There are instances of honest mistakes in this case. There are videos of ordinary aircraft lights, perhaps a satellite, and the orange lights of ships at sea. But as for the most spectacular videos of the luminous flying saucers...
I've spent way too much time and energy on this but I think I've got the solution. Despite the warning sign that this witness is a serial repeater, I really tried to assume that this case isn't a hoax. I looked at everything I could think of to confirm these videos a result of honest mistakes. But this is a hoax, folks.
In this video interview of Yalcin Yalman (aka Murat Yalcin)*, Haktan Akdogan says:
External Quote:
We did check the configuration of the sky and the Moon was there and the moonlight was strong at the time of the recording and therefore the source of the light comes from the Moon which reflected its light to the object's surface. Well according to some skeptic scientists, they say, "[the] light is not homogenous, it gets its source from something." That is absolutely correct, light has a source and that is the Moon. Even at one stage of the recording our friend tilted the camera towards the back and we can see the Moon at that point. The reflection on the object is from the light that comes from the Moon.
*The UFO witness and videographer in this case is sometimes identified as Murat Yalcin and sometimes as Yalcin Yalman, for some reason.
Haktan Akdogan is founder of the International UFO Museum opened in Istanbul, Turkey in 2002. He is co-founder of "SIRIUS Publishing House", whose primary goal is to publish UFO & New Age related books.
He seems to be talking about the May 27, 2008 video. In this video we see this UFO...
The Moon is not in the same frame, but the camera does pan up through a black sky until the Moon becomes visible. The camera then pans back down to the UFO. From what you can tell, the Moon does seem to be in right position to illuminate the UFO in this way.
The rising Moon on the date and time in this video frame was 12 degrees above the Eastern horizon.
But on June 8, 2008, Yalcin videoed this UFO, which is clearly the same object, and lit in a similar way. There was no Moon in the sky at this date and time. The Moon had set at 12:04 a.m.
There was no Moon in the sky at this time and date. It had set at 10:46 p.m.
I think this deception was put in place because if these flying saucers were self-illuminated, why weren't they seen by thousands of people in the suburbs of Istanbul? But if they were only dimly lit by the Moon, maybe no one else but this one guy would see them... a score of times or more.
More importantly than this bit of deception... What are these objects?
These three objects are the same thing. A ring with the stone or doodad missing. You can see the prongs that held the missing doodad in place. There are three ridges on the ring on our right, more subtle ridges on the left and a lump farther to our left. The horizontal line at the bottom is a metal tab on which the ring is resting.
Note that this last image is from a video dated a year later than the first video in which we see this same object. He saw the same UFO in the same position a year later? Come on.
It's easier to see the flimsy, bent out of shape prongs for what they are in these GIFs...
This isn't the only ring he used. Here's another one. Also resting on the metal tab.
Notice the notch on the left. He caught the same flying saucer on two different nights in exactly the same position? Come on.
A longer version of what I think is the same ring.
So, how did he get them up in the sky? This is my speculation: Yalcin did not use an optical effect, but an old practical effect called Pepper's Ghost.'s_ghost
Most famously used at The Haunted Mansion.
People have noted that these flying saucers don't look like real images but more like reflections... because that's what they are; reflections in a small pane of glass, plexiglass or even plastic wrap. The ring is in a small box, perhaps smaller than a shoe box. The ring is sitting on the bottom of the box and is illuminated by a small flashlight or LED. There is a tilted pane of glass on the far side of the box, and a virtual image of the ring can be seen in that pane. The supporting tab of metal is there to keep the ring in place, and I'm betting there is another to provide a spring tension. As Yelcin probably tilted the box up at least a bit so that he could video the virtual image in the black sky. This is why there are never any ground lights in the videos.
The lower part of the ring may be lost in shadow because of nature of the lighting, or more likely is masked. It might be as simple as a piece of black construction paper. Or they might be stuck in black velvet display.
He used a small object because he wanted to use a zoom lens and keep it in focus in the sky, and keep the image small, as if it were a distant object he was zooming in on. In other words the box is propped up on something at a good distance; many yards. He can zoom in and out on the virtual image as if it were a large, distant object. This had the side benefit in that he could keep the Moon and the ring in focus at the same time. He only used this trick twice that I know of, and only had the Moon and the ring in the same frame once: on May 17, 2009.
Here I'll show you what I mean.
The simplest way to do a Pepper's Ghost shot. This would not work for a zoom shot. The virtual image would be too big and out of focus. You could have a helper hold the picture and the pane of glass many yards away. But better to put the set up in a self-contained box with the ring on the bottom of the box and the pane of glass above it.
This the kind of setup I'm talking about. These folks used a TV set, just to get an animated image. But the same setup would work with the ring in a box and a small flashlight or LED on the near side of the box to illuminate the ring. This setup inverts the image, so the end of the ring closest to the camera is illuminated.
This is another setup that would work.
In this case the ring would be on the wall of the box, not on the bottom. This setup does not invert the image and the ring would have to be lit from the top. A flashlight couldn't be used because it would stick up and be visible, but an LED could used above the ring.