Newsnation Benfield - Police Officer Robert Klein - Fairfield County, CT - 2022 Orb UFO

I don't know why, but it is super common when people are confronted by something they don't recognize and can't identify (which you already know, I'm sure, just putting in "the record" here.)

It happens that I am reading Philip Klass's "UFOs Explained" at the moment, and just finished reading about some "near misses" between UFOs and aircraft (an Eastern Airlines crew saw a large UFO with rows of windows that missed them by 700 feet near Montgomery AL on July 24 1948, or the formation of 4 UFOs that zipped within 300 feet of an American Airlines flight near St. Louis on June 5, 1969 according to an FAA controller who was riding in the cockpit) and other "close encounters" such as a tree-top level UFO reported from Shoals, IN on March 3 1968. In spite of these UFOs being reported as extremely local by witnesses (though not quite in the "30 foot" range claimed here) all were correlated to bright fireball meteors seen over wide areas at the same time -- the meteors did not narrowly miss the planes, and did not fly at treetop level, they would have been 50-100 miles up, and some distance laterally.

But in an exciting, unexpected, high-adrenaline moment, trying the impossible task of judging size and distance to an unknown object with no points of reference, our brains often fail spectacularly -- no matter how smart, educated or experienced we are.

Incidents recounted here are in Chapters 1 and 5 of the book, which was published in 1974 so there are no recent cases there-in! If there is a preferred method for citing a book here, feel free to drop me a message anybody!
I would blame the "it's close!" response to the flight-or-flight response we all have. When uncertain or in doubt, assume that potentially dangerous "thing" is closer than it actually may be.. Those who quickly respond with flight are less likely to become lunch for a sabre-tooth tiger than those who stand around slowly measuring the actual distance.
I have separated the footage in question from the news report:
Thanks for that,
(, the policeman's video),

the News Nation stuff wasn't playing for me.

External Quote:

In an exclusive interview, Robert Klein, a 25-year law enforcement veteran, told NewsNation's "Banfield" on Wednesday about an incident near a local reservoir in Fairfield County, where he encountered a spherical object approximately the size of a "Mini Cooper," hovering just 30 feet from his patrol car.
Though we can't be sure (we weren't there), the film taken doesn't seem to support that description.

External Quote:

The object cycled through colors including red, green, white and orange, appearing to have a "plasma-like" quality.
Again, we don't know how the light appeared to Officer Klein, but the colour of the light in his video looks reasonably steady.
The use of language is interesting (if not particularly unusual for UFO reports): What does Klein mean by "plasma-like"?

External Quote:

The officer described the object's movement as "instantaneous," claiming that when he illuminated it with his spotlight, it immediately traveled across the body of water.
Not seen in the video.

Other posters have pointed out that what we get to see might be a parachute flair, aircraft landing lights or a helicopter spotlight- and the Sikorsky plant is 13 miles away.

I have personally observed near-spherical orange vehicles about the size of a Mini Cooper on the road when I was a kid,



...two of these pics have actual Mini Coopers for comparison.

I don't think there's a bridge or flyover in the background of Klein's footage, though.
I have seen a video of a flare that went from super bright to almost out, it looked like it zoomed off into the distance.

That is to say, if your brain doesn't interpret a bright light dimming quickly as just that, IMO it can appear to be the same bright object looking fainter because your brain thinks it shot off into the distance.

A large bright light changing brightness and size quickly can happen with a flare or a helicopter spotlight being rotated away.
I can't say as I've witnessed that.

Are you saying (as Klein seems to) that something is super bright up close, but then completely
disappears, only to, supposedly reappear, very far away (being invisible in between those 2 steps)?
Are you saying (as Klein seems to) that something is super bright up close, but then completely
disappears, only to, supposedly reappear, very far away (being invisible in between those 2 steps)?
I don't think the "completely disappears" step happens (nor does it need to).

1) Bright light
2) Bright light "turns off"
3) observer notices dim light in approximately the same direction
the News Nation stuff wasn't playing for me.

You didn't miss anything; I don't get segments like this. It was literally 13+ minutes of 3 taking heads yammering on with an animated recreation of the supposed event. That bit of video is all the evidence offered. I don't think they even gave a location, besides near the reservoir. It seems with Coulthart's success on NewsNation with UFO stories, now this Benfield lady has jumped on the UFO bandwagon.

I suppose it's like Ancient Aliens just rehashing things for 13 years or the 2 brothers on Secrets of Oak Island never finding anything, there is a relatively small but dedicated audience that they can rely on. Probably for a different thread but would be interesting to see if advertising on these shows is more focused to the small but reliable audience. Big rated general audience programs like Football (real 'mericun football, not soccer) are dominated by beer, car and insurance ads. Morning news talk shows, with their obviously older audience, show mostly ads for insurance geared towards the elderly and lots of drug ads.

Off topic:
If you'll indulge me in a barely tangentially-related story, and use this as a cautionary tale for all...

In other Weston, CT news this week:
Weston mansion destroyed by fire after residents try to fry turkey in garage

I was nearly that guy about 15 years ago. Not in Connecticut and not in a mansion, just a track house, but yeah....
Perhaps this is more interesting as an example of story propagation through an echo chamber.

Coulthart has now jumped in on this. He recounts Klein's description, based on that he concludes any "non-alien" explanation isn't possible, and then adds how people should be "skeptical" but not in this case.



External Quote:
Q: What would you say to anyone who is skeptical because he waited two years to come forward with his testimony?

ROSS: Well, how do you deal with skeptics, Natasha? I mean ultimately they're just going to always say 'It can't possibly be, therefore it isn't.' There's a kind of denialism in the face of overwhelming evidence. A lot of people say 'witness evidence isn't evidence,' I don't agree. Witness evidence is evidence, we convict people based on witness evidence in our courts. It's very important evidence.

ROSS: I think we're moving beyond the period where these things get treated with default ridicule and contempt. I think the public are a lot wiser than we give them credit for. They can smell a rat when they see one.
Mixed metaphor aside, it's curious how a single person's unsubstantiated eyewitness account from two years ago and some dark footage of a distant light hanging over a lake doing nothing remarkable is "overwhelming evidence" of alien visitation, and apparently, if this were a court of law, strong enough to "convict" someone of a crime.

It's interesting to note that according to the Innocence Project, quoted in Psychological Science in the Public Interest (PSPI), eyewitness misidentification played a role in about 70% of wrongful convictions later overturned by DNA evidence.

Coulthart has had some spectacular failures with this approach. See and you won't take a "trust me" from Coulthart at face value ever again.

Stop ridiculing him! You're making his "I think we're moving beyond the period where these things get treated with default ridicule and contempt" prediction appear as incorrect as everything else he's recently come out with!
Coulthart has now jumped in on this.
I really can not stand that charlatan any more. But there are some prime examples in that clip of exactly how he, and so many others of his ilk, manipulate the viewer with high emotion in place of verifiable facts. Ross uses the same tactic here which James Fox has repeatedly uses in his own painfully-underwhelming film escapades.

So let's breakdown this nonsense, line by line...

Beginning @ 1:07

Ross: "Well, it's exciting, because it looks like—when you see that fantastic reenectment that NewsNation's done—it looks like something out of Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

So were gloating about...the cheaply animated reenectment?!?! Am I getting this right?
For one, it looks NOTHING like anything depicted in Close Encounters.
For another, I don't care if Speilberg, Lucas and Cameron team up to produce a reenactment. It still does nothing to verify the claims.

Ross: "You see the cabin of his cruiser filling up with light."

You mean in the reenactment? WTF does that have to do with anything? Hey, Ross, this isn't radio. We can see the animation, too. It doesn't corroborate a damn thing. JFC.

Ross: "It's this gigantic, pulsing, multi-colored orb."

Um, even if we take the word of the cop, since when is a Mini-Cooper associated with the term "gigantic"?
I mean, it's right there in the name itself: "Mini." :confused:
WTF is wrong with Coulthart? He's literally putting words into the alleged witness's mouth.

NewsNation is an embarrassment in an age of embarrassing media. If they cover a UAP story, you can pretty much immediately right it off. And if Coulthart is part of the equation, then you are guaranteed, one hundred percent, to be left with nothing of any substance whatsoever. Change my mind. :rolleyes:
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I don't think they even gave a location, besides near the reservoir.
i'll drive it at some point this winter/early spring (ie no leaves on trees) and pull in at the pull offs and film. see if we can match the trees, since areas with an opening between trees (like in his film)are pretty rare out there.
i highly doubt he was driving, stopped in the middle of a windy tree lined road and put his car in park to study a ufo..thats how you get plowed by a drunk driver, so i assume he was killing time at a pull off.
i'll drive it at some point this winter/early spring (ie no leaves on trees) and pull in at the pull offs and film.
At the beginning of his original account, Klein states that he was "about 250 feet in..."
That might provide some perspective, although, like other things coming out of his mouth, it just seems like a really unnatural way of describing something (in this case, distance while traveling in a car).

I suppose it's really neither here nor there, but I think most people would reference "yards" at any distance past 150 to 200 feet, or something like "less than a quarter-mile," to describe such a distance. Plus, when he say "in" does he mean there's a fence or gate at a very defined entrance point? I could easily imagine there is, but if so, that's a very specific description of where he was. So it might actually be interesting to see how such specificity translates in the real world, especially given his highly-credentialed status of "trained observer" as it were.
At the beginning of his original account, Klein states that he was "about 250 feet in..."
That might provide some perspective, although, like other things coming out of his mouth, it just seems like a really unnatural way of describing something (in this case, distance while traveling in a car).

I suppose it's really neither here nor there, but I think most people would reference "yards" at any distance past 150 to 200 feet, or something like "less than a quarter-mile," to describe such a distance. Plus, when he say "in" does he mean there's a fence or gate at a very defined entrance point? I could easily imagine there is, but if so, that's a very specific description of where he was. So it might actually be interesting to see how such specificity translates in the real world, especially given his highly-credentialed status of "trained observer" as it were.
i would say feet. if he went in off 53 at Valley Forge the 250 feet makes no sense. even if you wait till you pass the river and the reservoir opens up the first pull off is here... possible they cleared out some of the little treees nearer the shore.

possible he came in from Godfrey road..but google car has no treeless shots so i'd have to go there to see what it looks like.
i'll drive it at some point this winter/early spring (ie no leaves on trees) and pull in at the pull offs and film. see if we can match the trees, since areas with an opening between trees (like in his film)are pretty rare out there.
i highly doubt he was driving, stopped in the middle of a windy tree lined road and put his car in park to study a ufo..thats how you get plowed by a drunk driver, so i assume he was killing time at a pull off.

Excellent! When this thread started I meant to shout out, "where's deirdre?" this could be in her backyard. I was very suspicious of the vague location. There appears to be ~2.2 miles of shoreline that the town has along the reservoir, is it so hard to say where in those 2 miles he was? Unless of course he was outside of the city limits in his patrol car, which begs the question why.

Be fun to see what you come up with.
i highly doubt he was driving, stopped in the middle of a windy tree lined road and put his car in park to study a ufo..thats how you get plowed by a drunk driver, so i assume he was killing time at a pull off.
I don't think that's a safe assumption. Again, if we take him at his word, it seems he didn't have much choice but to stop suddenly in the middle of the road. He states, "I really couldn't see, I was blinded by it. So I immediately put it into park, rolled down the window, and blocked the light with my hand." There's nothing to indicate that he had the time, or the wherewithal, to pull into a proper off-road area.
There appears to be ~2.2 miles of shoreline that the town has along the reservoir, is it so hard to say where in those 2 miles he was?
Well, it seems that there's only a few possibilities. It simply depends on how many "entrances" to the reservoir there are, and then the options are "within 250 feet" of one of those, according to Klein himself. It would also seem that he must've been driving south as the reservoir, and the subsequent movement of the UFO, were to his left.
i'll drive it at some point this winter/early spring (ie no leaves on trees) and pull in at the pull offs and film. see if we can match the trees, since areas with an opening between trees (like in his film)are pretty rare out there.
FWIW, he mentions something like "Bywater," which show sup in searches as the name of sevral businesses in the county but not, that I can find, a geographic location. I'm wondering if there is a "Byawater Overlook" or "Bywater Trailhead" or "Bywater Picnic area. Maybe keep an eye out for anything "Bywater" as you drive the area.
FWIW, he mentions something like "Bywater,"
I think you're mishearing that. I'm fairly certain that he's saying the "body of water" because he uses that exact expression two or three times in his interview. I think his audio simply gets a bit muddled the first time he says that phrase because he's using ear-buds with a low-quality video feed.
It would also seem that he must've been driving south as the reservoir, and the subsequent movement of the UFO, were to his left.

FWIW: on April 29, 2022 at around 03:37Z (11:37PM ET), did find a small plane flyover to the north part of the Saugatuck Reservoir. According to Klein, he started seeing things around this time (40 minutes into his 11PM - 7AM shift).


Was doing 176 knots about 6900 ft. For that time frame and area, didn't see anything else that seemed to match (no helicopter either).
I don't think that's a safe assumption. Again, if we take him at his word, it seems he didn't have much choice but to stop suddenly in the middle of the road. He states, "I really couldn't see, I was blinded by it. So I immediately put it into park, rolled down the window, and blocked the light with my hand." There's nothing to indicate that he had the time, or the wherewithal, to pull into a proper off-road area.
yea but i dont think he would have sat there and recorded what we saw. i mean he did say things like "when i came to" (<a great admission we want to hear from a cop in a stress situation), so maybe he was so loopy he put himself and others at risk.

either way i'll record the best i can the whole drive...assuming i hold the phone straight while recording as im guessing i have to kinda have it pointing left to get the trees at the right angle. ?
I think you're mishearing that. I'm fairly certain that he's saying the "body of water"
You may be right. Still, I'd keep an eye open for anything named Bywater or similar, if I was driving around... Can't hurt...
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You may be right. Still, I'd keep an eye open for anything named bBywatervor similar, if I was driving around... Can't hurt...
i think he said 'by water' but just meant by water. cause then he says reservoir quick. anyway i personally think he HAD to turn into Valley Forge off the Newtown Turnpike (rt 53) cause thats the only thing that makes sense to say "250 feet in" all that road is is the reservoir.

all i see on google maps this summer is Morehouse Farm. ill keep an eye out, but wont be coming from the direction he likely came from (and im not going all the way around because its a "you cant get there from here" situation. (unless im being paid 150k a year ;) )

@triplekahuna 's plane might be possible (although not sure what he was filming if the plane was butt end to him at that point.)
wasnt sure about the buds/leaves situation.. but at least on April 10th 2022 down the road at Putnam Park (they have revolutionary war renactments stuff!) the trees dont show an early bloom.. so the 29th would still work.

Would they keep dashcam footage from 2 years ago ?
did they have dashcams 2 years ago?

Most Connecticut Police Departments Meet Body Camera Deadline
Effective July 1, 2022 all law enforcement agencies in Connecticut are required to have body cameras and in-car cameras.

weston is specifically mentioned as having got body cams "in the last 6 months", but article doesnt talk much about dashcams.

State Awards Weston Police $41K For Dash And Body Cameras
The Weston Police Department has been awarded $41,264 in state funding, in part as reimbursement for the purchase of body cameras.

Rich Kirby,
Patch Staff

Posted Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 6:49 pm ET
The witness describes a light powerful enough to light up the interior of the car. I'm favoring helicopter with spotlight.

In the video, there's a glitter trail on the surface of the water, below the light, which means it's relatively closeby. This isn't a distant plane.

The Sikorsky factory is only a few miles away. And they test fly recently assembled military helicopters. Here's a video taken by a local.
Test flights of Sikorsky helicopters would explain repeated sightings over the years.
A helicopter seems a likely explanation. There is certainly nothing extraordinary about the movement of the object in question.

Sikorsky manufacture stealth aircraft like the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and part of it's stealth design involves a very quiet operation.

As an aside, I wouldn't put it past the test pilots at Sikorsky to play with any locals they see while testing the equipment either for legitimate testing purposes or for fun (as David Fravor claimed to have done).
Hi, human beings.

I saw the news video featuring the veteran police officer and I very much would like to speak with him. Any chance someone can make contact and invite him to a thread chat here on this site, or another agreed upon platform?
As an aside, I wouldn't put it past the test pilots at Sikorsky to play with any locals they see while testing the equipment either for legitimate testing purposes or for fun (as David Fravor claimed to have done).
That account from Fravor (I believe it was on JRE) of his antics doing just that often comes to mind, and was, perhaps, the most illuminating (no pun) aspect of the entire interview.

Yes, highly-trained individuals, operating insanely-expensive state-of-the-art technology, will still behave like frat boys when it suits them. It's a point that the Ross Coultharts of the world need to reconsider more often.

For anyone curious, here's the Fravor outtake about that incident:

Rogan: "So you would do that just to f@#$ with campers?"
Fravor: "Yes. Yes, I did." [laughter all around]

Rogan: "And I guarantee you're not the only who's ever done that."
Fravor: "Oh, I know I'm not." [More laughter abounds, including from Corbell as well.]


Edit: Covered in a previous (short) thread five years ago, I see:
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I thought I'd take a crack at finding a location for the video on the roads alongside the Saugatuck Reservoir (Valley Forge Road and Newtown Turnpike). I've included quite a few Google Earth images in this post, all of which are aligned so up is always due North according to Google Earth.

I started by taking a virtual drive along the roads in Google Streetview, from the southern end, but didn't find anything that stood out, until I reached the north end of the reservoir.

I've highlighted the possible viewpoint with a red circle in this image.
Possible Location.jpg

The Location
Here's an image with a closer view of the location.
Possible Location Closer.jpg

My reason for focusing on this area was some elements of the description by Robert Klein, of the apparent movement of the light. I've had to adjust the timing of some of his description a little for this location to make sense, but as eyewitness reports are notoriously bad, I think this is reasonable to do.

I've marked the relevant parts of the description on the text below by number and the positions I believe they relate to, on the image below.

"I had just started my midnight shift, which is 11pm to 7am, I was approximately 40 minutes into the shift, and (1) I was checking up north near the bywater(?) which is a reservoir. (2) As I was about 250 feet in, all the sudden, from my left-rear, there was a really strong light: it lit up the entire cab of my cruiser, to the point I was having a hard time driving because I really couldn't see, I was blinded by it. So I immediately put [the car] into park, rolled down the window, and blocked the light with my hand, because it was very intense, to see where it was coming from and what exactly it was.

(3) At that point the light started to move along the left side of the cruiser, until it stopped, right in front off to the left."


What I suggest may have occurred is as follows.
  1. Klein in his cruiser was on Newtown Turnpike, on the North East side of the reservoir, travelling anti-clockwise around the North end of it. In his description he was at first under the cover of trees, that obscured the sky and the reservoir.
  2. Klein in his car enters the Northernmost bridge on the reservoir, which brings the sky and reservoir into view, on his left side. He sees a light approximately to the East of his position, which would be to the left-rear of his cruiser. The light is at considerable distance (multiple miles) to the East. The bridge is approximately 400 feet long, so Klein's "250 feet" comment would be around the midpoint of it.
  3. He continues along the Newtown Turnpike for a short distance, through some trees where the road bends round to his left, bringing his view of the East, towards the front of his cruiser. He comes to a stop at the South East end of the bridge. It is here that he records his video.

The video viewpoint
I had a look on Streetview for features that might be a match for those in the video. Unfortunately, the video is poor quality, with little in it to identify the location. However, there is the (rough) view of the horizon and some foreground trees. A complicating factor is that the video is taken in April, when the trees would have been almost empty of leaves, but at the specific location I've identified (that I discuss later) the Streetview images are from July, so the trees are fully leaved, making comparison with foreground trees, almost impossible.

Here is an image from a short section of the Newtown Turnpike (at the North end of the reservoir), for which Streetview's images are from April, not July, that shows the condition the trees would have been in at the time of year the video was recorded.
Trees in April.jpg

The image below shows the close to position on Streetview, to where I suggest the video was recorded.
wider view.jpg

The actual position along the road would be slightly further along the road, closer to the trees on the right side of the image above, which would explain the foreground trees visible in the video.

This GIF shows the relevant part of this view, overlaid with a screengrab of the video.
Viewpoint Anim.gif

Here is a Streetview image that is closer to the specific position I suggest the video may have been taken from, although it was probably a little closer than this to those trees. The trees in the center of the image could be those seen in silhouette in the video, but bare of leaves due to the time of year it was recorded (April).
Closer to video location.jpg

The horizon line in my GIF anim isn't a perfect match, but I only scaled the grab of the video uniformly to try to match the horizon, with no rotation applied, which will likely have been slightly different in the video and the Streetview image. Tweaks to rotation and scaling might give a better match. Additionally the difference in leafage between April and July might introduce some minor difference between the images as well.

On the left of the video is what might appear to be a steep rise in the horizon, but I think it's more likely to be part of the twigs and branches of small nearby trees, visible above it, that can be seen better as they are contasted against the sky.

I chose the Streeet location image for the animated GIF above for the video comparison, as it showed a better view of the horizon, which is a lot more identifiable, than the foreground trees. Those trees are essentially impossible to try an match to the video, partly due to the difference in leafage at the different times of the year, but also because of the difficult of getting a close enouch angle of shot of them from Streetview, to compare with the video.

Statement order adjustments

For this location to be correct, a couple of adjustment to the order of the events in Robert Klein's statement would be required.

Adjustment 1
He states that he immediately pulled over after seeing the light to the left-rear of the car. However, a light from this direction is unlikely to be "blinding", causing someone to immediately pull over.

I think it more likely that he first noticed the light, either in his peripheral vision when entering on the 1st​ bridge, or in a glance to his left towards to the water, but did not stop immediately.

Instead, he continued a short distance (about 0.3km, 0.2mile) along Newtown Turnpike, which makes a 90-degree left turn (starting on the 1st bridge and completes at entry to the 2nd​) as it does so. This would have shifted his view of the light from it being to the left-rear of the cruiser, towards being to the left-front of it. He may have then decided to stop when it would have become more noticeable, on exiting the small section of trees between the two bridges, with the light by then being to the left-front of the cruiser.

Adjustment 2
Klein states that the light started to move "along the left side of the cruiser" after he stopped. This might be a referrence to the slow, left to right movement seen in the video, but it may be a conflation of that and the more pronounced apparent movement of the loght, that was a consequence of the 90 degrees turn, he would have taken on that part of the road.

A bit of juggling of things is required to make the statement fit the location, but I don't think it's an egregious amount. Possibly the actual point the at which Klein stopped to record the video is a little different to the one I'm suggesting, but I think this location is worth considering.


  • wider view.jpg
    wider view.jpg
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    Closer to video location.jpg
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Found two more low flying planes around the reservoir on two different dates. Still didn't see helicopter traffic.

April 15, 2022 @ 3:47 Z - 2625 ft:

Klein-CT-Screenshot 2024-12-02 101216.png

April 30, 2022 @ 3:45 Z - 3350 ft: (this is north of the lake though)

Klein-CT-Screenshot 2024-12-02 124818.png
I thought I'd take a crack at finding a location for the video on the roads alongside the Saugatuck Reservoir
That's some serious due diligence. Nice work. Particularly the tinted overlay, as that does appear to be a good match based on the landscape in the background of that image.
(1) I was checking up north near the bywater(?)
After repeated listenings, I'm confident that he's saying "the body of water," but he mushes the words together the first time.
He uses that phrase twice:
@ 2:38 "I was checking up north near the body of water"
@ 4:01 "It instantaneously moved across the body of water."

What's also curious, that I only just picked up on, was this other statement of his:
@ 10:06 "The light was very intense. I could feel it."

What does he mean by that? He could "feel" it, in the physical sense? Did he feel heat coming off of it? Inquiring minds want to know.
I started by taking a virtual drive along the roads in Google Streetview, from the southern end, but didn't find anything that stood out, until I reached the north end of the reservoir.

That's some serious work there sir! One possible problem though, is IF Google maps is correct that location is outside of the town of Weston:


It's in Redding CT:


If Klien is a Weston Police Officer, that area would be outside his jurisdiction. I found a few articles about the Weston PD, and it seems to just serve the town of Weston. I thought maybe Weston is so small (~10k people) they may have a joint PD operation with nearby towns, but it doesn't look like it, they have their own PD.

If your spot is right, he'd be a little over a mile outside of town along the turnpike:


Which could explain why he's so vague about where this happened.
One possible problem though, is IF Google maps is correct that location is outside of the town of Weston:
i'll have a look at that spot but im doubtful. its possible 1. he lives in redding so shot home for something. 2. he was coming up 57 and looped around 107 to get to the upper part of weston on 53 (i want to say its a 15 min drive? ) but he certainly would have no reason to be at location "1" above unless he went home or was picking up drugs or something over that way.

but since that is the way id have to go in (down 53) ill record starting over the north end there.
There are 4 reservoirs I could see on Google Maps in Fairfield County (shaded red). Can't tell which one the Officer is referring to.

View attachment 73739
Where is the police car dash camera footage or the body camera footage?

The police car dash cam would a) capture any sound and his reaction to what he is seeing b) if the light was so bright it would come up on the camera even if it is not right in front of the car c) there would be a GPS location and time to cross reference with his mobile footage.
Where is the police car dash camera footage or the body camera footage?
we dont know yet if they had body or dash cams at that point in time.

i was wondering if the footage IS his body cam (if they had gotten body cams by then). finally listened to video to see if he said..he says the footage is from his iphone. (ts 4:38)
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but since that is the way id have to go in (down 53) ill record starting over the north end there.

This sounds like a UFO hunting program on a Discovery channel! For full effect, make sure to pull over and go walking in a really creepy looking area at night while filming. Then say "OMG" a few times before leaving an old camera/phone for someone to find like you were abducted. That way we can all analyze the "found footage" here. Not you of course, you were abducted :D
I thought maybe Weston is so small (~10k people) they may have a joint PD operation with nearby towns, but it doesn't look like it, they have their own PD.
At the time, anyway, they did not go to "resident trooper model" and stayed with their own municipal PD, according to CTInsider:

External Quote:
Though the crime rate is low, the Weston Police Department and has no plans to switch to a resident trooper model, which is typically used in towns with lower populations. Under the model, the town generally does not have a municipal police department, but rather has one or multiple state troopers overseen by the Connecticut State Police.

Five out of the 14 towns in Connecticut with populations from 9,000 to 11,000 people use the resident trooper model: Somers, Hebron, Prospect, Burlington and Woodbury. The other nine use a municipal police department, including Weston.

but he certainly would have no reason to be at location "1" above
As @deirdre notes....

I've wondered (as well as others here) since the outset was what Officer Klein was doing out there at 11:40 at night. If it was an accident investigation near the lake (or whatever it was), it could confirm at least one part of the story. If he was out of his jurisdiction, and fearful of repercussions, then going on national television 2 years later is an odd personal choice.

(Something suddenly compelled him now, years later, to reach out to Mr. Hansen via "one of his websites." After 25 years of service, I must imagine his pension is fully vested, as with other government employees after similar service lengths, curiously enough.)

He gave an approximate time, no specific date, no specific location, and doesn't say what he was doing there in the first place. Some omissions may be forgiven for time constraints in the segment, but all?

Lastly, "inspired" I suppose by Mr. Hansen's appearance during the Newsnation segment, I checked The National UFO Reporting Center's 2022 reports for anything in CT, and there was nothing close.

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This sounds like a UFO hunting program on a Discovery channel! For full effect, make sure to pull over and go walking in a really creepy looking area at night while filming. Then say "OMG" a few times before leaving an old camera/phone for someone to find like you were abducted. That way we can all analyze the "found footage" here. Not you of course, you were abducted :D
well thats a unique way of getting rid of me :P besides "UFO Witness" is already going to do a segment at the reservoir, so its less likely people will believe my footage over theirs..they are the experts at such things after all.

I should note, since i keep making sort of jokes about this sighting, Weston sent officers to Newtown the day of the shooting and in the following weeks their officers helped with the throngs of press and death tourists and funeral control and xtra security etc etc. and even for months really, they (many local towns) worked overtime so Newtown officers etc could take some mental health time off when needed.
While im a bit miffed at Klein for going to News Nation (because i cant stand Chris Cuomo anymore OR coulthart!) and courting media attention, all local officers really, really stepped up for Newtown and our area communities who were all pretty traumatized. So if he's reading this thread, i just want him to know i do deeply respect his service as a police officer and have always been a Blue Lives/All Lives Matter gal.