the red circled object at the right is fairly clearly a lamp. The more distant ones also look similar (there may be a third there in between them). The taller poles I have arrowed in yellow look more like flagpoles, but the resolution makes it guesswork, really.

In my opinion, you can leave out the rest.

well when you cough up statements from these alleged witnesses you brought up, and their photos of this UFO you imply they saw, then i'll take your opinion on other member's alleged confirmation bias more to heart.
These three are clearly the same object.




Yet first to last are a year apart. Could this be a building? I can't find it, if it is. I've also considered a ferryboat as the Marmara Sea is full of ferries and seabuses. The catch is I don't think anything runs at that time of morning... however, the Yenikapi-Bandirma Ferry does run by at about 20 miles. And I've found this.

Interior. Windows have these triangular beams.


Cropped. See the beams?

This is the May 13, 2009 UFO photo. The beams are most noticeable in this one, but you can see them in the other two.

The photos of the ferryboat are from this...

"Photo taken at Yenikapı - Bandırma Hızlı Feribotu by Yasin D. on 3/28"


Here are some more that are less clearly the same object but are possibles.

This one is the UFO photo with the Moon we've been discussing.

Least likely.
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I think I've found the light.
It's in the view from the left at the spot from where the footage was taken (see post #30: https://www.metabunk.org/posts/223926/)
The footage must have been taken from the beach, which would give you a direct view towards the light and would also increase the distance between the light and the beach a little further.
I can imagine he kept it out of view to prevent the camera from being flooded with the light.


It's still a pretty good match, especially if you're standing even lower, on the beach (which would take the horizon a little more downward with respect to the light):



  • upload_2018-7-18_20-0-48.png
    234.2 KB · Views: 519
Here you go:
I watched your first two videos. ONE guy for about 5 seconds says he saw "them with their lights on".. which MAYBE is referring to the clip of the lights on the ship mast. The other witness describes something completely different to anything in this thread.

Your second video is in the daytime and they are looking at a bird fly by.

I'm not bothering to click on your third based on the first two. please reviews the Link Policy.
I've also toyed with the idea that some of these are nothing more than small boats lying on their side on the beach and illuminated for some reason... innocently or as part of a hoax.

I mean look at the way this one is made and compare...



Just a boat lying on its side with a fender drooping down? A flashlight shining on it?


Another boat with several fenders?

Could be this really be just the same abandoned boat? It's got the same kind of bumps on it. And the lower horizontal strip of light... Just a keel board?

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I've also toyed with the idea
when I drew a line on Google Earth I ended up pointing to something that does look like a spaceship form above. and refraction/curvature seems to work based on its elevation. Problem is I cant figure out how to view it from ground level and can find no good pics.

its called "yalova thermal palace" if you want to check it out ..don't know how to link GE coordinates.. but its ehre in Google maps https://www.google.com/maps/@40.620217,29.1860641,1241a,35y,180h/data=!3m1!1e3

?? too weird?

this might be the front of it.. but.. not real sure
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its called "yalova thermal palace" if you want to check it out ..don't know how to link GE coordinates.. but its ehre in Google maps https://www.google.com/maps/@40.620217,29.1860641,1241a,35y,180h/data=!3m1!1e3

I don't think that can be it. Right sort of direction but it seems to be too far away, and hidden behind hills (see the foreground hill here). Plus there are houses in front which would surely show up extra lights etc.


Better pic of front of hotel (actually this is the side facing away from the UFO camera location).


It does look kind of the right shape... but it's almost 50 miles away, so barring a really freaky mirage I don't think that can be anything to do with the UFOs.

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There are instances of honest mistakes in this case. There are videos of ordinary aircraft lights, perhaps a satellite, and the orange lights of ships at sea. But as for the most spectacular videos of the luminous flying saucers...

I've spent way too much time and energy on this but I think I've got the solution. Despite the warning sign that this witness is a serial repeater, I really tried to assume that this case isn't a hoax. I looked at everything I could think of to confirm these videos a result of honest mistakes. But this is a hoax, folks.

In this video interview of Yalcin Yalman (aka Murat Yalcin)*, Haktan Akdogan says:

External Quote:
We did check the configuration of the sky and the Moon was there and the moonlight was strong at the time of the recording and therefore the source of the light comes from the Moon which reflected its light to the object's surface. Well according to some skeptic scientists, they say, "[the] light is not homogenous, it gets its source from something." That is absolutely correct, light has a source and that is the Moon. Even at one stage of the recording our friend tilted the camera towards the back and we can see the Moon at that point. The reflection on the object is from the light that comes from the Moon.

*The UFO witness and videographer in this case is sometimes identified as Murat Yalcin and sometimes as Yalcin Yalman, for some reason.

Haktan Akdogan is founder of the International UFO Museum opened in Istanbul, Turkey in 2002. He is co-founder of "SIRIUS Publishing House", whose primary goal is to publish UFO & New Age related books.

He seems to be talking about the May 27, 2008 video. In this video we see this UFO...


The Moon is not in the same frame, but the camera does pan up through a black sky until the Moon becomes visible. The camera then pans back down to the UFO. From what you can tell, the Moon does seem to be in right position to illuminate the UFO in this way.

The rising Moon on the date and time in this video frame was 12 degrees above the Eastern horizon.


But on June 8, 2008, Yalcin videoed this UFO, which is clearly the same object, and lit in a similar way. There was no Moon in the sky at this date and time. The Moon had set at 12:04 a.m.


There was no Moon in the sky at this time and date. It had set at 10:46 p.m.


I think this deception was put in place because if these flying saucers were self-illuminated, why weren't they seen by thousands of people in the suburbs of Istanbul? But if they were only dimly lit by the Moon, maybe no one else but this one guy would see them... a score of times or more.

More importantly than this bit of deception... What are these objects?

These three objects are the same thing. A ring with the stone or doodad missing. You can see the prongs that held the missing doodad in place. There are three ridges on the ring on our right, more subtle ridges on the left and a lump farther to our left. The horizontal line at the bottom is a metal tab on which the ring is resting.



Note that this last image is from a video dated a year later than the first video in which we see this same object. He saw the same UFO in the same position a year later? Come on.

It's easier to see the flimsy, bent out of shape prongs for what they are in these GIFs...





This isn't the only ring he used. Here's another one. Also resting on the metal tab.


Notice the notch on the left. He caught the same flying saucer on two different nights in exactly the same position? Come on.

A longer version of what I think is the same ring.

So, how did he get them up in the sky? This is my speculation: Yalcin did not use an optical effect, but an old practical effect called Pepper's Ghost.


Most famously used at The Haunted Mansion.



People have noted that these flying saucers don't look like real images but more like reflections... because that's what they are; reflections in a small pane of glass, plexiglass or even plastic wrap. The ring is in a small box, perhaps smaller than a shoe box. The ring is sitting on the bottom of the box and is illuminated by a small flashlight or LED. There is a tilted pane of glass on the far side of the box, and a virtual image of the ring can be seen in that pane. The supporting tab of metal is there to keep the ring in place, and I'm betting there is another to provide a spring tension. As Yelcin probably tilted the box up at least a bit so that he could video the virtual image in the black sky. This is why there are never any ground lights in the videos.

The lower part of the ring may be lost in shadow because of nature of the lighting, or more likely is masked. It might be as simple as a piece of black construction paper. Or they might be stuck in black velvet display.

He used a small object because he wanted to use a zoom lens and keep it in focus in the sky, and keep the image small, as if it were a distant object he was zooming in on. In other words the box is propped up on something at a good distance; many yards. He can zoom in and out on the virtual image as if it were a large, distant object. This had the side benefit in that he could keep the Moon and the ring in focus at the same time. He only used this trick twice that I know of, and only had the Moon and the ring in the same frame once: on May 17, 2009.

Here I'll show you what I mean.

The simplest way to do a Pepper's Ghost shot. This would not work for a zoom shot. The virtual image would be too big and out of focus. You could have a helper hold the picture and the pane of glass many yards away. But better to put the set up in a self-contained box with the ring on the bottom of the box and the pane of glass above it.



This the kind of setup I'm talking about. These folks used a TV set, just to get an animated image. But the same setup would work with the ring in a box and a small flashlight or LED on the near side of the box to illuminate the ring. This setup inverts the image, so the end of the ring closest to the camera is illuminated.



This is another setup that would work.


In this case the ring would be on the wall of the box, not on the bottom. This setup does not invert the image and the ring would have to be lit from the top. A flashlight couldn't be used because it would stick up and be visible, but an LED could used above the ring.
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These three objects are the same thing. A ring with the stone or doodad missing
a ring like you wear on your finger? I don't think it's a ring.

I don't know what it is. It could still be a boat.. when you zoom in large distances in dark weird things happen to the image. like these little doodads on the top of the boat could look like ring décor

this ship has a hole looking thing in the middle

or.. it's a model of a spaceship. or the inside of a camera lens.
Whatever it is, he has more than 2 dates of the 'same' thing, which is completely unbelievable that no one else in tourist season took another photo. his camera style says it has built in editing stuff so I think he manipulated the contrasts and flares etc to give the same thing different colorings. I think that is also why none of his footage is very long.. I think he chopped up one footage, manipulated it a bit differently and put multiple dates on it.

But yea, it's a hoax. Maybe the original sighting was a case of mistaken identity (of the ring looking thing), but then that hoaxer guy got involved and...
He used a small object because he wanted to use a zoom lens and keep it in focus in the sky, and keep the image small, as if it were a distant object he was zooming in on. In other words the box is propped up on something at a good distance; many yards. He can zoom in and out on the virtual image as if it were a large, distant object. This had the side benefit in that he could keep the Moon and the ring in focus at the same time. He only used this trick twice that I know of, and only had the Moon and the ring in the same frame once: on May 17, 2009.

Here I'll show you what I mean.

The simplest way to do a Pepper's Ghost shot. This would not work for a zoom shot. The virtual image would be too big and out of focus. You could have a helper hold the picture and the pane of glass many yards away. But better to put the set up in a self-contained box with the ring on the bottom of the box and the pane of glass above it.

Seems a bit speculative. I think you'd really need to replicate it to make a convincing case.
You can see the prongs that held the missing doodad in place. There are three ridges on the ring on our right, more subtle ridges on the left and a lump farther to our left. The horizontal line at the bottom is a metal tab on which the ring is resting

yea the dimensions of jewelry seem way off. here is a bangle with a lip a lot wider than any ring would be. and I've never seen pronged jewels on the edge of a lip. ??


That's entirely the wrong type of ring.

This ring, which I'll call Ring B, is thin, with repeating embossed decorative patterns, circular indentations, and at least one nick, probably decorative as well. These are not jewels or spangles. The light is catching these small indentations.

Remember, it's vertical to our line of sight and most of it is hidden. But you can see that this is an arc of a circle. And it has that straight line at the bottom. All the UFO images are arcs and have that straight horizontal line.


Not entirely like these but the same dimensions.



I'll call this Ring A. It's not a thick ring. It's hanging vertical to our line of sight. Don't look at it as illuminated windows, but as a physical copper ring, with decorative ridges and such. There are three ridges on the right. There are more subtle ridges on the left, and farther to the left there's a decorative indentation, then there's a dramatic decorative lump. It's an exotic Levantine copper ring. And, again, as there always is in all of these images, there's the horizontal line at the bottom. Which I'm saying is the tab of metal it's sitting on.


This will help you to see the 3-D physical shape.


From a video a year earlier. Ring A again. It has the same markings. The black space is simply an indentation. It has two bevels, one on each side. The light is reflecting off the bevels more brightly than the rest of the ring. Inside of the bevels are two bent prongs.


All of the UFO images are arcs, and have no navigation lights or masthead lights, or any indication of the full structure of a boat. There are never any ground lights. And why do they consistently have that horizontal stripe on the bottom?

Yes, this is speculation. But this is some physical object.
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Seems a bit speculative. I think you'd really need to replicate it to make a convincing case.

That part is speculative of course.

These are physical objects which in some way he inserted into these videos. They have the ghostly quality of reflections. The only way I could save this from being a hoax is if he were accidently catching the reflection of something in some window. But a reflection of what, in what window? ... or the cover of some inoperative outdoor light? Sigh.

In this early video he's seeing the Type A saucer. Then again at 9:46 And again at 17:38. Which makes it 6 different times he's captured the Type A saucer in exactly the same position. Never with any ground lights or masthead lights or navigation lights in sight.

Could this be the random reflection of something in some piece of glass? But in that case wouldn't it always be there? Wouldn't he realize? Or is he going back there again and again to take advantage? In any case I'm convinced these are not ship lights.

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Later he has the object in view again, and it really comes across as something floating in the air:
View attachment 33820
I don't think the dark patch in the ocean is necessarily the horizon. The ocean can look darker there because of dark rocks or seaweed on the sea floor; sometimes the surface of the sea gets roughed up (waves) caused by a local wind or a current which can make patches of ocean look darker. I.e. the lights might not be as far above the horizon as one think. It's hard to tell since it appears to be a bit foggy (or is it just blurry because it's out of focus?).
This view of the Yeni Kent Apts. was taken in 2010 by someone who was interested in this case. (One of the banisters was missing by then.) Yalcin typically stood just about where the man in the striped shirt is, but closer to the railing.


The 2010 Tourist was standing on the seaward side of the railing to take this shot looking toward the Güzelce Marina. The taller knob is located at the spot where the bannister meets the railing. (The other banister is missing.)


This was taken by Yalcin. The tallest knobs are located where the banisters meet the railing.


I want to bring your attention to this window or mirror. You can see just the edge of it in Yalcin's video. Is this a mirror, or is it a window? It could be a mirror coincidentally reflecting another tree, but I've looked, and this image really doesn't match the view on the left side of the first photo above. I think this is a window, even though it's kind of a strange place for one. We are seeing the bottom part of the tree through it.


This GIF is from a video taken by Yalcin. He's zooming in on the lights of a ship at sea to our right. The light farthest to our left is either a reflection in the window or mirror; or a light seen through the window. I think it's probably a reflection of a light somewhere behind Yalcin.



From left to right: Light reflected in window, ground lights on nearer headland, two faintly seen beacons on the breakwater of the Güzelce Marina, lights of ship at sea.

You can see this at 3:52 in this video:
Source: https://youtu.be/imwqRPr83is?t=3m52s

The scene is dark in this pre-dawn video. I think that Yalcin turned off the lights in this area when he was doing his UFO videos.

If the luminous UFO videos were the result of an honest mistake, the UFOs were reflections in this window. But of what? We get repeated views of at least 3 different objects. If it were a reflection of something fixed, wouldn't it always be there and always look the same? The different objects also share the same features: they are all arcs, and they have the horizontal stripe at the bottom. The objects don't look like something you'd naturally see in this situation.

If these videos were the result of a hoax, I believe he had an illuminated object on the other side of this window, fixed at such an angle as to produce a Pepper's Ghost effect as explained earlier. He used at least three different objects, and I believe they were either rings, bracelets or armbands; something small he could zoom in and would be the approximate angular size of the Moon, and at a distance that would be in focus.

He could trick innocent (but naive) witnesses. In the dark, all they would see is a ghostly blob of light in the "sky" just above the horizon, not realizing they were looking at a window.
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Metabunk 2018-07-23 08-26-04.jpg

Metabunk 2018-07-23 08-31-07.jpg

"Zoom out"
Metabunk 2018-07-23 08-32-27.jpg

I think we need to be careful in fitting things to the image. If something looks a bit like a particular thing (like a camera lens, a ring, or a cruise ship) then it can relatively easy to move things around until you get a roughly matching image. While it raises that thing as a possibility, it does not mean it is that thing.
Granted. But, exactly what the objects are isn't that important.

The Moon and UFO image taken from the May 17, 2009 video fit pretty well into the scenario I've laid out. The UFO was actually the reflection of an illuminated object behind the window.


The 2010 Tourist who took this photo was on the wrong side of the banister, so this can never be exactly right, but it's a pretty close fit. This is pretty much where the Moon should have been.

A. There are marks on the Moon that shouldn't be there. The marks on the Moon are leaves.

Post #19
From another page about these videos:

External Quote:
Duarte [Chilean researcher Andrés Duarte] also notices that the cameraman seems to deliberately play with a nearby tree to obstruct the lights of buildings that should be visible to the left, as well as with the camera exposure to have only the object and the Moon appear in the footage.
I think I see what he means in the video:

View attachment 33810

B. Jupiter should have been visible just to the lower left of the Moon, but it isn't there in the video. It's hidden by the tree.

C. The UFO image is not on the horizon, but several degrees above the horizon. Yes, because it's a reflection in the window, not the lights of a ship.

D. There are artificial lights visible below the Moon in a short segment of the video just four minutes before the UFO footage. These are reflections in the window of lights behind Yalcin the videographer. He simply had to move to his left and they would disappear. The missing four minutes are accounted for by that adjustment.

There are lights in the area.


But the angle is not right. The nearest light is too far to Yalcin's left.

The image of the light in the video compared to the zoomed in Moon is too small. Any one of the lights in the above photo would appear much larger than the light which appears in the video. They are too close.

The focus is not right. The Moon and the light go in and out of focus in a similar manner. The Moon is in focus when the lens is at infinity, so the light would also have to be far enough away to be in focus at infinity; these lights in the above photo are not far enough away to account for that. But lights behind Yalcin could be far enough away. There are two lights visible in the video, but there are not any two lights that close together visible in the above photo.


E. The lights in the video and the image of the UFO are the same distance below the Moon. They are reflections in the same window.

Post #24
There's two lights visible, the exposure adjust so you can see a bit more detail.
View attachment 33822
The moon is also better defined, we can use this to match up with a (four minutes) later shot that shows the UFO and the moon:
View attachment 33823
(I've offset the images slights so you can see both moon images match)

So those two lights, which are obviously artificial, seem to have been deliberately hidden - probably along with many other lights.

F. There are no ground lights visible in the video. Yalcin moved far enough to his left to hide them behind the wall with the window. They are too low to be seen through the window.

The video in question:

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It could be a mirror coincidentally reflecting another tree, but I've looked, and this image really doesn't match the view on the left side of the first photo above. I think this is a window, even though it's kind of a strange place for one. We are seeing the bottom part of the tree through it.

The lighting is puzzling me. The sun is off to the left of the photo and yet the left edge of the window recess (if that is what it is) seems to be brightly sunlit. It looks more like a mirror to me, but the lighting still doesn't really make sense: if it's a reflection of an object then the brightly lit side of it is still towards the beach, ie away from the sun.
Wow, good point. If it is a mirror, I thought for a moment it could be reflecting the banister and flag pole... but that doesn't work. And what is the green stuff that looks like the bottom of the tree as seen through a window?

Could it be something to our left outside the photo? To be sunlit, it seems to me it would have to be perpendicular to the railing and on the seaward side of the railing, as the banister is. That doesn't seem to the right angle. Anything reflected in the mirror should be to the photographer's left.

And the size of the reflected image in the mirror seems too big for something that far away.

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The 2010 Tourist was standing on the seaward side of the railing to take this shot looking toward the Güzelce Marina. The taller knob is located at the spot where the bannister meets the railing. (The other banister is missing.)

The aerial view on Google Maps doesn't seem to match the ground-level photos. In the ground-level photo, the front of the blue roof is fairly close to the building line, and the far edge is almost to the midline of the building. It also looks like it reaches inland almost to the end wall of the building:


On the aerial view there is a big gap between the building and the roof, which is located further out, with the back edge more in line with the front of the building. They also seem to be white, rather than blue, so it looks like they have been replaced since that photo was taken.

The dotted line shows roughly where the roof in the ground-level picture seems to be:


Is the wall with the mirror/window behind the line of the roof structure? The perspective of that part of the photo is messing with my head a little.

Best I can tell, the blue wall with the mirror/window is in line with the back of the roofed structure, and the white wall section is roughly beneath the middle of the arched roof, so there is a passageway between the two walls (there is a person standing there between them).


Looking at the picture on a bigger screen now, I do think it looks more like a window - the line of the tree beyond seems to match. I can't figure out that sunlit patch though.
The area has been remodeled. In Google Earth you can turn back the clock.

March, 2010. The red line is the approximate path of the sunlight in the 2010 Tourist photos.





It looks as if there were a tiny courtyard with the tree in it. I suggest that the sunlight was bouncing off the inner side of the wall on our left, the one with the window, and lighting up the courtyard. I'm not sure it could get over the canopy, though.

The blue canopies are over exposed and washed out.

May, 2011, when things were torn out, but not replaced yet. Exposure is better.

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So in fact it doesn't look like the canopies have been moved. The ground-level photos are confusing as it really looks as if the canopy is further back and closer to the building. Just shows how hard it can be to gauge from a single 2D photo.
Someone flew along the Kumburgaz coastline and shot a video.

This is very helpful to determine where exactly the UFO video fragment was taken that contains the moon and several lights at the bottom:


The coastline video:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDWphbMUeDY

At 4:55 in the video you can see the typical canopies of the Yeni Kent facility, where Yalcin worked the night shift (source: http://turkeyufocase.blogspot.com/, also see https://www.metabunk.org/data/MetaMirrorCache/1d647d7c091992c935952cb1f4106754.jpg for a up-close picture of these canopies).

At a distance of 28 m from the canopies (distance was determined with Google maps), a lamp post can be seen containing four lights. The top of this lamp post is visible from the closest canopy. A smaller lamp post with only one light is situated a little closer to the canopies:



If the bigger lamp post is the source of the lights in the UFO video, the position where Yalcin was filming can be reconstructed using the position and size of the moon (see post #14 for moon azimuth and altitude at 3:07 AM, I used these same values as good approximations for 3:02 AM).
(Note: As pointed out in post #66, the moon and the lights both seem to be in the depth of focus of the camera. This can be expected for a lamp post at 28 meters distance.)

It seems Yalcin was filming from one of the canopies.

Note that the smaller lamp post is outside the FOV of the camera, as illustrated by the yellow line:


Using the video fragment containing both the moon and the UFO, the azimuth and altitude of the UFO can be calculated. The UFO altitude of 6,7 degrees rules out any ships or boats:

Using the video fragment containing both the moon and the UFO, the azimuth and altitude of the UFO can be calculated. The UFO altitude of 6,7 degrees rules out any ships or boats:
Again, that assumes that the time on the video camera was set correctly. That is often not the case.
Also that aerial video might clear up the "mirror or window" question. I certainly can't see any sign of a window opening in the wall in question:


However, that might be a moot point, because the video also shows that to the right of that wall (in the video view above, i.e. to the left as viewed from the apartment complex), the side of the canopy is open, with only a low wall and a clear gap below the roof, so there would be a clear view through to the trees.
Again, that assumes that the time on the video camera was set correctly. That is often not the case.

You mean one can assume that the time was off by one hour, as suggested in post #14?

That's impossible because the moon's altitude would only be 4,6 degrees in that case, but in the video fragment the moon is already 7,5 degrees above the top of the lamp post:

This video was taken after the area had been remodeled. The seaward wall, the wall with the mirror/window, the courtyard and the tree had all been completely removed by 2011.

Also that aerial video might clear up the "mirror or window" question. I certainly can't see any sign of a window opening in the wall in question:

View attachment 34175

However, that might be a moot point, because the video also shows that to the right of that wall (in the video view above, i.e. to the left as viewed from the apartment complex), the side of the canopy is open, with only a low wall and a clear gap below the roof, so there would be a clear view through to the trees.

The area has been remodeled. In Google Earth you can turn back the clock.

March, 2010. The red line is the approximate path of the sunlight in the 2010 Tourist photos.





It looks as if there were a tiny courtyard with the tree in it. I suggest that the sunlight was bouncing off the inner side of the wall on our left, the one with the window, and lighting up the courtyard. I'm not sure it could get over the canopy, though.

The blue canopies are over exposed and washed out.

May, 2011, when things were torn out, but not replaced yet. Exposure is better.

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Hard to tell if the lamp post was already there in these grainy, distorted images.

The lamp post fits the data pretty well, also in height:
