Newsnation Benfield - Police Officer Robert Klein - Fairfield County, CT - 2022 Orb UFO

@triplekahuna i might have changed my mind about him not being up that far north. he wouldnt go to location 1. but he might have gone up to the bridge intersection as that would be the easiest place to turn around. and if redding wanted to cover the strip in my highlight they would be stuck once they drove past Dayton road (in pink), so they might have an agreement with Weston that they-Weston- cover that stretch of road.

didnt he? he was driving around like the police do at night. checking for gals who's cars may have broken down, or drunk drivers who smashed into a tree etc.
Yeah, he says, "I was checking up north..."
He doesn't specify exactly why but who knows, maybe it's a late-night party destination, or maybe some local yahoos are known for getting into trouble around there. But that's what gets me about his testimony in general: Even the seemingly-small details are unnecessarily vague, and not always presented in the most logical fashion. He doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Which could explain why he's so vague about where this happened.
That's a good point that I hadn't considered. Maybe he's been vague for very specific reasons unrelated to his supposed Close Encounter.
didnt he? he was driving around like the police do at night. checking for gals who's cars may have broken down, or drunk drivers who smashed into a tree etc.
I was not being cynical, certainly not trying to be. My point truly was the omission of a date and location.
he was driving around like the police do at night. checking for gals who's cars may have broken down, or drunk drivers who smashed into a tree etc.

In addition, I guess there are many reasons why a police officer might be "out in the sticks" but not say why to the media, e.g. a domestic dispute (and I get the impression there aren't many residences in the area where we think Klein was), or perhaps looking for a vulnerable person who hadn't been seen recently. Maybe, on a quiet night, Klein just wanted somewhere to eat his sandwiches in peace and unwind a bit.

Klein's colleagues and superiors will have some familiarity with the area, of course; if he'd gone wildly astray on the night of his sighting I would guess they'd figure it out pretty quickly.
In addition, I guess there are many reasons why a police officer might be "out in the sticks" but not say why to the media,
half of connecticut is "out in the sticks". it's not in anyway abnormal a cop would drive past the reservoir (in his territory) while doing his rounds. Plus Weston is posh, they'd expect their police to have them thoroughly covered. see, here is a few weeks ago 12:20 a.m. ..sounds like a motorist saw them first and called it in. but other than stoned/drunk teenagers/young people youre not going to get alot of through traffic in the Valley Forge area so its good the police check it from time to time.

My point truly was the omission of a date and location.
well that tv show "UFO Witness" wants to film a segment on it according to the News Nation video. I wonder how many locals are gonna be messing with them (drones, led kits etc). They should have filmed first. Its like those bigfoot shows where they first hold a town meeting then go out inthe woods.. i mean c'mon, even i would feel compelled to sneak out there and give a few "whoops" (bigfoot calls) or tree knocks to mess with the film crew!

Anyway, perhaps he was told to be vague. or he didnt want to embarrass his town too much. or he didnt want a bunch of yahoos (like me) flooding their town on dangerous roads to capture ufos! <im not gonna wait in the dark for a ufo but im still gonna go film the area.
My point truly was the omission of a date and location.

Agreed. My dad was in police work and spent time patrolling. There are jurisdictional issues depending on what agency one works for. When he worked for Santa Clara County Sheriff's department, he could patrol anywhere in the county, including the big city of San Jose which has its own police department. The Sheriff's department has jurisdiction anywhere in the county. As a practical matter though, the Sheriff's people would stick to the unincorporated parts of the county and let the city police handle their cities. Klien would have been limited, barring an emergency that he doesn't mention, to the town of Weston.

If Klein was on patrol duty that night, that's what he would do, patrol. No mystery there, he's out patrolling along what has to be Saugatuck Reservoir. But even here, he never mentions the name of the only reservoir in the town, likely because he never mentions the town. We only think it's Weston because people here tracked him down. He's vague on the date and he's very vague on the location.

Supposing he is in Weston, again the only reservoir is Saugatuck and Weston's town limits only abuts ~2.5 miles of shoreline:


He's hardly out patrolling the Navajo Nation, never mind driving one could walk the entirety of possible locations in a couple of hours. And yet he can't say where? Ideally, he would point it out on a map but he could also just say approximately on this or that road, it's not that big of an area. Same with the date.

Then we get the whole zoning out and "coming too" thing going on. Of course, no one on NewsNation is going to ask a simple question like "What body of water?" or "Where on a map did this happen?" I suppose it's possible NewsNation is controlling the narrative and helping Klein to keep it mysterious while still relaying on his credibility as a cop to bolster an otherwise vague story with video that doesn't match the encounter much.

Just speculating, but what if this happened at some other reservoir and he was off duty. 2 years later the story gets a whole 13:00 segment and an endorsement from Couthart based largely on him being a police officer. So, NewNation and/or Klein kinda played up the police officer thing a bit. Some off duty encounter gets mixed up with some on duty patrolling and we get this story as presented. Hence the level of vagueness in simple details.
We only think it's Weston because people here tracked him down. He's vague on the date and he's very vague on the location.
After another repeated listening (I don't why I do this to myself :D) I suspect that he asked NewsNation not to reveal the exact town and police department so as to avoid any unnecessary media attention, perhaps overlooking the fact that Internet sleuths would easily uncover much of what we have done here, simply based off his name. But here's what really irks me:

@ 11:20 Ben Hansen relays the story of a women who supposedly witnessed something similar a couple of months prior in a neighboring town. But don't worry, folks, it's not just same vague, anonymous testimony. This witness captured stills and video of the event!

But alas, since this is NewsNation, and Grifty McGrifterson loves to hype up absolute garbage, we are then told, "The officer who responded was able to see photos and the media on her phone, and said she [the officer] was blown away. Unfortunately the media was lost when she 'reset' her phone."

BECAUSE OF COURSE!!! And what dafuq does that even mean?!?!?
Who loses evidence like that? Who 'resets' their phone with evidence like that? And WTF does "resetting" a phone even mean?

Thanks for the informed follow-up on that one, NewsNation. :rolleyes:

I'd be too embarrassed to repeat such a half-assed tale on television.

I truly hate these people. Everyone involved in this story is a joke. (Except those of us here, of course! :))
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I'm not familiar with Android phones, but iPhone uploads media to iCloud unless it's somehow disabled. I assume Android has something similar.
I have an iPhone but I never use iCloud. I prefer being in direct control of when, and where to, my personal data is stored. Anything important either gets shared or uploaded to my desktop ASAP anyway.

But like so much of this story, none of the details make any sense. How could this other witness have had "media" of a once-in-a-lifetime event, and not backed that up somewhere? She didn't upload it to her computer? Didn't send and share with even one other person in her life? It's preposterous. Instead, she inexplicably "resets" her phone, and poof!, everything is gone. Or maybe it one of those "resets" that only scrubs UFO encounters, leaving her pictures of butternut squash soup, and videos of the new puppy perfectly intact. I hear that happens a lot. :rolleyes:
And WTF does "resetting" a phone even mean?
Isn't that a thing only done by phone thieves before they resell it? ;) Or, of course, by people who only claim to have something earth-shattering on their phones, but the dog ate their homework...
But like so much of this story, none of the details make any sense. How could this other witness have had "media" of a once-in-a-lifetime event, and not backed that up somewhere? She didn't upload it to her computer? Didn't send and share with even one other person in her life? It's preposterous.
she's old. im only kinda old and i wouldnt "share" it, send it to anyone. i would probably back it up to my computer IF i got around to it before my phone started glitching funny and i did a factory reset.

My mom still cant upload from her phone, despite me showing her at least 5 times how to. she also still cant "right click and choose copy, then right click again and paste into your document". She did finally last year master "open in new tab" when shopping though!
Isn't that a thing only done by phone thieves before they resell it? ;) Or, of course, by people who only claim to have something earth-shattering on their phones, but the dog ate their homework...

Something the *owner* can do before they resell it. If any rando can reset the device, that's not security, that's a security threat.
After another repeated listening (I don't why I do this to myself :D) I suspect that he asked NewsNation not to reveal the exact town and police department so as to avoid any unnecessary media attention, perhaps overlooking the fact that Internet sleuths would easily uncover much of what we have done here, simply based off his name.

Yeah maybe. But in the era of the internet and social media, if you don't want attention, don't ask for it. Attention is like a genie out of a bottle, you can't control it once it's happened.

I think also we have to remember who these types of segments and programs are for, and it aint us (bold by me):

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In 2023, NewsNation gained significant attention for its focus on UFO issues,[40][41] which it devotes more coverage to than most other cable news networks.[40] Fortune stated that NewsNation's coverage was "normalizing UAPs by going where no network has gone before" in "sharp contrast" to traditional media's skeptical coverage towards UFO claims.[41] The Washington Post said NewsNation had found a "viewership niche" in UFO coverage. UFO journalist Ross Coulthart's interview with UFO whistleblower David Grusch in June 2023 earned high ratings for the network.[40] NewsNation's interview with Grusch was repeatedly cited during a United States Congress UFO Hearing in July 2023.[42] NewsNation President of News Michael Corn stated to Fortune that "We are a news organization that doesn't dismiss or shy away from any story. Grusch's claims are serious and fascinating–any way you slice it, that's news."[41] NewsNation was forced to issue corrections after incorrectly claiming that The Intercept had obtained leaked information regarding Grusch's mental health.[40]

Aside from UFOs, Media Bias Fact Check supposedly gives them a HIGH for factual reporting:

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Overall, we rate NewsNation Least Biased based on minimal editorializing of content and reasonable balance with story selection. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact-checking record.

Maybe they didn't see the UFO stories. In any event, stories like this are for UFO people that want to hear UFOs are real and aren't overly concerned with pesky facts like exactly where something happened. A police officer said it happened and Coulthart said police are reliable sources to be trusted. That's all they need.

I would remind people that David Paulides was not a patrol officer but a real detective, like on TV, for a large metropolitan Police department, San Jose CA, not a small village of posh neighborhoods and yet, he got famous for his Missing 411 books and movies. The Missing 411 series claims, among other things, that people that go missing out in vast areas of nature are really being killed by Bigfoot or maybe abducted by aliens. These claims from a former big city detective are often backed up by leaving out important bits of evidence so as to bolster the mystery. Hardly a reliable source, even if a former police officer:


Wait, claims of UFO abductions by a former Police Officer with sketchy evidence? Sounds like a new segment for NewsNation. ;)
BECAUSE OF COURSE!!! And what dafuq does that even mean?!?!?
Who loses evidence like that? Who 'resets' their phone with evidence like that? And WTF does "resetting" a phone even mean?
How could this other witness have had "media" of a once-in-a-lifetime event, and not backed that up somewhere? She didn't upload it to her computer? Didn't send and share with even one other person in her life? It's preposterous. Instead, she inexplicably "resets" her phone, and poof!, everything is gone.

I share your frustration and incredulity.
This other claimed witness hasn't got any corroborating evidence, and the lack of this- which she claimed she possessed- makes her account seem less credible (to me) than if she'd claimed that she was an eyewitness who hadn't photo'd/ filmed anything.
At least she's not blaming MiBs / EMP for her erased 'phone.

But yes, claiming to have had evidence, which can't be verified, means that the claimed evidence is no evidence at all.
We are left with her post-publicity anecdote, and anecdotes/ extraordinary claims without evidence are just that.

Would suggest there's no need to hate anyone over it, though; lots of us have what others might think are daft ideas or flawed recollections. Must admit, I dislike people knowingly promoting narratives which I think are demonstrably false.
I would remind people that David Paulides was not a patrol officer but a real detective, like on TV...
I thought some of his prior police credentials had come under question, but I may be mistaking him for someone else. The thing that gets me with all the Missing 411 hoopla is that each tale is like a separate piece to a separate puzzle. You can listen to hours and hours of Paulides, and never get even one step closer to revealing the truth about any of his stories. It's just Groundhog Day, over and over again. The separate pieces never fit together to form any sort of cohesive whole. He may try to draw parallels between the stories, but they're typically just one dead-end after another, after another, after another. I don't know how anyone could continue to follow him down his road to nowhere.
I think this could be near the pinpoint location for a couple reasons?

First, I checked all the way down Valley Forge Rd using street view starting from the north part of his county. Nothing made any sense because there were too many trees and the road was too set back from the shoreline.

Secondly, beginning at Davis Hill Rd, on the left side still driving southbound, a large fenced area begins with no trespassing signs. The yellow arrow begins with the fence, and about 200 ft down there's a cluster of trees directly next to the dam's spillway (marked in purple). It would be logical if this section was part of his patrol to prevent trespassing on county property, especially by kids at night who climb on the dam. Given that he would have been driving south, the light from his left matches the location too.

One further thought regarding his odd description: any chance 'bywater' might have been slang/a misspeak for the dam's spillway? It's where high *water* *by*passes the dam? A byway for water. Irrelevant either their way, but it is curious how the spillway is directly next to this location about 200 feet down the fence.

Where he would be looking also does appear to intersect the approximate flight path of an aircraft going between Danbury Airport and the Bridgeport Airport. Short flight, so they would be smaller aircraft flying low.

Or, even more likely as others have suggested, it's a Sikorsky SAR helicopter doing training flights or testing new machines.


For example, this ^ is a Sikorsky at night coming in to land, and it does even produce the changing colour, pulsating effect like the officer described. The distance of the red and green nav lights from the white lights is sufficient to not be drowned out by glare. Unfortunately, if you go watch the full video, the lights are directional and forward-facing for landing. It wouldn't make sense to still be visible after it passed the officer.

As a note of intrest, when the spotlight is directly facing the camera in the video above, the glare makes the object look much larger. As soon as the direction changes, the light instantly becomes tiny, which could give the illusion of an object shrinking in size quickly. Especially if it was in response to him turning his spotlight on which could have alerted the helicopter pilots to avert there searchlight.

I wonder if there are any search and rescue helicopters that have a non-directional landing light set up for when the pilot is trying to light up the whole area underneath him while doing long line rescues, let's say over the ocean. Or any models that have search lights that are we facing (which wouldn't make sense to me, but who knows)

If someone wants to try match up the trees in the officer's video with Street View, then we could hopefully confirm with 100% certainty it's a match. I can't do that on mobile very well.
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One further thought regarding his odd description: any chance 'bywater' might have been slang/a misspeak for the dam's spillway?
I don't think so. If you listen again, he's clearly referring to the entire reservoir itself. He says, "I was checking up north near the, uh, the body of water, which is a reservoir..."
Other posters have pointed out that what we get to see might be a parachute flair, aircraft landing lights or a helicopter spotlight- and the Sikorsky plant is 13 miles away.
For example, this ^ is a Sikorsky at night coming in to land, and it does even produce the changing colour, pulsating effect like the officer described.
Seems to me that a helicopter sighting over the reservoir is the most likely explanation matching the facts, perhaps viewed through some sort of "altered state of consciousness," giving Officer Klein the benefit of a doubt (sleepy?). I was unable to determine a helicopter flight over the area during the month of April 2022.

Admittedly, I may have missed something: I used and was looking for +- 20 minutes to 11:40 ET (3:40 Z), and the low flying aircraft I found I posted earlier, but no helicopters. I'm sure others more proficient in forensic aerial flight path investigations could determine if this is even a possibility.
I had thought the location to the south newt
Seems to me that a helicopter sighting over the reservoir is the most likely explanation matching the facts, perhaps viewed through some sort of "altered state of consciousness," giving Officer Klein the benefit of a doubt (sleepy?). I was unable to determine a helicopter flight over the area during the month of April 2022.
i still think the 'large aircraft at a distance, with forward facing lights, climbing towards the witness and then turning to its left (our right) causing the apparent dimming of the lights' fits with what we see in the video best.
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...perhaps viewed through some sort of "altered state of consciousness,"
For the sake of argument, let's assume his car was, indeed, filled with a 'blinding light' from this craft as described. I'm almost wondering if he could've suffered some sort of minor seizure from that experience, which might explain him "coming to" (his words") moments later.
if you did want to attract the fabulists out there, this seems like the perfect way to go about it.
That's just farming for click-bait content, fabulists are as good for that as anybody.

I'm almost wondering if he could've suffered some sort of minor seizure from that experience, which might explain him "coming to" (his words") moments later.
I wonder if we are reading that too literally? Could "coming to" be synonymous with "got over being surprised for a second?"
to be fair, he is explicitly looking for video evidence
Not to be overly pedantic, but I wouldn't say explicitly. The statement reads, "If you've had a UAP "orb" sighting...please contact us."
And then, "We're especially interested in talking to those with video evidence..."

I'm sure they'd love to uncover some further video evidence, but I'm guessing that a fanciful tale by itself will get their attention as well. Perhaps they could hire the services of the NewsNation crack animation team to conjure up another reenactment, which James Fox could then turn into a feature film. Suggested title: Moment of Contact: A Close Encounter with a Fire in the Sky
It's gotta nice ring to it, no? :p
For the sake of argument, let's assume his car was, indeed, filled with a 'blinding light' from this craft as described. I'm almost wondering if he could've suffered some sort of minor seizure from that experience, which might explain him "coming to" (his words") moments later.

I was thinking how much it reminded me of Joe Nickell's "hypnagogia" hypothesis he used in discussing the Pascagoula abduction. Officer Klein isn't claiming abduction, but there are similarities.

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So which was it: a genuine alien abduction or a hoax? Or is that a false dichotomy? In reviewing the case, I thought there might be another possibility: the two men... might have dozed off. [Charles] Hickson could then have entered a hypnagogic ("waking dream") state, a trancelike condition between waking and sleeping in which some people experience hallucinations, often with bizarre imagery...

The imagery might even have been triggered by Hickson actually sighting something—almost anything—that, while he was in the waking-dream state, appeared to be a "UFO." During a recorded interview with Sheriff Fred Diamond (Blum with Blum 1974, 3036), Hickson described the UFO as "a blue light," adding: "It circled a bit." He emphasized it was blue, saying, "And you think you dreamin' about something like that, you know" (original emphasis). Hickson also reported that it made "a little buzzin' sound—nnnnn nnnnn, nnnnnnnnn" (Blum with Blum 1974, 31). Bright lights and odd noises can also be part of the waking-dream experience....
Emphasis mine. "Plasma" instead of blue light, and "buzzin'" instead of humming, but the phenomena is similar.

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Still, some of Hickson's behavior is questionable. For example, he kept adding to his story. He claimed on a television show a month later that the interior lights of the UFO had been so intense as to cause eye injury lasting for three days, although an extensive hospital examination the day after the incident had shown no such eye damage (Klass 1974, 349–50). But this is a familiar story: even accounts of the truest occurrences gain distortions and embellishments over time, so why should Hickson's story be any different? UFOlogist Kevin D. Randle (2001) in sists Hickson's alterations "went be yond that." Specifically, he says, "These changes seemed to be in response to criticisms and appeared to be an attempt to smooth out rough spots in the story." But to me that just signals Hickson's defensiveness brought on by people ridiculing him— not proof of initial hoaxing.

Possibly add to the initial "experience," whatever it actually was and how it was subsequently perceived (giving Officer Klein the benefit of a doubt), the natural inclination to bolster your claim, particularly in the face of doubt and ridicule. Gardner talks about "semi-lies."

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Even more difficult to expose are the semi-lies—accounts which have a basis in fact, but may be grossly exaggerated. For example, an observer sees a balloon but is convinced it is a saucer. Others are skeptical and this irritates him. So to convince them, he adds details, or exaggerates what he has seen. He may do this without being aware of it, and later recall the episode not as he saw it, but as he has added to it in his desire to convince himself and others. This is a well-known human failing and there is no reason to suppose it could not be involved in hundreds of so-called saucer sightings.
Martin Gardner "Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science," p. 60.
Banfield Newsnation video from Redding, CT. Looking at Flightradar24 in the footage they are looking for aircraft for this sighting from April 28th, 2022 0326 UTC. So the sighting would be April 27, Connecticut time.



The eyewitness would been observing from the back-deck of the Redding Community Center.


They are using Flightradar24 and claiming no aircraft in the area.


From ADSBexchange during that 03 UTC timeframe is a Dassault Falcon 900 that passed over at approx 3,000 feet. If she was on the deck at the rear of the community center she would have seen this aircraft approaching low on the horizon. There were other aircraft that she could have seen but at higher altitude.

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i still think the 'large aircraft at a distance, with forward facing lights, climbing towards the witness and then turning to its left (our right) causing the apparent dimming of the lights' fits with what we see in the video best.

Remembering the original sighting by the cop , I had said the comment above, and if the date of 28 Apr 2024 around 1125pm 0325pm is correct then this plane is a candidate (although it is descending). Particularly if the cop was towards the southern end of the lake



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One thing I noticed in the cop's video was how the reflection off the water disappears as the 'orb' moves to the right, but without much reduction in brightness. This suggested to me that the ground to the right was less reflective than the water - ie possibly land.

Brightness Enhanced

The cop said:
"I had just started my midnight shift, which is 11pm to 7am, I was approximately 40 minutes into the shift, and I was checking up north near the bywater(?) which is a reservoir. As I was about 250 feet in, all the sudden, from my left-rear, there was a really strong light: it lit up the entire cab of my cruiser, to the point I was having a hard time driving because I really couldn't see, I was blinded by it. So I immediately put [the car] into park, rolled down the window, and blocked the light with my hand, because it was very intense, to see where it was coming from and what exactly it was.

A few hundred feet along the road heading north along the reservoir's shoreline there is a parking place and a gap in the foliage. This gap at Angler's Dock overlooks the dam.



View attachment 74901,-73.3512406,3a,70.3y,100.74h,94.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sD17JNZcut3PIklfENFol-Q!2e0!6s!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw==

Could that be the spot that the cop recorded his video from?

Edit: I've just noticed that this was already suggested in @Minus0 's post #98 above.


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Did that same plane show on FR24? I don't have an account for it.
To go back to April 2022 on FR24 you'll need to have a Business account or be a ADSB Feeder (@Mick West is a feeder)

The screenshot that we can see in the news report shows one plane towards the right of the frame:


A similar view on ADSB-Exchange at that date & time shows it as AirFrance 017. The JetBlue plane that I suggested earlier is hidden under the FR24 controls.

Banfield Newsnation video from Redding, CT. Looking at Flightradar24 in the footage they are looking for aircraft for this sighting from April 28th, 2022 0326 UTC. So the sighting would be April 27, Connecticut time.

As usual, what the witness is describing, from multiple orbs to erratic flight patterns are not in the original video. Then she gives the obligatory "I'm always a sky watcher" (01:18) so she knows what planes look like and says that where she saw the UFO is not a normal area for aircraft. But then she qualifies that with a "I don't think" (02:11).

Then from ~01:40 to ~02:12 she and the others go on the back deck as she points a laser to where she saw the orbs(s). Note they entire time the laser is pointed just above horizontal, and their heads are looking only slightly up from horizontal. She seems to be saying the orb(s) is on the horizon just above the tress:


Suddenly at ~02:13 the laser is pointing straight up and everybody is craning their heads back to see where the orb(s) where:



So, it's really hard to tell where the orb(s) was.

Luckly, she got scarred and called the police and was able to send them a photo! (02:56) Unfortunately, she deleted the photo by accident while resetting her phone. It seems a strange coincident the many people that see and record UFOs know little about cloud backups or how to transfer data between phones. It's a wonder they ever manage to keep their contacts.

Looking at the center, I circled a few possible locations for the dumpster, as she was taking out the trash when this happened:


Dropping a pin at the back dumpster location and drawing in @flarkey's aircraft from the post above, it's possible she and the officer saw the same thing:


But again, it's really hard to tell where she was looking from the segment. Too bad she didn't still have that photo.
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Too bad she didn't consider the dangers of flashing a laser at an airplane, too.

To be fair, I didn't get that she used the laser back during the encounter. She was using it with the "reporters" to show where she saw the UFO in cloudy conditions with no aircraft present. At least that's how I saw it, these segments aren't exactly full of relevant details.

For now, I wouldn't throw her into the same category as the Street Bike Tommy wanabe in the other thread that appeared to shine his laser at nearly any light in the sky. And I suppose even he may be acting a part, shining his laser at suspected UFOs knowing full well they are celestial objects or Christmas lights on a tree as part of his schtick. Maybe he knows not to shine it at aircraft. Maybe.

Laser light guy here:
View attachment 74902

Could that be the spot that the cop recorded his video from?

Edit: I've just noticed that this was already suggested in @Minus0 's post #98 above.
That's cool we both ended up exactly in the same spot. Nice catch on the reflection!

While it's certainly possible that a distant plane could line up, I can't help but think it's more likely he saw a helicopter. The officer's description of a pulsating orb, the fact that he claimed it was so bright it momentarily blinded him, and his assertion that shining his spotlight back caused it to shrink quickly (misperceived as flying away) all align perfectly with a helicopter at night.

For example this almost perfect aligns with his description:


Note how the spotlight still produces non-directional light even when it's not pointing at the camera. In this video, it's slightly foggy, so the light beam is visible; in clear air, it would only appear as a light that gets larger and smaller.

I wonder if there's any circumstance when you might have a helicopter not on flight radar
Im one of the researchers involved with this case. AMA. I'll clarify a few things here.

-We filmed with NewsNation for multiple days and so the report you end up seeing is a result of multiple hours of footage being edited and cut together to try and tell a story but it leaves out some details of interest. I'm told that last night was just part 1 of the story and NewsNation intends to show several more parts to the story.

-Diane, the witness at the community center, had her sighting 2 months prior to Officer Klein

-We recorded interviews with Chris Burns who was the journalist that photographed "orb/lights" at the reservoir in 2013 and wrote a blog post about it. He also had a front page story in the Redding Pilot in 2015 after he spent over a year researching sightings in the area. What he found is that multiple people have been seeing the same lights, either a single orb or three orbs together, that are usually orange but can also change colors. Sightings are mostly reported around or directly over the resevoir and surrounding areas.

-Officer Klein did not have his dashcam on because it only turns on and records when his code 3 lights are activated.

-Our team is putting together a paper on this case to include some history of the sightings going back decades, but primarily focused on Robert Kleins sighting. We did some tests with drones and sky lanterns while we were out there with results being published in our paper.

-The most likely prosaic explanation for the object in Robert's video would be a helicopter, but after being out there myself could explain why I don't think the object in the video is a helicopter.

Attached is Chris Burns article from 2015 and a screenshot of where the sighting occurred. He was facing approximately 60-75 degrees NE

Let me know what questions you have and I'll do my best to answer or help.


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Im one of the researchers involved with this case. AMA. I'll clarify a few things here.
Thanks for joining and providing additional information! It could be very useful.
-We recorded interviews with Chris Burns who was the journalist that photographed "orb/lights" at the reservoir in 2013 and wrote a blog post about it. He also had a front page story in the Redding Pilot in 2015 after he spent over a year researching sightings in the area.
Did Chris give you any copies of the original photos? The metadata would be very helpful for those pictures.

-Officer Klein did not have his dashcam on because it only turns on and records when his code 3 lights are activated.

Did Officer Klein tell you where his sighting was?
We did some tests with drones and sky lanterns while we were out there with results being published in our paper.
That's fantastic you did some exploratory experiments, would like to see your results. Also doing any experiments is far more effort than a lot of folks these days
-The most likely prosaic explanation for the object in Robert's video would be a helicopter, but after being out there myself could explain why I don't think the object in the video is a helicopter.
Can you expand on this?
What he found is that multiple people have been seeing the same lights, either a single orb or three orbs together, that are usually orange but can also change colors
I noticed the 3 "orbs" in the inlay are a similar pattern to landing lands on an aircraft (rotated appropriately). Was that considered?


Thanks for coming to provide additional information, interesting cases