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The latest in a never ending stream of doomsday theories. A number of conspiracy sites such as All News Pipeline are claiming that when CERN reopens in March they will be attempting to recreate the big bang and in doing so will create a black hole that will devour earth and eventually the universe.
As part of their evidence for this they quote video, "Warnings" from Stephen Hawking and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Unfortunately I cannot find the video/audio for either of these warnings.
However it would seem that Hawking was referring to a particle accelerator that would need to be larger than earth itself. Something that would need to generate over 100bn GeVs, of which the LHC can only produce about six. While Tyson's warning wasn't actually a warning at all but an out of context excerpt from a podcast he did where he answered a viewer question about how or if it was possible to destroy a planet like in Star Wars.
The website below seems to be a hub/summation of the conspiracy and all of its branches.
The theory is also put forth here.
There are several other conspiracies linked to this such as the LHC being used as a way to develop weapons, or reptilian aliens opening a dimensional rift or the NWO directed by Satan using it to destroy the earth and open the gates of hell. However in attempting to find evidence of these claims I keep getting directed into a feedback loop of sources leading back to the All News Pipeline article.
There are countless other theory videos on youtube about CERN being Satanic and their logo being 666 and the statue of Kali they have on the premises/ as part of some alternate branding and logos they use. But if I posted all of those here this post would be eight pages long.
The central issue at hand would be, "Is CERN trying to recreate the big bang" or worded another way, "Will CERN's experiments in March destroy us all?"
As part of their evidence for this they quote video, "Warnings" from Stephen Hawking and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Unfortunately I cannot find the video/audio for either of these warnings.
However it would seem that Hawking was referring to a particle accelerator that would need to be larger than earth itself. Something that would need to generate over 100bn GeVs, of which the LHC can only produce about six. While Tyson's warning wasn't actually a warning at all but an out of context excerpt from a podcast he did where he answered a viewer question about how or if it was possible to destroy a planet like in Star Wars.
The website below seems to be a hub/summation of the conspiracy and all of its branches.
The theory is also put forth here.
There are several other conspiracies linked to this such as the LHC being used as a way to develop weapons, or reptilian aliens opening a dimensional rift or the NWO directed by Satan using it to destroy the earth and open the gates of hell. However in attempting to find evidence of these claims I keep getting directed into a feedback loop of sources leading back to the All News Pipeline article.
There are countless other theory videos on youtube about CERN being Satanic and their logo being 666 and the statue of Kali they have on the premises/ as part of some alternate branding and logos they use. But if I posted all of those here this post would be eight pages long.
The central issue at hand would be, "Is CERN trying to recreate the big bang" or worded another way, "Will CERN's experiments in March destroy us all?"