Needs Debunking - a video my brother recorded nigh on 20 years ago of a ghost sighting

Mythic Suns

Active Member
I'm posting this with my older brother's permission because while he does believe in ghosts he's not above listening to sceptics, or at least that's how I've interpreted what he's told me (he is someone that will debunk other people's ghost videos even though he believes that what is in this video is definitely a real ghost. I'd call it confirmation bias but I think the fact that he's letting me make this post suggests he's not above being proven wrong). The apparent ghost sighting is roughly around the 15 second mark of the video and towards the middle of the screen.

Video Link

Here's a screenshot indicating where to look

Here's the same screenshot with the exposure ramped up

The camera used to record this was a Nokia 6630. The slow motion editing was supposedly done with an Android app by my brother closer to 2011, when the video was first uploaded. Sadly the original video has gone missing (downside of it being recorded at a time when cloud storage backups weren't as readily available as they are now) but given that the footage would've been recorded at 1.3MP I can't imagine it'd make a huge difference.

From what he's told me there was a staircase in the dark area that heads down towards the front entrance of the house he was in.

My take on this, as the sceptic in practice, and someone who remembers how bad early cameraphones used to be, is that the poor image quality makes it difficult to make a fair judgement call, especially with footage like this where the phone has most likely automatically slowed the shutter speed right down and ramped up the ISO to brighten up the dark areas thus causing a lot of noise and motion blur. On top of that the autofocus wouldn't have been very good. Plus, I don't know if the Android app would've left any artefacts when it slowed the footage down.

There is also clearly something illuminating that part of the house, either the light from the room he's in or some kind of outside light shining through a window. I'll be in contact with him tomorrow and I'll try and get as many details from him as I can but given that this was 20 odd years ago I don't know how clearly he'll remember everything. In my mind something has to be forming that shape but it's just a case of figuring out what.
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Sorry, I don't see anything recognizable in the relevant bit of the video, and so it is impossible to see anything out of place or strange that needs explaining... it's just disconnected blobs to me. Maybe somebody else will have better luck.

(I had a very confusing moment when clicking the video link, and it started with a commercial for dog food that is bragging that it makes your dog have wonderful poo -- so expecting a ghost vid, I saw pixelated dog poo winning an award. I'm at least glad THAT was not supposed to be the ghost!)
Sorry, I don't see anything recognizable in the relevant bit of the video, and so it is impossible to see anything out of place or strange that needs explaining... it's just disconnected blobs to me. Maybe somebody else will have better luck.
I can see the face he was mentioning but I have to admit the quality of the video does leave a lot open to the imagination.
(I had a very confusing moment when clicking the video link, and it started with a commercial for dog food that is bragging that it makes your dog have wonderful poo -- so expecting a ghost vid, I saw pixelated dog poo winning an award. I'm at least glad THAT was not supposed to be the ghost!)
Strangely I was never given an ad, but that could've just been luck of the draw.
the poor image quality makes it difficult to make a fair judgement call, especially with footage like this where the phone has most likely automatically slowed the shutter speed right down and ramped up the ISO to brighten up the dark areas thus causing a lot of noise and motion blur. On top of that the autofocus wouldn't have been very good. Plus, I don't know if the Android app would've left any artefacts when it slowed the footage down.
Unfortunately that's as far as you are going to get with this footage. There's just nothing there to work with, and it requires quite a bit of imagination to see anything in the dark shapes.

You can't prove there's nothing there, but nothing seems to be there.
om what he's told me there was a staircase in the dark area that heads down towards the front entrance of the house he was in.
i'm a ghost person and i didnt see anything until i spent time cross checking your pareidolia point out.

i'm kinda offended he refers to the ghost as a she as the arm is humungous. it could be someone leaning on the banister if there is a hallway to the left. but the banister angle would be wrong (and what's the second line?)

Most likely shadows from the room he's in and a decoration hanging on the stairwell wall. Kinda heard to decipher anything without a pic of what the stairwell actually looks like in daylight.

PS. never hyperlink a youtube's annoying.
Unfortunately that's as far as you are going to get with this footage. There's just nothing there to work with, and it requires quite a bit of imagination to see anything in the dark shapes.

You can't prove there's nothing there, but nothing seems to be there.
To be fair I do have a fairly active imagination which might explain why I can see the face even if I don't believe it's really a face. I agree with what you're saying though. At best I'd call it unfalsifiable.
i'm a ghost person and i didnt see anything until i spent time cross checking your pareidolia point out.
To be honest I did have to look at the footage for a fair while before I saw it myself.
i'm kinda offended he refers to the ghost as a she as the arm is humungous. it could be someone leaning on the banister if there is a hallway to the left.
From what he told me there was nobody else in the house. I realise upon saying that the elephant in the room becomes the possibility that he's lying to me but that's something I can't prove or disprove. From knowing him nearly all of my life I personally feel that it's highly unlikely but I can't prove that he hasn't done it.
but the banister angle would be wrong (and what's the second line?)
I'll be honest, there's a chance I might be misquoting him or that I misunderstood him when he was describing the layout. It could be possible that there's a wall with a doorway dividing the stairs from the hall?
Most likely shadows from the room he's in and a decoration hanging on the stairwell wall. Kinda heard to decipher anything without a pic of what the stairwell actually looks like in daylight.
Possibly, again I'll have to try and get more details from him.
PS. never hyperlink a youtube's annoying.
Sorry, honestly I don't know why I did it myself. I'll unhyperlink it in a moment.
Kinda heard to decipher anything without a pic of what the stairwell actually looks like in daylight.
Good point. @Mythic Suns , any chance of this? I know it's been awhile, and anything portable is surely going to have been moved, re-moved or removed -- Heck, the structure may have been rebuilt - and of course it may be he does not live there anymore. But maybe there's a still pic or video taken more or less contemporaneously?

From what he's told me there was a staircase in the dark area that heads down towards the front entrance of the house he was in.
Having a hard time understanding this -- could you sketch a rough ground plan for the place?
Good point. @Mythic Suns , any chance of this? I know it's been awhile, and anything portable is surely going to have been moved, re-moved or removed -- Heck, the structure may have been rebuilt - and of course it may be he does not live there anymore. But maybe there's a still pic or video taken more or less contemporaneously?
I'll have words with him, if all else fails I can probably just get the home address off him and see if there's a floor plan anywhere online.
Having a hard time understanding this -- could you sketch a rough ground plan for the place?
See previous reply.
Having a hard time understanding this -- could you sketch a rough ground plan for the place?
Here's a rough floor plan with the cone of vision and location of the sighting illustrated. My brother drew this out just a minute or so ago. The diagonal lines supposedly represent doorways.

He has also informed me that the bottom of the stairs leads to the main entrance where the nearby street light can shine through. Same goes for whatever room is at the bottom of the hallway. To me this means it could easily be a shadow.
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anyway if that is the banister going to a wall and the other stripes are light s from the front door...if its not a newel post, it likely is a coat or something draped over the banister. when i had a banister i was forever draping stuff over it.

that seems low for a banister though. how tall is your brother?

or it's a banshee the camera was able to pick up, despite the camera being barely able to pick up actual items in the lit room. all i could make out in the lit room was an empty shelf unit? and a picture frame that was hung with the edge protectors still on. ? The banshee would have to be solid...if i cant make out what the picture is of (or if it is a mirror) in the lit room, then no way that camera is capable of picking up a ghost on film!
there was a staircase in the dark area that heads down
Are there any pictures or footage of the room illuminated?

I have recovered the video speed and audio, so now it's possible to hear what they are saying. I also improved brightness and contrast.

I made a mosaic with the least blurry frames and enhanced contrast further (no adjustments for perspective, vertical direction or lens distortion were made). The banisters are now noticeable..

so there are two people there and they are specifically talking about a guy hanging off the railing? lol
Exactly, this is a prank from the "brother", or the OP, or both. It looks like one of the friends is sitting motionless in the dark, on the balustrade, leaning forward and holding a baseball bat.

In the channel they say:

External Quote:
Ok so i've improved the quality of this vid, for you all to see, Hopefully she's is a bit more clear now. Many people remain unconvinced but i assure you there afre no props, no actors, and no special effects. This was a completly randon discovery hense the television on in the background.I was using my Nokia phione camera to check the broadband was still running, I didn't see it...and recording something else instead.
Which is at odds with the OP story, and the recovered audio shows the description is inaccurate. If you watch the non-gaming videos in the channel, there are a few involving video editing.



I'm posting this with my older brother's permission because while he does believe in ghosts he's not above listening to sceptics, or at least that's how I've interpreted what he's told me (he is someone that will debunk other people's ghost videos even though he believes that what is in this video is definitely a real ghost. I'd call it confirmation bias but I think the fact that he's letting me make this post suggests he's not above being proven wrong). The apparent ghost sighting is roughly around the 15 second mark of the video and towards the middle of the screen.

Video Link

Here's a screenshot indicating where to look
View attachment 67148
Here's the same screenshot with the exposure ramped up View attachment 67149
The camera used to record this was a Nokia 6630. The slow motion editing was supposedly done with an Android app by my brother closer to 2011, when the video was first uploaded. Sadly the original video has gone missing (downside of it being recorded at a time when cloud storage backups weren't as readily available as they are now) but given that the footage would've been recorded at 1.3MP I can't imagine it'd make a huge difference.

From what he's told me there was a staircase in the dark area that heads down towards the front entrance of the house he was in.

My take on this, as the sceptic in practice, and someone who remembers how bad early cameraphones used to be, is that the poor image quality makes it difficult to make a fair judgement call, especially with footage like this where the phone has most likely automatically slowed the shutter speed right down and ramped up the ISO to brighten up the dark areas thus causing a lot of noise and motion blur. On top of that the autofocus wouldn't have been very good. Plus, I don't know if the Android app would've left any artefacts when it slowed the footage down.

There is also clearly something illuminating that part of the house, either the light from the room he's in or some kind of outside light shining through a window. I'll be in contact with him tomorrow and I'll try and get as many details from him as I can but given that this was 20 odd years ago I don't know how clearly he'll remember everything. In my mind something has to be forming that shape but it's just a case of figuring out what.
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Exactly, this is a prank from the "brother", or the OP, or both. It looks like one of the friends is sitting motionless in the dark, on the balustrade, leaning forward and holding a baseball bat.
While I understand how you came to that conclusion, if it is a prank then it's one I'm not in on.

I know I'm a faceless stranger on the internet so you'll have to trust that I'm being sincere. I had considered pointing out the nearly 3 years of posts I've made on Metabunk but now that I think about it they wouldn't exactly prove that I'm not just some obsessive attention seeker who dedicated 3 years of his life to constructing a facade in order to get a few sceptics to believe that his brother/friend saw a ghost.

As for proving that he's my brother, I hate sharing photos of myself online but I'll do it if that helps, the only issue is that comparison would be to some poor quality videos he recorded on an old Nokia as all the high quality stuff is on his facebook profile (which also has "friends and family only" kinda stuff on it so I'm not sure how comfortable he'd be with linking it to total strangers. I'll consult with him on that one). If it wasn't for the potential security risk and the inconvenience of tracking them down I could even send photos of both our passports.

I might be overthinking things though as ultimately in this context it doesn't really matter if he's my brother or not unless you're questioning my integrity. I recognise Metabunk as a site that focuses on the facts and that emotional appeals are irrelevant except in the context of being used as a distraction, but all I can say is pretty much what I said in the first paragraph; if it is a prank then it is one that I'm not in on. It's possible I can't prove I'm not in on it but I promise that I'm not.

so there are two people there and they are specifically talking about a guy hanging off the railing? lol
I'm still reluctant to say that my brother is pulling a prank but that's largely because of how out of character it would be for him to do that. If, however, I just put my cold sceptical hat on for a moment I, rather frustratingly, agree with John's conclusion that it's a prank being orchestrated by either my brother or his friends who were in the room with him.

Overall best compromise that I can emotionally handle is that his friends may have set things up; one extra detail he told me that I should've mentioned (I'm not intentionally omitting details; I just made the dumb mistake of posting this thread at 2am when I was ridiculously tired) is that they were watching a ghost hunter show however he didn't state if it was a repeat or not; if it was a repeat then his mates could've watched the episode in advance and setup the prank accordingly. As sceptics you might be seeing this as me constructing a red herring and that's fair enough; I can't prove it isn't so the best bet would probably be for me to do what I'm doing by just responding to any questions and claims you throw my way.
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In the channel they say:

External Quote:
Ok so i've improved the quality of this vid, for you all to see, Hopefully she's is a bit more clear now. Many people remain unconvinced but i assure you there afre no props, no actors, and no special effects. This was a completly randon discovery hense the television on in the background.I was using my Nokia phione camera to check the broadband was still running, I didn't see it...and recording something else instead.
Which is at odds with the OP story, and the recovered audio shows the description is inaccurate. If you watch the non-gaming videos in the channel, there are a few involving video editing.
There are a few things I should mention.

1) in hindsight I should've taken my time when posting the thread instead of rushing it like I did.

2) I do have a speech and language difficulty which I've never fully understood but I've always felt can affect the way I communicate things. This isn't an emotional appeal; I'm just stating this as a fact. I believe it ties into my autism and quite a few people have said they suspect I have undiagnosed ADHD. Putting the labels and diagnoses to one side, what I know for certain is my attention does tend to slip sometimes and I can get easily distracted which ties into my first point; I should've constructed this thread gradually over time instead of just trying to get it finished and posted in one fell swoop which is why I failed to read the video description in my brother's video before posting it. My mistake.

3) I was hesitant to mention him using the phone to check the broadband because I honestly didn't understand what he meant but I'm guessing he was using the automatic exposure adjustments to look into the dark hallway. I might've been less hesitant if I didn't rush the post.
As for proving that he's my brother
There's no need, I asked about the channel's ownership because it could have belonged to either you, or to one of his friends instead. The owner of the channel told one story, and your brother told you another. But Since he owns the channel, then he gave two conflicting accounts, one of them proven false ("the sound in the video is from a TV on the background"), which allows for the conclusion that he might be pulling your leg, but not necessarily the case, as you mentioned they could have pranked him instead.

I'm still reluctant to say that my brother is pulling a prank but that's largely because of how out of character it would be for him to do that
Watch the oldest non-gaming footage in his channel, so you can see for yourself what his behaviour was like back then, and especially with his friends, always goofing around on camera.

they were watching a ghost hunter show however he didn't state if it was a repeat or not; if it was a repeat then his mates could've watched the episode in advance and setup the prank accordingly
Now we know what the inspiration might have been.

Overall best compromise that I can emotionally handle is that his friends may have set things up
We can give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume they pranked him and never told him about it. You can show him the recovered footage in this thread, so he can either call his friends and ask about that day, or come clean. It reminds me of a friend I pranked with a similar set up a long time ago and never told him, and never will.

I do have a speech and language difficulty which I've never fully understood but I've always felt can affect the way I communicate things. This isn't an emotional appeal; I'm just stating this as a fact. I believe it ties into my autism and quite a few people have said they suspect I have undiagnosed ADHD.
You did nothing wrong, and welcome to the club.

I was hesitant to mention him using the phone to check the broadband
I'm not sure how he would do that by recording a video in the dark.
Based on a combination of what my brother has told me, what he wrote in the description, what I personally know about him and what has been said in this thread I feel the most compatible answer is that there is something resting on the banister (my guess would be a coat) and the outside lighting was hitting it at just the right angle.

Given that him and his friends were watching a show about ghost hunting it's easy to say that it's too much of a coincidence for the people on the show to be mentioning something resting on a railing just as my brother was filming something resting on a railing, but at the same time it's not too much of a stretch to say that it was just luck of the draw that he started recording right at that moment.

The only issue I can see with this claim (as mentioned by John in post #24) is the fact that his phone was recording whilst he was checking to see if his broadband was working, but I've never owned a Nokia 6630 so I don't really know how the camera operates; does the phone need to be recording before the automatic exposure adjustments kick in? His phone would be running Symbian 8.0, Series 60 v2.0 UI (quoting GSMArena's spec sheet) so if anyone happens to have an old Nokia running said OS that could potentially help clear things up a little in that department, let me know. It is also possible that he simply hit record by mistake, but I have to admit I don't even know if that's possible.

I realise this reeks a little of personal bias as stated in my earlier post (#22) so all I'm going to say is that if it is a prank the only people who might have a motive are my brother's mates, but even that is ultimately speculation as I don't really know them all that well.

What I need to do is see if I can figure out why my brother had the phone set to record. I am willing to believe that this was all just a prank but from what I've read so far it feels equally possible that this is just pure coincidence; there was no prank and Phil (don't ask me why it took so long for me to mention his name as I honestly don't know) simply recorded what he saw. He might've half lied about the broadband in the sense that he initially used his phone's "night vision" to check the broadband, saw the supposed "ghost", and naturally turned back to set his phone to record (depending on the position of his arm it might've been easier to move the phone back to set it to record).
he gave two conflicting accounts, one of them proven false ("the sound in the video is from a TV on the background")
Wait, how was it proven false that he had a TV on in the background? Nokia's didn't have the best microphones but there's a noticeable difference between the sound of speech coming out of TV speakers and coming directly out of someone's mouth. In this video's case I'd say it definitely sounded like it was coming out of the TV speakers.
There's no need, I asked about the channel's ownership because it could have belonged to either you, or to one of his friends instead.
It was more when you put his name in quotes a little earlier:
Exactly, this is a prank from the "brother", or the OP, or both.
But I guess that was for the same reason.
Watch the oldest non-gaming footage in his channel, so you can see for yourself what his behaviour was like back then, and especially with his friends, always goofing around on camera.
But he's still making the same claim about the ghost sighting today.
In this video's case I'd say it definitely sounded like it was coming out of the TV speakers.
Can you pinpoint the specific program and episode?

If the audio we hear is not your brother and his friends, and he was truly alone at home watching a ghost hunting episode (assuming the audio is not inserted and synced in post-production), then what has been stated in Post #4 is the only possible outcome in this case, as the footage is still quite poor and distorted despite the effort to recover it.

But he's still making the same claim about the ghost sighting today.
I understand the reason he's making the claim, as we can see in the footage the strong effect of pareidolia in it, and also within the region you pointed out in your first post (assuming it's not a prank, or hoax).

I still don't understand why he would use a phone to check the broadband, or record footage for it.
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I still don't understand why he would use a phone to check for broadband.

I was hesitant to mention him using the phone to check the broadband because I honestly didn't understand what he meant but I'm guessing he was using the automatic exposure adjustments to look into the dark hallway. I might've been less hesitant if I didn't rush the post.
That's what I reckon the logic was, although admittedly I'd have thought the modem lights would be kinda hard to miss in the dark.

My brother's currently sorting out his Metabunk account so hopefully he'll be able to clear up the things I don't know/details I might've messed up on.
As sceptics you might be seeing this as me constructing a red herring and that's fair enough; I can't prove it isn't so the best bet would probably be for me to do what I'm doing by just responding to any questions and claims you throw my way.
dont give out personal details, it's not necessary.

it's possible the tv was on and the coincidence of it all is why your brother thought it was cool. ive had big coincidences happen to me.

to me it sounds like his friend knows the pareidolia of the hallway because it's freaky, and told your brother so he filmed out there and said "oh yeah" when the guy says :is it there? I will give you that now that i relistened it does sound like tv audio, but.. the broadband excuse sounds iffy and it doesnt really look like the tv is on (i know ghost hunters like to film in the dark but..)

either way it is not a ghost, which is the claim. it is pareidolia because that is not the banister or your brother would have to be like 15 feet tall. :)
Hi guys, I'm the original recorder of the footage, and thought I would make some clarifications.
Firstly the property it was recorded was the top two floors of a 3 story house, as such the ground floor entry door was locked.
I recorded it around 2130, and was very dark.
The area the apparition appears is actually on small set of stairs at the top of the main flight, the large white lines going up at a 45 degree angle if I remember are metal poles from my vacuum, which are leaning against a bannister with a hard wood back instead of railings.
This follows the hallway until the living room doorway after which there is a kitchen door and a flight of stairs going up to an open plan bedroom upstairs.
On the stairs was the WiFi router (important).
Just off camera is the bathroom door directly along the landing, and then next to the living room is a spare room.
My friend was sat next to me on the sofa watching the team (ghost hunters)
Rather than getting up and checking the WiFi lights I figured I would use my phone.
The results are as posted.
There is a history of weird feelings and noises in the property, but nothing as seen here.
The only other major event was a clock flying off the wall and landing 8 feet away.
There is a clearer video should you wish it, however it is on tiktok and so the ratio is a bit smaller.
lastly after reading through some comments,id like to verify, that the person sat with me has cerebral palsy, and as such would have been put in a very damgerous position balancing on the top of the stairs. We were very much alone in a locked flat.
If you have questions please ask me and I can provide clarity.
your desccription doesnt sound anything like the map provided above. can you draw a sketch (you can use pencil and take a pic with your phone).

also, how tall are you?
I'm 6ft 1 and back then I was around 21 stone if it helps.
I'm not an artist so its hard to describe the layout on paper


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I'm 6ft 1 and back then I was around 21 stone if it helps.
I'm not an artist so its hard to describe the layout on paper
that works thanks. i was wondering how there wasnt a room behind the ghoul.

i'll ask for the tic tok link since youre here and i know John.Phil will want to see it.

it still seems too short to be the top of a stair wall, but if that is the top of the stair wall, i'm going with newel post.
Not sure what you mean by newel post, it's about a stair or two down.
Apologies for the audio on this, people were focusing on the audio rather than the video, and since I posted it in October I made it a Halloween special.


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that works thanks. i was wondering how there wasnt a room behind the ghoul.

i'll ask for the tic tok link since youre here and i know John.Phil will want to see it.

it still seems too short to be the top of a stair wall, but if that is the top of the stair wall, i'm going with newel post.
I should add the bannisters weren't very high maybe 4 foot, I always felt like I was going to go over them.
The best height reference is the bike (which I wrongly remembered as a hoover hose) leaning against it.
Not sure what you mean by newel post, it's about a stair or two down.
Apologies for the audio on this, people were focusing on the audio rather than the video, and since I posted it in October I made it a Halloween special.
yea but isnt he leaned over like a hunchback?

The best height reference is the bike (which I wrongly remembered as a hoover hose) leaning against it.
that's what im saying, if we cant make out actual solid items in the the heck are we able to see a ghost?
and if you cant remember what was over there, then you have no idea what's causing the pareidolia either!

dont get me wrong, as ghost videos goes its one of the better ones. [entertainment value wise] once someone points out where the ghost is. i couldnt find it on my own. I might be biased of course, i hate those ozzy osbourne looking type ghouls! too creepy! i prefer ladies in white dresses.
@Renegade4lyf Can you clarify about the audio and the mention of the TV in the video linked in OP ("This was a completly randon discovery hense the television on in the background.")? It seems pretty unlikely to record something spooky on the banister at exactly the same time the TV is saying "and then something...peek over the railing...see there? ah, look at that!" right when you are filming the stairs.
The area the apparition appears
Did you or your friend see "the apparition" with your naked eyes, or did you only notice "there was something there" when you reviewed the footage?

watching the team (ghost hunters)
Is the audio in the recovered footage you and your friend speaking, or is it the TV, or both?

On the stairs was the WiFi router (important).
Why you needed to check the WiFi lights at that moment, and where are the router/modem lights in the footage?

Rather than getting up and checking the WiFi lights I figured I would use my phone.
So you were not even standing?

There is a history of weird feelings and noises in the property
You have to separate things to avoid bias. "Weird" feelings are subjective, and the house or location can certainly cause them, but in a completely unrelated way to the notion of "the supernatural". Houses do make noises for mundane reasons, and it's unrelated to the footage in question.

The only other major event was a clock flying off the wall and landing 8 feet away.
This is also unrelated to the footage. But did you see it being thrown off the wall, or didn't it simply drop mostly vertically, bounce, roll and/or slide, finally stopping 8 feet away?

There is a clearer video should you wish it
I watched the video, and by clear you mean it is brighter. Still it comes from the same source, only brightness was increased a bit, no different from the recovered footage produced from the youtube version.

I'm not an artist so its hard to describe the layout on paper
Comparing the footage to your sketch, I can't see how you were so far from the "image" you are attributing to a ghost, and on a different floor. The footage looks deep towards the left, but a shorter distance to the perceived image, so I have shortened your sketch and added some annotations, does it look more accurate now? Are there any photos or footage of the same location but with the lights on?

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and on a different floor.
pretty sure he is on the second floor. the cameraman.

The area the apparition appears is actually on small set of stairs at the top of the main flight, the large white lines going up at a 45 degree angle if I remember are metal poles from my vacuum, which are leaning against a bannister with a hard wood back instead of railings.
This follows the hallway until the living room doorway after which there is a kitchen door and a flight of stairs going up to an open plan bedroom upstairs.

i think the layout is like this. ??


edit to chop too long banister section.
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The best height reference is the bike (which I wrongly remembered as a hoover hose) leaning against it
I found your bike, difficult to spot, but once you know it's there, you can't unsee it. I used the new footage you provided. Have you got a picture of the bicycle, as I'm biased towards what I think it should look like? Now, when I watch the footage, I can see the pareidolic image forming due to a "shadow" changing position in the footage and persisting.



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