Hoax: Fuel Dump video on Facebook [Flight BA244 from Buenos Aires to London]

How about chemtrails does not seem to be supported by people with good scientific knowledge.

Unfortunately "science" gets a bad name. Many in the conspiracy community feel that mainstream scientists are all in the pay of the government. They don't trust them, so instead they place their trust in people they consider to be "good" scientists, like Dane Wigington or Clifford Carnicom.

So an appeal to authority will like have the opposite effect that that which you intended. Best instead to focus on the fundamental claims of evidence, and try us authorities it is hard to argue with, like 70 years of books on clouds.
Many in the conspiracy community feel that mainstream scientists are all in the pay of the government.

Which "government"? I see an insular response often....a person who lives in the USA will (of course) blame that government, yet there are also many people all over the globe who promote the mistaken belief and myth of "chem"trails too.

Then, what is most disheartening is that these who will say that a scientist is "shilling" for a government will ALSO believe that the "chem"trails are somehow "poisonous"....completely missing the fact that these same alleged "shills" also LIVE in the same country as the "chem"trail believer!!

And therefore, would be subject to these alleged "poisons"! It is a huge gap of cognitive dissonance.
And therefore, would be subject to these alleged "poisons"! It is a huge gap of cognitive dissonance.

But easily pasted over by assuming either A) it's not really poisonous, B) the evil people are given the antidote. C) It only affects you if you drink fluoridated water, D) The evil people figure it's worth it. or E) there must be some other reason, or why would they do it?

If you add new things to a theory, then you are just making the theory bigger. You want to remove things, not add them.
But, it is/are the conspiracy theorists ('CT's) who keep "adding" things. TO their "theories". This is the problem, and these somewhat dubious claims are seen (and understood as baseless) by most people who understand that contrails are real, but "chem"trails are not.
Yes, the "government" theory. I don't know how many countries are represented by Metabunk members. Off the top of my head, we have members from:

New Zealand

And I'm sure there are many more. Perhaps @Mick West has a list?
But, it is/are the conspiracy theorists ('CT's) who keep "adding" things. TO their "theories". This is the problem, and these somewhat dubious claims are seen (and understood as baseless) by most people who understand that contrails are real, but "chem"trails are not.

Right but unless you address the supposed base of the claim, they are going to keep building things on top of it. No matter what objection you raise along the lines of "show me the base where they load chemicals", or "why don't they poison themselves", will just be bushed aside, because they feel they have a firm foundation. And then the ease with which they brushed it aside will confirm to them the solidity of their base.

Strike at the root. Don't prune the branches.
Yes, the "government" theory. I don't know how many countries are represented by Metabunk members. Off the top of my head, we have members from:

New Zealand

And I'm sure there are many more. Perhaps @Mick West has a list?

Last Month's visitors demographics.

Actually goes all the way down to:

Not sure about members, but probably similar percentages.
Back to the main topic - the Fueldump-Video

External Quote:
Chemtrail Hoaxer Chris Bovey, who produced a video that many believed was solid evidence of Chemtrailing in action, comes clean to Richie Allen about why he took the hoax so far releasing false reports he had been arrested at Heathrow Airport.
In addition there is an earlier book written by the same author, available in full online https://ia700804.us.archive.org/28/items/AColourGuideToClouds/ScorerWexler-AColourGuideToClouds.pdf. The print date is 1963. Contrails are discussed on page 44. However, this is a digital image, so - to be fair - this could have been altered too, possibly meaning that the security ring fencing for the chemtrail conspiracy extends as far as the administrators of online libraries, as well as employees who edit television adverts.

The librarian at my work (MetService) disposes of old holdings from time to time. Last week she brought down 2 copies of "Cloud Studies in Colour" by the same two authors, Richard Scorer and (the late) Harry Wexler. There are several weather book collectors in my work group so she brings these treasures to us knowing they will go to a caring new home.

So we (collectively) know the physical location of 3 copies (Mick's, mine and the one my colleague claimed) if anyone wants to check for tampering to this particular publication. These copies have been in our library since 16 Jan 1970. Acording to the card in the back of my copy it was last borrowed by a C. Sutton who returned it on 20 June 1996. All the borrowers names are on that card with the date it was returned.

My collection includes some WMO reports about weather modification ("Precipitation Enhancement project", 1976) among many other items.
It's different things to different people. So you have to think of the aggregate long-term effect. The true believers just see it as more evidence, but then they don't really need any more evidence. Some people will see it as evidence for just how silly people like David Icke and Alex Jones are when they jump on the most trivially debunkable of hoaxes.

speaking of which, have you seen how much alex jones net worth is? put it this way, im in the wrong field of work.
speaking of which, have you seen how much alex jones net worth is? put it this way, im in the wrong field of work.
Honestly though, if a man is going to lie everyday for a living, can we actually trust his net worth...
Honestly though, if a man is going to lie everyday for a living, can we actually trust his net worth...
Depends on how its sourced. There are some tricks to estimate somebody's net worth if they own a company that don't involve taking their word for it. They're not perfect, but they are good enough to slot people into broad categories like, "fancy car," "car collection," "private jet," "jet collection," etc.
Depends on how its sourced. There are some tricks to estimate somebody's net worth if they own a company that don't involve taking their word for it. They're not perfect, but they are good enough to slot people into broad categories like, "fancy car," "car collection," "private jet," "jet collection," etc.
Older thread on the topic from about a year ago. Suggests up to $10 million a year gross revenue.