Debunking Humor...

stop gaslighting, do you really think aliens would show themselves in a spaceship? they are so advanced and smart they obviously have technology to shape shift their craft into something that looks familiar to us, like we do when we study chimps. also you dont know how an advanced civilization from the 7362th dimension would look in our 3d space. how gullible can you be? gsus, people are so close minded and stupid its insane
they are so advanced and smart they obviously have technology to shape shift their craft into something that looks familiar to us
make their craft look like it's ai generated (e.g. by adding a few extra wheels) and everyone thinks the photos are fake
that's how it's done!
Screenshot_20241218-235019_Samsung Internet.jpg
stop gaslighting, do you really think aliens would show themselves in a spaceship? they are so advanced and smart they obviously have technology to shape shift their craft into something that looks familiar to us, like we do when we study chimps. also you dont know how an advanced civilization from the 7362th dimension would look in our 3d space. how gullible can you be? gsus, people are so close minded and stupid its insane
Sheesh, I need to maybe step back a bit, I was debating how to gently chide you for using humor that might be taken for a sincere statement -- and finally realized this is the humor thread (or humour, for our British friends.)

I think all this drone nonsense is wearing me down...

drone wreckage.JPG
do you really think aliens would show themselves in a spaceship?
MB THE Plan.gif

As found online, by SMBC (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal), some time ago. Can't find the exact link to that page now, as snapshotted the image.... Sorry, must try harder.

ETA: Main site is
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Q: Thank you. Have any of the drone sightings been accompanied with sightings of a large, rectangular, black object, sometimes called a monolith, often accompanied by Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss?

MAJOR GENERAL RYDER: Yeah. Thanks, Jeff. I would probably have to think back to the words of a very wise prophet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who said these aren't the drones you're looking for. But beyond that, I'll just have to move along. ...
External Quote:
Q: Thank you. Have any of the drone sightings been accompanied with sightings of a large, rectangular, black object, sometimes called a monolith, often accompanied by Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss?

MAJOR GENERAL RYDER: Yeah. Thanks, Jeff. I would probably have to think back to the words of a very wise prophet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who said these aren't the drones you're looking for. But beyond that, I'll just have to move along. ...
Fascinating. I recall the point when reporters' questions on the Creepy Clown Panic began to get silly, and considered it a sign that media interest was beginning to wain. It would be nice if it would be the case here.

Meanwhile, to stay on topic for a humor thread on MetaBunk...
Coincidentally I'm really jonesing to fly an LED kite or build one of the radio-controlled night flyers, though I don't know where nightime flying is legal near me:
Coincidentally I'm really jonesing to fly an LED kite or build one of the radio-controlled night flyers, though I don't know where nightime flying is legal near me:

Be careful. Much as we value your presence here, we don't want to have to bail you out.
Why didn't they just fly the eagles to the drones?

Interesting, I always thought they were dragons.


The UK Civil Aviation Authority only permits unscheduled dragon flights in Wales (although in reality this is more of an acceptance that Welsh dragons respect tradition more than bureaucracy). In return, the dragons allow friendly air forces to use the dragon's recreation area near Machynlleth, Wales, which we call the Mach Loop, would you train reindeer to do that????

From personal experience, if you leave them a carrot, a mince pie and a small tumbler of sherry, that is sufficient incentive.
I believe they received the same hospitality in other homes and so were quite well-fed; every Christmas morning we would find they had left half a carrot and a bit of mince pie, with visible bite marks.

Let's hope that Emirates don't skimp on the sherry and Dubai Customs treat Saint Nicholas with respect, or there'll be some serious hoofing action going on.