Debunked: Emilie Parker Still Alive after Sandy Hook

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It's still shocking that people believe the MSM after the mountains of lies they've shoved down our throats over the decades, and more increasingly so over this last decade.
I mean a media which lies to you, manipulates you - mind fucks you in countless ways and yet we believe them 100% no questions asked, but moreso, we attack those who question the MSM!! lol
You label independent media from youtube crazy - and accept MSM as the saints of truth.

People ask 'you don't think the media would portray this Hoax DO YOU???', or 'you don't think the bush administration had anything to do with 911 DO YOU????' as if to identify you as crazy for merely suggesting these things could be possible. Because they truly believe it's impossible. It's impossible anyone would stage an event to push the gun control agenda, it's impossible corrupt elements of the state would launch a false flag to kick start a series of wars. The morals of people in government/media are so pure and unbreakable they are incapable of such behavior.

Seriously that is how you people come off - and you look so utterly ridiculous and ignorant to those who are in touch with reality, those who KNOW as fact the american government has killed millions (mostly children) via military operations and drone strikes in the last decade alone!! Then you cry , and LIE to my face saying the government could never do that - and the media would NEVER cover up atrocities or deliver misleading information. You people are the liars and hypocrites with your selective reality. You support each others delusions, calling those who don't swallow bullshit and question events - you call them conspiracy theorists while the state you worship murders children in far off places while you wave that blood soaked flag and cover up their crimes.

As for Sandy hook - by no stretch of the imagination can I be conned into believed that father is legit - that was the fakest most contrived thing I've ever seen. [...]
The father is laughing and smiling - then switches into tear mode for the camera.

BUT LOOK !!! Look at all the people who make excuses for that bizarre and unnatural behavior , they actually go so far as to redefine grief itself , saying' it's all how you interpret grief' , hell he could have been juggling singing and dancing before turning on the tears, and you people would make excuses saying 'it's His special way of dealing with grief'.

That's what you're doing now - you see something insane and you square the circle by literately bending reality. In your reality its perfectly acceptable for someone to laugh and giggle after their daughter is murdered then turn on the tears for a television interview.

I'm a father of a 3.5 year daughter, watching this other 'father' laughing then crying for the interview was sickening to watch, so contrived and obviously fake. I can't understand HOW you people can't see it but it shows me you have some kind of disconnect to reality. You can't recognize the signs of deception in front of you, up is down, down is up, happiness is sadness, as we see in all the tearless family interviews where members speak of murdered members as if they're still alive and nothing is wrong. That doesn't even alert you people to potential fraud as the MSM version of events has solidified itself in your mind as 100% truth.

Call me crazy, call me a conspiracy theorist, you people are blind and dangerously stupid. I call a spade a spade.
People do that. One minute your mind is diverted from the grief. Then something brings you back to the grief. It's like a switch. It is a shame that people aren't grieving to your liking, if only "they" had hired better actors.

People do that. One minute your mind is diverted the next a CBS camera crew shows up so you switch to sad mode after making sure the interview is ready to commence.
Sorry you fail.
If you compare the smiles of both girls, whatever age they are, you can CLEARLY see that it is Madeline in the picture with Obama. She has a slight underbite and her top teeth are smaller. Emilie's front teeth are bigger and she has a slight overbite.
It's still shocking that people believe the MSM after the mountains of lies they've shoved down our throats over the decades, and more increasingly so over this last decade.

"Increasingly so"? I think that's debatable. Try reading some newspapers from late 19th and earlier 20th century Europe. Now there was some unadulterated propaganda and lies!

I think you'll find that, objectively, the MSM has (generally) become more honest over the last fifty or so years -- the advent of alternative media streams and information technology has meant they get caught out if they stray too far from reality.
The father is laughing and smiling - then switches into tear mode for the camera.

BUT LOOK !!! Look at all the people who make excuses for that bizarre and unnatural behavior , they actually go so far as to redefine grief itself , saying' it's all how you interpret grief' , hell he could have been juggling singing and dancing before turning on the tears, and you people would make excuses saying 'it's His special way of dealing with grief'.

That's what you're doing now - you see something insane and you square the circle by literately bending reality. In your reality its perfectly acceptable for someone to laugh and giggle after their daughter is murdered then turn on the tears for a television interview.

I'm a father of a 3.5 year daughter, watching this other 'father' laughing then crying for the interview was sickening to watch, so contrived and obviously fake. I can't understand HOW you people can't see it but it shows me you have some kind of disconnect to reality. You can't recognize the signs of deception in front of you, up is down, down is up, happiness is sadness, as we see in all the tearless family interviews where members speak of murdered members as if they're still alive and nothing is wrong. That doesn't even alert you people to potential fraud as the MSM version of events has solidified itself in your mind as 100% truth.

Call me crazy, call me a conspiracy theorist, you people are blind and dangerously stupid. I call a spade a spade.

What everyone is forgetting here, is that the press is not invisible. The reporters and their cameras are not invisible. Robbie Parker was fully aware that the reporters were there, so if this was a hoax and if he was acting, why was he out of character in front of all those reporters? And before you say the reporters were in on it, if they were, why would they have aired the footage of him smiling and laughing?

It IS a normal thing to be smiling and laughing in the midst of grief. If you don't think so, then I doubt you have ever experienced losing someone close to you before. When my father in law died, my wife's siblings and mother sat around in the hospital room, where he still was, saying goodbye to him, and they were laughing and telling funny little stories about him. It was a beautiful send off, and it is what he would have wanted. For my wife, the tears came later that night, in private, and not for very long. She pulled it together fast, and kept it together for more than a month, while she stayed with her mother (we don't live in the same state as her parents) and helped her mother through the wake and the funeral, and getting all of her father's things in order. She didn't really cry for her father until everything was taken care of, and she was at home.

Some people have to be strong to help others through tragedy. They have the ability to put their grief aside so that they can take care of things that have to be taken care of. I saw Emilie's mother in a couple of interviews, and she looks like she is barely holding herself together. Maybe Robbie has to be strong in order for her to not fall apart? Maybe you people who say his actions were unnatural have absolutely no clue what your talking about.....

And for the record, I am absolutely for the Second Amendment. I do believe that Sandy Hook was a set up, but I don't believe it was fake. I believe Obama's handlers set it up and had those children killed so that they can begin taking steps towards taking our guns. I believe all these conspiracy theories about this shooting being a hoax were started by someone on the govt side, to keep our attention off of the people who are really responsible for the shootings. I believe they killed children because it is the one sure thing to push the fence sitters to support gun control. I believe more investigation into who actually murdered those children (or do we really believe that Adam Lanza, a 20 year old nobody with mental problems was such a damn good shot that he hit and killed every single person he turned his gun on)?

Let the Parker's mourn in peace, and focus on the actual criminals here. Do you have any idea what Obama has been doing in the last couple of days??? Think about it.....
There has been a lot of attention concerning a conspiracy video that shows at first glance what appears to be Sandy Hook victim Emilie Parker with Obama after the shooting tragedy. I take a moment to analyze this claim using the same tool used in the conspiracy video to show an unbiased approach that has results that this is Emilie Parker's middle sister, Madeline, shown in the photo..
You don't KNOW anything about this, in my opinion. You THINK these are not REAL PARENTS, and that is sad. Your THINKING is unrealistic and shockingly cavalier, and shows a lot of disrespect for REAL PARENTS who have lost their children.

No, that's BS, you *THINK* CNN and CBS are the pillars of truth and anything contrary to what they say is automatically false. It's called being a brainwashed tool..
I'm a father of a 3 and half year of girl and I can tell you that is so flokin fake it makes my stomach turn, but worse is the legions of tools who swallow hook line and sinker what CNN tells them about it.

All you people who've made excuses for that smiling and giggling father before he turns on the waterworks, seriously think about it for a moment. Ask yourself would he have continued laughing and joking had the interview not commenced? Notice he needed to * CHECK * if the interview was ready first before switching emotional states? We won't mention his poor acting skills during the crying performance.
Maybe ... MAYBE his bizarre behavior could be explained away if he were flip flopping like that naturally, but the flip occurs after he checks to make sure the cameras are ready to roll. That's the nail in the coffin.

'Hahahahhahaha' .... are we ready to start? (yup) .... ok .... now I gotta make it look like I was crying and I'm really broken up. Hold on give me a few seconds to get into character... OH we're not ready to roll yet? OK call me when we're ready.

Again many of the posters here cannot recognize deception when it's in front of their faces, and that scares me.
There are multiple other conspiracies surronding this story.
1 - Why does the "Sandy Hook United Way Relief Fund Website" clearly state that is was created on Dec-11th..The shooting was on Dec-14th, which was 3 days after?

2 - Why was there a "RIP Victoria Soto Facebok Page" also created before the shooting happened?

3 - Gene Rosen story makes no sense either. He said he saw the list of the dead the same day of the shooting. It was clear that list did not exist at that time. He is also a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

4 - The coroner reported that most kids were killed by the AR-15 rifle. Why is there a video of police taking that rifle out of his car trunk? They said he never left the school once entering so how is that possible?

5 - There was also a video of police chasing a person through the woods near the school and taking him into custody. Nobody has ever mentioned that, or never named who that person was and why he was running away.

- That Batman movie not only referenced Sandy Hook, but also referenced Aurora. Thats strange no matter how you try to twist it around.

- If each child got shot multiple times each, figure out how many bulletts that is. Then look at the weapons they say he had. 2 pistols and a AR-15 (which came out of his trunk) that only holds 30 rounds. Did he never miss a shot? Isit even possible for those weapons to hold that many rounds?
If we compare this to the columbine massacre, it's easy to see why this is so easily seen as a hoax. There is no video of the shooting. There are no bodies. There is one ambulance at the scene and is 5 miles up the road. The news doesn't show anyone coming in or going out of the school. There's a man named Gene who has been on the news multiple times with different stories, and just so happens to be a professional actor. Coincidence? Decide for yourself. What about the coroner that was laughing and said EVERY SINGLE one of the 27 murdered kids was shot with a rifle, yet did not know the caliber. Conflicting reports say that only handguns were found at the scene of the crime, and that the rifle was never taken out of the trunk of the car or fired once.

Do you find it strange that the death count is 27 dead, none injured. Do you find it odd that there's no school camera recordings? Those were released when the Columbine shooting happened. What about the shooter's life? What do we know about him? Nothing. It's like he didn't exist before this. The Columbine shooters were well known. There's home videos of them shooting guns and planning the shooting.

You can argue whether or not the "parents" look sad enough. I personally believe that they don't. Multiple interviews show people smiling and laughing days after their child was killed. The video of Emilie's "father" days after the shooting showing him laughing and smiling, and then seemingly trying to "get into character" by jumping up and down and hyperventilating.

It was reported that an unknown woman claiming to be the school nurse of 15 years knew the shooters mother. It turns out the shooter's mother isn't and never was a school teacher. Can you explain this?

The only evidence I've really seen in this thread so far is that "They look sad to me, they're clearly not actors because they look sad to me"

And another thing that bothers me: has anyone ever heard of this town before this? Looking online there's no news from this town apart from the shooting. Only 600 some-odd people live in this town? And there's no reports of people hearing the supposed 100+ gunshots, any screaming or distress, even though there's houses right next to the school.

The Columbine massacre has news coverage. Multiple cameras inside the school, you can actually see dead people in body bags being taken out of the school by paramedics and driven away in ambulances.

There's no ambulances at the scene of Sandy Hooke. There's news footage of one lone man, wearing a skullcap and a blue sweatshirt, who looks nothing like an EMT, pushing a seemingly empty gurney nowhere near the school, and there's no ambulance anywhere near him. What is this man doing?
Wow. These parents have lost a child and people are going out of their way to make up stories for attention. Sickening.

But also idiotic.

The number of people who would have had to be involved in a cover-up like this would be huge. And certainly at least one would have enough guilt after the fact to step forward. Unless of course you also believe that everyone involved were just robots so they had no emotions.

Oh wait....I just got an idea to start my own conspiracy theory! Stay tuned for the "All the victims were robots" theory.
If these are real family members, then they know something we don't. That their loved ones aren't dead. I don't expect for the families to be in constant tears, even I have smiled and laughed at funerals. But there is no way that not one family member throughout all of these interviews and pictures does not show real emotions at some point. I see A LOT of feigning. I hear a lot of disingenuous banter about "cowgirl boots for Christmas" and a daughter who supposedly just wrote a letter to Obama about the need for stricter gun laws prior to being shot.

About the Parker family photos... I agree that this front-on shot looks more like the girl we are calling "Madelin" but not only must we believe that "Madeline" decided to wear her sister's old dress but also changed the part in her hair to match as well - natural parts aren't easy to change. And we have this fake photo below. The girl who is photo-shopped looks like "Madeline" not Emilie and despite what some of you on here would like to say, Madeline in the other photo has no legs. The are not between or straddling her dad's legs - all she has is a torso and no hips.

I believe there may be some Madelin/Emilie misdirection going on.

Also, this Obama photo op... The two pictures are taken at the exact same time from two different angles - why? This straight-on shot wasn't initially released -why?

These other photos during the funeral - I can't really figure out who is who. Seriously...
No, that's BS, you *THINK* CNN and CBS are the pillars of truth and anything contrary to what they say is automatically false. It's called being a brainwashed tool..
I'm a father of a 3 and half year of girl and I can tell you that is so flokin fake it makes my stomach turn, but worse is the legions of tools who swallow hook line and sinker what CNN tells them about it.

All you people who've made excuses for that smiling and giggling father before he turns on the waterworks, seriously think about it for a moment. Ask yourself would he have continued laughing and joking had the interview not commenced? Notice he needed to * CHECK * if the interview was ready first before switching emotional states? We won't mention his poor acting skills during the crying performance.
Maybe ... MAYBE his bizarre behavior could be explained away if he were flip flopping like that naturally, but the flip occurs after he checks to make sure the cameras are ready to roll. That's the nail in the coffin.

'Hahahahhahaha' .... are we ready to start? (yup) .... ok .... now I gotta make it look like I was crying and I'm really broken up. Hold on give me a few seconds to get into character... OH we're not ready to roll yet? OK call me when we're ready.

Again many of the posters here cannot recognize deception when it's in front of their faces, and that scares me.

So. . . . Your daughter is still alive? Then SURELY you must understand exactly what these parents were feeling and what they were going through and the emotions they should have felt. @@ Puh-lease! I have worked with children as long as I can remember. I now have two of my own and a daycare in my home full of children that feel like my own. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would handled a situation like the Sandy Hook school shooting and let's be honest here. . . Neither can you! These are parents who actually live that horror. They ACTUALLY lost their children. Let them grieve and share the wonderful lives of their lost babies. They are completely allowed to do that in their own way without your approval.
There are multiple other conspiracies surronding this story.
1 - Why does the "Sandy Hook United Way Relief Fund Website" clearly state that is was created on Dec-11th..The shooting was on Dec-14th, which was 3 days after?

2 - Why was there a "RIP Victoria Soto Facebok Page" also created before the shooting happened?

3 - Gene Rosen story makes no sense either. He said he saw the list of the dead the same day of the shooting. It was clear that list did not exist at that time. He is also a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

4 - The coroner reported that most kids were killed by the AR-15 rifle. Why is there a video of police taking that rifle out of his car trunk? They said he never left the school once entering so how is that possible?

5 - There was also a video of police chasing a person through the woods near the school and taking him into custody. Nobody has ever mentioned that, or never named who that person was and why he was running away.

- That Batman movie not only referenced Sandy Hook, but also referenced Aurora. Thats strange no matter how you try to twist it around.

- If each child got shot multiple times each, figure out how many bulletts that is. Then look at the weapons they say he had. 2 pistols and a AR-15 (which came out of his trunk) that only holds 30 rounds. Did he never miss a shot? Isit even possible for those weapons to hold that many rounds?
GENE ROSEN IS BEING harassed now everyday for saving lives . why ? . As far as Sandy hook in batman go look at a map and see where Sandy Hook NEW JERSEY is about the same place as it would be if gotham was New York . Blame the lame stream media for bad reporting and then blame the Obama camp from politisizing but dont blame the victims unless you have 100% proof you are right . ,
There are multiple other conspiracies surronding this story.
1 - Why does the "Sandy Hook United Way Relief Fund Website" clearly state that is was created on Dec-11th..The shooting was on Dec-14th, which was 3 days after?

2 - Why was there a "RIP Victoria Soto Facebok Page" also created before the shooting happened?

3 - Gene Rosen story makes no sense either. He said he saw the list of the dead the same day of the shooting. It was clear that list did not exist at that time. He is also a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

4 - The coroner reported that most kids were killed by the AR-15 rifle. Why is there a video of police taking that rifle out of his car trunk? They said he never left the school once entering so how is that possible?

5 - There was also a video of police chasing a person through the woods near the school and taking him into custody. Nobody has ever mentioned that, or never named who that person was and why he was running away.

- That Batman movie not only referenced Sandy Hook, but also referenced Aurora. Thats strange no matter how you try to twist it around.

- If each child got shot multiple times each, figure out how many bulletts that is. Then look at the weapons they say he had. 2 pistols and a AR-15 (which came out of his trunk) that only holds 30 rounds. Did he never miss a shot? Isit even possible for those weapons to hold that many rounds?

3. Have you considered that there are two (and possibly more) people named Gene Rosen in the country, one an actor and the other a psychiatrist?

The AR-15 did not come out of his trunk. It was a shotgun in his trunk. If you watch the video, the police officer is clearing the weapon from the trunk by cycling the bolt. You don't do that with an AR-15. Clearly, he had the AR-15 with him and used it for the shooting. Have you considered that he had a second or even third 30 round magazine with him?
Ok, explaining the grin the father makes... It's called trying to gain composure before speaking. Have you ever been terribly upset and attempted to put on a fake face to prep yourself to be seen in public, or let a fake laugh go. It's attempting to fix a frown and I have done this on many occasions. Maybe it's just me... But that's how I might handle that situation. Also, quit acting like the government is smart enough to stage something so big. Politicians can't even cheat on their wives without getting caught. All it takes is one leak (with smart devices able to record anything/everything) for something to be made public knowledge. Oh and the flouride in the water is put there to dumb you down so you don't question the government. Get off the internet and live your lives you whack jobs. Take up a real cause like poverty, aids, malaria, genocide that affect people in real life.
Seriously, do you people have kids? You are trying to tell me that in the Facebook picture you are claiming is circa 2010 that Melanie is 2 years old?!?! You are nuttier than a fruitcake.
Now think about this, what are the odds of this family meeting the President of the United States 2 years earlier to then find themselves as victims of a mass school shooting?

This mathematical improbability coupled with the FACT that this current President has presided over a Justice Department and Attorney General found to be literally running guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, makes it even more interesting. Even stranger is the FACT that this mass shooting occurred in the wake of another mass shooting some months earlier and only days following another attempted mass shooting at an Oregon mall. Seems to be a lot of shooting with Obama and Holder at the helm. But I think the best and most comical aspect is all of the bad acting, the fake grief and the poor method actor crying games.

Cue PTBarnum and bring a shovel.
Anyone who thinks that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting rampage was a hoax is absolutley sick and needs help. Families had to bury their children. How dare you!
I am in Australia and came across this thread.
Are all you nutters conspiracy theorists.
Why don't all you nutbags go to Sandy Hook and see for yourself.
As for you gun lobbyists, you can all go and shoot yourselves at the local gun club. Happy and free to live in gunless society in Australia and be safe. (along with Canada)
I hope you conspiracy theorists step out of your dungeon and away from computer for more than a day and see the real world. Maybe even go down to the Bronx or somewhere where life is tough and see how far you get in the night.
I have travelled the world and been many places and seen some bad shit, maybe you nutters and computer nerds who have theories should get out and try to either see for yourself or resolve them through facts!
Then why did their Auntie say the girls were her, "..bigger sisters?" Makes zero sense-
I am in Australia and came across this thread.
Are all you nutters conspiracy theorists.
Why don't all you nutbags go to Sandy Hook and see for yourself.
As for you gun lobbyists, you can all go and shoot yourselves at the local gun club. Happy and free to live in gunless society in Australia and be safe. (along with Canada)
I hope you conspiracy theorists step out of your dungeon and away from computer for more than a day and see the real world. Maybe even go down to the Bronx or somewhere where life is tough and see how far you get in the night.
I have travelled the world and been many places and seen some bad shit, maybe you nutters and computer nerds who have theories should get out and try to either see for yourself or resolve them through facts!
This is a site to debunk conspiracies . Not to spread conspiracy theory .
Just out of curiosity why is "Madeleine's" have no legs in the 2010 photo? Dont say anyone is imagining that. That pic was 100% photoshopped. Also look at the little girls thumb, and hand in her mouth. Photoshopped.

Regarding the 2010 family portrait, the girl is wearing white tights/leggings and her legs are strattling her dad's leg.
I am in Australia and came across this thread.
Are all you nutters conspiracy theorists.
Why don't all you nutbags go to Sandy Hook and see for yourself.
As for you gun lobbyists, you can all go and shoot yourselves at the local gun club. Happy and free to live in gunless society in Australia and be safe. (along with Canada)
I hope you conspiracy theorists step out of your dungeon and away from computer for more than a day and see the real world. Maybe even go down to the Bronx or somewhere where life is tough and see how far you get in the night.
I have travelled the world and been many places and seen some bad shit, maybe you nutters and computer nerds who have theories should get out and try to either see for yourself or resolve them through facts!

[...] Since you speak of Bronx...New York has some of the strictest gun laws, yet look what you just said..."See how far you get in the night". HMM...Looks like the gun laws dont do a damn thing. Many people are shot every week in NYC and this is all while the gun laws are in place. [...]
It's more for debunking anything that contains bunk. Conspiracy theories often contain a lot of bunk, but there's also pseudoscience, quackery, and other topics.

can you help me with this one mick?


and this news video.
its the medical examiner speaking.
It's more for debunking anything that contains bunk. Conspiracy theories often contain a lot of bunk, but there's also pseudoscience, quackery, and other topics.
Ok You should know best its your site :) I just didnt want someone to think your site was promoting this digusting conspiracy . I mean i love a good conspiracy but when it comes to people lives its not for me .
Thanks for posting that Mick. Everything you posted in exactly what I believe. Its sad that people still think shes alive. Madeleine is 4 now, so obviously the same dress would fit her. Some people even go too far by saying its the same facial structure between Emilie and Madeleine. Im sure if they are both 4 in the picture and they are sisters, then their facial structures will be very similar
This topic does not need proving.

Here's your proof. When the government decides to start staging school shootings and killing 2 dozen children, they will for sure be smart enough to not accidentally photograph the dead child. In fact if the government is really as tyrannical as you all claim they probably will just really hire someone to go kill kids. A middle school student knows how to use photoshop so even if the pic did get taken before it was released people would review it, catch the issue, and correct it. I mean really people you think with everyone that you claim is involved in this conspiracy looking at everything, no one noticed she was prominently displayed in the pic. It's not like there was a reflection of her and it was a mistake. She's dead center. Obama would never be seen with that girl if he had just staged her death. It'd be too risky.

Really if things don't add up its because its true. True stories don't include every detail. Because in life you don't plan to have to defend this stuff. So you don't keep track of everything. If this story had every fact completely detailed it would look too clean, like it was set up like that.

The news always screws things up because they have to race against each other to report facts. That's why they jump the gun and report nonsense.

Watch the interviews with the surviving kids. Children can not lie. It's not possible. They slip. All the time. If any of those kids were involved in a conspiracy one would have slupped and mentioned a piece of proof about it by now.
You don't KNOW anything about this, in my opinion. You THINK these are not REAL PARENTS, and that is sad. Your THINKING is unrealistic and shockingly cavalier, and shows a lot of disrespect for REAL PARENTS who have lost their children.

Jay are you a father?People are giving examples of nephews,in-laws,etc and how their death affected them or their spouse.How telling funny stories of them had them laughing.I can see that.However I am a man,and I consider myself as a tough but caring person,father,spouse.I can keep my emotions in check for alot of things but when it comes to my kids my emotions tears included overwelm me.100% of the fathers I know are just like me.When I heard Mr.Parker talking about his daughter that night I cryed tears myself just putting myself in his situation.I find it hard to believe that Mr.Parker got through that entire stroll down memory lane about his own daughter without even the corners of his eyes welling up impossible.If you can do that you IMO you have no heart,or no connection to that sweet beautiful little girl.So much political innuendo in his words as well.All im saying is I never in a million years could have got past the first sentence without being a blubbering basket case.Gosh I was anyway and I didn't even know the family..
This should be posted on every single message board post, every youtube video, and pretty much any time one of these demented "truthers" starts talking about this massacre not happening. Have some decency and grow up.

says 'pete' an anonymous person, whom you believe because he was on tv.

there has not been one iota of truth from this event. there has not been one solid fact presented. zero of the bodies were seen by the parents. none of the official stories match up with each other.

where is the security footage? why do witnesses contradict each other? why do witnesses contradict themselves? why was there a facebook memorial page put up on dec 10 when the even happened dec 14? why was that taken down when it was pointed out of it was legit? WHY DO THEY INSTANTLY GO AFTER ASSAULT WEAPONS, WHEN THERE IS VIDEO OF THEM PULLING THE AR FROM THE TRUNK? are we to believe that the kid ran out to the trunk, deposited the ar, then went back into the school to shoot himself? all within the ~3 mins it took police to arrive? what about the guy they detained in the woods?

there are only questions, there are no real answers. keep standing on the graves, that's an easy point to defend no? oh, you're questioning the horrible deaths of children, you must be a horrible person, gtfo 'truther'! as if one whom seeks the truth is in anyway bad. stop buying the zionist media's lies. IT'S ALL FICTION, EVEN PER FCC REGISTRATIONS ALL NEWS PROGRAMS ARE CLASSIFIED AS ENTERTAINMENT AND ARE NOT BEHOLDEN TO TRUTH.
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