'Netherlands from Above' Balloon-like UFO Videoed from Helicopter


New Member
On Sunday, October 23, 2011, a Dutch film crew from the renowned Dutch public broadcaster (VPRO) captured this video of a UFO. They were filming from a helicopter for a well-known Dutch series called 'Netherlands from Above'. The camera was under the helicopter.

In a flash the UFO passes above the Waddenzee somewhere between Harlingen and Terschelling.

They noticed the flying object afterwards in the studio. The editors of the program asked viewers for help, but no real explanation was given. Some people indicated that it is simply a balloon (people report that a string can be seen underneath the UFO). In that case however, the camera would move underneath the helicopter and the balloon would hang, almost, still.

Because it was shot with a high-quality camera, it was possible to zoom in.
We are now 13 years later, what do we think of this with today's knowledge?


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnDJPDz9oPU
Some people indicated that it is simply a balloon (people report that a string can be seen underneath the UFO). In that case however, the camera would move underneath the helicopter and the balloon would hang, almost, still.
That makes no sense. It is just hanging there. The helicopter is flying past it. That's what balloons look like in this situation. And you can see the string.
That makes no sense. It is just hanging there. The helicopter is flying past it. That's what balloons look like in this situation. And you can see the string.
isnt there a parallex explanation demo from go fast you can link her, so she can understand the movement?

(yea i know she can see the string, but cant hurt to reteach parallex since this thread isnt noisy yet)

From youtube description:
204,227 views Feb 1, 2012
On 23 October 2011, the camera under the helicopter of the VPRO programme Nederland van Boven filmed this object. We don't know what it is. Is it simply a bird? A weather balloon? Or something more exciting? Let us know on nederlandvanboven@vpro.nl or via twitter (@nlvanboven).

It was filmed between Harlingen and Terschelling, looking in a south-westerly direction (in the distance you can see the Afsluitdijk). Presumably between 16:30 and 17:00. Keep in mind that the camera can zoom in enormously, which can distort the speed at which this UFO flies.

More flying objects in the final episode of Nederland van Boven on 7 February on Nederland 1 at 22.20 hrs. http://nederlandvanboven.vpro.nl/afle...

VPRO Netherlands from above
3.45K subscribers
In that case however, the camera would move underneath the helicopter and the balloon would hang, almost, still.
What do you, Senna, think?
Do you recognise the parallax effect in this clip? If not, we can explain it at some length. The balloon is not moving, except with the wind.
Thank you all for your clarifications. I watched a video about parallex movements/effects, that makes sense. Furthermore, when I first saw the video, I thought the object looked metallic. But now I look at it more closely, there is not much to say about the color, it could actually be any color due to the poor lighting.
We are now 13 years later, what do we think of this with today's knowledge?
The string is clearly visible, I used software written +25 years ago to enhance the first "3x" frame:
