We do it so that others don't have to
You could skip to the shoot-yourself-in-the-foot moment at 1722s - 1745s (youtube vid ID 001fbB5BMNw):
"You know it's that weird light. It's just going to show up. Even here, look, you see this super-bright light not making any weird reflections in his phone. This thing [pointing at the dot of the UAP] makes this blue light."
Cue facepalmeing chez FatPhil.
Watch the position of the super-bright light and that blue light as the phone pans around, and notice that they are always diametrically opposite in the frame (except when they coincide in the centre obviously) and moving in lockstep. The superbright light is *precisely* the thing that's causing that blue light due to the reflections in his phone.
It's hard to be more wrong in so short a statement.