Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

Mick West

Staff member
At the suggestion of FreiZeitGeist, this sticky thread is for collecting useful images and infographics for debunking chemtrails and related topics.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and that's especially true in debunking. Sometime explanations are quite complex, and sometime they just don't make sense without an image. They also allow you to make a point very quickly, which is great for the attention challenged. They are also make a great easy and effective response in forum discussions.

Some guidelines:

  • Include a link to the original location of the image, if it's not yours
  • Upload it here as an attachment, as remote image links tend to break after a year or two.
  • This thread is NOT FOR DEBATING THE IMAGES. If you want to, start a new thread, and just add a link to the new thread here.
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"The skies never used to look like this"

I like this image because it shows not only a persistent contrail well before the late 90s (1983) but it shows multiple trails in the same sky, it shows shadows, it shows sundogs...and its shows a general overall cirrus-y haze that so many people claim never happened before "chemtrails". Clearly, it happened on a winters day in 1983 in North Carolina.

A very good one by Mick explaining why contrails sometimes looked "broken" or paused
(Did the pilot press the "Chemtrails on/off"-button?)



It´s just perfect :-D

A smaller, more direct variation i´ve often used in forum-figthings. it says "When you are wondering about this (broken Contrail) ... why don´t you wonder about that (nice-looking cummulus-clouds) The Sky isn´t homogenus"


  • tkqakad_homogenerhimmeluydtl.jpg
    53.1 KB · Views: 2,254
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Useful for illustrating what aerosols are, and where they come from:

External Quote:
This portrait of global aerosols was produced by a GEOS-5 simulation at a 10-kilometer resolution. Dust (red) is lifted from the surface, sea salt (blue) swirls inside cyclones, smoke (green) rises from fires, and sulfate particles (white) stream from volcanoes and fossil fuel emissions.

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Not an image but a very useful video that shows what happens when you inject very hot water into very cold air- instant freezing.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Thanks for the update Mick- I like this video as it shows a nice persisting several storey long plume- very contrail-y like :)
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re: Radiative forcing. The paper that you reference does not include water vapor, which is definitely a greenhouse gas. It says on page 5 that water vapor is not inventoried. When conditions are not right for persistent contrail formation, aviation definitely produces a lot of water vapor, which might put its net contribution into the positive side.
I do not think that the amount of water vapor in aircraft exhaust is significant compared to the amount of water in the entire air column. It would have to increase the average amount of water vapor in the atmosphere to have a significant impact on the heat budget. The CO2 that doesn't get scrubbed out of the atmosphere through natural cycling and the contrail cirrus that are transparent to visible light but that trap infrared probably do have more impact than the water vapor from combustion in general.
Following up on Mike's is a useful and fun contrail applet that shows what the parameters are for formation and persistence and allows you to variables mid-flight:

External Quote:

Adjust the environment by dragging the mouse pointer (hold mouse button while moving) to set the temperature and humidity of the environment. Click on Fly button to start the plane moving. You can change the atmospheric conditions while the plane is flying.

You have control over three aspects of this simulation:
The degree of supersaturation (the amount of the red line that falls to the right of the saturation vapor pressure curve) impacts the density of the contrail.
The relative humidity impacts the rate of dissipation of the contrail
The wind speed (there is a maximum wind, like a jet core, around -45C) impacts the rate of spreading of the contrail.
A friend of mine just sent me this video he made today illustrating the difference between chemtrails and contrails. I'm a little worried about him losing himself over his obsession with this, which is based on his misunderstanding of science. Can anybody help me find a way to educate him in the science behind this?
A friend of mine just sent me this video he made today illustrating the difference between chemtrails and contrails. I'm a little worried about him losing himself over his obsession with this, which is based on his misunderstanding of science. Can anybody help me find a way to educate him in the science behind this?

Have a look at

There's a list of articles on the left there, but that one seems most relevant to the video. The best approach varies by person, and what they actual believe.
I recently came across a painter complaining about man made chemical sunsets and found this rather striking painting by albert Bierstadt (1830 - 1902). There a few paintings by him with similar subjects and all obviously painted before any spraying could have been possible.

An interesting article showing just how soggy the air can be
Fishing nets can be used to gather water, and are being used in some places.

The Canary Islands have a history which includes a tree which served as a water source for a whole village.

Saharan beetles collect water by perching themselves on sand dune ridges at night, collecting dew.

I have seen a single tree (a Plane Poplar) in a group of trees drop rain from its leaves, which were small and elliptical, and twisted rhythmically from side to side on their stalks, paddling the moist night air. Beneath the tree it was raining...

It's a Permaculture topic, how much water there is in the atmosphere, and how it is possible to obtain water in desert conditions.
Just a quick note of a suggestion. Google says that they set the autosuggest feature based on search frequency for certain terms.
So, create a bookmark for a google search using the terms in quotes:
"chemtrails debunked"

Make this your homepage or just a bookmark and use it as often as possible, you will help push the term up in the search suggestions that drop down whenever people type in the word chemtrails. Lots of the undecided need to see that there is a debuning available, and this makes it easily available.

I'm still on the fence with chemtrails. Can someone explain long persisting contrails coming directly, and only, from the wings? I've been noticing this occurrence only in the last few years, and have seen many pics and vids of this to back me up. What is the science behind how this happens from wings generating no heat, and where are the particulates coming from?


They are called "aerodynamic contrails" and are caused by the lowering in air pressure combined with certain cold humid condition, see:
When an aircraft wing passes through air at its normal angle of attack, so that it is generating lift, the air passing over the wing's top surface has to travel a greater distance relative to the air passing beneath the wing.

The pressure of the air above the wing falls, while the pressure of the air beneath rises. The air above the wing cools, the air beneath warms.

If the air is supersaturated and at subzero temperatures, the sudden cooling of the air above the wing passing through it can cause microscopic supercooled water droplets to momentarily condense out.

Once each droplet has appeared, then further (ever-present!) water vapor molecules will agglomerate onto it, and it will freeze solid (the ambient air temperature being below freezing).

The trail starts with a very fine appearance from the peak point of cold (peak pressure reduction) about a third of the chord back from the upper leading edge of the wing, in the body of the air above the wing, showing a rainbow set of refractions as the tiny spheres (1/1000 inch) of supercooled water metamorphose over several seconds into much larger hexagonal crystals of - ICE. The colors generated are quickly lost as the ice particles grow in size.

The aerodynamic trail is perfectly pure water ice. It is absolutely undistinguishable from any cirrus cloud.

Engine trails are more like "soda water ice".

Mick, can you help with the relevant Contrailscience link? Ah, you did! LOL.
Not sure where I should post this but this is part of the issue with seeing more contrails in the skies, and possibly why chemtrail believers have suddenly seen a change in the skies.

It explains that regional jets have increase in volume dramatically, increasing total seat capacity and replacing turboprops.
Simply put there are significantly more jets flying in the upper atmosphere since the mid-90s.

If you decide to take a look, the meat of my point is near page 18, and in the graphs at the end.
Many references by chemtrail advocates discuss lab analysis of rain water which is claimed to be evidence of someting being put into the atmosphere. Usually, the lab reports will show varying concentrations of elements found in the water with the units expressed in micrograms per liter, abbreviated ug/L.

How much is an actual microgram, how can it be related to the average person?

First, it means one millionth of a gram, 1/1,000,000 gram, or 0.0000010 gram.
It takes 1000 micrograms to equal one milligram.

What is a Liter? While most other countries regularly use liters, in the USA, most people are familiar with 2 liter soda pop bottles:


How can the average person relate to a microgram per liter?

Grains of Sand
I have found a range of weight for an ordinary grain of sand is between 0.1 and 20 mg, with the main difference being that sand gain size and density. This is actually a very large range.

Grains of Sugar
I have found a range of weight for an average grain of sugar is between .02 mg and 0.625 mg. Still a very large range.

Grains of salt.
Around 0.1 mg

Considering that here seems to be a large variation in these figures, by way of an example to err towards caution against overestimation, I will use the lower figure of 0.1 mg for these grains.

0.1 mg equals 100 micrograms.

So, when chemtrail advocates contend that any more than 1 microgram of some substance should be considered out of the ordinary, they are speaking about 1/100th of a grain of sand, salt, or sugar.

If anyone actually has access to a device to measure these grains, I would appreciate learning what you find.
So, when chemtrail advocates contend that any more than 1 microgram of some substance should be considered out of the ordinary, they are speaking about 1/100th of a grain of sand, salt, or sugar.

Or one grain of salt in a 30 gallon trash can filled not quite full with water.