Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

It appears that this truck was unique within the fleet of the Donetsk company.

External Quote:

The man told the publication that his base is in Donestsk where the vehicle was stationed.

"Yes, this is my car," the man said. The people who took the vehicle told the truck owner that they "needed" the truck.

The source revealed that these men took the base "under their control" as well as his machines and "the white truck."

When asked if he was sure it's his truck, he told the publication that it is "easily recognizable" and they "know their machines." He informed that this white truck is the only truck with cabin in Donetsk.
I am new. Sorry if any information already passed your attention. Next info is known in Ukraine and Europe previous to the shoot down of MH17.

In media it circles that the BUK system was first seen on 14th July. To my knowledge next vid was uploaded on June 23th on You Tube and was registered to have been passed on transit to Ukraine in Stary Oskol, on Mettallurgov, Belgorod region, heading south to the east border of Ukraine with Russia.
Indeed the 53rd Air Defense Brigade Adress 305502 Kursk distr, Marshal Zhukov Town has 36 SA 11 Gadfly / 9K37M1 BUK units (source:
Next photo's are taken from vid June 23th - 3 pieces heading for Ukraine as posted/ The vid show just 3 pieces passing on Mettalurgov. Be aware for the noise in the beginning of the vid.
Pinpoint on the map from Google.

This does not prove these vehilces were involved; gonig to Ukraine on June 23th and returning on July 19th. It even seems to contradict earlier reports on heading one piece to the south border to Russia near Repyakhovatyy.
Jaso used a source from the Netherlands. I can comment on that, but perhaps none would be glad to have this info.

Kind regards
Dutch Dakota


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I am new. Sorry if any information already passed your attention. Next info is known in Ukraine and Europe previous to the shoot down of MH17.

Hello and thank you.

You 4th link is an mp4, how can I use that?.

Where did this unit cross the border, do you know? and what do you know of the return journey, is there video of that? I am asking because it is strange to be approaching from the north, where there were no separatists.
It is just a MP4 vid. I usal take a vid player like VLC media player.
The photos I will place in next post. Beginners misstake. Sorry for that.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota
Am sorry to inform along this impopular manner, but this site (Ukraine@war) is less reliable, altough very popular in Europe among pro Ukraine twitterers. I expect that Anders Frick meant well, but this site and twitteraccount is runned by a former preacher and tv-host in the Netherlands. He is a gifted and convincing speaker and a follower of neo-creationism. Ofcourse no-one will hold anything against djp3tros for his religion, but when his info is not reliable for thst matter, it is perhaps time to release a warning. I have encounterd him in several severe errors on his info. Personally I would use his info only, when I was convinced it was true en genuine.
On request I can supply background info. Long story.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota


Anders Frick (frick) on twitter is reporting that this photo is buk traveling TOO its launch site, not from the launch site.
Retweeted by Anders Frick
djp3tros @djp3tros · Jul 17
Video geolocated of #Russian BUK that brought down #MH17 driving to it's launch location.…


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Photos on the vid June 23th

The MP4 file can be played with any common vid player and is the shorter version from the You Tube vid.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota


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Hello and thank you.

You 4th link is an mp4, how can I use that?. Just a normal MP4 player like VLC

Where did this unit cross the border, do you know? and what do you know of the return journey, is there video of that? I am asking because it is strange to be approaching from the north, where there were no separatists.


Am still researching the possible connection, if there is. It is mystic. Rational it cannot be explained why this unit should have transported from Kursk along Ukranian and Russian border to cross deep in the south. For that there was a nearer brigade available, which has SA 11 Gadfly / 9K37M1 BUK oprational and that is Volvograd.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota

Am still researching the possible connection, if there is. It is mystic. Rational it cannot be explained why this unit should have transported from Kursk along Ukranian and Russian border to cross deep in the south. For that there was a nearer brigade available, which has SA 11 Gadfly / 9K37M1 BUK oprational and that is Volvograd.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota

Ukraine@War does a huge amount of detailed work. Sometimes he believes information that doesn't seem correct -- not reported at all elsewhere or taken from Russian sources.

For example the photos he uses, of the distant smoke and fire, are NOT MH17, that has been estalished by time stamps, and too much cloud. That was an antonov a few days earlier.

Taking a more distant BUK can have reasons. Taking one across Kiev held territory is what makes no sense. How possible at all? and cannot be used from the Russian side for anything.

Anyway, it is No 232 which I don't think we've had in the list of suspects yet.

Dutch Dakota, click on 'MH17" at the top of this page, and see the various separate items we've worked on. What is true and what not. It is worthwhile quickly reading through them.

If you find any pictures of that "refugees convoy killed" near Lujansk please bring them in, we can't find any at all.
Ukraine@War does a huge amount of detailed work. Sometimes he believes information that doesn't seem correct -- not reported at all elsewhere or taken from Russian sources.

For example the photos he uses, of the distant smoke and fire, are NOT MH17, that has been estalished by time stamps, and too much cloud. That was an antonov a few days earlier.

Taking a more distant BUK can have reasons. Taking one across Kiev held territory is what makes no sense. How possible at all? and cannot be used from the Russian side for anything.

Anyway, it is No 232 which I don't think we've had in the list of suspects yet.

Dutch Dakota, click on 'MH17" at the top of this page, and see the various separate items we've worked on. What is true and what not. It is worthwhile quickly reading through them.

If you find any pictures of that "refugees convoy killed" near Lujansk please bring them in, we can't find any at all.


Previous I worked on the BM21 Grad used to bombard the vegetable warehouse on June 14th. That Grad came from the Caucasus. That is also quite a distance. I am aware of Russian warfar on agitprop, disformation, propaganda and concealing strategies.

On djp3tros I have detailed info on his background and ideas that motivate him to act like he does. Needs and motives are not true and sincere info. He has ulterior motives.

[Admin: unverified private information removed]

When enough time available I will look into the shoot down of civilians in East Ukraine and search for images. It is horroble. War in itse;f is already horroble.

Kind regards,
Dutch Dakota
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If you find any pictures of that "refugees convoy killed" near Lujansk please bring them in, we can't find any at all.


Just found this in some vids. No images yet.

This seems to be a genuine vid straight aftermath


Newsroom with life phone call

Official newsroom supporting ATO

Kind regards
Dutch Dakota
Interesting Buk analysis from Russian freelance journalist Iggy Ostanin.

External Quote:
Iggy Ostanin is a freelance Russian journalist who does investigative research on the Ukrainian conflict.
Great find TJ, and it seems other media sources are also claiming the Russians actually commandeered the Buk missile system that shot down flight mh17
Great find TJ, and it seems other media sources are also claiming the Russians actually commandeered the Buk missile system that shot down flight mh17

I watched the BBC Panorama programme tonight on BBC1. John Sweeney is filmed interviewing some of the eyewitnesses (Hidden identity and disguised voice)

External Quote:

One eyewitness saw the missile-launcher roll off a low-loader at Snezhnoye, around ten miles from the crash site, at around 13:30 local time (10:30 GMT).

"We just saw it being offloaded and when the BUK started its engine the exhaust smoke filled the whole town square," he said.
John Sweeney also interviewed separatist leader Alexander Zakharchenko. Zakharchenko still played the party line with claims that they did not have a system capable of reaching that height. He showed him the still of the Buk going through Torez. Zakharchenko just casually dismissed it and wouldn't even acknowledge that it was a Buk.

Sweeney visits the Buk filming locations in Zuhres and Torez.

Full BBC programme at following link. Hopefully you and others will be able to view it.
The Separist have not only one Buks Launcher.

At the end of June the Separist captured the garrison missile air defense forces A1402 (Donetsk SAM regiment)

So the Separist have not only one Buk. They must have a lot of Buk System. But the Buks of A1402 are not working and has to be repaired.

"In Donetsk, the militants seized the military defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. By decision of the commander of all the equipment out of order and not working"

The location is

When you scroll out the Map you see 500m North the Airport and 2Km in the north Spartak.
Spartak is known from the press Briefing of the Russian. Thats the Place where the Buks are located at 14.July.

The Place of Spartak is shown here:

At 17.July they were absend. But hey found at
Zakharchenko three Buks.

And here Zaroschenske

The Situation at 16.July is show at the picture of NSDC. The Picture of the Separist is nearly the same.
We can see that Spartak and Zaroschenske is in the Separist Area.

10 km in the South of Zaroschenske, the City of
Amwrossijiwka (ukrainisch Амвросіївка; russisch Амвросиевка) is located. Before, at and after the 17.7. there are heavy fighting at this Place so the Ukraine can´t get Buks at this place.
Look at the last sentence of this site.

"Earlier, the Speaker of the breakaway republic distributed information about the two Ukrainian fighter planes shot down near the mound Saur-Grave "

Saur-Grave (Саур-Могила ) is ~20km in East of
Amwrossijiwka/ Zakharchenko

At the 14. /15/17July we can read this

The Separist told that they have repaird the Buks and shot down the AN26 by a Buk near Luhansk.

Buks were seen on a Trailer at Donetsk, Zures and Torez. The Buk with the missing Rocket was seen in Luhansk, i think it was the Buk that shot down the AN26.

I think, the not working BUKs of the A1402 Depot were transported to Russia to Repair. The three Buks at
Zakharchenko were alredy repaired but not correctly.
The Buk Sytem has as funktion included that they know if the Plane was friendly or a attaker. I think the System is not working correctly at 17.July and didn´t know that the MH17 was friendly.




Preliminary report points towards external cause of MH17 crash
No evidence of technical faults

Flight MH17 with a Boeing 777-200 operated by Malaysia Airlines broke up in the air probably as the result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside. This is mentioned in the preliminary report on the investigation into the crash of MH17 that has been published today by the Dutch Safety Board. There are no indications that the MH17 crash was caused by a technical fault or by actions of the crew.

The cockpit voice recorder, the flight data recorder and data from air traffic control all suggest that flight MH17 proceeded as normal until 13:20:03 (UTC), after which it ended abruptly. A full listening of the communications among the crew members in the cockpit recorded on the cockpit voice recorder revealed no signs of any technical faults or an emergency situation. Neither were any warning tones heard in the cockpit that might have pointed to technical problems. The flight data recorder registered no aircraft system warnings, and aircraft engine parameters were consistent with normal operation during the flight. The radio communications with Ukrainian air traffic control confirm that no emergency call was made by the cockpit crew. The final calls by Ukrainian air traffic control made between 13.20:00 and 13.22:02 (UTC) remained unanswered.

The pattern of wreckage on the ground suggests that the aircraft split into pieces during flight (an in-flight break up). Based on the available maintenance history the airplane was airworthy when it took off from Amsterdam and there were no known technical problems. The aircraft was manned by a qualified and experienced crew.

Pattern of damage
As yet it has not been possible to conduct a detailed study of the wreckage. However, the available images show that the pieces of wreckage were pierced in numerous places. The pattern of damage to the aircraft fuselage and the cockpit is consistent with that which may be expected from a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside. It's likely that this damage resulted in a loss of structural integrity of the aircraft, leading to an in-flight break up. This also explains the abrupt end to the data registration on the recorders, the simultaneous loss of contact with air traffic control and the aircraft's disappearance from radar.

Further investigation
In its preliminary report, the Safety Board presents the initial findings of an investigation that is still fully underway. More research will be necessary to determine more precisely what caused the crash and how the airplane disintegrated. The Board believes that additional evidence will become available in the period ahead. From this point on, the research team will start working towards producing the definitive investigation report. The Board aims to publish the report within one year of the date of the crash.

The draft preliminary report has been sent to the Accredited Representative of the states that participate in the investigation (Malaysia, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Australia) for review. All Accredited Representatives have sent a reaction. The Dutch Safety Board assessed the provided suggestions and amended the report where appropriate.

Tjibbe Joustra, Chairman of the Dutch Safety Board
"The MH17 crash has shocked the world and raised many questions. The Dutch Safety Board wishes to determine the cause of the crash, for the sake of the loved ones of the victims and for society at large."

"The initial results of the investigation point towards an external cause of the MH17 crash. More research will be necessary to determine the cause with greater precision. The Safety Board believes that additional evidence will become available for investigation in the period ahead."

"The preliminary report issues the first findings in a ongoing investigation. From this point on, the investigation team will be working towards producing its final report. The Board aims to publish this report within one year of the date of the crash."
Glaring cock up on Russia Today during their 12 GMT bulletin. It indicates the mindset though as they obviously got carried away with the word "target".

They claimed the following on the 12 GMT bulletin "13:22:05 - Ukrainian ATC : "It seems that its target started falling apart"

Of course if they had read the report accurately this is actually a transmission from Russian ATC.

(From) DNP (To) RST. Rostov, do you observe the Malaysian by... by the response?
(From) RST (To) DNP. No, it seems that its target started falling apart
And it follows:

DNP->Rostov: Do you see anything at primary? (me: means primary radar)
Rostov->DNP: Yes, yes, yes, we see nothing. (me: Not even SU-25?)

Regarding this BUK launcher, there seems to be something really odd about the timeline of events during July 17.
MH-17 was shot down at 16:20 local time.

If we are to follow the main line of evidence that crowd sourcing has provided, then this is how the BUK system got there :

9:00 am BUK in Donetsk, photo by ParisMatch
Around this time there is also a conversation between separatists that tells that this BUK will go to Pervomaisk.

From Donetsk, this BUK then makes its way to Snitzhne, through Torez, meanwhile quite publicly leaving evidence of its existence, at witnessed by several pictures, videos and eye-witness accounts.

Around 1:30 pm, on a (again very public) square in Snitzhe, the BUK rolls off the (white) lorry, and finds its way south, to a field a few km south, close to Pervomaisk.
They arrive there, maybe at 1:45 or so.

So do they power up the missile system and start staring at their radar, watching for Ukraine planes ?
No. They don't.
They just wait. Maybe they drink some water, and have their lunch.
Then, they wait some more.
Maybe they tell jokes, or more likely, they watch out for Ukrainian fighters that they KNOW are aware of their presence in Pervomaisk.

Still they wait for more than TWO HOURS !

We KNOW they wait that long, since if they would have switched their radar on earlier, they would have seen MANY other "high birdies" passing overhead :

Mick's great flighttracker24 animation shows 4 international flights flew almost over their head during the last hour before MH-17 alone !

In fact, they must have switched their radar on AFTER 3:50, or else they would have detected KC904, not MH-17.

So after TWO HOURS of waiting, they finally switch on their radar, wait 15-20 min, a blip appears, and they press the button.... and MH17 goes down.

In my opinion, either the timeline of events of this BUK on the morning of 7/17 is off by two hours, or they were waiting for something VERY important (missiles maybe?) or this was a deliberate act to take out MH-17 and no other airliner.

Please let me know your thoughts on this timeline paradox.
In my opinion, either the timeline of events of this BUK on the morning of 7/17 is off by two hours, or they were waiting for something VERY important (missiles maybe?) or this was a deliberate act to take out MH-17 and no other airliner.

That seems like a rather limited set of possibilities you offer. Surely there are many possible scenarios. Perhaps they were mistakenly informed there was a military plane flying in their direction. Maybe they had technical difficulties. Maybe it takes a while to set it up. Maybe it was difficult to use, and they did not see the other planes. Maybe there's some other explanation that we are simply unaware of. Maybe they were waiting for something that was unimportant, maybe important. Maybe the trained operator arrived later.

We should not present a false choice in reasoning simply because we lack information.
"Perhaps they were mistakenly informed there was a military plane flying in their direction. "

this is the most obvious, however they are still guilty for not checking it
"Perhaps they were mistakenly informed there was a military plane flying in their direction. "

this is the most obvious, however they are still guilty for not checking it

Thanks Mick, and yes, I agree Stevan.
It seems that these guys waited for a command from outside rather search themselves with their radar.

In fact, this conversation between informant "Naimanets" (which means something like "hired hand") and commander Igor Bezler seems to sustain that theory :

That conversation took place at 16:18, 2 minutes before impact.

Incidentally, this tells something about where 'hired hand' "Naimanets" was situated.
2 minutes is about 30 km for MH-17., add another maybe 20 seconds (5 km) for him to pick up the phone, and draw a line 35 km back from the last FDR location just south of (Dutch Safety Board map) along the 115 deg heading line that MH-17 was flying, and you end up in south-east Horlivka as the likely location of "Naimanets".

Also, note that this conversation was timed at 16:18, and MH-17 missile impact was 16:20:05.
The conversation lasts 45 sec, and the flight time of the missile was probably 30 sec or so, which means that there was only 45 sec left over for Bezler to "pass the message on", the BUK crew to get up on their feet after 2 hours of waiting, the BUK to switch on its radar, lock on with its missile, before the button was pushed. That extremely tight timeline suggests that Bezler was probably AT the launch site (or in very, very tight direct radio contact with the BUK crew).

Which puts Bezler at the forefront of immediate responsibility in my opinion...
Sorry guys. That conversation lasted 20 sec, not 45. This gives Bezler and BUK crew a bit more than 1 minute.
Still very tight.

Also note that they decided to keep their radar quiet and instead rely on informants.
Which means that a brief opening in the clouds may have sealed MH-17's fate, while they missed all the other airliners they flew over their heads in the two hours before.

If this is indeed the scenario that unfolded, then what an incredibly sloppy (enemy) aircraft detection system they had in place, and what a stupendously reckless decision making process they work by. How often do these guys kill themselves ?

298 lives lost. For what ?
If this is indeed the scenario that unfolded, then what an incredibly sloppy (enemy) aircraft detection system they had in place, and what a stupendously reckless decision making process they work by. How often do these guys kill themselves ?

298 lives lost. For what ?
Why blame the Buk system, it did exactly what it was designed to do. The only ones to blame for being "sloppy" as you put it are those who operated the Buk System. End of story. And if they were indeed Russian Operators, they are long gone and will never have to face justice for this heinous crime.... Sad really. Thats why the onus was shifted to Russia and the Kremlin.
Guys, I'm all with you here. A BUK TELAR does not have a FoF discriminator, and I'm not blaming the BUK system either.

All I'm trying to do is make sense of exactly what happened on the morning of July 17, how exactly did their detect MH-17, and note that I find it bizarre that (no matter which 'method' (radar or external observers) they used to detect ukraine aircraft) that they missed the many other airliners that flew right over their head in the hours before. Not to mention why on earth they assumed that airspace was closed to civilian airliners.

I'm sorry if that was misunderstood, and I'll make a separate post on that once I can present it with more clarity.

I also realize that I was going a bit off-thread with this subject, so my next post will directly about the claims around the video that shows the BUK supposedly being trucked our of Ukraine..
There is quite a bit of evidence that locates the whereabouts of the BUK system on July 17, with videos and pictures being taken from Donetsk 9:00 am on a white truck, through Turez, through Torez, and by itself (without the truck) in Shnizhne. All this evidence shows the BUK with netting over its top section, so we can't see how many missiles (if any) it is carrying. The last observation we have is this video from the BUK when it leaves Shnizhne at around 1:30 pm :

Then, there is substantial evidence that a missile was launched (at about 4:20 pm), from a field just south of Shnizhne (US intelligence, and magnificent work by bloggers such as Ukraine@War.

However, there is very little evidence of where this BUK went after 4:20.

In fact, the ONLY evidence we have is that video that started this thread :

which is supposed to show the BUK (with two missiles clearly visible, and more importantly 1 or 2 missing) being trucked out of Ukraine.

This video was first used by the Russian Defense Ministry to put the blame on Ukraine, when they claimed that this video was taken in Krasnoarmeysk, which is under Ukraine control.

However, after some amazing crowd-sourcing work, this video was definitively geo-located on a ringway in Luhansk, driving south-east (towards Krasnodon, and the Russian border).
Timed at around 2am on July 18.

Now how the heck did that BUK get there ?

Why did they, after they realized that they downed a civilian airliner, not simply drive from Shnizhne across the Russian border ? That's only 5 miles. Why drive this BUK back to Shnizhne, load it on that white truck, forget to put a net over the top, then drive back to Donetsk, or find another way north through to highway M04, then drive M04 all the way to Luhansk, and take a right onto the ringway (Pavlivska St) only to be videotaped at that intersection ?

It makes no sense at all !

And even if they did, why did NOBODY see this truck with the BUK along the way on its way to Luhansk ?
That sounds incredibly unlikely, especially since there was so much evidence recorded in the morning, even BEFORE the news broke that a really big civilian airliner was downed smack in the middle of Donbass, with hundreds of civilian deaths. Many people would have been watching the roads for missile systems passing by.

So, I do not think that BUK went this way back at all. Someone would have noticed it.

Which means that this last video was EITHER :
(1) carries the same BUK as the one in Shnizhne, but the video was taken BEFORE July 17, OR
(2) The video was taken in the night of July 17 alright, but it is carrying a different BUK.

I'm open for any other explanation, but if none exists, then logic reasoning dictates that we have to start exploring (1) and (2) in more detail. And their implications.