Michael J. Murphy's most recent

And while you are there, ask him why he never responded to my questions, which were forwarded to him by G. Edward Griffin:

Damn Mick, that's a great series of questions/info. Do you happen to have this (and other such observations) archived somewhere so i can link to it?
Just today he sent out a plea for attention, directed at the trailer for his next factual vacuum, dressed up as a balanced documentary:

Fellow chemtrail/geoengoneering activists,

This is the trailer to our next production which will be released in Fall of 2012. It answers the question everyone is now asking: "Why in the World are They Spraying? which is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, "weather control". Please watch, share and spread this important message!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Michael J. Murphy
Good grief. It's really quite astonishing how many times you see comments like this on YouTube. As if they are part of the conspiracy by delaying your page view count.

It is interesting that the comments continue to increase but the views have been stuck at 316 since early afternoon!!!!
Truthmediaproduction 9 hours ago

I think this comes from an unrealistic understanding of just how much significance your work has in the real world. For MJM, chemtrails (and the greater 9/11 and Bilderberger banking conspiracies) is the entire world. Hence he thinks the entire world would be interested in what he has to say. So when his trailer only gets a few hundred hits, then it's the powers that be trying to bury it.

But all it is is a known issue with YouTube, which could have been found with ten seconds of research:


The question would be: is he deliberately spreading disinformation to promote the conspiracy theory, or just a bit clueless when it comes to the internet?
What scares me about all of this nonsense that MJM is producing is how many people are falling for it. He has now gone beyond just the usual Chemtrail spotting to claiming that all of the weather extremes around the world are due to this geo-engineering plot. He is trying to morph peoples fears into something new called weather manipulation designed by the worlds elite to control the masses for profit and depopulation plans. MJM has completely changed the focus of the fear from something that can be explained (persistent contrails) to something that is much more difficult to understand of weather extremes. Instead of trying to help the world by showing the real cause of weather extremes due to the effects of CO2 he has substituted that with this insane NWO depopulation plot for his own personal gain.
What scares me about all of this nonsense that MJM is producing is how many people are falling for it. He has now gone beyond just the usual Chemtrail spotting to claiming that all of the weather extremes around the world are due to this geo-engineering plot. He is trying to morph peoples fears into something new called weather manipulation designed by the worlds elite to control the masses for profit and depopulation plans. MJM has completely changed the focus of the fear from something that can be explained (persistent contrails) to something that is much more difficult to understand of weather extremes. Instead of trying to help the world by showing the real cause of weather extremes due to the effects of CO2 he has substituted that with this insane NWO depopulation plot for his own personal gain.

Isn't this what the conspiracist preachers tend to do? They ratchet up the rhetoric ... there's more at stake, the NWO is getting more powerful, more and more of your life (what's left of it) is being controlled by invisible forces beyond your control ... unless you give the preacher money to save your soul.
In a recent audio interview, Michael J. Murphy is claiming to have been a school teacher for several years, and expounds on how to get people to accept something out of the ordinary:
Michael J. Murphy said:
@ 36:30 There are several levels of truth, and several agendas associated with these programs, and I was a teacher for a number of years, I taught third through eighth grade, while I can introduce basic levels of math to the third graders, and algebra to the eighth graders, I couldn't come in with that algebra to the third graders, and in introducing any issue, you have to know who your audience is, you have to know the levels of the issue that they are able to comprehend and accept, so that's the most important, and so while I believe that there is a depopulation agenda associated with these operations, and Bill Gates who has spoken about eugenics, I don't think thats the most prudent way to address it when you are going in to a public official, I think it is essential that's something that most of them have probably never heard and it could be beyond their reality.

Our agenda is not to tell everybody as much truth as we know. Our agenda is to teach, educate, and move in a direction that they will not only be able to comprehend but to accept.

So, since he knows that chemtrails is widely seen as a preposterous crazy idea, he is willing to hide his true agenda until folks get sucked in deep enough that they have accepted the premise like little third graders.

And I don't for a moment believe he has ever held credentials as school teacher. To my knowledge he has no higher education at all beyond high school.
Michael J. Murphy said:
"you have to know the levels of the issue that they are able to comprehend and accept"

Michael J. Murphy said:
"and so while I believe that there is a depopulation agenda associated with these operations"

"Truth Media Productions and Michael J. Murphy are not at all supportive of statements... claiming that chemtrail/geoengineering programs are not part of weather control."

Michael J. Murphy said:
"Thank you all for your support and please continue to address these crimes with truth and integrity."

What a bunch of condescending deceitful hypocrisy.
Jay your transcript skipped a few parts, the following is correct. It's important that we don't ever misquote people.

External Quote:
@ 37:50 There are several levels of truth, and several agendas associated with these programs, most of the agendas are far beyond what many people would even accept as reality. And what I mean by that it's similar to math, and algebra, and I was a teacher for a number of years, I taught third through eighth grade, and while I could introduce basic levels of math to the third graders, and algebra to the eighth graders, I couldn't come in with that algebra to the third graders, and in introducing any issue, you have to know who your audience is, you have to know the levels of the issue that they are able to comprehend and accept, and that's the most important, so while I believe that there is a depopulation agenda associated with these programs, and Bill Gates who has spoken about eugenics, I don't think thats the most prudent way to address it when you are going in to a public official, because essential that's probably something that many of them have never heard and it could be beyond the reality...
Our agenda is not to tell everybody as much truth as we know. Our agenda is to teach, educate these people, and move towards getting these programs stopped. So it's sort of, if you look at truth, truth is a very powerful weapon, but you put a weapon in a child's hands, that does not have the wisdom to use it they could do a lot of damage, and unfortunately that's something that we experienced here, but I can't stress the importance of knowing the audience that you speak to, and addressing it at a level that they'll not only comprehend but be able to to accept.
So they "know" there's population control and eugenics, but the general public (and elected officials) are children, so they don't tell them this.

Here's the preamble leading up to that, so it's not out of context:

External Quote:

We need a conscious awakened and an aware public who is willing to address this in a prudent way, there are number of ways it can be [laughs] this can be addressed, and a number of people who address this in anger and fear, some other areas, may have set us back a little bit, so we had to do a lot of damage control here in Maui and get the attention in a non-confrontational way - it's hard to do when you are aware of what is going on but it's essential.

We had had a lot of damage control here in Maui, because when Bruce Douglas, who really had the idea, and wanted to run with the bill, he called up the Mayor's office. He said 'I'd like to have a private meeting', and they said 'well - about what', and he said "well, I'd like to talk to you about geoengineering', they said "we don't know what that is', he said 'many people know about it as the "chemtrail" issue', [laughs] the Mayor's office said 'nooooo..., no no no, you're those crazy people', and Bruce said 'no, ... we're not those crazy people', they said 'well, we get five calls a week of people who are screaming and saying we are dumping toxins to kill everybody, in the sky!'. And Bruce said 'no, I'm sorry that people have been very antogonistic and very angry calling you, and we want to talk to you about facts and figures in this."

So we went in, we presented the film, which by the way has been a very effective tool, and we address this in a way that was easily understood by our political leaders. As a result they moved, and are moving forward, with this bill. But a number of people come in, and,
What scares me about all of this nonsense that MJM is producing is how many people are falling for it. He has now gone beyond just the usual Chemtrail spotting to claiming that all of the weather extremes around the world are due to this geo-engineering plot. He is trying to morph peoples fears into something new called weather manipulation designed by the worlds elite to control the masses for profit and depopulation plans. MJM has completely changed the focus of the fear from something that can be explained (persistent contrails) to something that is much more difficult to understand of weather extremes. Instead of trying to help the world by showing the real cause of weather extremes due to the effects of CO2 he has substituted that with this insane NWO depopulation plot for his own personal gain.

And didnt he just say how he did not agree with that Great Culling nonsense recently? Sounds like he jumped on board though.

That just shows that he is trying to make it about himself, as others are doing the same too. They want to be the figurehead of their group, just like Roxy is trying to also. i think MJMs problem with the great culling, was that it was not about him getting the attention.
So they "know" there's population control and eugenics, but the general public (and elected officials) are children, so they don't tell them this.
They don't tell them this so as not to throw up caution flags. The same way "Moonies" told people on the street they were a "youth group" when the reality they were a cult run by a Korean guy. The same way scientologists have front groups like Alanon and a dozen more out shilling for them. The same way that Rosalind Peterson and now Carol Grieve try to stay away from the word "chemtrails" which they coined and now claim debunkers have given a bad name because the idea sounds crazy.

The bright part about the interview is that Michael J. Murphy is having trouble coming up with another $25k to get his movie out!
Mini debunk: AlAnon is not Scientlogist. Those are Narcanon and Criminon, under ABLE.

But yes, similar tactics. Specifically that the "end justifies the means". They think they are fighting for a greater good, they know better than everyone else, they are only trying to help, so it's okay to lie a bit.
Thanks for the corrections, Mick.

In the interview, Michael J. Murphy quotes something which G. Edward Griffin has said several times. Griffin expects that when the "Truth" is finally revealed, the people making "chemtrails" will tell them "We were doing it for the good of the greater number".

Interesting how Michael J. Murphy is now willing to publicly explain how he expects to use a ploy to influence public officials "For the good of the greater number". He has become exactly what he proposed to fight.

It is a losing game, Michael, because sooner or later in the light of public exposure which you seek, your claims will have to be vetted seriously by capable people, and all your lies will come tumbling down.

Prepare yourself to be exposed.
So only the priesthood gets to be allowed to know "the truth" huh? Where have we heard that before??

I think I said somewhere else recently that it's all a religion - this is just another brick in that wall!
Hey, it's easy enough to leave comments at that site, so I did. Collected just $24, eh?

He sucked G. Edward Griffin's flock dry getting $24,000 year before last, and now Griffin has stepped out of the action with Michael J. Murphy. This time he's asking for 40 grand as he flies back and forth to Hawaii trying to hoodwink the locals, yet even the local Dr. Lorrin Pang has debunked his claims there by sampling rain water and finding nothing:
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Perhaps he's hoping that the US is far enough away from Hawaii to rely solely on him for their (mis)information.

Maybe a handful of housewives will. The question is, do they have $24K between them?

I bloody hope not.
I think 1 comment has disappeared from his page - I'm sure there were 3 disparaging ones a couple of hours ago, but only 2 now.....
You might be able to indirectly comment via the Updates tab, by creating an account, then favoriting it. I'm not sure it that can be removed.
I got a screenshot at 2 comments -
why in the world.jpg
Just been on the page and this is what has been posted by MJM
marcel.marceau referred someone 11 hours ago
CHECK CONTRAIL SCIENCE referred someone 20 hours ago

CHECK CONTRAIL SCIENCE favorited 20 hours ago

tryblinking referred someone 22 hours ago
I have reported my referral as a deception to the site via
Here is my message
I would like to report a deception which is being posted on
This page claims that I referred someone to there page, implying that I support their cause.
This is in fact untrue and I would like this deception to be removed from the page.
I also know that some of the other referrals and likes are deceptions and would ask you to encourage the owner/creator of the page to remove any such deceptions forthwith.
Thank you
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The referrals mean that someone registered after clicked on the link that you posted somewhere, specifically it's the &a=512756 in the link that identifies it as being from you (and a 504994 identifies it as being from MJM). So technically it's not a deception, as you did post a link that resulted in someone going to that page. MJM is not posting it, it's just automatic.
Here's his most recent email sent out to the flock today:

Dear fellow chemtrail/geoengineering activists and supporters,

"Why in the World are They spraying?" is in full production and has been getting a great response as we have been able to discuss our findings almost daily on various radio shows around the world. Barry and I with the help of Geoff Brady New York Sky Watch, Pacifica Radio, have made great progress in our understanding of the history of weather control by interviewing Dr. Jim Fleming, Professor of Science and Technology, Colby College. I am currently in production on Maui where I have interviewed Dr. Nick Begich about HAARP and also several organic farmers who all have had over a sixty percent decline in their crop production in the past 10 years. This decline, of course, is believed to be a result of on-going chemtrail/geoengineering programs. When I return from Hawaii, we also have interviews planned with Rosalind Peterson, California Sky Watch, Dane Wigington of What in the World are They spraying?", Mark McCandlish, Defense industry Consultant, and Barb Peterson of Farmwars. We are making great progress towards helping the world understand the purpose of these damaging programs as well as the severity of the issue. The following is our website that describes our new film and our objectives. We are at 10% of the funding that we raised for "What in the World are They Spraying?" and are in need of support to get this important message out in a professional and effective manner. We are funding this entire project with Pre-orders and donations. Pre-orders and more information can be found at: www.whyangels.info. Also, please Facebook and foreword this link to your e-mail list. Together we can make a difference in getting these programs stopped. Thanks again for your support in addressing these crimes against nature and humanity.


The following are also a few radio programs about the new film:

Michael Murphy on The Jack Blood Show:

Coast to Coast with George Noory:

Sincerely [sic],

Michael J. Murphy
At Michael J. Murphy's Facebook page there are two excellent questions asked which he is not answering:

Ulcered Megalith
Is there a good explanation somewhere of how it is that what appear to be lingering contrails are not possible and therefore must be 'chemtrails'? I can't remember that being covered in the documentary. Maybe I missed it?
Like · Comment · 7 hours ago ·

Well, Michael, how do you respond to that?

Then there's this:

Angela Rios
WHO in the world is doing the spraying? Who is flying the plane? Who is giving the orders? This is treason.
10 hours ago.

Ulcered Megalith and Angela both have been left with questions which, if they had seen a true documentary about chemtrails, should have been fully answered. A true documentary always goes deeply into the who what where, how, and why, and shows multiple viewpoints on each facet.
If it describes an event, a timeline should be given so that the documentary viewer comes away with a historical context of the described event.

I'm fully convinced that Michael J. Murphy's movie wasn't a documentary, since it failed to convey a complete picture of almost all of the above elements listed above.

One question leads to another, and this is likely the main reason why "What In The World Are They Spraying" fails, but I have come to understand that part of this was a planned event. The plan was twofold at least, and the omissions go further than just failing to show a complete story.

Michael has already spoken to how he considers his intended audience too immature, childish, even, to "accept as reality" what he is saying.
He hides his true intent, and has advised others to do the same.

Here is an example:

Originally Posted by Michael J. Murphy
@ 37:50 There are several levels of truth, and several agendas associated with these programs, most of the agendas are far beyond what many people would even accept as reality. And what I mean by that it's similar to math, and algebra, and I was a teacher for a number of years, I taught third through eighth grade, and while I could introduce basic levels of math to the third graders, and algebra to the eighth graders, I couldn't come in with that algebra to the third graders, and in introducing any issue, you have to know who your audience is, you have to know the levels of the issue that they are able to comprehend and accept, and that's the most important, so while I believe that there is a depopulation agenda associated with these programs, and Bill Gates who has spoken about eugenics, I don't think thats the most prudent way to address it when you are going in to a public official, because essential that's probably something that many of them have never heard and it could be beyond the reality...
Our agenda is not to tell everybody as much truth as we know. Our agenda is to teach, educate these people, and move towards getting these programs stopped. So it's sort of, if you look at truth, truth is a very powerful weapon, but you put a weapon in a child's hands, that does not have the wisdom to use it, they could do a lot of damage, and unfortunately that's something that we experienced here, but I can't stress the importance of knowing the audience that you speak to, and addressing it at a level that they'll not only comprehend but be able to to accept.

The second part of the plan was, in my opinion, strictly commercial. He could have told much more of the who, what, where, why, and how, as well as the other elements, except that he likely planned a series of movies dragging out the subject over a course of years to provide him with a steady income and a growing following. This course also gave him time, but he hasn't realized that time is his greatest enemy, and thisstretching out is a grave error.

From my experience, most of the major chemtrails promotions have a short lifespan of popularity, some people start to catch on, and even when the promoters provide a steady flow, conspiracy claims are like a drug, the effect of a new 'revelation' is always less than the last, and unless it leads directly towards something significant and verifiable, the effect on the consumer, just like the effect on any addict, is always less than the first. In other words, drug users and conspiracy consumers need ever-stronger fixes if they are to be sustained. A tolerance develops.

The more reality based consumers begin to have doubts first, and it takes very little to turn that back, sometimes even a lack of corroboration is enough to effect a change.

Those further over the edge hang onto just about any speculation seeking that next fix.

Michael J. Murphy has seriously underestimated what he has gotten into. His delay has cost him much momentum. The further-out believers he now has gathered around him have proven to be poor spenders, likely they are finnacially unsuccessful and have not stepped forward to fund Michael J. Murphy's plan. That's the way I see it.
That is pretty funny. There's nothing in that image to suggest spraying at all - the contrail is probably not even persistent.

What are they spraying? Water and CO2, just like your car.

Is that all that a car exhaust emits mick? You "scientific" fool
Still looking for money. From the WITWATS facebook page.


[h=6]Barry Kolsky
[/h][h=6]We have received 80,000 views in 2 months on the film trailer so far!! This documentary will likely change your view on weather modification... we are uncovering some amazing facts and documents in our quest to discover the answer to the question, "WHY in the World are They Spraying?" Legislation around this country is currently either being proposed or enacted based on the information from our fi...rst film. Our funding for this important movie will be from pre-order DVD sales and donations via www.whyangels.info. So far we have reached 25% of our funding goal. Please donate what you can so that we can complete this video. More information regarding the August 2012 premiere will be posted later today!

Eight hours ago, on his Facebook page, Michael J. Murphy shared this link with his followers:

The article, written by a man who claims to be a "climatologist", named Cliff Harris, says this:
Cliff Harris said:
David Keith, a well-known geoengineer from the University of Calgary, said recently in a San Diego Climate Seminar, "the U.S. and many NATO countries are spraying in order to save the planet from runaway global warming."

Does anyone know of the original source for ths quote?

Its appalling that Michael J. Murphy would lead people to this obviously false quotation.

He should be ashamed.
That's a blatant fake quote. I suspect it's a paraphrasing of what a theorist remembers someone says who was relaying what he though Keith meant. It's obviously fake though - as Keith has very explicitly denied that any spraying is going on, and said he would risk his life to try and stop it if it was.
Yeah, they are writing what they think he said, not what he said. I have seen others insisting that Keith says we are spraying 200 million tons of Aluminum in the air. Maybe that was Dane.
Cliff Harris seems to be an older Kevin Martin type. Claims to have excellent success in weather and commodity forecasting, yet somehow manage to avoid becoming rich.


External Quote:
Climatologist Cliff Harris has been often rated as one of the top ten climatologists in the world for nearly 4 decades. Cliff Harris' long-range weather forecasts have been used by high-ranking government officials and quoted in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Wall Street Digest, Farm Journal, Top Producer, Successful Farming, Futures Magazine, The Boston Globe and many other publications. He also provides several weekly local and national radio weather broadcasts to various stations throughout the country. As one of the partners of Harris-Mann Climatology, Cliff provides daily weather updates to hundreds of subscribers through DTN, Farm Dayta, the Internet and various local media. His weather and commodity forecasting success rate is approximately 75% and he accurately predicted the current prolonged cycle of global weather "extremes" in 1966. Since age 11, he has compiled nearly 100 weather scrapbooks that detail major events throughout the U.S. and the world on a daily basis. Cliff operates a weather station in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and writes a popular weekly column called 'Gems' for the Coeur d'Alene Press. He has been quoted in CNN and "Not by FIRE, but by ICE" by Robert W. Felix. Cliff and his wife Sharon have been married for 43 years and have 2 children, 3 grandchildren and 2 toy poodles.
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here's his latest. No new information really, just the same plea for attention he sent out last time:

Dear fellow chemtrail/geoengineering activists and supporters,

"Why in the World are They spraying?" is in full production and has been getting a great response as we have been able to discuss our findings almost daily on various radio shows around the world. Barry and I with the help of Geoff Brady New York Sky Watch, Pacifica Radio, have made great progress in our understanding of the history of weather control by interviewing Dr. Jim Fleming, Professor of Science and Technology, Colby College. I am currently in production on Maui where I have interviewed Dr. Nick Begich about HAARP and also several organic farmers who all have had over a sixty percent decline in their crop production in the past 10 years. This decline, of course, is believed to be a result of on-going chemtrail/geoengineering programs. When I return from Hawaii, we also have interviews planned with Dane Wigington of What in the World are They spraying?", Mark McCandlish, Defense industry Consultant, and Barb Peterson of Farmwars and many more. We are making great progress towards helping the world understand the purpose of these damaging programs as well as the severity of the issue. The following is our website that describes our new film and our objectives. We are now around 15% of the funding that we raised for "What in the World are They Spraying?" and are in need of support to get this important message out in a professional and effective manner. We are funding this entire project with Pre-orders and donations. Pre-orders and more information can be found at: www.whyangels.info.

Also, please Facebook and foreword this link to your e-mail list. Together we can make a difference in getting these programs stopped. Thanks again for your support in addressing these crimes against nature and humanity.


The following are also a few radio programs about the new film:

Michael Murphy on The Jack Blood Show:

Coast to Coast with George Noory:

Michael J. Murphy
Interesting admission from GEG

Gina said:
2012 Apr 20 from Gina
Hi Mr. Griffin,
Today I came across an old post of yours while searching the web for Plane Finders. I recently put the Plane Finder app on my iPhone, and the first time I used it, I ID'd a plane which was leaving a long white trail that came up as "unidentified." I thought I was on to something! But since then, most of the planes I have come across are simply commercial jets traveling to and from LAX- and some of them do have lingering trails.

Recently, I realized that some of these planes forming the trails are way too low to be doing so. I am attaching a few pages with some detailed info on a Virgin America flight today, which was leaving a thick bright white trail which was broken in some areas, but lingered about 30 minutes before disappearing. The problem is, it was only at 11,900 feet! (There have been some which were even lower leaving trails.) Additionally, it was hot and dry today where I live in Calabasas, so I doubt the conditions were correct, but nonetheless, the trail was clearly there. I have done a cut and paste of everything I could think of to document what I saw, including the weather report, the screen from my iPhone, photos of the trail, the flight status from LAX, and a calculation of what the temperature most likely was at the altitude of the plane.

My son (age 23) has done his best to try and convince me there is something going on - now I might agree. Could you look at my report?

G. Edward Griffin said:
Hello Gina.
Your comprehensive report is greatly appreciated. You definitely are on to something. We get similar reports from the Las Vegas area. We now know that most persistent trails do come from commercial jets. I suspect there is something added to the fuel that crystallizes at temperatures at around 30 degrees F. Your report will help a lot. Thank you, and please send us anything else that is in this category.


JR- I'd like to see that photo, bet it shows the plane as an unidentifiable speck @ 30,000+ ft., not two miles up.