Update: No bill was passed.
Hey guys,
Apparently,Fort Lauderdale has passed a bill banning Geoengineering in their town. Here's a link to the resolution from their website: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/documents/sab/2014/102714sab_backup.pdf
The "Findings" section reads:
Hey guys,
The "Findings" section reads:
Can we debunk this please?External Quote:A. The people of the City of Fort Lauderdale recognize that various organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, propose the global disbursement of aerosols and other particulates into the atmosphere for the stated goal of countering the negative effects of global warming – a process labeled
SAB, Supporting Documents 10/27/2014
with various terms, including but not limited to: "geoengineering," "climate engineering," "climate remediation," and/or "solar radiation management."vi
B. The people of the City of Fort Lauderdale find that there is increasingly more information, studies, and reports indicating that such geoengineering efforts have been proposed and may be currently occurring.vii
C. The people of the City of Fort Lauderdale further find that studies show that disbursements from stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and other such programs may contain potentially harmful substances with many known and unknown health and environmental consequences, which may contaminate the air, water, soil and people of Fort Lauderdale.viii
D. The people of the City of Fort Lauderdale conclude that any such program that may result in potentially adverse health and environmental implications must obtain the informed consent of the people of the City of Fort Lauderdale. Such informed consent mush be legally obtained by filing an Environmental Impact Statement with, and receiving approval from, the Fort Lauderdale City Commission.
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