Senior Member
I have not seen any
Where is the evidence to support your baseless statement that I "hate Obama". I do not approve of his lying to the American people that we can keep our health insurance policy or our doctor. I do not approve of his LIE that the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya was over a Youtube video. I do not approve that he ran for re-election on the ongoing promise that he would not push new gun control laws if re-elected. I did not approve of the phony "skeet shooting" picture his campaign released to sell the voters the absurd LIE that Obama was pro-gun. (Skeet shooters fire their shotgun aimed at the clay disk UP IN THE AIR, not on the horizon as Obama's gun is firing) Obviously you have no problem making up claims which you have no evidence to support. That would explain why you have no problem with Obama's serial lying. Another thing that bothers me is that Samantha Parker CANNOT be 3 years old in a photo taken in December 2012 and also be 3 years old in a photo taken 2 years and 11 months earlier. Nobody on this forum seems to be able to address that and it is pretty obvious why.
So were any children killed?
Who is the younger Parker child in the photo with Obama?