Hello! I'm new here, and I am glad people can see the difference between Emilie and her sister. I, also, attached some pictures I found from researching Emilie Parker. I hope it's allowed to post these pictures in here because I don't want to, disrespect copyright issues. However, I just wanted to show that there's other pictures of them besides the ones we're use to seeing, and you can see that they've taken other photos of them the same day they did their family photo one. I hope this will help make a vaild point that Emilie and her second sister are different: chin, eyes, the way they smile, and Emilie's hair that she always parts it on the same side is fuller than Emilie's sister..etc. As well as, of couse, that Obama with kids' photo is definitly Emilie's sister.

Emilie Parker's Memorial Slideshow Video for the first two photos. I used Snipping Tool for these two photos above because I didn't know how to retrieve video's pictures to JPEG files. I think this picture above the link is one of my favorite photo. They look really cute together, and their parents were right they look like best friends.

The video, also, does show her in stages of when she was younger as baby and throughout her age. Some people think Emilie's parents are fake, but in the video, there's a picture of Emilie smiling fully, and you can tell it has some traits her mother has when she smiles.

These two photos one with Emilie's solo picture and the photo up above is from Salt Lake Tribune.
They had some photos of Emilie Parker and the families memorial service. The photo is better viewing on the link. I used Snipping Tool to retrieve this because I couldn't get it, to save on my computer. On their slide show, you can double click to enlarge it.
If you see her second oldest sister on the left, you can easily tell it's the same girl on Obama with kids' photo. Since she has her hair down, and also, of course, their face is different from one another. This one is another one of my fave!

I found this I believe from Google Image searching, and just regularly right click, to save it.