New Member
For those interested, per the Tobaret Modares University official investigation page, a copy of the investigative report can be obtained by emailing a request to the investigation staff. I have done so and will post a copy of the full report if sent to me.
A google translation of some more in-depth reporting on a Persian-language news site indicates that the report is 1700 pages and contains details of computer simulations of the spread of the fire.
I am very interested- did you receive a copy in the meantime? Tried to search for it but couldn't find it on metabunk, so sorry if I missed it.
And what about this "parliament report" mentioned here (http://theiranproject.com/blog/2017/08/30/parl-report-finds-7-guilty-plasco-collapse/) - or is this the 1700 page report you refered to?
Basically, I am looking for any official objective material out there on the Plasco collapse (official reports, papers, etc.).
This is what I found thus far- sorry if redundant:
- This poor open-access paper analysing the collapse published in the (likely predatory) journal Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering by an Iranian Professor from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Earthquake Engineering, Semnan University, Iran (http://www.questjournals.org/jace/papers/vol3-issue4/D342124.pdf)
- This anouncement/abstract of a talk by another Iranian Prof. Aghakouchak held on June 6th at UC Berkley (http://www.google.ch/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjajJzpoqLXAhVHVRoKHarOByQQFgg2MAI&url=http://peer.berkeley.edu/events/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Prof_Aghakouchak-Seminar-on-Plasco-Building-Fire-Collapse-June-6th_4-5p_-Room-502-Davis-Hall-UC-Berkeley-Campus.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1QErB6MXtmbcX9JSSlet__).
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