you do not examine opposing ideas - you fixate upon one idea and the do nothing more than ask questions like a 5 year old continually asking "why?"
And if you do not like the answer you do not say "Fair enough - I guess that is answered" - no - you just shift to anothe aspect that has piqued your interest and which you can't be bothered researching and start asking "why?" all over again in that area.
It is not as if you do any actual research yourself either - that is almsot entirely done by people with the patience of saints who reply to your questions, and who's good efforts you then abuse their good graces by asking more queestions that demonstrate your unwillingness to examine and evaluate the real evidence!
And then you have the gall to suggest that you are "validating areas of conflict"??
no George - because there are no "areas of conflict" - there are just areas that you will not accept the massively overwhelming evidence for.
the fact that you can ask a question about something that is essentially solved does not make your question a valuable inquiry or the subject matter an "area of conflict"!
I strongly suggest that you read and take to heart this article about
"why you are not entitled to your opinion" - you are a classic case of what the author is talking about.
It is a bit late to be thinking about the likelihood of various 9/11 scenarios as "early returns"!!