Senior Member
I suspect that qed's 'level of understanding' of the higher physics in that paper is no higher than my own.
The paper is not higher physics. Nor is Tony's. They are both really simple. Very little math at all!
I suspect that qed's 'level of understanding' of the higher physics in that paper is no higher than my own.
The paper is not higher physics. Nor is Tony's. They are both really simple. Very little math at all!
Should be easy for you to produce your own paper then, showing where they have both been going wrong.
But of course that would be unfair to ask of you.
The first two models in the paper fall within the quoted estimates, so they agree with progressive collapse.
So that leaves only the third model which includes the energy required to smash through the floors.
From my reading of page 6, this energy is calculated as the energy required to pulverize a slab of concrete lying on an immovable surface.
The value that should be used is the value required to crack a slab of concrete lying on the metal floor linkage. This is the value E1 in the NIST report.
If Kuttler's paper is found to be fundamentally flawed, then there's no reason to expect it to give a correct prediction/expectation. Isn't that right? If it happened to match up to reality, then all you can say is "happy coincidence." If it didn't match reality, then no claim of discrepancy can be made on the basis of his calculations.But of course those 'others' would then have to give you the ammunition to demonstrate that using realistic assumptions, the standard calculations would confirm the official fall times. You imagine a strawman that doesnt exist. Its a logic consequence of the first part. You can't just say something is wrong without proving that claim.
Why not? If a post or thread at JREF involves a satisfactory analysis leading to refutation of Kuttler's paper, why shouldn't it be admissable? Why wouldn't it be sufficient? If a linked analysis is correct, it's reasonable to expect that a correct analysis independently performed here would have overlapping elements, if not be virtually identical. It seems not only are you rejecting counterarguments out of hand but are petulantly demanding someone whip up the same three course meal for you right here. So you can send it back???I would suggest that you don't waste all our time regurgitating JREF input in here ...
But what is your response to my objection.
But you now wish to accept his 'absurd assumptions' in the first two models because they enable the calculations to almost agree with the official fall times,
andExternal Quote:Letting E denote the energy required to crush (1 - r) (M + 1) kg of concrete which is what gets crushed between the collision with floor j - 1 and the collision with floor j...
Note that Kuttler uses normalized masses for the stories (total tower mass = 110kg), which is fine. While r (the mass retention fraction at each collision) seems quite conservative on the surface with only 1% of the crushing mass lost at each impact, in fact it leads to total mass shedding of (110 - 66.73)/110 = 39.3% by the end of collapse. I have no problem with that, whether it's reasonable or not.External Quote:Running this program for the value r = .99 and 100(micro)m dust as indicated above, it follows the remaining mass is 66.73...
Any comments now?The point of Kuttler's contention was that even by making absurd assumptions in favour of a rapid fall time he couldn't achieve a time to match official figures.
Rogers said:Section 1.4.3: Kuttler neglects conservation of momentum and assumes 100% crushing of concrete to 100µm dust. This is physically unreasonable because (a) it has not been established satisfactorily that all the concrete was crushed (see above), and (b) the transfer of energy from kinetic to fracture energy must be limited by conservation of momentum otherwise Newtonian mechanics are violated. Indeed, it is the loss of kinetic energy due to the requirement that momentum is conserved in an inelastic collision that is the source of the fracture energy required for pulverisation, so by neglecting that effect Kuttler is failing to make any attempt at realistic modelling of the physics of pulverisation. The value of 100µm comes from Lioy et al, a paper concerning the sampling of airborne dust at remote sites downwind of the Twin Towers, a sampling technique which would automatically place an upper limit on the dust particle size collected; these samples were therefore in no way representative of the debris from the collapse as a whole, which could have a very much larger particle size distribution. In fact Kuttler himself comments that there was insufficient energy in the collapse to achieve the level of pulverisation he requires, which should alert him to the problems with his own modelling.
Agreed, and thanks for turning me on to that site.I think there might be some value in setting up a model in an an accessible, forkable, and collaborative framework like jsfiddle, that could be used to demonstrate things like the above.
Not a difficult task for you, I'm sure. Nor particularly interesting, either.Told you I could do better.
Indeed, not so interesting. Shooting fish in a barrel, basically. I knew there was a reason I never gave this paper the time of day before. Remains to be seen what sort of reaction Hitstirrer, being only the messenger, will have. So far, it looks like none, but time will tell.Not a difficult task for you, I'm sure. Nor particularly interesting, either.
I can summarize a specific problem for you. Kuttler inadvertantly crushes far more concrete in his calculations than is available in the tower.OWE. Ive been in Spain since that saga and using Hotels flaky WiFi to try to at least keep up with domestic emails. Basically I have been out of touch with the world other than that -- so I would have to scroll back a while.
If that's a problem, it's always going to be a problem. It could very well be a problem with this latest series of questions.But as I said before, it was turning into an academic dispute where I was being asked to believe both Kuttler and yourself without the tech knowledge to check either of your assertions.
That's the impression you have of someone answering your question? Okay. Does not encourage further answers. If that's the mission, then mission accomplished.I suspect that reading the thread for the last few weeks won't help either. You will recall that I only introduced it as it came to my notice, to see if it would cast any light on the topic. Seems that it was like rubbing Alladin's lamp as it brought you into the fray at the request of your sycophantic 'likers'.
Yes, it seems that way. I have to wonder about the motivation behind asking questions or introducing subjects if you expect the ensuing discussion to be out of reach. I'm going to tell you the same thing I've told others: when I started looking at the subject of the collapses, I didn't know anything. I have a BS in physics under my belt, which is a very helpful foundation. But, as I've also noted many times, enough years have passed that anyone interested in the subject could be in post-doc physics studies by now, starting from scratch.Much that goes on in here falls into that catagory though. He says - She says. Where us lesser mortals are asked to pick sides based on whoever seems to be the most arrogant, or should I say - seemingly confident, with their input. But thats how 'appeal to authority' works isnt it.
I'm sorry I'm not going to let you off that easily.
I asked you to read the paper. If you don't want to read the paper you beseeched others to read, why'd you bring it up? Why stroll into a discussion to inject something into it with no intention of actually discussing it yourself?Let me get this clear. You actually think that you are in a position in an open forum to berate me and demand that I jump through hoops to placate you ?
Oh, now, they're hardly bare assertions. I told you specifically what was wrong and why.Trust me, I have no inclination to undertake a degree level course (to match your own) if that just turns me into a bombastic bully who prints bare assertions...
Absolutely.You seriously expect me to accept that Prof Kuttler's paper concludes that more pulverised concrete was ejected than was actually in a tower - by a factor of 2.5 to 4 ? And he never noticed ? More to the point - no-one else noticed until now.
It's not that odd. I even predicted in advance I could do better than Dave Rogers, who's one of the sharper tools in that shed. And I did.Earlier you indicated that his paper has been extensively debated in that well known unbiased forum JREF. Odd that you are the only one to have eventually discovered such a basic flaw in the paper when it has been crawled over by many others.
In the real world, publishing a paper in a non-professional "journal" run by a cadre of buddies doesn't count for anything more than a post in a forum. You do realize this is Journal of 9/11 Studies, right? The same group who allegedly reviewed and published Szamboti's The Missing Jolt and never noticed he used a completely made-up formula to calculate acceleration over an interval. I noticed it, and after convincing Tony of his error (which was exactly like pulling teeth), he fixed it and issued a revision. That time, too, JREF members as well as many others were poring over the paper.In the 'appeal to authority' stakes a Professor publishing a paper trumps a physics degree bare assertion in a forum.
That would be their business.Others here have selected various lines in Kuttler's paper to ridicule.
Yes, whatever. Nice dodge.Totally failing to understand that the ridiculous assumption that they refer to was deliberately chosen in order to attempt to get the maths to agree with tower fall times that have been accepted by NIST. And he consistently failed to achieve that.
Attempted, yes, but failed miserably on that point.Again, failing to understand ( or more likely choosing to not understand) that Kuttler used many totally unrealistic asumptions in many ridiculous scenarios quite deliberately - and fully explained his reasoning at each stage. At every turn he attempted to always err on the side that would enable a rapid fall time.
I have long lost my patience for those who can't distinguish between a well-formed, rigorous and complete argument and a bare assertion, yet boorishly inject distractions into a discussion with no ability or even intent to discuss them. I sort of assume that, in a discussion about collapse times and rate of fall, the participants can do simple arithmetic. Is that too much to ask?Let me get this clear. You actually think that you are in a position in an open forum to berate me ...
I tried to make it simple for you. If it's simple enough that you might understand it, it's called a "bare assertion". If it has calculations, you won't understand it. Right? You said:You offer no calculations to support your claim but expect me to just roll over and accept your bare assertion.
Ah, so it's damned if I do, damned if I don't....it was turning into an academic dispute where I was being asked to believe both Kuttler and yourself without the tech knowledge to check either of your assertions. I suspect that reading the thread for the last few weeks won't help either.
I have to call a spade a spade. Written by incompetent researchers, reviewed by incompetent peers (if at all, 'rubber stamp' is more like it). You saw in the other thread how Tony Szamboti was not aware of what the citations in his own paper said. These are people who don't even bother to read the works they cite, who submit their 'articles' to their friends who share the same confirmation bias, then go on clucking about their "articles in peer-reviewed journals". I guess that technically they are correct; anyone can call anything a journal (a PDF doc makes it official!) and once a peer has skimmed an article ....What is it with these "peer-reviewed" "papers" being wrong?
To normalise - let 10kg be the mass of concrete in each floor and let there be 10 'upper block' floors and 100 'lower block' floors. A total concrete mass of 110kg at initiation. Then - initial mass to begin movement is 10 x 10 = 100kg. At impact 1kg is ejected as dust and 99kg moves on to incorporate the next floor leaving 109kg to move down. At impact with the next floor, 1.09kg is ejected and 107.91kg moves on to add to the next floors 10kg, making 117.91kg to impact. There, 1.1791kg is ejected leaving 116.7309kg to add to the next 10kg, and so on. A simple enough concept
To normalise - let 10kg be the mass of concrete in each floor and let there be 10 'upper block' floors and 100 'lower block' floors. A total concrete mass of 110kg at initiation. Then - initial mass to begin movement is 10 x 10 = 100kg. At impact 1kg is ejected as dust and 99kg moves on to incorporate the next floor leaving 109kg to move down. At impact with the next floor, 1.09kg is ejected and 107.91kg moves on to add to the next floors 10kg, making 117.91kg to impact. There, 1.1791kg is ejected leaving 116.7309kg to add to the next 10kg, and so on. A simple enough concept
No, baby, that's what's left if you crush everything BUT the steel. Right there, he's implying the mass of concrete - which is all he's trying to crush - should be 110 - 22 = 88 units. But he's already calculated it to be 19.Kuttler said:Note also that the remaining mass, 66.73, is nowhere near 22.01, the mass which would result if all the concrete were crushed.
Yes. It's absolutely ******* astonishing, isn't it? Something tells me you've noticed by now. Correct me if I'm wrong.Hitstirrer said:You seriously expect me to accept that Prof Kuttler's paper concludes that more pulverised concrete was ejected than was actually in a tower - by a factor of 2.5 to 4 ? And he never noticed ? More to the point - no-one else noticed until now.
I've only read this much. YES, you get it!At the instant that I released that post I remembered the old Chinese proverb where a philosopher asked his Emperor for payment by an unusual method. He produced a chessboard and asked for payment by a single grain of rice on the first square and to double each squares amount, on each subsequent square for the whole 64. The resultant rice to be made in payment exceeded the worlds supply. It made me pause to ponder.
All of that is perfectly fine.As I have told you here before, my own expertise is not in physics /maths/chemistry. As such, much of the tech info in the physics field has to be accepted as read. That doesnt mean that I simply accept everything that I am told. Not by a long shot. But if/when I discover that ones I trusted have feet of clay then I have no difficulty in amending my stance. All that I ask is that highly technical explanations are not aimed at peers, but at a level understandable by others. Anything else is self defeating. Especially as many people just swallow what they are told without confirmation. That means that it becomes a lottery as to which 'expert' view is accepted. I do try to avoid that trap.
You see, I disagree with that. If your premise were true, then ANY subject of ANY depth or complexity could be adequately explained to any moron if only the explainer were "good enough." That simply isn't true. Most people could not complete an introductory course in quantum mechanics no matter how hard they tried and no matter who did the explaining.The problem in here is that people prefer to blame me for failing to understand technically troubling issues, rather than themselves for their inability to clearly explain.
Bravo. No sarcasm; it's the absolute best thing you could do.In this case, the Chinese proverb caused me to consider further and take my own advice by going away and programming a simple Excel spreadsheet using normalised figures to set out a similar scenario. I will either justify -or confirm an amended stance - once I have done that.
Correct.Kuttler ejected 1% at each impact. So the first impact would be 10 x 10kg = 100kg -ejecting 1kg and leaving 99kg to impact the next floor where the new total of 109kg would impact the next floor. There, 1.09kg would be ejected leaving 107.91kg to move on. Adding the next 10kg means that the next impact would eject 1.1791kg and 116.7309kg moving on etc etc.
Read my post above and see if you still think you need to bother with the spreadsheet.My 'back of envelope' calcs still tells me that a total of some 600kg would eventually be ejected which is not an excess over the initial 1100kg. A spreadsheet will fine tune that 600kg 'estimate'.