Mike Fl
New Member
External Quote:
As part of the State's investigation of the shooting, a sealed and stamped white envelope addressed "For the young students of Sandy Hook Elementary School," was removed from the Lanza home and entered into evidence.
Both finger print and DNA testing was performed on this sealed envelope. No finger prints were found on the envelope but, more importantly, Adam and Nancy Lanza were eliminated as possible contributors to the DNA found. A positive DNA profile was identified. Whose DNA was found?
According to the Police investigation "the DNA profiles from items #3G1 (swabbing of envelope flap) and #4-2S2 (swabbing .22 caliber cartridges) were searched against the Connecticut and National DNA Databases. On January 7, 2013, a hit was obtained with the Convicted Offender DNA profile from New York State Police Investigation Center DB#Y10011106A."
The envelope addressed for the young students of Sandy Hook Elementary School, consisting a Christmas greeting card and handwritten letter inside.

After long battle for access, Sandy Hook letter offers little: http://wtnh.com/2014/10/01/after-long-battle-for-access-sandy-hook-letter-offers-little (Archive: https://archive.today/1vGJw)
Thanks to News 8 Investigators, we now see the envelope and its content: Christmas greeting card with a handwritten letter inside. The envelope consisting the Christmas greeting card was sent to Sandy Hook Elementary School. The envelope has it addressed for the young students of Sandy Hook Elementary School, with Newtown, Connecticut instead of the school's address of 12 Dickinson Drive, Sandy Hook, Connecticut 06482. Someone who has previously contacted Lt. Vance, said that he stated: "The letter was not from the Lanza home. It was sent to the school, and so it was tested, after all of this happened." This clears up the assumption made that the envelope was found in the Lanza home.
The envelope has 16 DEC 2012 on it. In addition, the letter inside the Christmas greeting card includes: "Please accept my apologies for the terrible crime committed against your former classmates by my irrational son, Adam." Therefore, this was done after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred.
The envelope and the letter inside the Christmas greeting card was made to have people believe that it came from Peter Lanza, father of shooter Adam Lanza. However, comparing the handwriting on the envelope/letter inside the Christmas greeting card to a handwritten letter Peter wrote inside a birthday greeting card to Adam, it is clear that the envelope and the letter inside the Christmas greeting card were not written by Peter Lanza.

As the article states: "Sources tell the News 8 Investigators that the card was not sent by Peter Lanza and they ruled out Adam Lanza as well, based on DNA testing. The only match they found was an unnamed felon living in New York. The card was postmarked from New York City."
The envelope was sealed when it was found, as noted on page 12 of CFS 1200705354/Sec 12 - CT State Police Forensic Laboratory Reports.pdf:
Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3-vhpZ_3PTLTzlGRGd6NjZWNlE/edit?usp=sharing

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