It's still shocking that people believe the MSM after the mountains of lies they've shoved down our throats over the decades, and more increasingly so over this last decade.
I mean a media which lies to you, manipulates you - mind fucks you in countless ways and yet we believe them 100% no questions asked, but moreso, we attack those who question the MSM!! lol
You label independent media from youtube crazy - and accept MSM as the saints of truth.
People ask 'you don't think the media would portray this Hoax DO YOU???', or 'you don't think the bush administration had anything to do with 911 DO YOU????' as if to identify you as crazy for merely suggesting these things could be possible. Because they truly believe it's impossible. It's impossible anyone would stage an event to push the gun control agenda, it's impossible corrupt elements of the state would launch a false flag to kick start a series of wars. The morals of people in government/media are so pure and unbreakable they are incapable of such behavior.
Seriously that is how you people come off - and you look so utterly ridiculous and ignorant to those who are in touch with reality, those who KNOW as fact the american government has killed millions (mostly children) via military operations and drone strikes in the last decade alone!! Then you cry , and LIE to my face saying the government could never do that - and the media would NEVER cover up atrocities or deliver misleading information. You people are the liars and hypocrites with your selective reality. You support each others delusions, calling those who don't swallow bullshit and question events - you call them conspiracy theorists while the state you worship murders children in far off places while you wave that blood soaked flag and cover up their crimes.
As for Sandy hook - by no stretch of the imagination can I be conned into believed that father is legit - that was the fakest most contrived thing I've ever seen. [...]
I mean a media which lies to you, manipulates you - mind fucks you in countless ways and yet we believe them 100% no questions asked, but moreso, we attack those who question the MSM!! lol
You label independent media from youtube crazy - and accept MSM as the saints of truth.
People ask 'you don't think the media would portray this Hoax DO YOU???', or 'you don't think the bush administration had anything to do with 911 DO YOU????' as if to identify you as crazy for merely suggesting these things could be possible. Because they truly believe it's impossible. It's impossible anyone would stage an event to push the gun control agenda, it's impossible corrupt elements of the state would launch a false flag to kick start a series of wars. The morals of people in government/media are so pure and unbreakable they are incapable of such behavior.
Seriously that is how you people come off - and you look so utterly ridiculous and ignorant to those who are in touch with reality, those who KNOW as fact the american government has killed millions (mostly children) via military operations and drone strikes in the last decade alone!! Then you cry , and LIE to my face saying the government could never do that - and the media would NEVER cover up atrocities or deliver misleading information. You people are the liars and hypocrites with your selective reality. You support each others delusions, calling those who don't swallow bullshit and question events - you call them conspiracy theorists while the state you worship murders children in far off places while you wave that blood soaked flag and cover up their crimes.
As for Sandy hook - by no stretch of the imagination can I be conned into believed that father is legit - that was the fakest most contrived thing I've ever seen. [...]