George B
Extinct but not forgotten Staff Member
George, my years of experience have shown me that the same situation exists worldwide in every part of society its just a part of the nature of humans.
We have documented deceit and manipulation within the chemtrails promotion power structure which, besides being morally wrong, wasting people's money(look at John Whyte who's out $10's of thousands), generates great negativity, and amounts to a actual threat to human life.
Why do you accept their deceit and manipulation by being a "chemtrails advocate"?
Why not actively join the fight against this?
Is it because you have, some time ago, fallen prey to this deceit and manipulation?
If so, having the knowledge you do now, you should be all the more against them, why not use that knowledge for good, to allow others so manipulated to rise up the ladder and free themselves?
1) I never fell into their deceit because I never listened to them from the beginning . . . I don't even know to this day who they are . . . including this "John Whyte" . . .
2) My position is based almost entirely on research and testimony from the government, historical accounts, the scientific community, legal sources, theUN (IPCC) , international Sources, NASA, NOAA, DoE . . . etc. I have learned more about the Chemtrail community from this Forum than from any other source .. . I don't watch their videos and I don't visit their websites . . .
3) The shock I received was from things not directly related to Chemtrails . .. things like Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin incident hoax, Rescinded laws from the 1990s allowing testing of Bio-Chemical and Radiological agents on US Citizens and Military, the dumping of aerosols like Zinc Cadmium Sulfide on the US Midwest,Canada, and the UK in the 1950-60s and not finding about it and other human experimentation until 1995 when a partisan Congress blew the lid off it during Congressional testimony.
4) You have to understand this all happened while I was working for the jokers at a very high level . . . risking my life and the life of others in the defense of a machine that allowed this type of behavior . . . that stings and I no longer doubt the level of crap they are capable of . . . in the name of national security or whatever . . .
5) President Eisenhower was correct when he warned the entire country and world of the Congressional Military Industrial Complex when he departed the Presidency . . . they are real and they are nasty . . . and I have no doubt if they felt ICAAIP was needed for profit or to protect their power or their neck they would have no problem doing it under a veil of secrecy and intimidation . . . I have had a personal taste of both . . .
6) Can I prove people are spraying things in the atmosphere in secrecy . . . no. . . do I think it is possible . . . yes . . . do I think they have the technology, the will, the budget . . . yes . . .
7) Because of the above . . . I can not tell someone else who feels as I do that there is nothing to be concerned about . . . your government and the other players in the world are only concerned for your welfare . . . sorry . . . I will share the facts as I know them and I often try to point obvious things to people . . . like persistent contrails did exist before and how they form and create cirrus cloud banks, etc. . . . I never allow people to even suggest violence on any of my Threads and would immediately report such posts if they did . . .