Debunked: Emilie Parker Still Alive after Sandy Hook

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I have not seen any

Where is the evidence to support your baseless statement that I "hate Obama". I do not approve of his lying to the American people that we can keep our health insurance policy or our doctor. I do not approve of his LIE that the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya was over a Youtube video. I do not approve that he ran for re-election on the ongoing promise that he would not push new gun control laws if re-elected. I did not approve of the phony "skeet shooting" picture his campaign released to sell the voters the absurd LIE that Obama was pro-gun. (Skeet shooters fire their shotgun aimed at the clay disk UP IN THE AIR, not on the horizon as Obama's gun is firing) Obviously you have no problem making up claims which you have no evidence to support. That would explain why you have no problem with Obama's serial lying. Another thing that bothers me is that Samantha Parker CANNOT be 3 years old in a photo taken in December 2012 and also be 3 years old in a photo taken 2 years and 11 months earlier. Nobody on this forum seems to be able to address that and it is pretty obvious why.


So were any children killed?

Who is the younger Parker child in the photo with Obama?
Your own words equating him with Hitler, and the fact that you think, thinking this photo is what it says it is equates to 'fanatic dedication' to him.
That's not a mild reasoned opinion, it's an opinion of extremes.
Also because you seem to think everything Obama has done that you don't like is *proof* that this must be faked.

Hence 'hate'. The emotion of irrationality.

(ETA, not that hate can't be rational. My hate for people like you is. Your 'Obama bad therefore fake and he is your fuhrer' is not.)
Once again;
Samantha Parker CANNOT be 3 years old in a photo taken in December 2012 and also be 3 years old in a photo taken 2 years and 11 months earlier. Nobody on this forum seems to be able to address that and it is pretty obvious why.
Look at the first page of this thread. Samantha is not 3 in thefamily photo.

Madeline looks to be about 3. Samantha could be 12-18 months.
Once again;
Samantha Parker CANNOT be 3 years old in a photo taken in December 2012 and also be 3 years old in a photo taken 2 years and 11 months earlier. Nobody on this forum seems to be able to address that and it is pretty obvious why.
I just looked back at the first page, did the math, and it seems to check out. Samantha is around 3 in the 2012 picture with Obama, and a toddler somewhere between 1 and 2 in the 2010 picture. That looks about right, what's the problem? Where are you getting the idea that the 2010 picture was taken in Jan 2010 rather than November or December 2010? It's more common for people to take Christmas pictures before Christmas (in time to send out cards).
Look at the first page of this thread. Samantha is not 3 in thefamily photo.

Madeline looks to be about 3. Samantha could be 12-18 months.
This entire debunking is based on the claim that the Parker family photo is from 2010. Emilie is clearly 6 years old in that photo which would put her in second or third grade last year. She was in Kindergarten. Samantha Parker was 3 years old in that family picture, look at her hair. No 1 year old has hair like that. No 2 year old has that much hair. She is also much too big to be a day under 3. Sorry but that picture was taken within a few months of the Obama photos. You have been duped again, but it won't be the last time.
This entire debunking is based on the claim that the Parker family photo is from 2010. Emilie is clearly 6 years old in that photo which would put her in second or third grade last year. She was in Kindergarten. Samantha Parker was 3 years old in that family picture, look at her hair. No 1 year old has hair like that. No 2 year old has that much hair. She is also much too big to be a day under 3. Sorry but that picture was taken within a few months of the Obama photos. You have been duped again, but it won't be the last time.
So, you're saying that this picture, with Madeline having hair not even down to her shoulders (it's just put up into pigtails), is too much hair for a 1-2 year old? She looks like a pretty typical toddler to me.

And you think that this was taken within a few months of this, where her hair is down past her shoulders (and she looks older to me, your perception may vary):

Well, all I can say is that I sure don't see what you're talking about.
This entire debunking is based on the claim that the Parker family photo is from 2010. Emilie is clearly 6 years old in that photo which would put her in second or third grade last year. She was in Kindergarten. Samantha Parker was 3 years old in that family picture, look at her hair. No 1 year old has hair like that. No 2 year old has that much hair. She is also much too big to be a day under 3. Sorry but that picture was taken within a few months of the Obama photos. You have been duped again, but it won't be the last time.

What do you think, every kid if born BALD? My sister had a full head of hair when she was born. You are a terrible judge of childrens' ages.
So they took the girl who was supposed to be dead to a photo-opportunity with the president?
But they didn't fool you right? Because you're a free-thinking genius. No flies on you.

That is the most ridiculous point right there. Oops, we brought the wrong kid!! 50 people there, no one says Oops, wrong kid!
So, you're saying that this picture, with Madeline having hair not even down to her shoulders (it's just put up into pigtails), is too much hair for a 1-2 year old? She looks like a pretty typical toddler to me.
View attachment 4935
And you think that this was taken within a few months of this, where her hair is down past her shoulders (and she looks older to me, your perception may vary):
View attachment 4936
Well, all I can say is that I sure don't see what you're talking about.

All you have to do is look at the cheeks to judge the ages.
So they took the girl who was supposed to be dead to a photo-opportunity with the president?
But they didn't fool you right? Because you're a free-thinking genius. No flies on you.

Like I keep saying - we need a better class of powers that be - the current ones are useless - chemtrails that you can see, supposedly dead infants in photos with the president - who TF is running this show? Can't they even get these simple things right??

I demand a new set of TPTB dammit - give me some competent tyranny dammit!!
Like I keep saying - we need a better class of powers that be - the current ones are useless - chemtrails that you can see, supposedly dead infants in photos with the president - who TF is running this show? Can't they even get these simple things right??

I demand a new set of TPTB dammit - give me some competent tyranny dammit!!

Really, some "ELITE", right? They sure are incompetent elites. Why even worry about them?
Your comments about the hair are so wrong. If you had seen me in the hospital nursery when I was born, you would have insisted that I was nearly a year old. My hair was so long that it was in my eyes. One of the nurses had to find a ribbon and use that to pigtail my hair. That was when I was less than 12 hrs old?

I notice that when that point was debunked, you ignored it and moved the goal posts to another point, unrelated.
I find it hard to put into words how incredibly insensitive and tedious this bloke is. When he's given a reasonable explanation for any of his bizarre claims, he either ignores it or comes up with another. Mick's politeness policy prevents me from further words, and it's a good job that I don't have a cat ...
I find it laughable that he poo-pooh's actual evidence, and then spouts nonsense with no supporting evidence AT ALL and is upset/surprised/insulted when no-one takes him seriously!
I do think it is time that we just asked questions like "Where are they hiding her?" "How are they managing all the other kids not to say something or let something slip?" "How many other kids are still alive and where are they?" "Is the WHOLE town involved?"

What was the reason for this? Gun control? Let look at the example if Dunblane in the UK in March 1996 16 5 and 6 years get murdered along with a teacher

There is real public outrage and then a Parliamentary enquiry and in less than 12 months new legislation is put in place that effectively banned handgun ownership

Followed by

Now call me cynical but if I were to be a politician that could orchestrate this I would at least have templates of similar legislation ready to roll, especially when you could cut and paste offf the internet. I am just joining the dots here.
Does this thread debunk that Sandy Hook was a false flag or that just some of the claims from conspiracy theorists are bunk?

Just asking. It is still wide open obviously. New data is being released quite often pointing to the official story not being completely factual.

I am grateful for the debunking of false claims in the sense of getting to grips of what really happened but I still think there was government involvement.

Also, some of the people who debunk the Sandy hook conspiracy theories are also a bit nuts. I guess it is just a human condition right now.

I had one guy on a another forum, trying to tell me that an AR15 is an assault rifle when it clearly isn't.

Can't blame blame people for getting things wrong either way. The energy and intention is all jumbled up.
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LOL the govenrment is ordering drone strikes that kill millions overseas, killing them on a DAILY BASIS - makes sandi hook look like small peas.

TO think they would kill children!!!!!! (they do) .... oh wait i mean to think they would kill children IN AMERICA is disgusting and unamerican!! LOL classic [...]

I agree in terms of morally the government wouldnt have no qualms in killing people to
I was sick when the media and the politicians made this all about the guns and not the person , It saddens me even more to see people to blaming the government even more . As bad as our government is in my opinion to think they would fake this or kill children is Un American and disgusting .

I agree with the other reply to you comment above. The government kills people all the time. Nothing new there. Although some conspiracy theories are just attention seeking or plain nuts.
Does this thread debunk that Sandy Hook was a false flag or that just some of the claims from conspiracy theorists are bunk?

Just asking. It is still wide open obviously. New data is being released quite often pointing to the official story not being completely factual.

I am grateful for the debunking of false claims in the sense of getting to grips of what really happened but I still think there was government involvement.

Why? It would be a ridiculous risky thing to do, with no real upside, and there's no evidence that's what happened.
Why? It would be a ridiculous risky thing to do, with no real upside, and there's no evidence that's what happened.

It is being cited by a lot of anti-gun people in government as the reason for banning certain guns even though it was a gun-free zone and you can still buy guns in countries where guns are not legal. It just means you have to pay more and give you money to dodgy people. I could get a gun in the UK for example even though it would be not be legal for me to.

I added more detail to the post above while you must of been replying and also I just want to say I appreciate your work and I am not trying to be a pain.

Just saying this as I actually care about the kids and people in general and just want to know the truth for real so we can really reduce violence in the world.

I would hope we were all on the same side in that sense.
It is being cited by a lot of anti-gun people in government as the reason for banning certain guns even though it was a gun-free zone and you can still buy guns in countries where guns are not legal. It just means you have to pay more and give you money to dodgy people. I could get a gun in the UK for example even though it would be not be legal for me to.

I added more detail to the post above and also I just want to say I appreciate your work and I am not trying to be a pain.

Just saying this as I actually care about the kids and people in general and just want to know the truth for real so we can really reduce violence in the world.

I would hope we were all on the same side in that sense.

Of course, everyone cares about kids, people, truth. That's not really relevant.

What do you mean when you say you think the government was involved? Why do you think this?
Of course, everyone cares about kids, people, truth. That's not really relevant.

What do you mean when you say you think the government was involved? Why do you think this?

Your request for objectivity and facts is fair.

I have heard so many claims that seem legit that it is the impression I get but more so it is what I said above. It just seems to fit the general agenda of elitist power grabbers.

Of course that in itself isnt hard fact but you asked why I thought that and I am just being honest.

Although, I was sincere when I said I was grateful for your work as I am glad some of the conspiracy claims were not tru as they were horrible things to happen and it clears people names so we can find the real culprit/s. I dont believe Adam Lanza did it so to speak and you debunked a lot of the claims I believe but it still doesnt feel right and I am sure if I made time to go over all the claims I would find some that were not debunked and very compelling.

For example, he sounded like he must of been better marksmen than most soldiers. Especially considering the weight of the gear and all the other factors like meds and his mental health, etc etc.

A lot of info in this thread though and I cant have time to go through it all. I dont know how you do it. You must be on genius level when it comes to academic research. All I know is how important critical thinking is and balanced ego.
For example, he sounded like he must of been better marksmen than most soldiers. Especially considering the weight of the gear and all the other factors like meds and his mental health, etc etc.
How good of a marksman do you have to be to open a closet door and empty clip after clip into children huddled inside?
To be precise and objective, since that is what is demanded of me here. All I am asking is, is the whole false flag theory debunked comprehensively or just parts of it?

PS: I am commenting on this thread in the sense that it was a branch off from the main Sandy Hook conspiracy thread as this is the route my browsing took me. TBH I still though I was on that same thread lol. Sorry.
To be precise and objective, since that is what is demanded of me here. All I am asking is, is the whole false flag theory debunked comprehensively or just parts of it?

How could it be? No matter how many silly claims are debunked, there's always the possibility it was a false flag event created in such a way that it does not look in any way like a false flag event. Just like you can't debunk the theory that you are dreaming right now. Or that the cat you saw yesterday was a robot.

Theories cannot be debunked. Claims of evidence can. The claims of evidence have been debunked.
Were all the children hidden in a closet? Must of been a friggin big closet.
I stand corrected that it appears it was a bathroom and 15 kids were killed in it. One survived by hiding in a different corner and playing dead. So 3/4 of the kids were all in one place.
How could it be? No matter how many silly claims are debunked, there's always the possibility it was a false flag event created in such a way that it does not look in any way like a false flag event. Just like you can't debunk the theory that you are dreaming right now. Or that the cat you saw yesterday was a robot.

Theories cannot be debunked. Claims of evidence can. The claims of evidence have been debunked.

Very true. Like I said I am not arguing. This forum is useful for me and of course other people but I just worry that some people point to this forum as evidence against any claims of selffish co-opting of natural trends. For example, how elitist types are seemingly attempting to control the way the world is becoming more unified for their benefit over others. Apart from that I like this forum. Not that I am anybody special. =)
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So you think it would take an SAS to kill kids in a classroom and bathroom? I don't think it takes much marksmanship to kill at such close range.

I don't believe a lot of the official story and the witnesses in general dude. Not trying to be awkward. But even if I did believe the story I would be very surprised if they just stayed in a big ball of child horror and didnt run away. Was he stopping them from running somehow in the official story claims?
Utter nonsense Gary. Shooting people in an enclosed space is as easy as pointing the gun at them and pulling the trigger.

I am talking about his entire operation and the chance of pulling it off in terms of probability. Probability is something that is used in court as part of an assessment of guilt, of course. So I think it should be perfectly acceptable as a point in an objective debate.
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