Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Hi, Filippo from Italy here. I wanted to have serious discussion feedback on something I have witnessed and saw Mick github project and I figured this would be the right place to ask users for serious opinions
Hello, everyone. I'll go by Fetch. As you can see, I'm indeed quite fetching. But that's just a byproduct of my whole raison d'être, being an omen to silly stuff like superstition.

I learned of this site today via a Popular Mechanics article on UAP debunking, and was only more pleased to see a number of other topics I'd like to educate myself on further.

I genuinely love friendly, healthy and stimulating discussion, especially with people who will never know how truly abnormal-looking I am IRL. There might be extraterrestrials, and a great part of me'd be kinda stoked. But I've seen exactly zero in the face of many real relationships being damaged over things as absurd as astrology.

Admittedly, this is all so classically 'Gemini' of me. So there's that.
My name is Michelle. I joined because I want to do my part to debunk false information. I like that the focus here is on debunking the information in a kind and respectful way with facts is the only effective way to change peoples minds about false beliefs. I do have past experience working as a fact checker but always looking for new ways to learn how to fight disinformation.
Long time lurker who was prompted to move on from /r/UFOs by the moderation team.

I am particularly interested in the UFO Influencer phenomenon, as it highlights how social media platforms can amplify and shape public perceptions of so called unexplained phenomena, blending entertainment with belief.
Hi everyone!
I have been following your analysis on this forum and Mick West's on YouTube for a few years now.

I'm not a particularly skilled person, but I'm a Spanish astrophysicist currently working at the University of Vienna in regards to the Milky Way structure. I'm very interested in UFO claims and the approach to review them skeptically.

See you around! :D
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Hi all first time poster and new to metabunk. I love investigating UFOs and other mysteries and conspiracy theories. I really enjoy Micks rational approach to analysis.

My reason for joining today has to do with the 2019 Drone swarms around Navy Ships. I learnt today that a Chinese Cargo ship called the bass strait was in the vicinity and highly suspicious if you ask me.

I was wondering if anyone has a paid membership to the AIS data through maritime apps ? I'd love to get the gps track of the ship at that time.

Thanking You


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My reason for joining today has to do with the 2019 Drone swarms around Navy Ships. I learnt today that a Chinese Cargo ship called the bass strait was in the vicinity and highly suspicious if you ask me.

I was wondering if anyone has a paid membership to the AIS data through maritime apps ? I'd love to get the gps track of the ship at that time.
Hi @FiShaRoo, welcome to Metabunk!
The best thread to ask your question is https://www.metabunk.org/threads/uss-kidd-and-other-ships-drones-encounter-2019.11681/ . Note that AIS tracking uses land-based receivers, so a track for a ship out at sea may not be available; and AIS transmitters can also be turned off.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
View attachment 4714

It's highly recommended that you first read the Posting Guidelines:
Hi, I'm Giorgio. I'm writing from Italy. I'm a pensioner. I like reading physics books and I'm sensitive to living in balance with the nature of the planet. I'm happy to have met you. I'm very concerned about the fake-news, disinformation, conspiracy theories and climate change denial that are circulating today. I would like to help my partner, whom I love very much, get out of this bubble-filter or rabbit hole and I know that with your help I can try. Thank you for being there.
Hi everyone.

Many years ago I used to be a hardcore UFO 'believer' I guess - I ended up on quite the conspiracy theory trail after that, and eventually came to my senses.

Now I'm somewhat more rational, I try to look at other possibilities in UFO cases especially (and sometimes the paranormal/ghost stuff too) and take the more measured approach. An interest in film and photography means I can often understand some processes that have gone on to make sense of the claims I see people have. I've done both amateur and professional photography, along with experience using digital and video cameras for many years now.

Glad to have found this place, I've been lurking a long time looking into old UFO cases with a more critical eye and seeing what and how people are discussing them. It's been so gratifying I decided to join to contribute my thoughts and analyses on them as well.
hi all!

so my journey to get here was:

* being a bit shocked at what seemed like military ufo disclosure, with the 2017 articles and videos, assuming it was all as it appeared and as reported.
* having it on my backburner for a while, and watching what might unfold over the next few years.
* then finally watching the unidentified tv show recently, series 1, and thinking if this is all or even mostly/somewhat accurate it's pretty mind blowing!
* so i thought "why is this not bigger news? who are the disbelievers and what are they thinking about all this?"
* that led me to the new york post basement office videos
* and then searching about inconsistencies about aawsap / aatip / elizondo's exact role, that led me here.
* i then saw mick's gimble debunk video, which was fantastic.
* i then realised this forum was his, so i explored here a bit more.

and today i signed up :)

glad to see a place like this exists in today's day and age of fake news and overall poor scientific literacy from the general public and the mainstream media. wish this site was more well known, you are all doing a great job!
hi all!

so my journey to get here was:

* being a bit shocked at what seemed like military ufo disclosure, with the 2017 articles and videos, assuming it was all as it appeared and as reported.
* having it on my backburner for a while, and watching what might unfold over the next few years.
* then finally watching the unidentified tv show recently, series 1, and thinking if this is all or even mostly/somewhat accurate it's pretty mind blowing!
* so i thought "why is this not bigger news? who are the disbelievers and what are they thinking about all this?"
* that led me to the new york post basement office videos
* and then searching about inconsistencies about aawsap / aatip / elizondo's exact role, that led me here.
* i then saw mick's gimble debunk video, which was fantastic.
* i then realised this forum was his, so i explored here a bit more.

and today i signed up :)

glad to see a place like this exists in today's day and age of fake news and overall poor scientific literacy from the general public and the mainstream media. wish this site was more well known, you are all doing a great job!
I had a similar experience with the 2017 disclosure. I saw essentially uncritical news stories, wondered if there might be something to this and found a youtube video which referenced Mick's gimbal video.

I am a stargazer, and I already knew before seeing the gimbal video that any optical mount that has two degrees of freedom will always have a small spot on the sky where it struggles to track because of the gimbal effect. As soon as Mick mentioned the words 'gimbal rotation,' I understood even before he'd started the detailed explanation.
Hi everyone, my name's Davey. I found Metabunk while trying to find unbiased analysis for large datasets. It took me a long time to learn how to be proactive instead of reactive. In doing so, I found I am always willing to hear both sides of any claim. I refuse to engage in ad hominem arguments because they truly accomplish nothing and result in uncovering no answers.
I am floored! I just read thru dozens of brilliant and funny comments from brilliant and thoughtful ppl on the Elizondo "UFO" hoax book.
Found Metabunk looking for reviews of that book - "review" not promo. And serendipity gave me this! Love it...
Looks like i might need some account cleaning up to get my name/member icon in order...

I look fwd to enjoying this place!
Hi everyone....been investigating so called "Black Projects" since the 80's.
As a consequence- developed an interest in lots of Aerospace related "extraordinary claims" however am so far broadly unimpressed with the evidence presented.

Appreciated this forums rational analysis on the recent "NHI with zero evidence" threat proposition- but I have my own mystery "aerial experience" that I'd like similar treatment on.

Have 3 independently recorded audio instances of the event (which I can share) that exactly matches my own experience but could do with some pointers on how to rationally analyse.
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hey guys. Living in northeast USA. Been a skeptic for 30 years or so, and I became active correcting CTers who post nonsense ever since I wrote to James Randi asking him about a video I saw of a QiGong demonstration, and he actually sent me a CD with a few videos of him on a TV show in the South Korea of him debunking the exact same techniques as in the video I asked about. I followed Randi and the JREF forums back in the day, he used to live here in NJ the next town over from me and i saw him at a gas station once, his car had the license plate AMAZIN or something like that. Anyway, I have been reading here a while and enjoying Mick's videos on youtube and thought i would join. Is there anyone here that can point me to a thread that I am sure has been covered here before but i Just cannot find it. I've been having a discussion with someone who says the planes should have crumpled against the WTC towers and fell to the ground. "there's no way thin aluminum with rounded edges can cut through 14 inches of solid steel!" I tried talking to him rationally by explaining mass matters. "100,000 lb plane traveling at 500mph is 4.7B Joules of kinetic energy even without the jet fuel. A stick of dynamite is about 1,000,000 joules so the plane hitting the WTC was like 4700 sticks of dynamite PLUS the fuel!" he was having none of it. He compared it to a water balloon thrown at a chain link fence. *sigh* He also pointed me to a video of a bullet not penetrating a relatively thin piece of steel and not penetrating it, and wouldn't listen to me explain how a bullet has a trillion times less mass than the plane... Surely there is a thread here discussing how the plane was able to cut through the steel beams? Anyway, keep up the great work here. I even enjoy some of the CTers here when they at least attempt to provide evidence. great stuff
Surely there is a thread here discussing how the plane was able to cut through the steel beams?
Several, in fact.
https://www.metabunk.org/threads/how-could-the-planes-wings-penetrate-the-wtc.3326/post-216889 and https://www.metabunk.org/threads/how-could-the-planes-wings-penetrate-the-wtc.3326/post-259666

The short answer is that there were tons of fuel in the wings, moving at high speed.

If you'd like to discuss this further, I suggest you either piggyback on the existing discussion ("How could the plane's wings..."), or start a new discussion of your own.
Hello everyone. I am here because I am a big fan of Mick's work. I am still a huge fan, and currently follow him, because unlike what most people assume, he is a good humble person, although I had a hiccup that eventually led me here. A few months ago, I temporarily blocked Mick on Twitter, but I saw his attitude change and his post quality improved. The reason at the time was, many of his social media posts were more directed at individuals, and I am only a fan of addressing data, not people. Mick tightened up his engagement quality, so I refollowed, and I am a fan for life now, because Mick improves himself. That is one of the most rare traits you can find in any internet persona. This man is skeptic gold. Love you Mick. Keep it up buddy!

I'm mostly familiar with Mick's work through Twitter. I've always been fond of his non-hyperbolic and sane approach to the topics at hand. Only explored this site for the first time yesterday. It reminds me of the forums of old where people actually communicate in meaningful ways, and there's still respect for the written word. Hope to contribute in the same vein.

Hi all. :)

The work on this site is really impressive. There's certainly enough to sink your teeth into.

I'm agnostic on the whole issue of UAP. Whilst I think 99% of this stuff is either a misunderstanding or deliberate faking, I do think that certain things such as 2004 Nimitz Tic Tac, Gimbal and also Aguadilla cannot be so easily resolved.
The Roswell incident certainly has not been resolved to my satisfaction.

I look forward to further whistleblower hearings in the US, and also Jay Stratton's book.

I'm currently reading Mirage Men by Mark Pilkington, and next on my list is UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don't Know) by Robert Powell.

Please be gentle.
Just a quick question as a new member:

Is there an appropriate thread for general questions that I'm missing, either for questions about this Forum (protocols, etc.) or a place to inquire about previous threads (to avoid redundant posting when the Search feature isn't yielding adequate results)?

Just a quick question as a new member:
Welcome aboard!
Is there an appropriate thread for general questions that I'm missing, either for questions about this Forum (protocols, etc.)
probably https://www.metabunk.org/forums/site-feedback-news.15/
or a place to inquire about previous threads (to avoid redundant posting when the Search feature isn't yielding adequate results)?
https://www.metabunk.org/forums/chitchat.31/ is never wrong. It can't be seen by non-members, so your questions won't show up on Google, either.

I get the best results from the site search when I half remember what I'm looking for, which is obviously not an option for newer members. :-p Google can be good, but I've had mixed results.
You're welcome!
Hello, everyone!

I stumbled onto this website by absolute chance. I'm seeing a lot of people refer to "Mick's Work," so I'll have to go out and see what that's all about, but in the meantime, I know some people who are really into certain harmful conspiracy theories (namely ones regarding COVID misinformation), and so I'm happy to find a place that so strongly emphasizes good-faith and thorough examination of the existing "evidence" to systematically break down why those theories don't hold any water.

I'm of the strong opinion that casting aside those who don't believe the accepted theories as "conspiracy theorists," "nutjobs," "[dealer's choice]ists," or otherwise just isn't an effective way at combatting misinformation. It just gives those groups more reason to believe they are trying to be silenced, or that it's all part of a big strategy to destroy free thinking, yada yada yada, and the tangible effect of all of that is that these people continue to sink deeper into their echo changers, bringing people down with them, and then acting out these thoughts in the real world (by voting, or violence, or otherwise). So, when people really sit down and say, "okay, I accept that your feelings about this are valid and may have come from a place of honesty, now here are all the precise reasons why your ideas (not your character) to not play out well long-term," it takes away that feeling of the "ivory tower," where instead ideas are separated from people, and everyone is equally scrutinized, rather than antagonized. (See Milo Rossi debunking Filip Zeiba for an example of this being done well; besides this website, of course!)

Happy to join in!
I stumbled onto this website by absolute chance. I'm seeing a lot of people refer to "Mick's Work," so I'll have to go out and see what that's all about, but in the meantime, I know some people who are really into certain harmful conspiracy theories (namely ones regarding COVID misinformation), and so I'm happy to find a place that so strongly emphasizes good-faith and thorough examination of the existing "evidence" to systematically break down why those theories don't hold any water.
Other than this place I would start at his YouTube. That is how I found Mick.

He has also done a couple of talks and interviews on other peoples channels and they were quality as well.
Hello, everyone!

I stumbled onto this website by absolute chance. I'm seeing a lot of people refer to "Mick's Work," so I'll have to go out and see what that's all about, but in the meantime, I know some people who are really into certain harmful conspiracy theories (namely ones regarding COVID misinformation), and so I'm happy to find a place that so strongly emphasizes good-faith and thorough examination of the existing "evidence" to systematically break down why those theories don't hold any water.

You might find this guy's youtube channel /Debunk the Funk, with Dr. Wilson/ a useful resource:
External Quote:
Ph.D. in molecular biology that covers bad science while making good science accessible. This channel focuses mainly on pseudoscience surrounding the anti-vaccine movement and COVID misinformation.

I earned my B.S. in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. My Ph.D. research focused on how cells build ribosomes, the nano-machines in all of your cells that make protein. Specifically, I studied how cells make sure a certain part of the ribosome, the polypeptide exit tunnel, is made properly. If you want to know more, ask me about it some time!

Source: https://youtu.be/channel/UCJ2SN2gN1dmrFBEo6TWIzOw

Mostly he'll take on one recent assertion from one anti-vax spokesperson at a time (but also drilling down to its source, so it's whack-a-mole with many hammers), but one notable exception was /How to debunk ANY vaccine myth/ from 4 months ago, which is where he introduces an online database of the published papers to make them more easily findable, if you want to dive into the science yourself.
Hello all -
I came to Metabunk after watching Brian Dunning's "The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You to See," which I enjoyed. So far, I've seen an impressive community distinguished by its commitment to critical analysis and standing in stark contrast to so many other groups founded upon hearsay, uncritical examination, confirmation bias, or presentation of outright hoaxes.

Professionally I work in cybersecurity for a large financial institution, with a background in physics, mathematics, and data science, but opinions are my own.
Hello all, I am Candycane7 from Switzerland. I have been visiting metabunk without an account for a few months, mostly to read the discussions about UFO videos from reddit to see what explanations could be discussed here. I also have experience playing with Sitrec to debunk Starlink flare sightings posted weekly on reddit. I enjoy Mick West's videos too and I thought it would be nice to participate in this forum as it seems to focus on scientific discussions.