I think. Those of you who use the full modern awe-inspiring power of the modern internet (to track you and shower you with smiley faces or hand gestures, but definitely cat pics, constantly) may be now enlightened, but alas Quora refuses to serve me any data at all unless I jump though pretzel-shaped loops that I'm not willing to go through. (Ditto X/Twitter, and many other sites.)
URLs and URIs are no longer uniform resource locations or identifiers, they are an arbitrary string that may work one day, and may not work the next. And for the unlucky luddites like me (who had a personal webpage on one of the first 1000-ish websites on "the internet" (i.e. www), so git orff moi lorn), that's a real issue. If the internet archive can scrape such sites, please get them to so do, because they, as long as they are an extant 503c3, will keep things in the same place, and won't rugpull. Unlike most of the rest of the internet. (For example, no, sorry, I can't provide a link to my webpage from 1993, the university's changed its name and 2ld twice since then.)
Fortunately, I recognise the artefacts you demonstrated, hence the ability to find similar diffraction effects. Heck, I see some of those looking at a point source!
So certainly at no point was there any thought of distrust. And as long as my loving fans trust me, everyone will trust you
(Oh, come one, can't you tell I'm in a mischievous but light-hearted mood this evening?)