Ok, well, I still don't see any conclusive evidence to debunk my theory. this thread sure has been derailed, however. Isn't there a place to talk about propaganda in media? I would love to get involved in that , but this thread is supposed to be about the sandy hook media's fake photos.
I won't even get into the ridiculous reasons I got put on time out, even though I've pointed to some things mick has presented that has been outright conjecture, and suggests there hasn't been any real thought put into this.
Fine. I will concede to the overwhelming majority, cars move. I still haven't been convinced in this instance. I'm still waiting for definitive proof. I've seen that picture of the grey cars as well, but it just doesn't have anything there to reference to. Did anyone else have anything to show the class. ? I've seen other pictures of the parking lot at dusk and past 3 oclock. I still haven't found anything that shows a scene like in the grieving lady collapsing. I'm still trying to come up with a timeline for the 4 'families' of video with the "staged" background. Anyone have any thoughts about that?
A lot on here seem to jump to conclusions about me, thats fine. I am researching this subject, and I haven't found a lot to disprove many of my questions, I put forth in my first post. A lot of those questions have been quickly brushed off, at best, and just thrown into a category of inane questions. I have tried to present a side of this that not many have actually talked about. Most here don't even seem to read the whole thread, but like to chime in.I would suggest. If you have something to add, I would love to hear it, if anyone has found any proof to debunk my questions. I would love to see it. If you are just coming in with opinion based on reading 2 posts, do us a favor, read the entire thread first. Answer a question, or present a theory with some thought. If you aren't, you are just derailing this thread even further.
Come back into the other thread and discuss some of those other questions , that have been brushed off. like what was the other thing in the trunk of "lanza's" car. ?
This thread still hasn't really answered the sun questions at all, you've tried with the 'cars move theory" and there are some good specks of argument to that, but I had thought about the 'cars move theory' before posting and think that I need help believing it. Why? Well because I am curious and like to question. Thought you guys like to do that as well.
Ok, I have a few more pics that I have found very curious. I will show them on here, hopefully we can spark up some further talk. If anyone has a better picture of this I would love to see it. I have a very strong opinion as to what it looks like to me. I will let you all comment first. Thanks.