ok so i just randomly ran across this page in a hunt for the so called "truth" please UNDERSTAND that I do not BELIEVE either way what anyone here has stated, proven or "debunked" fact of the matter is information in today's age can be easily altered or manufactured.
so that being said just a few things i want to point out.
1. MOST (influence placed on most here) agencies local or federal DO NOT TRAIN WITH DUTY ammo. sources? my uncle was Mclean County sheriff of the state of Illinois for 20 years (Steve Brienen google it if you dont believe idc) stated to me when i inquired of him of this "None of my officers EVER used hollow point rounds for training OR practice it is just simply to costly and plainly idiotic when you think of what the rounds are designed for" he also went on to state in a "semi-defense" of the theory "BUT also take into consideration MANY agencies use FMJ (full metal jacket) rounds for duty ammo in their "preferred" Assault Rifles and sometimes Sidearms because of cost efficiency. Let it be noted where i am from EVERY COUNTY STATE AND EVEN SOME LOCAL LEO agencies have a AR-15 or M4A1 in their trunks for "emergencies"
2. my brother Jason Finfrock PFC 1st battalion 41st Charlie company of the US ARMY stated to me plainly "the cheapest ammo is always used for practice its common sense. why waste good for killing bullets on paper or the such?
3. saw alot of comments back and forth about gold and silver. lets take in account the current "supposedly" near situations at hand and address them.
FIRST. a Economic collapse and hate to say it folks but common sense says its bound to happen eventually i wont list resources but if want them just read a d@m* history book" in this event really think about this if OUR economy collapsed to the point of "sever" civil unrest do you really believe every to be
A. short cited enough to not see value in gold in near future and to go along with that
B. Do you not see other countries not offering "humanitarian" aid ? think "extras" cant be bought??? everyone has a price period.
C. also look at a couple of things here one no collapse would be long or permanent due to the fact of so many forms of government involved in America, gold is valuable plain and simple even the USD used to backed by gold until we switched to using the trading of oil and trade in general to back its value plus add in the fact (again not gonna link common knowledge want proof google it) that China and others are switching to another denomination and some backing it with gold. IAM sorry but i would rather have something backed up by something i can touch that something that only exists on paper. BUT as to the argument of food and stuffs being more valuable. STOP and THINK in such a bad even food will be most needed yes! but most stolen and sought after BUT have a very limited supply compared to the demand which will cause high prices compared to trade for things such as a car or a house namely because people can sleep just about anywhere but always have to eat. ALSO is no one considering the refuge possibility? if someone with their savings in food or bullets goes to another country the food wont be worth as much as gold or silver and bullets wont be worth alot in most counties especially if they are (and most likely will be) confiscated upon entry.
But i digress from that endless debate the fact of the matter is BOTH are valuable in any situation some more than others again DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION.
SECOND AND ECT. apply previous methodology to any given end of the US scenario and it will apply as for a end of the world well thats a whole different story than involves many different scenarios that i dont have time or spare keyboard for
4. i must point out while what the "government" "appears" to be doing could be accepted as "good" for the people" it can also be accepted as "bad" for the people again research history many Tyrannies have started the same way with simple "erosion's" of "liberties" but again this can be debated with all valid points to the end of time all i can say is 2 things "better safe than sorry" and "Governments of all nations fail their people "severely" at one point in time or another history tells us that"
I do not wish to start a "flame or troll" war but would like open discussion with out BIAS based on truth while i do not believe that the US FED's are out to get us i do believe they are for sure not 100% for us simply because any man who seeks to obtain power is not fit to have it and "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" all i am saying is the people need to become the people at some point and not the goverment and their people is should be the people and THEIR government get that folks the US was MEANT TO BE CONTROLLED 110% BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE not any other way PERIOD.