In answer....there actually
is no "high-speed sea-level maneuvering" problem!! This is a red herring, completely made-up.
There is no "oversteering" problem, nor any issue, etc, etc, etc. Again, completely imaginary, and....dare I say? Concocted by not a "consensus" of a particular web-board, who call themselves "Pilots for 9/11 Truth".
I made a vow, at the beginning,
not to engage in "board wars". However, in this instance, I must speak forth to say that, in the case of so-called "P for 9/11 T"??
There are a great many aspects to claims, made
from that site, and particularly from its main founder, that require proper examination, and
Going back a few legendary member of the "P4 9/11T" (an abbreviation) was John Lear. He is the son of legendary William (Bill) Lear, of LearJet fame. This is a fact, not in dispute. What
is in dispute, though, are some claims made by John Lear, especially later in his life.
I will speak here specifically to ONE claim (of many) made by John Lear, about the Boeing 767...both types that impacted the World Trade Center Towers on 11 September, 2001. He (John Lear) once testified, under oath, about a phenomenon called "aileron reversal". This is an actual 'problem' for SOME airplanes, at very high airspeeds...BUT, it is limited to those designs that have ailerons AT OR NEAR the wingtips. On the B767, there ARE ailerons outboard, near the wingtips....
except, these outboard ailerons DO NOT ACTIVATE unless the trailing edge flaps are deployed beyond a certain range, and/or, the airspeed is below a certain range.
The B767 has a dual set of
INBOARD ailerons which act in conjunction with the spoiler panels on the top of the wings, for roll control in the high speed environment.
So, long story short (too late!! Sorry, small joke...)....John Lear's "testimony" about "aileron reversal" at high airspeeds is irrelevant, as it relates to the Boeing 767.
And this is but ONE of the problems with John Lear's "testimony", re: 9/11.....
EDIT....a picture is worth a thousand words, so they say:
(yes, I is keying to a "download"...and the graphic shows a Continental B767-400, though the program is for a B767-300 (and Continental NEVER operated the B767-300)...the systems will be similar, regardless).