Hoax or not, (I think it is just a bunch of conspiracy nuts) you can't ignore the fact that the liberal democrats have all but fallen over themselves to, as Rahm Emanuel put it "Let no good tragedy go to waste", use this tragedy to immediately further their agenda. Assault Weapons might really be the problem but within a week Diana Feinstein said she had a Weapons Ban legislation ready to go. What do they want to do, 1) Ban all Rifles, essentially if you read the bill any rifle that has a removable clip is considered Assault. Then it goes even further to ban most semi-auto hand guns. A hand gun was not really used in this tragedy. They were present but only used by the suspect to kill himself. Then it goes on to say any clip over 10 rounds for current owners is banned. Why 10? why not 9 or like New York 7 or how about 11? Why, Knee jerk reactions. It just fits their agenda. When this doesn't work they will just add on clips above 5 then 3 then single shot, they will add in 7 shot pistols, then 5 shot then single shot, within 20 years they will have confiscated all guns and ammo. DON'T BELIEVE ME LOOK AT NEW YORK STATE within 2 weeks they had legislation (IN SECRET) drafted that banned certain ammo, more rifles, more pistols, and guess what over 7 round magazines. They even threw in having to register your gun, for current owners, every 5 years. What's with that? If you have it you have it. If you sell it the new guys registers it. Why, MONEY, a $400 registration fee! Sure makes the poor people not able to own a gun. (Ever heard of the POLE Tax). They even legislated that you have 1 year to get rid of any NEW illegal guns by selling them (what a joke, it's illegal to sell them) or turn them in. No true research can show that the gun is at fault. In fact time and time again where gun bans have been in place gun violence is way more prevalent (Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles). You want to know the direct proven correlation that no one in the Democrat party has even touched on! President Obama recently stated if he could save just one life by implementing a law that would work we have to try it! The direct correlation to increased gun violence and violence in general is the decrease in religious teachings in schools. There have been "Assault Weapons" since the 1920's when machine guns ran wild in Chicago and New York, (in fact were legal) yet mass shootings of unarmed civilians has only started since the late 1980's. What has changed most? Religion has been slowly taken out of the schools. As the lawsuits increased and religion has been removed and the teaching of the 10 commandments has been eliminated so has the unarmed civilian mass shootings increased. If the young don't have any moral guideline or higher power to answer to then anything is justified.
How about trying to increase the teaching of the Bible, Koran, and Torah in our schools. As President Obama says, "If even one law will save one life we have to try it!". Put religion back in school, or at least the concept of the 10 commandments and see if that helps. I'm not a religious zealot, I believe in some separation of church and state. I am of a certain faith and wouldn't want any other faith rammed down my throat, but the concepts are valid. Also how about much tougher prison sentences for guns associated with crime. It's ridiculous that in the gun ban states someone who has never broken the law is caught with a 30 round clip, can face more jail time than someone convicted of manslaughter. I agree with background checks, I also agree with waiting periods. I even think that someone who owns a gun should be responsible for that gun. If a child takes it and uses it the adult should be responsible. Guns are easy to lock up when children are around. Something as easy as a gun safe in the home of Adam Lanza's mother would have stopped Adam. She should have had one since she knew he was mentally unfit. We must realize that in some cases nothing could stop this type of violence. If someone wants to kill a bunch of people we can't stop them. Look at Oklahoma City or 9/11, even Fort Hood. But banning guns currently is not the answer. Even if we turn in all guns the criminals will still have them and there are other ways to kill. Over 10,000 people are killed every year by drunk drivers, 1 in 3 accidents are caused by drunks. There are about 11,000 homicides each year due to guns. California has the highest rate and the 3rd toughest gun laws in the nation. The government now wants to ban guns but not cars. Why is that? Actually drunk driver deaths have continued to decline with the increase of awareness and harsher penalties. As far as Cars, they didn't ban them, they made them safer, they did study after study on drunks behavior, they are constantly tweaking their approach, but they didn't ban certain cars. They could have banned Sports Cars, put governors on cars so they could only go 50 mph, and what about Breathalyzer to start your car, what a great idea. Am I the only one to think of that? Maybe we should try that first. Common sense and not knee jerk reactions is the answer.