Debunking Humor...

This follows the plot of the book, which was also popular -- embedding this stuff in the public consciousness.

Going off-topic (i.e. not humorous),
read or heard somewhere, years ago, a theory that maybe some of the many Point Pleasant residents who used the Silver Bridge somehow sensed some change or clue on the edge of perceptibility, e.g. a sound or vibration, resulting from the bridge's failing structure. This caused anxiety, and in turn hypervigilance/ fatigue/ unease, perhaps contributing to some of the strange reports from that town before the disaster.

For a long time I thought this was quite an interesting idea. In retrospect, it probably falls foul of Occam's razor; sadly we don't seem to have a "hidden" sense of structural integrity. Some frequencies of infrasound appear to cause disquiet in at least some people,, but from what is known of the mechanism behind the Silver Bridge's collapse (the rapid failure of a single eyebar causing immediate catastrophic overloading and failure of other structures), it must be unlikely that there was any indicator that could be detected by human senses, excepting close visual examination of the compromised eyebar:
External Quote:
The bridge failure was due to a defect in a single link, known as eyebar 330... ...A small crack was formed through fretting wear at the bearing, and grew through internal corrosion, a problem known as stress corrosion cracking. The crack was only about 0.1 inches (2.5 mm) deep when the link failed, breaking in a brittle fashion.

There doesn't appear to have been any reduction in the use of the bridge prior to its collapse, and (AFAIK) a significant overlap between regular bridge users and those reporting strange happenings in Point Pleasant was never established.
In addition, the accuracy of the most influential commentator on the Mothman (and other claimed strange events around Point Pleasant), John Keel, has been questioned in more recent years; Wikipedia

It is likely coincidence that the few reports of strange happenings around Point Pleasant- sometimes contradictory, some probably explainable by misidentified wildlife; hoaxers; and some only attested to by Keel- occurred not long before the Silver Bridge disaster. Had Keel not linked the two, the Mothman might not have the presence in popular consciousness that he does.
Re, Reddit Thread about January 2nd sighting in Denver, Colorado,

Can it be?.........

Capture2 - Copy.JPG

Budgie was of course brought to public attention by Sarah, Duchess of York, Prince Andrew's former wife.
I can tell it's not the real deal because it doesn't roll almost graceful when it hits the ground when it's wrapped in the ropes and canvas from the cradle as it's dropped for pick up.
Top comments on NewsNation egg retrieval video:

External Quote:

Eggstraordinary claims require eggstraordinary evidence.

The Eggs-files.

That's all Yolks.

I got two dozen ufos in my fridge.

The helicopter returned 30 minutes later to retrieve the two slices of bacon.

This must be some kind of sick yolk.

I am impressed by your dedication, you really are a hard-boiled investigator.

This is actually footage of a helicopter laying its egg then nesting on it, so we get more helicopters.

You went to eggstraordinary eggspense and laid out an eggscellent eggsclusive. I can't say I was eggsactly eggspecting such an eggstravagant eggsplaination. Your eggceptional footage has left me eggstatic and eggcited! I'm not trying to eggaggerate, but this is no yolking matter - it's truly eggemplary. The way you eggsecuted this video really eggsceeded my eggspectations. I'm scrambling to find the right words to eggspress how this has affected my eggistence. You should poach some eggsperts to help eggsamine this further.

This was advertised as "Undeniable Proof" and we get footage of what looks like an egg with duct tape tied to a stick

This is such bad eggvidence

The object, in fact, boasts an egg-centric shape!

Really not that eggciting.

Giant space chickens were not on my 2025 BINGO card

Definitely Eggstraterrestrial.

Next week, the bacon UAP footage.

You gotta be yolking if you eggspect me to believe this. I shell believe it when I see it. I'm cracking up. It's a little scrambled but I see the sunny side of it.

The real question is where is this egg now? - Hangar 18g.

And they used "mind power" to summon that egg... on their face.

"Trust me, bro!" -government contractor with bug-eyes.

Next time you cook us up some scrambled resolution, at least add some bacon.

Which came first, the UAP or the egg?

20ft egg? It's Eggnormous!

That egg goes great with this huge nothing-burger.

I've been waiting days for this?! Guess the yokes on me.

You guys are cooked.

The helicopter callsign was "HumptyDumpty1".

Wait until you see them lower it down into the massive frying pan.

UFO - Unidentified Frying Object

Now we wait a few weeks for the space chicken.

This case is cracked.

Mexico mummies, now this.

There is one p... off dinosaur walking around out there right now.

They found Mork from Ork!!!
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Shamelessly stolen from a YouTube commenter:

"A Flat Earther dies and goes to Heaven. After he gets in, he finds God and asks him "Is the Earth round or flat?". God responds, "Definitely round." The Flat Earther thinks to himself this goes higher than I thought."
Talking of Calvine, in the various threads there has been some discussion about what level of examination was conducted of the photos by the UK Ministry of Defence. The truth is, none of us know.

Using the latest technology in retrospective evidence-weak visualisation, I have two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1:
At an office in London, an RAF officer hands over a locked document carrier to four unsmiling, stocky men in leather jackets, each carrying an MP5 on a short sling. In a discretely armoured Range Rover they drive to a low-profile establishment in the English countryside; underground the synchrotron light source is being readied. The best photographic analysts of the armed forces and MI6 have been assembled along with a handful of optical physicists and BAe specialist engineers, dependable men and women long ago vetted and placed on a shortlist so that they would be ready if ever required. This, this is that day.

Scenario 2:
At an office in London, an RAF officer looks at some photos sent by a civilian PR man working for the RAF at Pitreavie Castle.
After 18 months working there, he's not overly fazed by the alien spaceship photo, but the jet's a nice touch.
He's more concerned about possible claims for damages from farmers angered at low-flying aircraft panicking livestock.
He waves the photos at a passing admin assistant;
"Take these to Bob, he's good on planes and stuff."
In his smoky office, Bob looks at the photos. He peels off a post-it note, sticks it on one of the photos and writes "Probably a Harrier". In the process, ash falls from the Dunhill somehow still between his fingers onto the top half of another of the photos. Bob brushes it off but a small mark remains. Bob sticks on another post-it and writes "Also probably Harrier".
He smiles. They didn't get him out of the Lubyanka for nothing; he's good.

Other scenarios might be possible.
Talking of Calvine, in the various threads there has been some discussion about what level of examination was conducted of the photos by the UK Ministry of Defence. The truth is, none of us know.

Using the latest technology in retrospective evidence-weak visualisation, I have two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1:
At an office in London, an RAF officer hands over a locked document carrier to four unsmiling, stocky men in leather jackets, each carrying an MP5 on a short sling. In a discretely armoured Range Rover they drive to a low-profile establishment in the English countryside; underground the synchrotron light source is being readied. The best photographic analysts of the armed forces and MI6 have been assembled along with a handful of optical physicists and BAe specialist engineers, dependable men and women long ago vetted and placed on a shortlist so that they would be ready if ever required. This, this is that day.

Scenario 2:
At an office in London, an RAF officer looks at some photos sent by a civilian PR man working for the RAF at Pitreavie Castle.
After 18 months working there, he's not overly fazed by the alien spaceship photo, but the jet's a nice touch.
He's more concerned about possible claims for damages from farmers angered at low-flying aircraft panicking livestock.
He waves the photos at a passing admin assistant;
"Take these to Bob, he's good on planes and stuff."
In his smoky office, Bob looks at the photos. He peels off a post-it note, sticks it on one of the photos and writes "Probably a Harrier". In the process, ash falls from the Dunhill somehow still between his fingers onto the top half of another of the photos. Bob brushes it off but a small mark remains. Bob sticks on another post-it and writes "Also probably Harrier".
He smiles. They didn't get him out of the Lubyanka for nothing; he's good.

Other scenarios might be possible.
The Men Who Stare at Blurry Blobs, starring Ewan McGregor and George Clooney